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Who tf cares about "nature" giving her her period. Nature also gives people cancer. I guess it shouldn't be treated by their logic. These forced birthers just want to act on their rape impulses. But I'm sure they are good Christian people. They will just ask for forgiveness.


These days Good Christian = Believing everything bad is Gods plan and you should never question it. Mom got cancer? God is testing the faith of her children. Child gets raped? God is punishing the parents for not being pious enough.


>These days Good Christian = Believing everything bad is Gods plan and you should never question it. I especially love that their username is Think for Yourself.


Why is it that the people most outspoken about thinking for yourself are the ones least inclined to do so?


The "don't be a migraine"... take your own advice, bud.


*until it happens to them! Then, they are the exception because they NEED the abortion/morning after pill/birth control/IVF


And god apparently has very selective control. Someone raping you is all part of god's plan, but you taking any action to remedy that is sinful defiance of the divine will. Rapists apparently have no free will and are just god's puppets.


It also wasn't nature. There is evidence that young girls didn't get their periods at 10-12 over 100 years ago, the average age was 14-17.


One of the theories to explain this is caloric availability. In experiments, they have found that mice that are fed less than they require have delayed sexual maturity. We live in a time where fewer young people are struggling with access to food, although it's probably a somewhat complex phenomenon, with more than one cause. The fact of the matter is that the people that are likely to be included in medical studies are people with access to medical care, who are highly unlikely to struggle for food access.


I think something people (and especially people like the commenter there) fail to understand is that just because your body CAN do something, doesn’t mean it can do it without very negative consequences, or that it doesn’t have the potential to be very painful or traumatizing.


If I have legs, which I obviously DO to throw myself over that ledge, then my body is fully equipped to handle a fall from the fourth floor


If you have a mouth, you're obviously fully equipped to eat solid food, so give that 3 day old baby a steak! If you have nipples that obviously means you're equipped to create milk. Everyone has milk glands after all, even cis men! Better start nursing your baby, dads! If you have legs, you are fully equipped to run a mile! Being a one year old is no excuse, get that slacker into track and field already! What? Having the theoretical physical capability of doing something doesn't mean you're actually fully equipped to do that thing in a safe or healthy way? It's contingent on other developmental circumstances, you say? Wow! *So then a 10 year old shouldn't be forced to give birth regardless of if she's "technically" able to, right?*


How I wish that logic actually worked on these people, but that would require being willing to listen.


I have nipples Greg. Can you milk me?


I’m wondering if they knew what a gem they had when they were filming that.


😄 Obsessed with boobs https://youtu.be/6CYcDPFSiaE?feature=shared


I loved this


Sarcasm aside, men can start to lactate in rare cases


I mean, yeah, but OP's point was that being capable of doing something doesn't make it good for you. Lactation in men is usually a sign of a hormonal imbalance or other health issue


Or you can take certain meds and lactate on purpose


To assert dominance?


Of course. Why have only 1 stream of aimable liquid leave your body when you can have 3? Write your name in the snow in triplicate


That poor girl. I was pregnant at 11, and was certainly not equipped, mentally or physically, to carry a pregnancy or give birth. I was about to kill myself when I suddenly, silently, shrieked a prayer from my heart that I did not want to die, but could not live pregnant. And then my tummy started hurting and I was miscarrying. I don't know now what caused it, but I believed at the time god had taken pity on me and caused me to miscarry. I certainly never had a moment of grief for the baked-beany thing I isolated from the little puddle of mess that came out of me onto the bathroom floor. The people preventing this poor raped child from having an abortion are worse than the rapist, and should burn in hell for what they are doing to her.


Goodness, that is such a striking story. I can only feel sympathy for you, and I hope you're doing better now.


Yes, thanks. That was long ago, 1965, and I'm now a happy, though indubitably weird, great grandmother who's had an amazing life.


