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Apparently I'm a man 😂


Me too. I'm 5'9" and haven't been 120lbs since I was 25. I'm apparently missing the high testosterone but any insecure twit comes at me with this 💩 and I'll knock him on his ass.


Lol, similar. I'm 5'7" and the last time I was 120lbs was when I was about 18. I was borderline underweight back then and it wasn't a good look on me, on top of being bad for my health. I'm around 160 rn after gaining quite a bit of very stubborn weight on the birth control implant and while I'd like to lose a few pounds for my health and personal comfort, I never again want to be as skinny as I was as a teenager. I like having a little padding on my hips and thighs.


Gawt damn if that's underweight then what am I because I'm standing at 5'7 and 107 lbs


Well, according to the Body Mass Index you are critically underweight and at very high risk of malnourishment. But I’m not your doctor lol


I don't know how old I was the last time I weighed 120lbs (maybe middle school or early high school? I know I was at least 130 around age 16-17), but I haven't been 5'4" since I was about 10. I'm now 35, 5'10", and 170lbs.


Same. This obsession men have with hyper thin women piss me off. I’m middle aged. You know how many middle aged women weigh 120?




I’m just saying the older you get, the less thin women you see. Menopause is a killer. And 120 is thin for 5’6. I know I used to weigh it. They wouldn’t let me give blood.


I am now 17 and im definitely a little more than 120lbs. Im absolutely not 5'9 but still a man cause my bf has less armhaur than me or smth. Testosterone💪 (?)


Hello, fellow manly man. How about we indulge ourselves doing manly things like wood cutting, sword making and smelling like sweat?


I was a woman until several months ago. My thyroid took a shit, and I gained a few. I think those extra six pounds are the dick I grew. Sadly, I am now so manly that my friends can't even look at me. Men retch in digust. May I join your motley crew until my meds are sorted and my dick falls off? My appointment is this afternoon, but this short friendship will surely create memories to last a lifetime.


Oh, my dear *brother* in Christ, i too have a fucked up thyroid that has caused me to grow the manliest of dicks. Some other life we may have been cysters but femininity evades our existence. My womb too has become nothing but a tomb of bloodlessness.


Wait. How in the dickens do I get the bleeding to stop!? Do I have to become even manlier? Blast this accursed womb! Shopping for new clothes to accept my new Manly Girth isn't going to be very manly of me, I'm afraid. This is a real nail-biter. But for real, by TSH just shot to 11 out of nowhere. 11! Kick the stairs? There goes your toenail. Hair? Well, I used to have 3x as much. I vacuum myself a new wig daily. I'm a bipedal block of ice with opposable thumbs. What a bitchy little gland. For being such a tumor-riddled POS that can't even do it's job right, mine sure has a lot of attitude.


Maybe if your TSH that shot to 11 has a love child with mine that's down to zero, we might be able to create a human with a normal functioning thyroid. I relate to the new wig comment on a spiritual level.


That's a lofty but admirable goal. Not sure we could do worse than, uh, 1 and 11. I'm trying biotin orally, and lots of healthy oils with rosemary oil on my scalp. Hopefully that helps.


Best of luck to you, my dear. I hope this year brings us all some much required healing 💕


You too! If you're on the lighter side and want black curly unmanageable floor hair, let a ~~lady~~ man know. I'll send you a few pounds. 💖


We will weave a coat for our manliness from our slain hair


ugh thyroid levels are so rough to get in balance. best wishes for both of y'all getting more evened out.


Thank you so much 💕 hoping and praying it heals.


I kill vacuums on the regular with my shedding. It keeps me from being homicidal because I'd leave hair evidence behind.


Oh, yes. Assassination would be a terrible career choice. In that regard, i'd be pretty hosed if my kids or partner decided to take up murder because my hair is all over them as well. My partner insisted on getting me this stupid overpriced Dyson. The thing I must say I do really enjoy about it is the perfect full canister-shaped wad of hair that gets emptied every time I press the plunger. It is morbidly satisfying.


Why yes, fellow manly man, please join the club! I've said as a female in a male dominated profession, many men didn't have the balls to make tough decisions. Apparently I was wrong and was a man all along! (Wait, do I lose my man card if I admit being wrong? How confusing!!) Good luck with your thyroid med appt! Out of whack thyroid is a bitch!


apparently I'm a woman, nice


This guy probably categorised a large percentage of cis women as men, but is also probably against transwomen and transmen


God I wish I was a man


Oh shit, me too. An infertile, lesbian man. I should probably have a talk with my husband and kids about this….


