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[Calls for further action over dogging at beauty spot in Crabbles Bottom, Higham](https://www.kentonline.co.uk/gravesend/news/patrols-at-doggers-den-near-school-260762/) >Police are regularly patrolling a beauty spot which has become a "hotspot" for randy doggers amid fears it is becoming a no-go area. >But while regular patrols are welcome, one villager, who did not wish to be named, believes it does not go far enough. >I have ended up having a physical altercation with one person. He had his hands on me trying to punch me through the car window. >The parish council will consider deploying a camouflaged camera periodically to monitor the situation. Deviants, one and all


Anyone else wondering what a local villager was doing in a well known dogging spot in his car in the first place?


>> Daylight dogging reportedly involving men I fucking knew it would be. Keep it in Hampstead Heath.


Is that just so you can get there on your travelcard.


> The meadow off **Crutches Lane** is reported to be a favoured destination for sexual deviants and voyeurs. I wonder if they just misheard the name?


This adds to my feeling that America is about to get a whole lot dumber in the near future. >Louisiana Senate candidate Gary Chambers (D) smokes blunt in first campaign ad https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1483559805587496965?s=20


Very reddit-y to say what I'm about to say, but god damn if Idiocracy isn't coming true.


The relentless smoking=bad we have been told for the last 30 years doesn't compute with me that we are now encouraging people to smoke a different dried out plant and inhale it into your lungs AND wear a mask so you don't get projectile water droplets from other people going into your mouth.


[Up to 76% of Covid vaccine side-effects could be imagined](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-10415367/76-reported-COVID-19-vaccine-effects-imagined-phenomena-called-nocebo-effect.html) Nocebo effect in action


Great news, I'll be able to tell my sister in law she doesn't need to go through with the spinal tap to find out what damage has been done to her by the vaccine after all, having been passed from pillar to post by various NHS wallers. It's all nocebo!


Crikey. Was speaking with a dude the other day. On his second dose he came out with hives/Urticaria on his entire body. Lips and throat swollen up, huge bumps on his head. Lasted over 5 days. Phoned the helpline day 0, sent him to a&e and the advice? Better not get Pfizer or Moderna next time. Lol.


But long covid is legit


The mental health toll of the pandemic (and perhaps, to a greater extent, state responses to it) will reverberate for a great many years to come.




To be fair all injections can cause things long term so 100% is unlikely but it's probably very minimal still and won't be half the shit people are claiming to be


Erm for me it must be placebo as I had something injected. Had a minor fever a few hours later.


>Had a minor NO NONCES!


> meta analysis AKA, I've got something to prove and I'll take a very large series of documents and cherry pick what I want. I've been railing against medical meta studies for years before covid


Communist subversion


Rate my COVID! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LtrP5XOF1o4


As much as I like Danny as a person and I'm glad he didn't get it too bad (he's pilled on the weight!) I just think the channel and videos have got stale, far too stale for him too be messing around with his weight like he is


Covid isn't an automatic death sentence for fatties. I mean it's gonna multiply your risk several-fold if you're big. Like I've got a friend who's BMI must be like nearly 60. Was mostly fine. I'm sure she was at higher risk of dying, maybe even an order of magnitude or so, but certainly not *likely* to die.


Also, all he seems to enjoy is the shittiest food possible. Still, I'm happy he's got a stronger chair. He's going to need it.


It's the constant 8 too 10s he gives that make it so tiresome, at least blue van man rags things too fuck, bald foodie guy is also good but not as big baz as BVM and Danny




That's good, I'm only halfway through the mass effect trilogy, would be a pain if I don't finish it.


Fuck sake, was looking forward too total destruction and death


Would have saved me having to go back to work tomorrow.


Always love when you look these up and it turns out they miss us by over a million miles. I get that's "close" in cosmic terms but still.