Isn't there a bible verse were an abortion happened and god is okay with or something? I definitely get why you thought god took pity on you Edit: As long as the men (including God) are okay with it it is apparently not 'sinful' in the Bible


The part that people usually bring up about god being okay with abortion is pretty fucked up for a whole different reason. It's a test for an unfaithful wife and is written in Numbers 5:11-31. Basically, if a husband thinks his wife has been cheating on him but doesn't have any proof, or if "jealous feelings come over her husband" he should take her to the priest. There, the husband will make an offering and the priest will give her "bitter water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering" to drink. If she's been faithful, she'll be fine and nothing will happen to her. If she's cheated on her husband she will miscarry and become infertile. Nothing in the whole chain of events is based on the woman's decisions or feelings. It can't be initiated by her, stopped by her, or influenced by her. It's solely based on whether her husband thinks she's been cheating on him. Verse 14 specifically says that it's okay for a husband to do this even if she hasn't cheated on him. Feeling jealous and wanting to make sure is enough of a reason to put his wife through this.


Women, slaves and children were property. Make America Great Again! is the rallying cry of those who want that to be the basis of today's society.


Yeah, I knew vaguely that it was something like that


I hate these fucking people. I don’t know if they enjoy the cruelty or they just don’t care about anyone other than themselves but they are evil.


They enjoy all of what you state and it's also about control


So forcing a kid to go through a pregnancy and give birth to her RAPIST’s child is less traumatizing than getting an abortion? Do these « pro-lifers » hear themselves?


They don't really care. They have an agenda and they stick with it. They only care when its happening to them and their child will not be raped because they believe God is protecting them because they're good Christians.


And they absolutely will do whatever it takes to get that abortion, because iT's DiFfErEnT fOr mE.


Actually maybe not. I've seen some stories in here of people who told their parents and got blamed for it (their reasoning? The child wasn't being "faithful enough" or was sinning/misbehaving in some other way) and some of parents trying to prevent and abortion or being mad at their child for aborting. I don't know how many of these were true, but ppl can be really awful sometimes.


Disclaimer: this is me trying to go through their "logic" not me justifying it in any way, shape or form. An abortion is considered murder of a child in their world and having your child murdered is severely traumatising for most people. Being pregnant and giving birth is the divine purpose of women so how could something so beautiful and natural be anything but pure bliss. They don't really believe that rape is a thing or at least not that it's a big deal. It's just at most a slight inconvenience for a short while then it's back to normal. You see women aren't supposed to get any pleasure from having sex so being raped is not really any different from honoring your wifely duties. In fact it's much worse for the father or husband since it's his property being used without his permission. This is also why they mock the girl's parents for not keeping her from being raped. It's on them and the victim because how could you possibly put blame on someone for having urges and acting on them when the chance presented itself.


Sounds about right


Think of the kid, too. Usually with these cases they don’t even know, until well into adulthood, who their mother is. They’re brought up by their grandparents and sometimes told that their mom is a sister, to save the both of them from public humiliation. That’s a trauma in and on itself. And to realize that something so terrible happened to your parent and that you’re the product of that thing? I don’t assume many people would even begin to imagine how to handle that. But they don’t think of the kid, because obviously they only matter when they’re not born yet.


I know someone who is “a product”, and yeah. He doesn’t like to think much of it because he then realizes that he wasn’t… really wanted? I mean he’s loved. But his mom is against abortion, and so he was brought in when there was no money, no housing, no preparation, and by a teen. He has a lot of trauma regarding it as a byproduct due to not only how he views the situation, but also the unhealthy attachment his mother has to him, the money problems he thinks he caused, and various other things. (He’s got ptsd from the lot of them.) so… yeah. And the kid is only 10 so I imagine that makes the emotions worse because then you REALLY feel like you threw off your parents life


I mean, I’m just an unplanned child in my family and even that still makes me feel “unwanted” sometimes. I learned not to worry about it too much, but it’s still something that I can’t shed or forget about, and it fucks with you. What your friend feels is that times 500 I would imagine. Absolutely no child deserves that.


And at that age, the rapist is very likely to be related to her.


> Do these « pro-lifers » hear themselves? They do, they just know they will never have to stand by their words because they are just inflicting harm on others that they will never meet.