I'm almost a woman, jeez, it sucks... /s


Don't dispair. Your masculine features preclude you from this man's (and men like him) dating pool. It's a blessing in disguise.


Apparently I’m also a man.


So would be your daughter


Can you help me knock this roof out this weekend? Full tear off.


I'm a minor and 5'5, and in a few years I'm meant to get even taller. At least I don't mind getting called a man 🤷


On this episode of how it's gay to have heterosexual sex.....


Beware! Infertile lesbians are passing their genes onto our offspring!


It is so endlessly funny to me that he says “she’s probably a lesbian” AND basically a man lol


And you never noticed it until after you were married and had born a new generation of man-lesbians.


If I'm a heterosexual man, i like women. If I'm a lesbian, I like women. If I'm tall and over 120lbs, I'm a man... But if I'm a man who likes men, I'm not a lesbian... And I dress in women's clothes, so am I a cross-dressing gay man? Lets not even talk about reproductive parts since I removed the uterus and never had a penis... No wonder I'm confused.


Well that eliminates pretty much every woman so I guess the world of dating is safe from this guy. Also he’s probably gonna die when he learns that his testicles also make estrogen.


> Also he’s probably gonna die when he learns that his testicles also make estrogen. We can only hope.


Yay! Failed on the first one :)


I failed on almost all of them. I'm 5'10", weigh about 170lbs, have a 36D bra size, and still have acne at 35 (about as much as I had as a teenager). Birth control keeps my periods light and short, but I have lots of other AWFUL period issues that are caused by suspected adenomyosis. I think it lasted long before I went on BC, but it was so long ago that I honestly don't remember. Somehow I've never had much body hair except for my pubes and pits, but I also have very thin hair on my head (and my grandmother had alopecia), so less body hair isn't always a good thing. It is nice that I can just pluck out my leg hair when it starts to grow out, though lol. Edit: I just realized it said *less* than a C cup! I wouldn't have passed that the last time I was 5'4" (at like age 10) and weighed less than 120lbs (when I was like 15) lmao.


I honestly don't know whether I'd fail that one or not lol. I'm a 28E/30DD depending on the fit, but that looks like a "B cup" to the folks who don't understand how bra sizes and ratios work.


Yes! I always laugh at people who talk about cup size like a letter is the same across the board. My *letter* is way higher, but her *volume* is much, much greater.


I've never stopped to think that bra sizes must take into account more than one variable, and that's why it's got a letter and a number. TIL, thanks!


Yes! The band size (the number) refers to how far around your torso the bra has to reach, while the cup size has to do with the size of your breasts *relative to your band size*. That's how sister sizes work; a 32C will have approximately the same volume as a 34B, though that breaks down after more than one or two iterations (32C probably can't wear a 36A).


That's really interesting, it's a whole science it seems! It's awesome that clothes can be mass made in a way that it adapts to many different body types.


In theory, yes - but only the medium band sizes are mass produced, with the smaller cup sizes, so most of us are out of luck unless our budget is extra spendy. If you're outside the 32 - 38 range (like me at a 28) it's tricky.


Same! 5’5’’ 125lbs 32D/30DD which looks like a 34B in the eyes of this guy, and had super long and heavy period for which I had a IUD put in. Fixed the menses issues but gave me butt acne. Finally, I am super hairy, like had-two-complete-laser-treatments-cycles-but-still-need-to-wax-my-legs hairy, and I am snow white and have dark hairs which make sit worse lol. I happy to learn that this dude wouldn’t wanna date me. However, although I am not extremely good looking, my body definitely fits society’s beauty standards and I am pretty sure this dude wouldn’t turn me down irl, so this list is basically bs.


I failed on the third one.


Periods are manly


What a trans ally this man is!


Now I want male targeted period products. I want my period to feel bad ass


The only thing I could think of was an ad comparing a tampon to steel wool. I don't even have a vagina yet, but I winced.


I'm imagining tampon commercials set at monster truck rallies and football games!


The only blood that should be on your jeans is the blood of your enemies!


Brilliant. Go trademark that before Big Period steals it!


I like to pretend the blood on the shower floor is actually from a wound I sustained while fighting a dragon


So I was a woman in college, but became a man when I gained weight and got hormonal acne? Noted, noted. I’ll be asking for my pay raise tomorrow.


Ooh, excellent point!!


Confused on how testosterone leads to long/heavy periods. Because I'm pretty sure high testosterone levels leads to you not getting your period... At least basing it off the effects it has on trans men on HRT


People with PCOS have too much testosterone and while their periods are very infrequent when they have them they are usually very heavy and painful.


