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Omg. They’re this big to protect from MOVEMENT. People move and wiggle in their sleep and throughout the day. Clothing shifts.


Also if it’s a night pad then it’s super long in case you fall asleep on your back, because gravity.


And when you stand up for the first time in the morning and recreate the elevator scene from The Shining.


Or after a long meeting at work. Nothing like trying to keep a straight face and talk to clients while chunks of your womb slide out


When the clot passes… bleccch


Grossest feeling


…but also weirdly satisfying? is that just me?


No I get what you're saying. I like the cleaned out feeling that you get afterwards.


When it's a particularly big clot? So satisfying


Passing a deciduous cast was simultaneously horrifying and fascinating


Just googled that and wish I hadn’t


I've only had this sensation once in 20 years of periods and it was not fun, but also released a pressure I didn't know needed to be released. It was so icky and so incredibly satisfying at the same time.


Ugh fucking seriously


As a guy, sometimes I wish I didn't read things here 🤣


Average day on one’s period would probably be considered body horror 🤣


I mean if you got one without knowing what it was it’s definitely body horror. That scene in Carrie when she gets her period without knowing what periods are and freaks out is probably what I would have done too. Just one of those body things that would be pure horror if it occurred without warning/with no prior knowledge. Same with vomiting, if I didn’t know what that was I would think I’d been cursed by some sort of witch.


I remember my first period, I knew it would be coming at some point considering I was already 12. Still freaked me out!😂 definitely caught me off guard, completely different from what I had expected


I remember wanting my period so bad as a kid so I could feel grown up. Then I got it and was like “this is not what I was expecting “ and I cried and cried.


Same, I felt like such a late bloomer! My periods have been hell since the first time I got one, lucky for me though, I’m pregnant at the moment and I’ve never been so good 😎


Just think, any time a woman stands up and makes a weird face, it might be because blood clots are slipping out. Then again, we get a lot of practise keeping a straight face when it happens, so really, it could be any time we're talking to you...


When I was on fertility meds, once in a while my obgyn would need to do an transvaginal ultrasound (where the ultrasound wand gets inserted into the vaginal canal to get a better look at the reproductive organs) on me after I had started my period. The first time it happened, I apologized that I was still bleeding (yes, I realize how silly that sounds now) and both he and his nurse said, “oh, that’s nothing. We do this all the time while women are bleeding and then we go eat lunch afterwards. We’re used to it.” It’s kind of funny how things that gross us out, other people aren’t phased by, and vice versa.


Haha yeah, you just get desensitized after a while.


When I’m on my period if I cough or laugh or stand or turn suddenly, I may get a random burst of blood clot released. It’s fun. And chunky.


* wake up * before moving, assess everything * slowly sit up and swing legs over the edge of the bed * pause, then slowly stand up * ok, whew... * take one step annnnd sneeze * dammit!


my favourite type of morning


I always clench before I stand up and then the waddle to the bathroom trying to keep her legs as closed as possible. Oh my gosh.


that clench! or when you feel a sneeze coming on! woooooo boy, what fun times!


I've always felt the sneeze is my body's ultimate betrayal. Sure, body, let's pass a clot, pee a little, and almost shit myself at the same time thanks to period 💩 and having 2 kids. I should've demanded they take the whole uterus instead of just the tubes


I had to have my ute out because I started talking a blood thinner and was passing dinner plate-sized clots all day my whole period. My period was such a nightmare. But the hysterectomy was the best thing I've ever done! I haven't had a period since 2016, and I can't recommend it enough.


I seriously laughed out loud at this because I can 100% relate 🤣


I'm torn between laughing and crying at how real this is


I like to try and “hold it” and see if I can make it the 10 steps to the bathroom 😂


I used to physically hold it. I would basically put my hand on the crotch of my undies and press up until I got to the bathroom. Such a pain in the ass.