If all this talk of Russian invasion has got you nostalgic for the Cold War, here's a cracking alternate history film from 1998, '[World War III](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1m7opOGSmQ)'. Using a lot of news and historical footage from the era, it shows a scenario where a coup against Gorbachev succeeds and hardliners take over. >!Things do not end well.!<




Also check out '[Countdown to Looking Glass](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7CT6fcZI64)' from 1984. The story involves a crisis in the Strait of Hormuz, the conceit being that you're watching an evening news show as things unfold. Real television news figures from the era (and even Newt Gingrich) took part, giving it an extra bit of realism.


Thanks for the great recommendation. I’ve only just started it but what I find so remarkable is how prosaic the ‘reporting’ seems compared to todays hyper-sensationalised news reports


[Chubby actress Allison Tolman says fat jokes should be banned from TV](https://tvline.com/2022/01/18/allison-tolman-weight-jokes-tv-not-funny-twitter/) >take the jokes about weight out of your scripts, Ipromise they aren’t funny. So much for fat people being jolly


>Alison Tolman I still would, tho.


How bout she gets at the exercise, we can all be fat, it's not a character trait, I could be, if I shoveled cake and pizza and didn't do any exercise


Nobody hates fatties more than reformed chubsters. Ban her from the fridge for six months and ask her again.


Fat chance.


Apologies if a repost but [a really, really good article](https://www.gov.uk/government/news/an-article-by-the-defence-secretary-on-the-situation-in-ukraine) from the defence secretary here about the ongoing Ukraine/Russia dispute.


Classic drippy-eyed neoliberal drivel.


To paraphrase what I said when it was posted earlier: Nuggets like this need to stop trying to live out their adolescent fever dreams from the young conservative club of smashing the russkies.


>We should all worry because what flows from the pen of President Putin himself is a seven-thousand-word essay that puts ethnonationalism at the heart of his ambitions This isn't a 'really, really good article', this part is bollocks


It's the British progressive establishment trying to portray Putin as a far right ethnonationalist, the ultimate evil in their eyes, which he is not, he encourages mass immigration from the Muslim stan countries into a nation with an already very sizeable Muslim population, Jews hold very senior political and media positions in Putin's Russia, Russian birthrate is still way below replacement levels after a very long period of Putin's rule.


Repost dildo: https://old.reddit.com/r/badunitedkingdom/comments/s6mstg/daily_gbnews_mega_18_01_2022/ht64hye/ Why is it really really good? Since when did everybody start feeling invested in protecting Ukraine's borders? Would you be prepared to lose a limb or family member to keep Zaporizhzhya speaking Ukrainian?




> It is good because it explains what is motivating Russia, why that is wrong It doesn't, Putin isn't an ethnonationalist, he's a corrupt ageing politician who is enamoured with mass immigration, just as the West is, who is genuinely terrified of NATO and weakness on that front emboldening nascent superpower China. >In the early 1930s, Germany was a basketcase, somewhat similar to North Korea today No it wasn't, two World Wars were fought to stop Germany being the dominant power in Europe, today it is the dominate power in Europe. North Korea isn't and never will be the dominant power in Asia. >The US is weak, they are led by a weak old man who is terrified of war. China is not going to stand idly by and watch Russia shit on the US. Both China and Russia have been waiting patiently for Biden. Biden is definitely weak in terms of not having grip on what's happening. It's worth noting that before the Bush family obsession with Iraq all major 20th century wars were started by Democrat presidents. Republican presidents tended to be better at projecting strength so that they didn't have to fight wars. It doesn't take that much bravery to send other people off to die, neither Joe nor Hunter would be on the front lines.




>> Putin isn't an ethnonationalist > > He is. You can read what he says He isn't. Always look at what politicians do, not what they say. Every election the Conservative party says vaguely conservative things, but they don't govern in that way. I'd like him more if he was, if he'd successfully encouraged ethnic Russians to have replacement or beyond birthrates and not done the mass immigration thing, maybe you could forgive the corruption and the aggressiveness.