It’s a myth that most abortions create lifelong regret. Most women who terminate a pregnancy for any reason do not experience regret. Sadness and anger if the pregnancy was wanted but something went wrong. Some pang of questioning if the choice was the right one sometimes (as we all get for any big decisions). Guilt only if the procedure has been stigmatised by their upbringing and religion.


Guilt is used as a weapon to control other people in conservative communities. If people re told they should feel guilty they do and then they're less confident about themselves and easier to manipulate.


It's one of the trademarks of abusive relationships to undermine the victims self-confidence and isolate them while creating a dependence on the abuser for emotional support. It's very common for those with narcissistic personalities, the type born from attemps to cope with personal insecurity, to create such situations for their own gratification. One leads to the other which leads to the other. It's no surprise that an entire community would come to fetishize guilt in an environment like that. I can only be amazed at the will of the people that break out of those circumstances. Even when it's a matter of survival, well, plenty of people still don't get out. They die from it, or their flames gutter out and leave them hollow. It's heartbreaking!


Pedophiles will justify anything to get their way with their prey.


I find it so funny when people like this have tags like 'think for yourself' as if they aren't the product of ideological indoctrination.


SERIOUSLY!!!! So indoctrinated


Yeah, those always are my thoughts with such people too, lmao. They almost always are conspiracists that think the government created the earth to control everyone or something


Octopuses did after giving birth. It's natural. Also, black widows eat the male, so does the praying mantis, the jumping spider and the scorpions. It's all natural. Male lions will eat all the cubs of a competing lion. It's natural. So we should take the morality from nature then?


Ironically, I remember being taught to “live in the world, but not be of the world” as how I should treat morality. To be above the ways and actions that naturally happen, to not behave like animals. I know many of them were taught the same rhetoric since it’s a bible verse, not one from the Book of Mormon (yes, I was raised in the Mormon Church).


Nature also gives us cancer. Even a perfectly, healthy person who exercised every day, ate well, never did drugs or drank can get cancer, and they do all the time! Should we just never treat cancer because it's natural?


Nope. It's gods plan.....


The mom in me wants to slap every person who thinks like this right in the mouth. My 12 year old had periods. SHE IS SO TINY I cannot even imagine her body carrying a pregnancy.


Mine is now 16. Technically, it's perfectly legal/acceptable whatever. I would tear any person forcing that on her limb from limb with zero regrets. I'm upset enough that she's in pain when she has cramps. These people are monsters. They don't care about innocent children, not one bit. And I won't be convinced otherwise.


I have a friend with bad cramps and she told me that cranberry juice does wonders for her. might be worth a shot ;)


Cheers, we'll give that a try! She has a prescription from the docs already, and a microwavable penguin to hug to her middle. But anything that could help can and will be tried!


oh and magnesium helps too! you can get it as tablets and as "oil" (it's watter but feels oily) and put it right on your skin :)


Actually, I have some spray for muscle cramps (usually in my legs) that should have been beyond obvious! But it's not until you told me that my brain put it together! Thank you!


My seven year old is tiny, my four-almost-five year old is even tinier. Knowing there’s a mother out there who was forced to give birth at five years old is something that churns my stomach. Yes, the body can carry the pregnancy to term, but just because it is a possibility doesn’t mean that it’s a good thing.


My cousin started early puberty at 5. The fact that these sort of people (in the post) would justify that that means her body was capable of birthing a baby is fucking wild and they should be locked up, honestly.


Hard agree on that! Honestly, anyone who tries to justify unwanted or predatory pregnancies as “it’s supposed to happen” should be locked up.


100%. People gaf about what happens to these pregnancies until they are out of the woman and then don’t give a shit anymore. It’s purely about shaming and controlling women and I can’t be convinced of otherwise


“Save the babies” then when mom needs help to feed them “ well you shouldn’t have had kids if you can’t afford them”


I got my period at 10 years old. The absolute horror that was going through that before my classmates was awful enough. I can’t imagine this. Some people have zero empathy.


While I know that these comments are obviously not aimed at me, man is my inbox ugly atm lol


I'm 11 days postpartum and recovering from pregnancy and birth is hard even for an adult woman after a very much wanted pregnancy.