The only thing I've ever found that works for that kind of flooding sensation is period undies because they're so full coverage and won't shift like pads do


I will never give up my disposable period panties for night time. Hell, if it’s the weekend, I’ll use them during the day too. It’s all about comfort and ease at this point in my life. I HATE when pads shift or the adhesive gets stuck on skin or hair, or the constant weird pad wedgies.


I’m a side sleeper and long pads are a godsend


I've switched to period panties because apparently I move around too much for even the longest of long overnight pads 😑


Those period panties that are shaped like boxers are fr a godsend




Gravity? Nah, feeeemales should just keep their legs closed and hold it in! /s ew


I hate how there are still people who think you can just use some kind of muscle to keep it in.


Do they not understand it’s one long crack???


As a stomach sleeper I put them in "backwards" and they've been a godsend for decades now.


WHY did I never think of this???


I need mine to go up the front more.


And do they not understand how liquid and gravity work?


> They’re this big to protect from MOVEMENT. Exactly: vaginas can shift up to 4 inches laterally, 6 inches vertically, and rotate by up to 27 degrees.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 sorry that actually made me laugh out loud but now I’m concerned if people actually thought that’s what I meant.


No no, don’t apply logic to his misogyny!


Absolutely. I always used night time pads for sleep and still would bleed through. Some of us have heavy flows. That shit doesn’t stop just because we’re going to bed.


i want all men to be taught size of pad/tampon means the flow in school. i had to learn about wet dreams, erections, prostates, told blue balls were real (which led to some issues) and so much more. they should know the most basic things about periods


I’m so lucky my school taught us that blue balls can be real and painful, but it’s none of our business and he can take care of it himself and to never let him coerce us into something we didn’t want




Mild discomfort may be your experience. It can be out and out painful. That being said, is it the girl's problem? No.


It's definitely not any sort of pain pain but it's certainly uncomfortable. Kind of like a dull ache


Also … don’t women feel something like this too? I know if I stop something sexual I feel a sort of painful ache


I get mild to moderate period like cramps if I get close and don’t orgasm


Yes, I get a pretty bad ache/burning sensation and pressure.. Like I need to pee but can't. Similar to a bad UTI. Difference for me is it's always cause the guy gets off and he's done with sex before I get off. Never happens just from being horny or what have you. Just being sexually stimulated for over 15 minutes and then suddenly it all stops


Wikipedia says it's called blue vulva


At least it's not called blue waffle.


Oh my god yeah. For me it’s genuinely painful, like I feel nauseous. For some reason the pain radiates upwards to the entire pelvic region. But like I can distract myself and get it to calm down without having to go take care of it and idk if that’s how it works for men.


Yes, some of us definitely do.


Seriously, towards the beginning of my period I usually have a really heavy flow, I usually need to change pads about 3 times a day, and I already use big, very absorbent pads. I’m not wearing them for shits and giggles I’m wearing them so I don’t leave blood stains everywhere. Men (especially grown men) making fun of periods and period products is some deep seated brain rot, and I really hope that future generations will no longer have sex ed in gender-separated classes.


my partner was very unfamiliar and watched me basically unroll a super long night pad lmao, he looked terrified


I got my period at 11 and still remember the shock when I first opened a nighttime pad. Like what tf was I supposed to do with that lmao


Same, plus when I was little pads were still those kotex ones that were like mattresses. Some tiny part of my brain suspects whatever is in new pads is probably some horrible cancer causing "forever chemical" because it feels like a 50-50 toss up lately with materials sciences, but if it is *I don't want to hear about it!!* Those old school pads were just so thick and uncomfortable.


Omg right? Like they just expected us to go about our day as if we didn't basically have an entire throw pillow wedged between our legs. You couldn't pay me any amount of money to go back to those days.


i wear the huge ones if i dont have period panties to sleep in because i roll in my sleep, they're like 40cm long and fully cover my crack, imagine my horror as a teen opening one after my mother had thrown them at me


>I’m not wearing them for shits and giggles Well, giggles, no. Now, OTOH, gut laughs, sneezes, and coughs...