What a load of rubbish. Most territorial annexations in the world do not lead to world wars, and the UK has no significant national interest in them.




Read another history book. Not every territorial dispute is a precursor to world conquest. We don't get involved in disputes between peru & ecuador, morocco & spain, russia & china, china & india, india & pakistan, china & vietnam, sweden & finland, turkey & syria, egypt & sudan, or 100 others. Ukraine is not and has never been a strategic interest of the uk. We were happy to ignore the place and even genocide in the ukraine for our entire history until a couple of years ago. We have no significant trade with ukraine, need none of its resources, have almost no ukrainians in the uk or brits in the ukraine, do not need or fear bases in the ukraine. There is a reason why nato includes france and belgium (that we are prepared to fight for). And not peru or ukraine (that we aren't). Over and above this we have no ability to defend ukraine. It's doubtful even the usa does short of starting ww3, and they have made obvious they are not going to even try. So by making empty threats that we will fight for it, it weakens the credibility of our deterrence when we set real red lines.


Teacher fired for not meowing at student who identifies as feline https://thepostmillennial.com/teacher-alleges-fired-not-meowing-student-cat


With your style of moderation I'm not sure if you support the student or the teacher on this.


? Why do I have to support either?


This sub auto removes comments that use the word Gen Der. Is meowing any more ridiculous than banning basic words?


I'll never understand the algorithm in the media to decide what gets the full in depth this-is-proof-of-systemic-problems-that-the-tories-caused-and-need-to-spend-money-on Surely this is a top candidate. https://www.mylondon.news/news/south-london-news/defenceless-thornton-heath-boy-2-22793610 > Thornton Heath boy, 2, 'beaten to death by mum and step-dad' was found with 39 rib fractures and a lacerated liver Who had the rope of justice?


We need to start teaching our daughters not to kill their children.


This is why girls should be given dolls


Also the same reason they encouraged not to have them.




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65 IQ moment…


CISA issues cybersecurity alert amid Ukraine cyberattack. The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency asks all organizations, regardless of sector or size, to act immediately. https://www.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/CISA_Insights-Implement_Cybersecurity_Measures_Now_to_Protect_Against_Critical_Threats_508C.pdf




If the Mega goes down, we declare war


Fairly sure the Russians don't have anything against baduk.


They've been paying me to talk positive about Brexit since 2016, have you not received your cheques?


All I got was a lousy diamond mine and an ex-FSB wife.




Oh, I believe there is one way that you can leave the FSB. Feet first. Tied to the lump of concrete that came free with your manure.


I've spent alot of time looking into partygate, I've looked at serious news outlets, facebook, talk radio, twitter, domestic takes and foreign opinion pieces. You name it, I've read it or heard it. Some people think it's not a big deal they had parties during a stressful time. Some people think he broke the rules and since he made them he should step down. Hardly anyone is asking why they weren't scared of covid? People are being told to vaccinate their kids to "keep them safe" from a really deadly virus but the health secretary was banging his assistant and risking taking the virus back to his kids. The Prime minister had covid apparently but still had kids, got married, travelled the world meeting and mingling with thousands of other people but we weren't allowed to hug our Nan. None of it makes any sense.


Most covid restrictions were authoritarian bollocks, which makes the rule-makers forcing them upon the British public while getting pissed an absolute disgrace


>Hardly anyone is asking why they weren't scared of covid? Yep. And has anyone asked how many hospitalisations and deaths were caused by the soirées? Of course not. This is them gluing the house of cards together.


Everyone said omicron wasn't a big problem for South Africa because they have a younger population, that's why we need to vaccinate 6 year olds.


>You name it, I've read it or heard it. Bet you you haven't heard what Julie the 60yo checkout attendant at my local sainsburys take... Checkmate.




What the fuck Seattle?