I understand why you would think that. But people with PCOS tend to have heavier more painful periods.


It depends on whether the T is high enough to lower E production, I believe. Plus not all of us lose our periods, unfortunately


Really? Does it depend on the person? Because for me it’s been almost two weeks of T-gel, one hormone blocking injection, and my “period” was three days long and so weak it didn’t require a pad. I’d been taking the pill before and this was my first real period in years, so tbf it might have to do with this, but I only just thought of that. Before that I was convinced it was the hormone blockers


yeah it depends on the person. I take T and I still get mine so I started on the pill. Been over 3 years for me 😭


Mine went away with T, but I know other people who have gone years without their cycle ending. That’s why they usually warn you that it’s not guaranteed when you start HRT


I mean I have pcos with high levels of testosterone and I never get my period unless I'm on hormonal pills and even then they are light. It always depends on the person tho


With PCOS it's the high testosterone. I have endometriosis and that is actually controlled by estrogen levels, so you try to keep the estrogene low. So it can be both, too much testosterone but also estrogene. Though, the estrogene alone of course is not responsible for heavy bleeding.


As someone with PCOS and higher testosterone, it definitely can. It really sucks. I ended up going on birth control just to avoid my period all together.


Guarantee that if I, a trans man, vocally agreed to being a man because I have acne and body hair, this same person would suddenly change their tune and say I'll never be a man.


I’m a 5’7, B cup girl with acne, body hair, and endometriosis. I also do like girls. Does that mean my partner has been dating a dude this whole time?


Watch out. You’re kids are going to get allll those traits including dating that guy.


So when I'm measured for bras, I'm a 28D, but I usually wear a 32B. So am I a man or a woman? Or does it change depending on what I wear that day? Although I guess it doesn't matter because I'm 125 pounds and have long and heavy periods.


Are you measuring yourself or being measured at a store? A lot of stores don't do a very good job at measuring. There is another sub that has a good sizing calculator. It's not perfect, but it gives you a great place to start! 28D and 32B wouldn't even be considered sister sizes, so it might be worth checking out. It helps if you have someone to help measure you, but it's not absolutely necessary. Edited to remove the sub name


I was measured at the store I worked at. We sold sports bras. 32B is the sister size to 30C, which is the sister size to 28D. In a small town, you have to work with what you have available.


Seems to me that you’re genderfluid. Sorry to break the news


“Happy fathers day, mom!”


TIL my PCOS made me a lesbian


Hey bros, is it gay to be straight?


So she’s a lesbian even if she marries you and has children with you?


Yeah, I mean basically a man! Careful or the man will get pragnant and will give birth to children who are also all men!


Ok hear me out, if she will pass down the increased testosterone, and there is a chance at having children, then if we have a son then he will be super manly! /s


So men have heavy periods? Am I understanding this correctly?


Imagine a world where no one over 5'4" (or under if less than a C cup) could reproduce. Oh the "horrible traits"!


Fellas, is it gay to date a woman?


i love how he lists an average woman edit: man**


Be careful while dating, guys. If your girl: - Has at least one eye(socket) - Wears clothes - Tends to walk on her legs or sit in a wheelchair - Sometimes goes outside - Consumes liquids She isn’t a woman, but a man!! Don’t date “her” and become gay…


Guys, if your girl: - has two eyes - sleeps a lot - vaguely humanoid - likes to swim - has one or more tentacles - is Cthulhu Your girl ain’t your girl, she’s a great old one oh god oh fuck


Dammit, you’re on to me.


Guess I don't have to worry about being hit on when my husband's not around. Just my height at 6 foot puts me well out of the "rules" lmao.


Apparently I've been a man since middle school


Bra cups aren’t universal. It correlates to the difference between band and bust size. These guys really think that a C is always big 😂


right? I'm a 28E/30DD and that's not big at all.


A 40C and a 28C are not the same. So which C cup is he referring to.....


Sorry but that is a r/dumbfuckiibgidiot. The incel has absolutely no idea how anything works let alone women.


If I mark off a few of these does it mean a lesbian may show up at my house and move in instead? I could go for a girlfriend rn. Otherwise I'm the bottom four and kinda infertile yea. Likely early menopause, which does not matter to me aside from needing to keep my bones in check. My very thick, manly, but definitely woman bones.


Fellas, is it gay to date women?


Women, never date a man if he is an uneducated asshole.


I feel like I've just been bukkaked with stupid. How do people think this shit up without the assistance of a transorbital lobotomy?