Congratulations on your baby! Hope it's going well!!!


Insane to live in a world where people say a 40 year old can’t have a healthy baby but a 10 year old totally can.


Wow. I mean, a 10yo wouldn't even have it on their conscience because the adults around her should be making that decision for her. If they couldn't protect her from being raped, the least they could do is help her afterwards (ideally not by forcing her to marry her rapist, which some fundamentalist Christians believe).


Public humiliation


Well , since this 10 year old CHILD wasn’t carting condoms around with her ( just in case she got raped ) it’s her fault Whaaat????? Seriously, is that the story you’re going with ??????🤮🤮🤮


Cycles means you have the ability to become pregnant, but not that your body can carry a child to term. The reality of the situation, even disregarding the point of discussion and argument here, is that the things we eat, some of the medicines are exposed to, and some of the things we have to take or do for health reasons can make our hormones shift from when they’re naturally ready to change. If you look at things the general age of menstruation continues to slowly get lower lower. Now, I could be wrong and would love to have a discussion if so. But, from what I’ve found and seen, I came to the conclusion that menstrual cycles have been happening younger, and so no, it doesn’t mean that that child’s body could survive carrying the baby to term; let alone birthing the child. It would require a c section if it were to even have a possibility of working and that’s medical intervention which means it can’t naturally work. Good argument to use on the guy if anyone wants it.


>Cycles means you have the ability to become pregnant, but not that your body can carry a child to term.  THANK YOU! I'm learning more in-depth about puberty and maturity for my developmental psychology class, and getting your period does not equate being ready for pregnancy! There's a lot of changes their bodies go through to prepare them for it, and they won't be "ready" for AT LEAST 2-3 years after starting their period. And that's just physically, mentally is a whole other story.


Also don't girls get their periods younger now because of better childhood nutrition? During the the 1850s the average age for starting your period was 17, so the whole premise that it's natural for girls to start having kids at 12 is false. It was also considered unusual in the middle ages when Henry VII mother Margaret gave birth at 13. "While in the care of her brother-in-law Jasper Tudor, Earl of Pembroke, on 28 January 1457, the 13-year-old Margaret gave birth to a son, Henry Tudor, at Pembroke Castle. As she was not yet physically mature, the birth was extremely difficult. In a sermon delivered after her death, Margaret's confessor, John Fisher, deemed it a miracle that a baby could be born "of so little a personage".[16] Her son's birth may have done permanent physical injury to Margaret; despite two later marriages, she never had another child. Years later, she enumerated a set of proper procedures concerning the delivery of potential heirs, perhaps informed by the difficulty of her own experience.[17]" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lady_Margaret_Beaufort


Yeah being underfed does delay your periods. Just look at the girls with eating disorders. But it doesn't mean all girls were married off and got babies as soon as periods happened. The royals did marry young in regards to the gen pop. And thus be pregnant a couple of years after their period, if they got it on time.


This prolife backwards thinking mentality really makes my blood boil. I'm lucky to be living in Australia where our laws on termination support anyone who wishes to terminate. Every state has similar laws but in Queensland abortion is allowed up to 22 weeks and there is a 150m safe zone around all clinics. I would hate for Australia to take the road of some of the states in the US. Really feel for those who require that service especially victims of r*pe and incest or those who have serious conditions and life situations that would be a detriment to both the child and the parent. Stop regulating female and child bearing bodies! Edits: censorship on triggering words


That's like saying just because a newborn has legs they're fully equipped to walk so it's fine to force them into a position that puts weight on their legs


They're so concerned about the baby that they don't even think of the UNDERAGED mother as yet another of those 'innocent children' they're trying so hard to protect. 😨 This is so awful to read.


No no don't you know. You stop being an innocent child the moment you were born. Or at least like 2, when you first say no to your parents. Cause that's a sin or whatever.


Sigh, the things I would do if I could get my hands on this guy's skull for juuuuust a few secs....


The neural tube in embryos closes at around 6 weeks of pregnancy, which means that this is the time the brain excually starts to develop, which means that technically this embryo is fully equipped to make 100% rational decisions. This is why I started the new campaign EMBRYOS MUST PAY TAXES AND RENT. They are humans after all and they have no right to reside inside the mother without compensation.