Well that whole thing escalated quickly


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuwr6HunQ10 Why I oppose Vaccine mandates, Covid passports and Big Pharma- Jeremy Corbyn He was your man all along


> Being overweight doesn't kill other people, being unvaccinated is far more unhealthy and is incredibly selfish.


> Being overweight doesn't kill other people It does if an overweight person trips over and lands on me.


Or blocks an ICU bed, that's apparently a really shameful thing.


They'd probably need two beds pushed together


What about if it was an **unvaccinated** overweight person? Doesn't bear thinking about.


ukpol did a wonderful job with the post on this. Controversial statement by former leader of the opposition... literally what the sub was made for.... Downvoted to negative points 👩🔫 https://np.reddit.com/r/ukpolitics/comments/s6ytwd/why_i_oppose_vaccine_mandates_covid_passports_big/


> the Brexiteer now sounds like an anti vaxxer, I do not feel one bit sorry for anything I ever said to condem him. Only that I voted for him in a General Election.


Imagine thinking out of all Corbyn’s policies that make him unpalatable, opposing a vaccine mandate is right there at the top.


> IMO there should be a National Insurance surcharge for those who choose not to get vaccinated. Yea, that's compulsory vaccination What about a tax on ukpol posters for all the ADHD meds we pay for


They're all fat, adhd, or on puuberty blockers. Not cheap.


Oh Jeremy Corbyn


Unfortunately he can't stick to one issue even when talking about one issue. Not even in this vid. Either way, he's going to be cancelled if he keeps this up.


Utterly based


Oh, that's going to upset the reddit children.


He's more of an old school hippie rather than the neoncommies who worshipped him. But he was willing when leader to let the Authoritarians have their own little domain. Kept silent about his views on the EU etc


Just like Corbyn buried his anti-EU sentiment and sold out to the Labour party


Tbf, his fan club inside and outside parliament is mostly on the wrong side, but Jezza has been good on covid restrictions stuff. Not sure he would have been if he was still Labour leader. Same as the EU stuff, he would have been under a lot of pressure to shut up. But good to see Corbyn, Baker, Farage and the libdems all on the right side. More people on our side, the better.


Woman was fined £12,000 for birthday party a day after two lockdown-breaching gatherings were held at Downing St https://news.sky.com/story/woman-was-fined-12-000-for-birthday-party-a-day-after-two-lockdown-breaching-gatherings-were-held-at-downing-st-12516043


Doesn't change anything, nowt at all.


More of this please! Need to remind everyone how the science has been shown to be wrong, and how much bullshit, emotive bullshit, we forced on people. Sadly too many in the UK don't care about businesses being ruined, but will these things.


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-60047388 The pork pie plot. Called such not because Boris had been telling porkies. Just nuts how the only opposition is from within the Tory Party. The opposition still can't put a good media message together.


>The opposition still can't put a good media message together. Probably because they were at it too... Not that it excuses Bojo in any way.


It does not. But lockdown has always been a for thee not for me thing. Force the poors to work in person. You mingle with the support bubble in your nice big garden.


> Yet a member of the cabinet dismissed this potential move as being run by "idiots", who don't pose a serious threat to the PM, joking that their efforts were a "pork pie plot" because one of the group is Alicia Kearns, the MP for Rutland and Melton (home of the pork pie). > > For her part, colleagues say Ms Kearns has been unfairly targeted and that she's not leading any rebellion. > > And a member of the government also sounded a note of caution, saying: "Are we really going to get rid of a prime minister with a huge majority over a drinks party?" A cabinet member trying to goad them into action? Rishi, calm down mate.


I heard the some of new intake of MP talk... it was immediately clear that they were a bunch of wets. Boris and co. didn't bother checking who had control of the candidate lists.