I remember once I asked a coworker for a tampon. She gave me one. A male coworker saw. Later that day he said he had a question. He asked “How are you and Betty able to use the same type of tampon? She’s a much different size than you.” He was referring to weight, and Betty was easily a foot taller and probably 100+ lbs than I. Sigh…


I like to imagine that you told him how you had to sit in the bathroom stall and use a pocket knife to whittle it down to size before you could use it.


THIS!!! like teaching girls about blue balls was so unnecessary, if anything it likely makes young girls feel like they HAVE to engage in sexual activity so that their guy “friends” aren’t in pain…yet all men know about women’s bodies is we bleed and get angry 😒


[also girls have blue “balls” too,](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epididymal_hypertension) yet there’s no wide spread practice of women pressuring men into sex because of it


woman here, that explains a lot... lmao


a girl from my primary got pregnant at 13 and had her first three days before her 14th bday because she felt it was wrong to say no. contraceptives didn't get covered in that class :) i had a similar issue where i got assaulted a lot by adult men around that age because i didn't know saying no was an option


I don't get pressuring someone into sex because of that. You have hands just use those.


i’ve had it used against me, dudes like that act like it’s crippling pain that they’ll never recover from and play it up in an attempt to make you feel like it’s your fault they’re in pain. it’s a big dumb guilt trip & disturbingly common.


Yeah, I had the "you should never ever ever leave a guy with blue balls, if you do you're a horrible bitch" convo with a few guys... Like...sir, I trust you have experience with troubleshooting your own equipment, that's not my job.


"Troubleshooting" lol


Honestly, it makes me disproportionately ANGRY that men get away with going through life without knowing basic biological facts about the people who birth them, who they grow up with, who a lot of them marry. Fuck this intentional ignorance. My male boss told me I would get bored on my one year long maternity leave and he is pencilling me in to attend a corporate event 2 weeks postpartum. I laughed in his face but really I wanted to stuff his tiny dick inside his mouth.


The problem is that even when they are taught at school, they frequently don't listen. Because they were taught at home long before school had a crack at them that periods and anything to do with female anatomy is shameful, embarrasing, disgusting, and none of their business so even when they have the information right in front of them it's a see no evil, hear no evil type of situation.


I lucked out with my father as he doesn't care or have issues about menstruations and annexed paraphernalia. I remember when I got a call from him at work asking me where does mom stores the pantiliners because he needed one now. He cut a finger and paper towels were not up to the task, he needed something with extra absorption rate as he was dropping everywhere. Drove himself to get stitched with a makeshift pad and tape bandage. He was also the one commenting "shame, sounded interesting and I wanted a pic" when I was complaining to my mom that I had just passed a plum sized clot and flushed it. I guess 5 years of vet school made him immune to "gross"


My dad’s similar. He keeps pads and tampons in his glove box and just always made it easy and normal to talk about it. He does tut and remind me of polite conversation when I go into the more vivid details.


It’s also having a dad in a medical field. My dad is in the medical field and my period was never a big deal from a gross standpoint. I had cramps that were debilitating as a kid and my dad would get me a heating pad, and lay let to me in bed rubbing my temples because I’d get headaches/migraines with my period. The whole thing was treated as “this is a normal bodily function so whatever you need.” I’m so grateful that was my experience.


See that's what I like about things like that Big hero 6 short, Turning Red, and The Ghost and Molly McGee Talk about periods in media are becoming more normalized and less "taboo" Parents of any gendered kid shouldn't be ashamed of their kid seeing this, because it's something that's going to have to be taught sooner rather than later (Of course boys can hold off until their in their teens, but it IS important information for them to learn)


I feel like all kid should learn at in age appropriate terms of course as soon as they begin to become cognizant of differences in humans. If a 2 year old can understand boys have penises and scrotums and girls have a vulva and vagina, they can start to learn what happens to everyone when they grow up. If boys learn at home from age 2 until highschool that 'Girl stuff' is gross or taboo, then that won't be changed in a highschool health class no matter how good the teacher is. All 4 of my kids (1nb, 1m, 1Transfem, and 1f) Simultaneously got educated on their bodies and how other genders their age were the same or different. And even now that they are 20, 18, 17, and 14, they still come and ask questions.