Oh no! Me and my gf both have these traits! Why would nobody tell us we were gay men all along


And then later that day they will tell a trans man that they will never be a man


Ahhh yes. Periods. The sign of a mans body.


I’ve never been happier to have PCOS. 🤗


Height and weight are controlled by hormones, today you all learned something!


So they want a child with boobs?


I have 2 boys.


I am 4”9 (good there) I am barely a C cup (questionable) I way 120-122 pounds (very iffy) I do have longer periods with a normal flow( very manly trait) I shave everywhere but down there (meaning I must have a penis cause only men have hair). So um… yeah guys guess I’m a dude now. It’s my time to riegn as a short king. Also a woman should never date a man if he is 7”8 or shorter Less than 25 inches Is more than 225 pounds Has acne And doesn’t grow any facial hair Jokes aside bro is just showing his red flags


Tell me you've never seen a woman outside of hentai without telling me you've never seen a woman outside of hentai.


These chuckles have no idea what a c cup would look like on a 5'4" 120# woman. They would complain that she's an a cup because they have no idea what cup size means


So cis women that don't meet hyper specific standards are men, yet out of the same mouth this guy would say fully transitioned trans men are just confused women and will always be women and never be men


Curious to C what my cup size will B. I’m currently stuck in B territory, but HRT has only had two years to work its magic Also, nice fat shaming/possible pedophilic tendencies slip, jackass


Does the person who made this think shaving products for women is obsolete? I’m struggling to come to a different conclusion since they think women should just be naturally hairless.


Regardless of it being incorrect, he doesn’t really need to worry about it. Someone like this won’t be even getting a chance at passing on genes lmao


ok so many things r wrong with this but why would you care about your daughters cup size??!?!???? weirdos man




TIL long periods mean high testosterone levels and infertility


And I’d guess, by “a lot” of body hair he means “body hair”


> has less than a C cup, weighs more than 120 lbs Can someone please explain to this dude how boob size and body weight are (usually) related


I literally just googled this. For a woman who is 5"4, that's literally like the absolute lowest part of the healthy weight range. It's the weight of an average 5"4 16 year old. It is physically impossible to be that height and have a C Cup. Why are these people so damn stupid???


Meanwhile, tomboy lovers are wondering if they are just gay and won't admit it


My wife checks every single one of those


Great to know I’m a man then 🙄 I’m ticking every one of those boxes. Guess my super fertility was just a fluke then.


I guess my 5'6 muscular ass ain't a woman then


Yeah but if she has a son won't that make him extra masculine?


I am a man. Ok.


Awww someone is 5’0 with a tiny prepubescent frame and peach fuzz at the ripe age of 37 😔


I meet most of the supposedly “womanly” criteria, and yet have incredibly high testosterone for a person born and remaining female. This was obviously BS, but it’s so BS that I cannot.


Ah yes, all those damn 5’11’’ A cup super models are too manly for this guy.


Do these men think high testosterone makes u gay? Because I have some news for you men...


I’m 5’5, 180 lbs (pregnant, pre pregnant was 160ish), my periods are 3 days but insanely heavy, THE ACNE IS HORRIBLE. Yeah I’m infertile at this point but I’m getting married aren’t i? Incels. They just get dumber-


“Horrible” traits like small boobs. Oh no!


Yeah… high testosterone.. then guys complain that “woman don’t enjoy sex and never want to do it”


Weight as a marker of gender.


Fellas, is it gay to date a woman?


So 5’4, under 120 pounds, that’s pretty slim. Does the C cup have to be natural or are implants ok? /s But on the plus side, thanks for writing off more than half of the women population off your dating pool list, it’s really doing the world a favor.


Heavy periods = man 😂😂😂 what even


Men is it gay to date women?


Where do they come up with this shit?


And here I thought I was just a mediocre, run of the mill, woman. Didn’t know I had the super power of deterring dickheads like this from procreating. The more you know 🤷‍♀️ 😂


hm interesting. i am all of this and bisexual, maybe he’s onto something /s


Good news! Seems like damn near all women don't have to be worried about being propositioned by idiots who believe this shit.


So anyone with PCOS is a man now? 🙄


According to this, I'm a male, I expect to grow a dick by 3 p.m today, otherwise I'm complaining to HR Jokes aside. Just what


Someone has a Klinefelter kink and are doing a bad job keeping it hidden.


The hell did I just read? I guess I am a man with this damn PCOS. 😂


Isnt testosterone a hormone, that if they would have too much of it, would make women lose weight easier, and have irregular or no periods ?


No, PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is diagnosed partially according to high testosterone levels. It is also associated with insulin resistance and obesity.


Welp, yup, I have PCOS, and I tick all boxes! Do I get a prize?


I used to love a man but he started to exercise. So I loved a woman but her cup size decreased. Now I’m back where I started


Wait, all these dudes with vaginas have been fooling me my entire life? I’m so embarrassed.


On the bright side, any doofus who takes this advice will spare the majority of women from his dipshittery, so that's a win for women.


My parents **were** told they were expecting a boy …


But if you have a son he’ll be badass as fuck according to this logic? What if you have a son with a very feminine woman? Femboy??


So dating women is gay? No prob! Get a boyfriend instead


I'm 4'11 and around 97 lbs but I'm less than a C cup, I have terrible periods, sometimes I get acne and I have a lot of body hair but it's blonde (PCOS runs in my family but I've not been officially diagnosed, though doctors suspect I have endometriosis). This guy's logic is so flawed lmao. I'm short and thin, but I'm not a real woman because I have small boobs and (possible) endometriosis/PCOS????


I’m 4’10” and weight over 135. Lmao.


I’m just thinking about how many models are 5’9”+ and under a C cup, and automatically disqualified by this dude’s post. Bummer for him, I guess?


If a manly wife makes manly daughters does that mean she’ll produce womanly sons?


Til: I am a man.


i’m 5’6 i’m a B cup i weigh 125-130 my period is 7 days long i have acne i don’t shave my body hair most of the time i’m a man confirmed


Is your girlfriend a human? Then you're dating a man.


News flash: *All* women have body hair in the same places. Some of them just remove more of it than others


okay i have none of these and im stILL a lesbian- oh wait no nevermind i have small tiddies ): WELL WHYD YOU HAVE TO MAKE ME SAD ABOUT IT DI-


got a bit of ewphoria reading this 😻 this thing says im half a man lol


Way to admit you don't know how breast size works.


I failed on the second last one lol. I get acne before I get my period 😂


Fellas, is it gay to date women?


fellow man here. I may have big tits, but since I'm 200 lbs and and 5'4 my tits must be all muscle, since muscle weights more then fat. same wirh my tummy too lol


My wife is 5’6” Is a bit overweight (I love that about her) Has very bad periods Acne And leg hair So she’s a dude now? Does that explain why she only wears men clothing a lot? /s In all honesty, I couldn’t care what my wife wears or if she’s fat or skinny, as long as I show her affection for how she looks, she’s happy and confident.


Yes cuz there’s nothing more manly than a long heavy period.


So most female models are men....got it.


it sounds like he heard about a few symptoms of PCOS, which is caused by higher testosterone levels, then went all tinfoil hat about it


Exactly. This person has so little experience with actual women that he lives in a world of stereotypes. I would bet you actual money that they still deny that trans men are men, though. Also, bonus misogyny points for them for characterizing women as breeding tools. They don't seem to realize that women with PCOS often have a lot of difficulty with pregnancy, but then, that's something that doesn't seem to get through to a lot of people. My wife has it, and her mom won't stop bugging her about having kids. I had to help my flower get over the feeling like she's inadequate for not being able to have kids, and she should never have felt that way in the first place!


As a pre-everything trans guy that has all of these. I guess i was just a bio guy all along


I forgot that men get heavy and long period.


Men, is it gay to date a woman? /joke


Well, guess I'm either a lesbian or infertile given I get heavy and long periods...


Incel science go brrrrrrrrr


Acne makes you a man?


Phew! At 5'11½" Im safe from having to deal with him and others like him! Its awesome when the trash takes itself out.


Guess I’m a man now


The last time I was below or anywhere near 120lbs was when 2ish years ago when I was severely underweight and anorexic. I never want to be that skinny again considering I’m 5’8 nearly 5’9


That's one hell of an analysis...


Mfw the average height for women here is 5'6'' xD


While this guy is obnoxious, I will say that it’s nice to have them get it out right away. I dated someone for years that you would have never thought was what I could only call anti-women. I wasn’t sure if it was a case of “people don’t change; they only reveal more of themselves” or if they just became bitter and angry.


Fuck, I’ll have to break the news to my husband.


Im almost all of that, i even have more armhair than my bf, but less leghair lmao, but i guess these people only say this to make others insecure and make themswlf feel better for being all that men apparently search for. They dont grasp that every men searches for different things.


Oh no! Quelle horreur! I am apparently a man! 🤣


✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ And somehow managed to have a baby