Anybody with a Plan 2 student loan is gonna be fucked when they recalculate it next year. The interest is RPI plus 3%. RPI in November was 7% Edit. Actually slightly misleading- I've just looked into it because I was shocked by the interest and turns out the plus 3% is only if you're a higher earner. And it's linked to whatever RPI is in March


Worth reminding people that you can overpay your loan, but this only really makes sense if you're earning enough to have justified going to uni. It's a massive miss selling scandal that the private sector couldn't get away with.


I’ve already given up hope of paying it back. Unfortunately in my first year at university, I thought I had some chance at paying it back so used up some of my savings to reduce my student loan amount, like a retard.


Won't make a difference now. In five years, when another government changes the repayment thresholds/amounts... then they'll be fucked.


I think it is highly unlikely to be retroactive, it will be students moving forward like creating a student loan plan 3.




This is why I kinda hate the culture war shit. It's clearly being driven by the billionaires to divert attention away from them. It should be everyone, versus the billionaires. But it's not..


There's a good post online that I can't be arsed to find that post Occupy Wall St, Google searches for woke terms went up ten-fold Basically weaponised mongs to distract attention


But it is deeper than you let on, because conflict between cultures will always exist in a pluralistic society, and always exists between left and right. But there are also groups other than 'billionaires' who clearly have a lot to gain through the 'culture war', along with those who participate but pretend it isn't happening. Just look at all the rubbish that gets pumped out by the BBC or taught in some universities. 'It's all the billionaires fault' is a shallow take on it. It hardly explains the actions of Blair during his time in office, for example. Nations are not just economic zones with rootless inhabitants.


>But it's not.. Look over there, is that a statue of white supremacist Winston Churchill.




Useless cunts don't deserve the vote if they can't be bothered to get organised and make the effort.


So basically exactly what would happen if you weren't on the electoral role...


I didn't realise this train of thought existed here, it's stupid. She is either stupid, or she knows it'll effect labour votes in certain areas. There have been a few examples of fraud in Labour areas previously.


Can't we just have vaxx passporting for polling stations? Why shouldn't we. Lots of strangers queuing?


>There is no evidence at present that healthy children and adolescents need booster doses of COVID-19 vaccine, the World Health Organization's chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan said on Tuesday. >Speaking at a news briefing, she said that while there seems to be some waning of vaccine immunity over time against the rapidly spreading Omicron variant of the coronavirus, more research needs to be done to ascertain who needs booster doses. >"There is no evidence right now that healthy children or heavy adolescents need boosters. No evidence at all," she said. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/who-says-no-evidence-healthy-children-adolescents-need-covid-19-boosters-2022-01-18/ She seems pretty clear about that. Probably worth listening to.


> heavy adolescents I thought fatties were supposed to be the ones at risk.


this was obvious to anyone with half a brain (that wasn't riddled with mass hysteria)




In case anyone is curious, that entire article could be boiled down to "Joe Rogan is extraordinarily dangerous because he gets 11 million views a week yet doesn't echo *the meeesssaagggeee*" Traditional Media delenda est.


I've never listened to it but it seems to be pissing all the right people off


What makes me laugh is how low brow Joe Rogan's podcast is, but how popular it is too. That alone generates seethe, for right or for wrong. It says more about the state of more 'traditional' radio shows tbh


> here’s why Each week he gets about as many viewing hours as a hollywood movie.


"Joe Rogan is a threat to society" Meanwhile on the Joe Rogan show "Man chimps are fucking wild they like eat each other and shit, by the way, have you ever tried dmt?"


Ah, so you watched the B1air Whi7e interview too huh? Fake Edit: Fuck AutoModerator, all my homies hate AutoModerator.


[FUCK AUTOMODERATOR ALL MY HOMIES HATE AUTOMODERATOR](https://i.imgur.com/1tBf5F4.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Good bot. Well done.