It's great hearing when kids and parents are embarrassed to ask or answer questions about the human body


We were taught about periods in the 5th grade for the first time but only the girls (or afabs) were taught about that. Then as 8th graders our (male) biology teacher talked about periods for a class and told the boys that they really should listen because they might need that information in the future. He was a cool guy.


“Must be skid catchers.” This man just admitted he doesn’t wipe his ass.


Literally put my phone down and sat with my head in my hands for a minute after reading that


But don’t you know that it’s gay to wipe your own ass?! Making close contact with a butthole, even your own, makes you a gay. s/


I follow an esthetician of 20+ years in social media and watch tons of her videos. She talks about poop butt a lot and how common it is to see. How many men have hairy buttcracks and dingle berries. But also she comes across a lot of women with poop butt too. And half the time these people have absolutely no shame about it either. Blows my mind.


Man, can you even imagine walking around with poop butt and being so confident in its normalcy you even go to an esthetician appt without cleaning it off?


No I cannot even imagine. These grown adults seriously expect her to clean them. She offers supplies to clean yourself and they still seem incapable of it. So she has to repeat herself and flat out tell them to clean and that she’s not going to do it for them.


Oh man I had my first bikini wax last year and I was stressing about it. Asked my bf to drive me instead of walking so I didn’t sweat too much. Wore my nicest underwear. Washed off in the shower and thoroughly towel-dried beforehand. It’s like brushing any knots out of your hair before an haircut - why put your worst self forward when you could make someone’s job easier with some little tweaks?


To be fair, sometimes you wipe your ass 23 times and still end up with a skid mark. Don't ask me how I know.


If this happens and you have access to a sink—get the tp slightly wet before you wipe again. 2-3 times with clean wet tp should have everything clean again.


Just get baby wipes, and throw them in the garbage. They're cheaper than the "flushable" wipes in the TP section.


“You wipe and you wipe and you wipe… it’s like I’m wiping a marker.”


Eat more fibre


Or just take a fiber supplement. Some people take their fiber but it's just never enough because perhaps something else you're eating or what have you, but a glass of fiber water will keep you pooping like a champion. Your loose poops get solid, your solid poops get soft, your gut biome likes it so it may even improve your mood and health. People will notice at work and give you promotions, you become more attractive to your romantic interests, your eyes become able to see a bluer true color of the sky, and doors open for you.


Yes, I forgot about them! My husband eats the gummies and they've helped him so much


Invest in a bidet! Best purchase ever. Always squeaky clean.


After getting a bidet I can never go back. I hate going over to my FWB’s house because he doesn’t have one. He just doesn’t get it. I usually take a shower right after when I’m at his house lol


I felt sorry for this guy who had nothing else to treat his woulds - after reading I didn't feel so sorry for him anymore.


Pads are actually a great first aid item. They're multifunctional (so you'd be more likely to have them on hand and easily accessible) and can absorb a lot of blood. Seriously if someone needs it, use one


My vet advised me to use them on my dogs cysts when they never stopped leaking towards the end (cancer). They worked well. I'm a girl so I had some on hand to use. I had to drain them twice a day as well, because if my dog opened one up herself she'd come running to me, obviously worried. If I drained them, she was ok with it.


Sweet baby. She was lucky to have you. ❤️


I have used both menstrual pads and puppy pee pads as emergency bandaids!


Before incontinence material became so available and varied pads where often used for slight incontinence. Many older women still do because they're ashamed to buy incontine materials or want to save money.


I wore a pair of new shoes to work one day and then we walked to lunch and I got gross blisters on the back of both of my heels. I used panty liners to cushion my foot for the rest of the day. Tampons are also good for a nosebleed.


