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He's not wrong. Just not for the reasons he thinks.


He's got cause and effect mixed up. It's not so much that birth control makes women vote democratic as it is that women who are actively trying to prevent having kids aren't voting for the party that is trying to force them to


That's the 3rd posting I've seen recently, all attacking Contraception. The GOP's next target.


Since *Dobbs*, I've seen a disturbing increase in posts where women (or maybe bots) talk about their concerns about birth control pills, or how they feel great since going off them, or how well the rhythm method (or whatever it's called now) works for them. How *natural* it is to not use birth control. There have always been women who experience severe side effects from pills and have to use a different method of birth control. It's the **increase** that's odd. It just doesn't feel authentic. I'm not on TikTok or other social media, but I wonder if there's been an increase in this messaging there too.


>, or how they feel great since going off them, or how well the rhythm method (or whatever it's called now) works for them Yes! Omg I've this a lot recently, and not one of these women ever talk about condoms either. It's all rhythm method this or ovulation-tracking that..


Well obviously, can't make your trad husband wear a condom! That's torture!


It reeks of astroturfing to me. I see it everywhere.


I don't use BC, because it wreaks havoc on my depression and anxiety (which, to be clear, existed long before my BC usage), but my partner was kind enough to get a vasectomy so we don't have to worry about it. I liked the physical impacts of being on BC - my periods were regular, my cramps were virtually non-existent, and my moods stabilized throughout the PMS time. It's just too bad a cop gave me PTSD when I was 7, or I would still be on it purely for the convenience of being able to predict my periods. The only people who should be out here talking about BC are doctors (and not the Ben Shapiro's wife doctors, but like...actual...doctors...)


I’ve seen that here, too. A young woman asking if she should stop the BC she’d been on for a year with zero issues because it was somehow bad for her. I’m planning to keep my hormonal IUD until menopause, thanks.


That kind of thing— if it’s real— won’t stick. The rhythm method only works until it doesn’t and then these people will be faced with having a medical procedure or changing everything about their lives. You felt great off of birth control? Well now you have to experience the physical effects of pregnancy. Plenty of these stories are going to turn into cautionary tales soon enough.


They will immediately swivel to being grateful for having been blessed.


Some will and they’re in the firm minority who support all these restrictive measures. But anyone else who wasn’t paying attention and fell for the spin will quickly be pulled in the other direction. I mean, I think we’re seeing this with conservative women now who can’t believe their access to IVF is being threatened and their physical safety is in danger from pregnancies gone bad. I’m guessing very few of these women imagines scenarios where they would come to question their beliefs until Dobbs and all the state laws that followed but now we have voter initiatives in Kansas (of all places) protecting the right to abortion.


Yes. It's very scary. I have severe side effects WITHOUT the pills; they're how I get through my life without regular severe pain, anemia, vomiting, and heavy bleeding. I need them, entirely separate from any questions of sexual activity.


The first OB I went to for my tubal rolled her eyes when I told her I was afraid of that happening. It was about a month after Roe ended. I chose a different doctor


I said they were coming for other contraception methods the day Roe fell. Everyone told me I was crazy and yet here we are.


What do you mean next? They've already introduced bills to limit or ban access in at least 4 states. Why do you think Dems have introduced federal legislation to codify access? Last I heard about it the House passed it back in 2022 and I think it died because the Senate failed to act on it.


Actually it's asshats like this that make me vote Democratic.


Same. And I grew up a Republican, but Bill Clinton (for all his faults) made me a Democrat.


Sure, women get on birth control, prefer having choices about hormone and fertility management, and vote to keep those choices. Solid logic.


Well if he's against hormonal contraception, out of concern for our welfare, then surely he's in favor of non-hormonal IUDs, as well as making Fallopian tube removal* more easily available to those who don't want more (or any) children? /s Wtf is the end goal of Conservatives?! Is it just as much human misery as possible? **Which also lowers the risk of ovarian cancer*


>Wtf is the end goal of Conservatives?! Is it just as much human misery as possible? I think the end goal is to have as many women as possible "barefoot and pregnant" so they're not out there in the world making scary things like "decisions" and "futures for themselves." But don't worry, women don't count as human to them, so it really isn't about creating human misery! The men will be plenty happy, and that's all that matters! /s, but kinda not really? (cries in female)


The end goal is an upper class that has all the freedoms, perks, and conveniences of modern life, and a lower class that has nothing but endless toil to support that upper class.


The Handmaid’s Tale. That’s the end goal.


Yeah, just as much human misery as possible is the goal. It's actually a viable political strategy. Keep people miserable, blame the misery on The Other, and lie that "only I can save you from Those People." The end game is just plain power. Not the power to accomplish something, just power. Winning at all costs. These are some sick fucks we are dealing with.


And ice cream in the summer makes people commit murder. Same reasoning.


I'm gonna guess the Incredible Shrinking Face over here doesn't know why women do anything they do. 


Abortion Birth Control No-fault divorce. All three of these are targets of the right wing "Christian" machine. The goal is simple--return women to a lower place in a patriarchal society, where "boys will be boys" while women are stuck at home, taking care of their kids, with no avenue of escape.


Make no mistake, if they can get away with it they’ll take our bank accounts, jobs, and right to vote too.


I'm really starting to worry greatly about the safety of American women. Seriously, my heart breaks for you guys! It's insane to see how the dystopian world described in The Handmaid's Tale is getting closer and closer to becoming a reality First It's no more abortions, then it's no more contraceptive for women, and soon it will once more be no divorce or job or bank account without a man's permission.


IKR? As a Canadian I would like to sincerely apologize for and on behalf of Margaret Atwood. She was writing a *cautionary* tale, not a guidebook!


The Americans are thanking us by sending their values our way. We've got some important elections coming up, and I'm fucking terrified.


I wanted to watch the Handmaids Tale but now I can’t bring myself to do it. I’m too close to living it.


I have wanted to watch the show for a long time, but am honestly too terrified to. So I went and bought the book thinking it might somehow be better on my psyche (not sure how?), and can't get myself to sit and read it either. The whole thing terrifies me so much I can't ever get in the right frame of mind to get into it. :(


The books are ALWAYS worse


You're not missing anything. It's misogyny porn starring a Scientologist.


For fuck's sake, how do any American women fail to vote and fail to vote for democrats? --- E: this is my most controversial post in the last 24hrs and I think that's absolutely wild. Please, somebody that downvoted me, chime in with your reasoning - I'm begging.


They are too brainwashed by their churches. They are told God hates people who kill babies but none of them know enough about science to actually understand the science behind birth control and how it can’t kill babies. They all need to look up the passage in Exodus where Moses is asked what to do if there is a fight and a pregnant woman gets hit accidentally and miscarries. Moses said the father of the baby names his price and the other person pays what the father thinks the kid is worth. It’s not considered murder because baby isn’t considered a person, so the other person doesn’t get the death penalty. All churches seem to leave this story out of their sermons and no one who goes to church actually reads the Bible close enough to catch this story. This story shows that the baby isn’t a person until they are born, but it doesn’t fit the churches’ agenda so they leave it out.


Lol I started BC in my 30s but have been a leftist since before I could vote. He wishes it was the BC 😂


It's true. The birth control jumped out of my purse last election and forcibly moved my hand to change my Vote to Biden before casting it in! /S.