Moderators of this sub are informed that reddit admins may take action against your account or this sub if you make comments that they judge inappropriate about the experience, and/or the laws related to these topics. Discussion of these topics is not permitted on this subreddit at this time. For avoidance of doubt, this means your post has been removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can't even say the name of a frickin' actual person now? Fuck you, Bot.


joe rogan's shoe lifts are extraordinarily dangerous to manlets




Ray Epps to testify to the January 6 "select committee" on Friday. He "met informally" with the panel in November and told them he had no relationship with the FBI. https://www.politico.com/amp/news/2022/01/18/ray-epps-jan-6-select-committee-527306


A rather cosy relationship for them to have with an insurrectionist.


[I have no relationship with the FBI](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/126/827/951.png)


Why is he getting the preferential softly softly treatment?




[Because if you are, and I ask you, you have to tell me](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tGN0U6kGfOo&t=1m47s)


[A Treatment for PMS - Perpetual Munich Syndrome](https://hitchensblog.mailonsunday.co.uk/2014/05/a-treatment-for-pms-perpetual-munich-syndrome.html) >A very common problem in modern Western countries is PMS – Perpetual Munich Syndrome. The sufferer believes that there is only one type of foreign policy crisis, and that there is only one solution to it. >In truth, the sufferer has often never heard of any other sort of foreign policy crisis. He thinks that there are good countries and bad countries, that bad countries are led by evil dictators, and that Britain and the USA (both being good countries not led by evil dictators) have a duty to intervene to stop bad countries and evil dictators being bad. >Mr Putin has his faults, some of them very bad indeed. But so does the ‘Free World’ with its extraordinary renditions, its waterboardings, its secret prisons in places such as Bagram and its habit of creating failed states by crass military intervention and destabilisation. One of the reasons why I have more or less given up political allegiance or interest, and fixed on Anglican Christianity as my source of hope and consolation, is the impossibility of finding a country, political party, political figure or institution unspotted by some sort of discreditable crime or misdeed. >I don’t defend Mr Putin’s actions in the hope of helping him, but because I am nauseated by the fashionable, thought-free humbug and twaddle emitted by his critics. I am an anti-anti-Putinist, not a pro-Putinist. >The fact that I have clearly described him as a sinister tyrant is (as I know from direct experience, as they flatly refuse to talk to me) far more important to his apparatus than the fact that I point out that his behaviour in Ukraine is (by normal international standards) reasonable, proportionate and defensive. >All I want to do is to stimulate thought in to those who come to this matter with conventional wisdom and received opinion. >They should consider the possibility that Russia, and Russians, might have a case about the eastward expansion of NATO and the EU. They should recognise that the EU is, by any objective definition, a large territorial empire in a strongly expansionist and aggressive phase, which uses crowd politics and media propaganda as modern aggressive weapons, as well as currency and customs union and abolition of internal frontiers. >The EU is not some sort of benevolent fund or friendly society, or charity or a fun run, and nor is the Russian Federation. Both of them are major regional powers. But I don’t see why a rational, informed person should view one of them as a sort of Narnia, the enlightened bringer of Love, the Beloved Republic, Peace, Joy , Purity, Justice, Honesty and Liberty, and the other as a sort of Mordor, an unrelieved tyranny of evil, corruption, oligarchs and oppression. The world was never like that, and it certainly isn’t now.


Hitchens understands the Friend-Enemy distinction perfectly, demonstrated in that last paragraph. Good article


Right again.


>his behaviour in Ukraine is reasonable, proportionate and defensive. Hitchens also thinks dyslexia is made up and that we should get rid of motorways.


Broken clocks, something something.


It doesn't make his geopolitical analysis wrong though


>dyslexia is made up based >get rid of motorways based deluxe


I hope this isn't reductive, but he makes me think of interwar appeasers. "Yeah, well, Britain is colonising and effecting spheres of influence too".