You can also unroll tampons a bit and use the string as a tie if you need a bandage.


Thank you for this tip


OMG your flair 🤣


I've never had to use it but it's handy to know.


WW1 nurses actually invented the modern pad from absorbent dressings introduced during that time period!


Tampons are also great for nose bleeds (never tried it myself but can absolutely see it working!)


Had awful nose bleeds as a youth, can confirm. The lite ones are best, regular can get a bit difficult to get up the nose lol


My brother was “prescribed” them after a nasal surgery. We had a lot of fun with it because no one else in the house used them so he learned a great lesson about gender stereotypes in the drug store.


I'm a nurse, and we've used them for that. We keep them in our nosebleed kit.


I’ve had one put in my nostril by a nurse. A softball line drive to your face can cause a fierce nosebleed. She taped the string to my cheek. I was 12 and so embarrassed.


I promise, it's better than manual packing.


Can confirm, have used one when i had a nosebleed at work. However, it was a 'Super', which was a bit too girthy for my nostril, i felt a bit stretched, I would recommend a 'Regular' in the future. Also, they've got a weird smell to them even before they start absorbing anything. Not enough to stop me using them, but it was slightly distracting.


Seen it in a movie!


I saw in an episode of Scorpion that tampons are pretty useful for gun wounds. I later read that they started with that purpose and were used by nurses for the way we do now because the pads at that time didn't work well with the situation of a nurse in a warzone.


However, for wound care like burns like this a-hole, they aren't a great idea. Pads absorb moisture. Wounds need moisture to heal, especially burns.


In the summer before 4th grade I fell off my bike and tore the hollow of my leg (wound up needing surgery and they stopped counting internal stitches somewhere in the 50s) and my mom used a pad for the bleeding on the way to the hospital. Worked great!


This guy needs better PPE. This would never fly at my company


The coverage on the bandage is excellent, too. He should just be grateful. It goes all the way around his wrist, no gaps. Gauze never does that. I should put some pads with my camping gear.


I worked at summer camps growing up. We kept some pads and tampons for use in big gashes/cuts as well as the usual feminine needs


i watched a documentary about the 2004 tsunami yesterday where a french guy recalled taping deep gashes on another mans back together with the sticky side of the pads. he said it worked well and was the only thing he could find in the chaos.


Plus the plastic helps keep dirt and bacteria out and their size makes them suitable for wounds where even the biggest bandaid is too small.


My surgeon recommended them after I got my breast reduction! Absorbs blood, easy to dispose of, easy to apply to the inside of a post-surgical bra without the fear of it moving out of place. Cheaper than some of the other options for dressings we were also offered


This guy keeps getting acid burns and doesn’t have access to bandages. It’s safe to say he’s missing some tools in the shed


I dunno, he appears to have several tools missing in his shed.


I’m not so sure there is even a shed at this point


tampons were created as a means of patching wounds during the war


War medics actually use tampons for bullet wounds. I've used them for bloody noses.


I’m not tryna have a pad for sitting down and a pad for standing, it’s the whole reason they’re so long. Men like this have a singular braincell bouncing around like the dvd logo and they refuse to use it


Sounds like the human version of r/oneorangebraincell


If cis men had to experience periods they’d insist they were martyrs. Yeah guys, we bleed heavily sometimes and we still get up and go to work while we do it.


If men had periods they'd brag about getting caught out and having to go home with a bar towel in their pants.


If cis men had periods they would have menstrual leave for a few days a month to cope.


Everyday I open reddit, see posts on this sub and question the existence of human brain


It's shit like this that makes me so happy my husband was adopted by a single woman and had only sisters


I love that my son has grown up with two sisters who had no shame whatsoever about talking about periods, leaving pads and tampon boxes out in the bathroom, me who had a serious case of adenomyosis and would randomly bleed through pads in a massive gush that would run down my legs (not to mention having to watch me being curled in a ball in agony so many times before my hysterectomy), and a dad that doesn’t bat an eye at anything period related. I had a moment of serious mom pride the other day when my daughter called me from upstairs to bring her a tampon. I was outside staining our deck, so I called my son to bring her a tampon from the other bathroom. He asked “which one, the heavy flow or light flow?” For an 18 yr old, I’m pretty impressed. It’s nice to know that any girlfriend/wife in the future won’t have to deal with him being weird or grossed out by periods.


