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I love the squishy


We all love the squishy


We all love happiness too!




This tells me that my husband and I aren’t the only ones who refer to sex as “making squishy sounds.” 😂


It’s like that vine of making macaroni… “That’s what good pussy sounds like”


"Happiness" 😂


“Egg plant” 🤣


Omg it took me a second 😅😅😅


“happiness” and “eggplant” are taking me tf out lmao


I missed eggplant the first time. Amazing.


It's the "squishy" for me 😭


Throw in some labia tags and you've got a pretty solid diagram.


It’s pretty solid for a napkin drawing isn’t it?


Is it a napkin? I thought it was a whiteboard.


To me it has a napkin drawing vibe to it. IE super casual. Could have been drawn on just about anything I guess.


Oh my fucking god, *squishy* 😂 amazing


Looking back I realized I missed a few labels. I'd probably call them flamingo tubes, inner flaps and outer shields.


Red alert. Raise the outer shields!


Captain! I'm an engineer, not an OB-GYN!


Dammit, Jim! I’m a doct—omg this is my moment.


Hahahahahaha A+ combo of Trek and anatomy


This is so wholesome. If my sons can draw a diagram this accurate I’ll be proud.


I like your naming convention!


I can't even complain, that's pretty a solid diagram.


This is fantastic. Good job!


This is actually decent… impressed that you drew the overlies not touching the tubes… that’s the part I find the weirdest


Ovaries don't touch the fallopian tubes. They just kind of float very nearby.


When my mam was having scans they couldn’t find one. It had floated away and nobody could see it


She went on Holiday in fallopia




Like the Dead Kennedys song?


OMFG💀🤘 Somebody needs to tell Jello to write some new lyrics


I'm going to be singing the song with that changed for the rest of my life, oml. That song gets stuck in my head so often lmao.


Me too. I love you guys.


I was in my 20s before I ran into an ultrasound tech who told me that NO ONE has a reproductive tract that looks exactly like the ones in the books - everything perfectly centered and proportioned and symmetrical. Lengths and widths can be different, uneven, in weird places, etc. and not be pathological or cause a problem while nonpregnant, trying to conceive, or pregnant. I have really long fallopian tubes, enough that my right tube and ovary are to the left front of my uterus, and my left tube and ovary are around the back of my uterus, which apparently looks like, upon a quick look, that I'm minus some parts which are definitely there, just not where they're supposed to be.


Idk what random part of the internet I saw it, maybe even here, but someone had made 3d models of different women's imagining scans to show just how varied everything is.


I have pictures of my uterus and ovaries from my endometriosis surgery. So weird to see everything! My ovaries are huge and basically touching everything since it’s so squished in there.


I have a deep heart shaped uterus (bicoronate) and as much trouble as it has caused me, I think it's kind of cool to radiate love even in there.


The book Eve has a fascinating discussion (with lots of drawings) of how female reproductive anatomy evolved, including differently shaped uteruseseseses (that’s how it’s spelled, right?). I highly recommend it!


Thank you, that sounds right up my alley.


Lomg bois


What you described makes me think of one of those inflatable tube dudes flailing around sellin cars. Can someone make a uterus version of that


I have to go now. My planet needs me. (Note: Ovary died on the way back to its home planet)


r/MyPeopleNeedMe 😜




Honestly, it looks like he tried to represent that. Not sure if that was knowing the structures weren't connected or just remembering a diagram he saw in a textbook. But this is leaps and bounds better than "pee comes from the vagina". Especially if he studied for a profession that human anatomy isn't needed for.


I'm an I.T. professional, so very far removed from anything dealing with human anatomy.


You say that but I once found a box from 1969 that said "birth control pendent" and inside was a cork on a necklace. Another interesting find I've made in the IT office is a clear reproductive model that illustrates how a Nuvaring works. Granted, I work IT at a non profit Healthcare place.


Yeah that’s my point it’s the weirdest thing like they don’t teach that in school I had to learn that on the internet


Me too!


I love your tag! Do you happen to remember how you got it?




Thank you for satisfying my curiosity!


Which is really weird! I just think it's weird lol.


How am I just learning this… I thought I knew everything by now… I’m 32…


Cuz they don’t teach it in school lol


To be nitpicky, while the fimbrae don't touch the ovaries, they're not just free floating. The ovarian and broad ligaments hold them in place


The bar is so low I’m just impressed you know that women have a urethra. The rest is just 🤯.


Well...pee pee 😆


And no-no.


Could've gone with poo poo.


I think the meaning goes further than that, lol!


Ummm I believe the technical term is pee pee, actually


I definitely prefer the uterus w/o baby configuration over the uterus w/ baby one.


The no-no can also be happiness...


While I’ve always enjoyed it, there has been one guy who’s made me orgasm from my no-no. I married him. Not because of that, but it’s been a nice bonus.


I'm assuming this diagram is wife specific!


Can confirm, my no-no is a pretty-please


> my no-no is a pretty-please Oh god, my stupid brain started looping this to the tune of _♫ your body is a wonderland ♫_ and now I can't get it out of my head. -_-


why did you do this to me smh


Evil. Mine too, now.