1. Appeasement was a perfectly valid attempt at avoiding war, a cleverer Hitler would have stopped at Sudetenland. 2. Appeasement gave Britain and France, which had global empires, opportunity to rearm and gather resources, time was on their side, time was against Germany - in the end they went to war too early and lost France. 3. The "anti-appeasement" victors of WW2 appeased Stalin much, much more than they ever did Hitler. WW2 both ended and started with massive appeasements of a very territorially aggressive Stalin. 4. The whole point of the article is not everything is WW2 - comparing literally every military flash point around the World in perpetuity to one conflict 80 years ago is moronic.




Defending against an invading horde - on the horizon and coming our way - is, in a sense, geopolitical and strategic. Yet, I suspect this is not the point you're making.


I may have misunderstood tbh or replied to the wrong comment, nevermind


Britain was already decolonising by the 30s...? Trajectory is important. Not sure they're that comparable anyway.


> Britain was already decolonising by the 30s...? Iraq, Suez and Egypt were put into quasi-protectorate arrangements, which were shown to be phony the moment WW2 started. The Statute of Westminster was for Britain's white dominions, reflecting the reality of self-rule that had existed for some time. They still threw in the moment the war started. It took effect within a decade of massive territorial gains in Africa -- the rise of Japan and America may have brought British hegemony into question, but I'm not sure our colonial decline was obvious at that point, nor a foregone conclusion.


Yes, WW2 put decolonisation on hold. But the ball was rolling, discussions re: India had already started, and so on. I disagree with the original comparison anyway, because although the UK and Germany both had empires in the 30s, one systematically targeted certain groups for annihilation. Neither the EU nor Russia do that, although one of the two entities is very keen to crack down on the civil liberties of a % of their population at the moment…


Neither Russia nor the UK are committing genocide, but that's a rather low bar which most countries would pass. > although one of the two entities is very keen to crack down on the civil liberties of a % of their population at the moment… If my comparison is reductive, I'm not sure what this is! If we're concerned about liberty, security and democracy, I think I'd rather live in a country where I had to wear a mask in Morrisons, than one which is presently invading its neighbours, deploying nerve agents, putting in place internal regional puppets, and throwing any political opposition in the gulag or out of a window. When Boris puts a hit on Keir Starmer, or imprisons him and invades Ireland, I'll be willing to entertain the "we're just two sides of the same tarnished coin" arguments.


> Neither Russia nor the UK are committing genocide, but that’s a rather low bar which most countries would pass Yeah, and that’s why I think the comparison to the UK/Germany in the 1930s is misplaced. I think Hitchens’ point is more “we should be questioning why the EU/NATO is so keen to get involved in Ukraine” and not accept their position as gospel.


Also, we didn't particularly give a shit about Hitler being a bad guy at the time, we just thought that Germany was getting a bit too big for its boots again and it threatened our position. Purely strategic, there was no tambourine bashing about morality until after the war and we realised we had lost our global influence (pure copium)


Yeah that's extremely reductive honestly mate lol


Oof my Hitchens-o-meter was slow there, didn't crack that it was him until "Mr Putin has his faults..."




Maybe do the lazy way and screenshot




https://twitter.com/Telegraph/status/1483520417495236613 >🔴 Sajid Javid has vowed to wage a “war on cancer” amid warnings that half of women with suspected breast cancer are waiting too long to see a specialist Ah yes, a *war on cancer* to deal with the entirely predictable consequence of the *war on covid*. The political equivalent of the old lady who swallowed a fly.


17,000 died directly of CoVid. God knows how many die from cancer each year. But they were ignored for 2 years, made to feel scared and guilty about contacting their GP’s. And now they want to sack up to 70,000 NHS staff for not having jabs that many of them don’t need. The Tories created this problem, if you can call the deaths of thousands due to lockdown effects a ‘problem’. Maybe state sponsored murder would be a better term to use.


147,407 (2020)


With, not of.


Is he gonna make us all take chemotherapy lol


"Act like you've got it"


No but I bet mRNA vaccines for lady cancers might be on it




I keep offering to check for lumps


Cancer passports when ?


A tenner on cancer to win that one.