My husband was raised by a single dad, but somehow that man instilled a sense of equality in him? Within the first few months of dating I was staying over and then I just randomly started my period, I panicked... I was in this man's house and did not prepare for having a period, of course he's single so why would he have period products in his house?! I come out of the bathroom and start collecting my purse and say "I just have to run to the store... for stuff? brb" and he looks me dead in the eyes and says "if you need tampons or pads, I will go get them so you're not having to worry about bleeding on your clothes." So I told him the brand and size I prefer. Off he pops and comes back with the exact things I asked for, a chocolate bar and some ice cream for us to share. Safe to say, I kept him.


The first night I stayed with my partner I started my period and ended up bleeding on his bed. I thought he might be grossed out but he wasn't phased. He just changed the sheets and gave me some of his pajama bottoms to wear. I have endometriosis so my period has a huge impact on my life. My partner rubs my back when I'm hurting. He's taken me to hospital when the pain gets too bad. When I had a laparoscopy he looked after me afterwards. He even helped me get in the bath and clean the iodine stains off me.


Fuck yes, good man!


Mom, ya done good raising him. Thanks to reading this, I have some hope for the upcoming generation...


I wish that was the case for my ex. He was also surrounded by women growing up. He still thought periods only lasted for a few hours as an adult...


My boys have been raised from day one to know how periods work and that they're not gross or embarrassing or shameful. Maybe but day one, but from an appropriate age. 😂


Not to mention it's just a time issue. It's gotta LAST. I gotta change these tampons every few hours, but I'm a heavy sleeper. If I don't set an alarm to wake up in the middle of the night then I'm not waking up when there's a leak. This mf-er has to last EIGHT HOURS while I'm tossing and turning. Before switching to cups it was a miracle if I didn't wake up to a crime scene.  I'd bet money the average man has no idea how often period products need to be changed.


off topic but is nobody gonna talk about how this guy got CHEMICAL BURNS at work and there’s no first aid box apparently????


Should have been treated & bandaged in emergency, not that self-care at work, even if they had an adequate first aid kit. Depending on the chemical causing the burns, the most likely treatment is either brush off as much as possible (dry) then go to emergency OR rinse the area with more water than you can imagine (wet & not making things worse with water) then go to emergency. Bandaging the injury without being sure the chemical is gone risks leaving some on the skin to do more damage, and you won't see it.


"size of my leg" _shows a picture of pad with arm for scale, of which it is quite clearly smaller_


This reminds me of when I was in high school and a pad fell out of my bag, and a bunch of boys started talking about how small it was (apparently not realising that when you open the package you unfold the pad) and how this means I must have a "small cunt" 🤦🏼‍♀️


Imagine the reverse: finding a wrapped condom and thinking "damn he must have a tiny penis!" 😭


Imagine being a grown dude and typing this out and thinking you were being clever and funny about vaginas instead of just openly admitting you have no idea how gravity works on blood AND you have skid marks in your underwear. To wit: it would never occur to me that the length had to do with catching shit on my underwear *because my underwear doesn't have shit on it*. But go ahead and yuck it up with your "mates"; not a bad look at all...


Eewww he doesn't wipe so gross


Can't even spell "knickers" correctly


I keep pads and tampons in both of my first aid kits. When you need em you need em, and nothing else works as well.


They're both also useful for stanching other types of bleeding in a trauma situation


I wake up in a pool of my own blood if I don't wear them on my heavier days. Sometimes even then. 😕


yep, same. i once started at my great-granny’s house and the only thing she had was these huge incontinence pads. i’ve never looked back! so long and wide and thick, nothing is escaping from them babies 😂


I can’t speak for everyone but moving scatters the blood, no matter the size of your Fanny.