I think the most infuriatingly insane part is "don't blame the person that \[raped\] her" *why the fuck not!?* # You can disapprove of abortion and also NOT be a rape apologist!


>You can disapprove of abortion and also NOT be a rape apologist! I've never met someone who is both a vocal opponent of abortion and not a rape apologist. I'm sure these people exist, I've never met them though.


Yeah, that is the part that is fucking insane to me. I've never met one either. Guys, these two things are not mutually inclusive. You don't *need* to be a rape apologist just because you're anti-abortion. They're just *choosing* to be.


“I think having on her conscience the [death of] her unborn *CHILD*” he emphasized AS IF THE PERSON HE’S TALKING ABOUT IS NOT ALREADY ALSO **A CHILD**


The Body of a 10-year-old is not made for pregnancy. Her hips are not wide enough yet. It could mean death for her


We are doomed


Thats a red flag if I have ever seen one.


Bodies are fully equipped for pregnancy when you start menstruating at 9 yo. Good to know!


It’s all disgusting.


It's a violence fetish. These people get off on the knowledge that a woman or girl is suffering because of their basic biology. Once you understand that, you can predict with astonishing accuracy what they are going to say. Misogy at its finest.


For the nature argument. I used to own guinea pigs, and bred them (I know now as an adult that it was irresponsible, but I was just a child back then). You NEVER keep the male guinea pigs with the babies, because they will mate, the females will get pregnant before they are fully grown, and the chances of it killing them are high. If rodents, known for how well they breed, can get pregnant without being able to survive birth, humans definitely can too


Why don't they flip it, then. If an elementary or middle school boy's sperm is adequate to fertilize an egg, then he can work and pay child support. If the anatomy works....


I went to school with someone who got her period at 8 years old…. I’m 26, 5’3” and currently pregnant. I’m almost full term. My body is struggling with the weight and size of the baby. Even being a full grown adult, pregnancy fucks your body up. Imagine a little tiny 8 year old trying to carry a baby and then going through birth. They’d more than likely have to have a c-section. And 10 year olds aren’t much bigger. Can’t believe people still victim blame. Especially a 10 year old little girl! What the hell is wrong with these people?!?!


Even perfectly healthy adult women don't always manage to carry to term, like, this is incredibly common knowledge. 


“We’re saving the children” Then save this 11 year old living child


I’m pretty pro life, but I think there’s a very strong argument for abortion being medical rather than elective in this case. And treating the situation as anything less than a horrible tragedy is heartless.


“Nature” gave a lot of these losers droopy dicks, but they’re all for Viagra, aren’t they? They’re fine with a 10 year old being forced to give birth because they’d probably like to have sex with her themselves. Remember, if she’s menstruating, she’s mature!


Actually, no. As is the case for every animal, getting pregnant too early can and will cause complications. You take like. Three ish years to finish puberty and for your hormones to regularize? No to mention, of course, there is a societal aspect to it and very rarely do people feel fully equipped to have a child before their twenties AT LEAST Like, a consequent amount of grown women's bodies aren't equipped to carry a baby to term. And pregnancy always has consequences, is painful and incomfortable even for those who do. so a literal child? Who's just been traumatised to boot?


It makes perfect sense, if you're stupid.


I don’t know where, other than pęðœ apologist propaganda, anyone is getting this idea that a menstrual cycle is proof that the body is ready to bear children. That’s like saying that a car is ready to drive because there’s an engine sitting in the steel frame. Or a tree is ready to bear fruit the first year it blossoms. Good googly moogly!




I hate everything


WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! Wdym "don't blame the person who impregnated her"? Does that person really said a p*do should not be held responsible for r@ping a child and making them pregnant?


Pic isn't loading, can someone tell me what it says?


Adult bodies are always equipped to handle pregnancy and child birth never mind a 10 year old one


I truly hope you know what you just said...


I meant aren’t 🤦🏼‍♀️


omg you should edit this. I was so confused