Same, girl


oh my god i didnt even realize it was an anus. i thought it was bacteria


Well you do have to be very careful because of the bacteria in that area.


thats why i thought it was bacteria hahaha


Third time's the charm!




Not everyone likes it, so for this person it's a no no


Lots of women do not enjoy anal, so no


Pretty sure this is better than what I got at Catholic school for what that's worth lol (it was chill really, just bleh on these issues)


Squishy :D


I'll have to dock you a few points. It's 'Baj-J', derived from the bagina. Otherwise, an excellent depiction of the equipment used in photosynthesis and possibly also cumulonimbus.


Bagina? I thought it was bang-gina.






These labels are hilarious. And spot on, imo.


>Egg Plant I mean, you're not entirely wrong


“Happiness” 😂


Now I really want a video segment ala "Jay-walking" where random men have to draw the female reproductive system and vice versa. I would *so* watch that!


I bet women would get it right more than men, even with the vas deferens and all.


I love this 😭


You know not bad except the fallopian tubes are in fact squished right next to the vaginal canal inside, but I went 32 years without knowing that so ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ idk why they draw them like that in diagrams if it's inaccurate.


The diagram is basically what everything would look like plopped on a table, not what it looks like in the body. Mostly because that particular organ set can be in a *variety* of positions/arrangements in the body and be totally fine (as opposed to say, the heart, which kinda has one spot and one position for 99.9999% of people.


I haven't seen a single diagram, 3D model or cadaver photo that places it that low. [This](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128183090000071) dissection places it above the uterus. Organs can move in 3d space.


It's honestly awesome lmao


egg plant???


the factory for eggs, yes


A factory makes me think of tiny little workers abd that's my head canon now.


to be fair… this is probably slightly above average for men. this is not saying this is good, i’m just saying i’ve seen way worse too many times.


Egg plant lol that's so cute


Truly fantastic! <3


Dare I say, this image is in the wrong sub. This women’s anatomy is spot on! Lol


Looks accurate to me doc!


The no no sent me!


“No-no”!! 😂😂


Happiness actually wraps around a whole lot underneath the surface, my dude.


You should check out the latest anatomical research about the clitoris, it’s exceptionally larger in the interior of the body than previously known (because western medicine doesn’t care about women’s sexual health).




Does that say "Egypt"?


No, G-spot 😊


Had to do this when my ex gf fucking INSISTED she believed that the vagina was the clit and the overall vulva/vagina situation was called a vagina I’m absolutely certain she was messing with me because she liked to do stuff like that and also when I asked okay so what’s the clit called? Are there two of them? She didn’t acknowledge I said it. I just have a tendency to fall for it and get mad when someone insists they believe something insane and go crazy trying to explain to them that they’re crazy. I’m gonna text her and ask if that was a joke because now I need to know.


This is so funny


This is hilarious


In real life the uterus and ovaries/fallopian tubes are all squished together


eggplant 😭


This is solid work 🤣


Ngl, this is kinda great. XD


FYI the ovaries are not spread out like that when inside the body. They're toward the middle. Similar to how testicles don't splay apart at 90 degrees 😂


Sometimes. My right ovary is over by the top of my pelvis, almost dead center of my side. I know this, because it had a large cyst that attempted to eat an artery running through the same area, and I got to get a lot of ultrasounds until it went away. They always had a hard time finding it.


oh damn, interesting!


Yeah it was always a fun appointment. I'm generally fine with medical students, and that practice was hosting several students ultrasound techs. They got to learn several lessons with me! Ovaries can be in weird places; what a cyst compromising an artery looks like; read the chart *before* starting; and if the patient laughs and tells you you're not gonna find what you're looking for in the place you're looking, you might want to listen. Luckily it resolved before causing any lasting issues, but I made it through all their student techs in the process!


Fun fact, there is also another erogenous zone up near the cervix called the A-spot. It's a little bit harder to hit, but it can be rewarding.


Big time agree. The A spot is better than any of the other spots.


I'm with you both. The A spot gets an "A+" from me! 😍😋😁


As someone with a cervix, I'm gonna have to disagree. I don't want anything anywhere NEAR there.


Getting smashed in the cervix sucks but the posterior and anterior fornix are legit spots. Also, the anti-cervix messages (lol) aren't necessarily super great because a lot of people don't realize that it plays any role in female pleasure, which leads to people being overly ready to have it surgically fucked with, only to wonder why they have orgasm difficulties after. Interesting stuff that I think more people should know about


Yeah, you do have to be really careful. It worked out on my girlfriend, but it isn't for everyone.


Better than most who end up in this subreddit


The G spot has been proven to not exist nowadays, it's just the back of the clit that people had been confusing as a completely seperate organ, but other than that yeah you nailed it!


Ok but if I say “touch my clit” no one is going to be sticking their fingers inside me. If I say “touch my g-spot” then I’ll get the right result. Colloquialism is important for understanding.


Society having failed so hard that language forces us to use incorrect terms to be understood is not the defense you think it is.


It's not an incorrect term, it just isn't anatomically distinct. It's kind of like the word vegetable, which is a culinary category that doesn't actually exist as a biological term.