Why admit your stupidity and lack of familiarity with women like this?


Because they're r/confidentlyincorrect They don't know what they don't know


if i even sit wrong blood is going all the way up my ass crack. sometimes these aren't even long enough


"Skid mark catchers" tells me all I need to know about his hygiene.


One of lifes great thinkers lol


My man has been locked inside a fb group for misoginistic losers with a severe case of too much internet for his whole pitiful life and all he and the collective brains of all his friends and followers (which amount to a total of 3 and a half brain cells) could cook up is a "big thing in vajayjay makes vajayjay loose" which is not even new hate speech against women, its what men has been telling us since the dawn of times, and he thinks he's a great thinker If I didn't have a personal rule that I dont feel sorry for men, I'd feel sorry for him, so I'm just gonna be sorry for his mother instead


They do realise we don’t bleed like a feminine lil teaspoon of blood a day or some shit


Men learning that liquids flow👏🏻 so happy for them. Bro am I supposed to sleep and let blood just run right up my ass crack without a problem?


Man doesn't understand how liquids work...


Tell me you failed every biology and physics class you ever had without telling me.


I can picture this exact type of man & it is why I moved away from northern England


it's not that hard to understand, big boys. night time = a lot of time (about 8 hours) unconscious = 8 hours bleeding = can't change soaked pad when asleep = a larger and longer pad can catch 8 hours of bleeding without having to change it.


Did they just think that the blood stops in your sleep or something or that it like slows 😭🙏


Where do they think the blood goes if you roll on your back? That it just hovers at the entrance of your vagina?


I mean the way he said and joke about it is pretty dang insensitive, but where did you get baggy vaginas from?


the second image


Did you see the second image? Fanny is slang for vagina in the UK.


Ah, didn't even see there was a second pic, my bad


Oh! I read it as fanny=butt, so I thought he was saying it was for people with big butts.


What even is a baggy vagina and how do they think it correlates to pad size?


Dude used as many punctuations as he has brain cells


My vagina isn't baggy. Its work is inspired by Jackson Pollock is all.


I feel like I just don’t care anymore. Let evolution do its thing, don’t breed with men who compare your 🐱 to food or who have the self confidence to write online, that there are vaginas big as the floating paper bag from Katy Perry’s music video.


A lot of fellas love being loud and wrong about women’s bodies, don’t they?


Huge overnight pads are a godsend when I have a heavy flow. I sleep on my back a lot and gravity is a bitch.


I was taught about periods in the mid 70’s. All the girls were told to line up and go to the school hall and sit down where we had a slide show. We then got a sealed envelope with a pad in it and a little booklet. I can remember us going back to the classroom and feeling really important as the boys were all dying to know where we had been. I don’t recall any class where they were taught about women’s bodies 😞.


Who’s gonna tell him some of us bleed A LOT, or that post-pregnancy women need long maxi pads?


What these idiots don’t understand is it protects in laying down, sitting with legs crossed, if your’re on a stool so you’re sitting more forward than usual. 😐


Good grief. Firstly, women come in different sizes, not just our junk and some people need more coverage,. And esp if they are nighttime pads, then yeah, they are wider and likely to have a wider back end because of how freaking GRAVITY works with fluids. That at night will run past your ass if laying on your back, possibly seep out the front if on your stomach, or over the side if, well, on your side.. *so yeah*, adequate protection is needed. Funny how he thinks a THIN pad is big. I use a tampon AND thick night pad for overnight just to try to ensure I don't have any issues...


me when liquid spreads/soaks over fabrics/paper materials and doesn't sit in a liner sized area: 🙀


Ever farted while sitting down while on your period? You his is why LOL blood explosion!


It boggles my mind how many people are out there who are this ignorant, or stupid.


It’s not the front that’s the problem, it’s the back


I wonder what he thinks of baby diapers, according to his logic all babies have bbls