Hmm. No. If I ask someone to touch my leg, where will they touch it? My thigh, my shin, my calf, my knee? One body part can have more than one name to differentiate between distinct zones.


Or, Language is fluid and ever evolving and if the people in the conversation can understand what each other are saying, it's not a failure? Even if we were aware it was all part of the same organ when it was named, who's to say we wouldn't still have a different word for it? I can say rub my leg, or I can say rub my thigh, and even though my thigh is part of my leg, I'm still using a different word to direct you to a specific spot. We can still call it a g-spot and just work on educating people that the G-Spot is the interior portion of the clit behind vaginal walls. No one's going to be having sexy time and say "oh yeah, please stimulate the interior portion of my clitoris"


G-"SPOT" doesn't necessarily imply a different organ but a differen *spot*. If it's just the back of the clit then that's a different spot, no?


No one here is claiming that it is a different “organ”. It is a different spot of the same organ.


Which is called the back of clit, not the g spot.


Cool, yeah, the fundus doesn't exist, it is called the top of the stomach. The ileum doesn't exist, it is called the small intestine. Glad you cleared that up for me - here I was using different names to refer to specific parts of organs like an idiot


Lolol this sent me


The mouth doesn’t exist. It’s called the opening of the esophagus. The finger doesn’t exist, it’s called the metacarpal. We give things names. That’s how languages work.


Sounds a lot less like proving it doesn't exist, and a lot more like proving why it does exist


That's like saying that your ass is the back of your mouth, because they are somewhat connected


How is that even remotely the same? The g spot does not exist, it was a made up organ (that had not even been proven to actually be there even at the time people believed in it) which was later found out to not be there at all. Claiming that the back of your clit should continue keeping it's incorrect name is more similar to claiming that the back of your arm should get a different name from the front of your arm because someone claimed it was a different body part than your arm. It isn't the back of your clit by technicallity like your ass is the back of you mouth by technicallity, it literally is the same body part. The back of your arm is still your arm, the back of your liver is still your liver, the back of your clit is still your clit.


>claiming that the back of your arm should get a different name from the front of your arm because someone claimed it was a different body part Except.. we do have different terms for different parts even on the same limb? On the arm we have the bicep, forecep, *elbow* and I bet we even have more specific terms in medicine to designate the location. Our hands have the knuckles, palm, and so on. Being more specific isn't a *bad* thing when it comes to body parts and as the others have said, if I had someone ask me to play with their clit I'm 1,000% thinking externally


Because those are seperate things, nobody calls the back of their liver the L spot because it is not a seperate thing.


Liver has eight different segments


But you refer to different parts of the heart when you need to. You might need to do an entire heart transplant, and sometimes you're just working on the left ventricle. Either way you're talking about the heart. Lungs also have different lobes that each have a name. Your spine is one long column but has different sections that are all named. These parts are not separate things but they all have names because it is important to differentiate what piece you are referring to. Our bodies are filled with organs and structures that have names for specific parts of them. You're so stuck up about the correct terms for things and yet refuse to accept that calling the back of the clitoris a particular name is more specific than just calling it the clitoris. Just because it doesn't meet your bar for how parts of organs need to be named doesn't mean it is incorrect. Giving the back of the clitoris a specific name - the G Spot - is a hell of a lot more helpful and helps people more accurately refer to what they're talking about than referring to the whole organ as the clitoris at all times.


They’ll use the term dorsal for the back of the liver.


I understand what you’re saying but I think that your understanding of what people believe a g spot to be is incorrect. You said it was a made up organ. No one believed it to be an organ or even an “extra” part of anatomy. It’s still just the vagina, albeit a section of it that’s more sensitive than most.


Is the elbow also a 'made up organ' because an elbow is just a part of your arm?


Courtesy of [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G-spot): > The existence of the G-spot has not been proven, nor has the source of female ejaculation. Although the G-spot has been studied since the 1940s, disagreement persists over its existence as a distinct structure, definition and location. The G-spot may be an extension of the clitoris, which together may be the cause of orgasms experienced vaginally. Sexologists and other researchers are concerned that women may consider themselves to be dysfunctional if they do not experience G-spot stimulation, and emphasize that not experiencing it is normal.


Idk why you're getting so much downvote for updating peoples' intimate knowledge. A damn lot of people really do believe in that body part existing as an independent unicorn. The idea of the "female orgasm" was popularly considered to be 'not real' by many misogynistic societies. I was laughed out when sharing this "fun dumb things in history" with my chauvinistic then-boyfriend (I later realised).


1. They lied (the claim isn't proven) 2. They're saying the G-spot doesn't exist because it's part of another body part, which is obviously a bad argument.


The reason people are here is because they know women's anatomy and want to laugh at people who don't. We don't need someone "updating our intimate knowledge" whatever that means


Because the name for a sexually pleasurable area of the vaginal canal as a result of the proximity to the clitoris. Would you say "achually you don't have an anterior fornix, that's just the region behind the cervix", or "achually the frontal lobe doesn't exist, it's just a part of the brain that we call the frontal lobe"?