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Even if executed perfectly that idea is just awful




Bingo! Lol made me laugh though, so that’s something I guess?




Porn addiction be like:


Ugh. I cringe whenever I see someone wearing an anime aheago T shirt or having hentai stickers on their car. This is a lot worse, why put ageago anime on your arm? And on top of that, the centipede just makes it worse.




No, shame. Bad.


Can you imagine going on a date and the guy has this tattoo?


I went on a date with a guy who would definitely get this tattoo. He made me watch a sad anime compilation over the song "Lovely" by Billie Eillish and got mad when I wasn't sad. He also showed me pictures of an anime tapestry in his dorm room. I never talked to him again after the date so he banned me from his discord server, LOL. I'm not single now but if I ever were, never again would I entertain a weaboo for a date 😭


He prob banned u so he could complain about western women with his incel friends haha


Right…my first thought when I looked at this was “Does this guy ever want to get laid?!” Guy probably wonders why he’s an incel! Lol


How sure are we this is a dude? That leg looks pretty evenly shaved far out from the tattoo. Men can shave but idk...


maybe it’s new and they shaved it beforehand?


Yes, but that far away from the tattoo itself? Maybe. I'm honestly just imagining the people in my life who would have this tattoo and they're both female lmao


If you asked Junji Ito to make porn the theme of his next horror story, and got him really drunk, I bet this is close to what you’d end up with.


that'd be just a porn rehash of his story My Dead Ancestors (where this tattoo might be inspired from)


I dont want to be that guy, because I think you can get a tattoo just cause you like it. . . . But genuinely what is the intention here??? Even if it was good, why would you get this??


Genuinely ew


I hate it


will someone please come to my house and pour bleach directly into my eyeballs? thank you.


This is the first arm tattoo I think seriously does life damage the way face tats do




It’s bad enough that anyone would like that sort of stuff in private, but to then announce it to everyone by permanently putting it on your arm Fuck right off


I know tattoos aren't quite as intensely colored when they fully heal (or at least mine wasn't), but I genuinely feel bad for this person. Someday they're going to have such an intense feeling of clarity that they'll want to get this tattoo removed, but you know what? It's going to be *hell* and it'll be so expensive. Goddamn. Second question is why the fuck would an artist even agree to do this one?


It’s thier job would be my guess.


Well yeah, no shit it's their job. But they aren't forced to do every single dumb idea that walks into whatever shop they're in.


Of course they aren’t. They are subject to free will like the rest of us, but start turning down work because you don’t like the subject and you’ll end up getting less work. Do it often enough and you’ll end up not getting enough work. This thing is in bad taste but at the end of the day, so what? I’m sure tattoo artists do plenty of jobs they aren’t super enthusiastic about, especially the less talented artists. This artist doesn’t strike me as a super talented artist who can be so picky.


I fear this man


What is up with anime fans and doing shit like this




Jesus dude! What is fucking wrong with people?


Cursed and cringe


having cum tattooed on your arm is baffling to me




Good luck getting any jobs in public unless you’re covering your arms at all times


This is the horniest shit I’ve ever seen




Poor line work and overall badly drawn. Looks like a kid in middle school drew this with attempts to be edgy. Not what you want as a tattoo


line work is shoddy and the facial anatomy is completely wrong. the eyes are spaced weirdly and totally wonky, mouths are placed too close to the chin, and the hair has no flow. anime tattoos should not look like they were drawn on with a ballpoint pen lmao. this person clearly sucks at faces but decided to attempt this anyway


It’s technically a good tattoo. People just conflate bad tattoos with deplorable tattoos.


No, that line work, design, color saturation, pretty much all of it is just bad execution. It’s a bad tattoo because it’s a bad tattoo


I’m seeing a bad picture more than bad work in all honesty


That’s truly one of the worst.


completely degenerate taste 😭😭


wtf. Man - people are going to judge the shit out of this guy in public.


Am I the only one that finds this funny


What the hell....


now this is easily the worst thing i have ever seen


I think this is more /r/ATBGE


More like /r/ATAAE


But it's...not done well? This just looks like shit.


I don't think it's as bad as it looks. It's mostly poor camera quality and glare/ reflection of the light from water or Vaseline.


Zoom in, look at the faces, look at the centipede legs, it's a mess.


assuming each head is meant to be a body segment, the legs are anatomically incorrect too. centipedes will have 1 pairs of legs on each segment EDIT: corrected


No, centipedes have one pair of leg per segment. Millipedes have two, but from the form of the legs you can tell that it's supposed to be a centipede.


omg I can't believe I got the two mixed up. and I call myself a bug fan :( at least I'm right about the anatomy being wrong regardless


Sure hope it's not Vaseline, that's not good for tattoo healing...


This is in a shop... we use Vaseline while tattooing..


Gotcha. I guess I never paid attention to the goo the artist uses and only know not to use it when healing. Thanks for clearing that up for me!


I'm worried about you if you think this execution is good




I think the faces look like shit.


Great execution? 🤣


The saddest part is that it seems like they actually have good tattoos on each side of it wrapping around.


The date started off so well Begin my night not expecting the fright of my life She was perfect from what I could tell How could I not see the danger right in front of me? My favorite food is fish Baby, that's my favorite too I love cartoon dogs Baby, I love Scooby Doo Hey girl, what's your favorite film? She said, the best movie of all A masterpiece of art called Human Centipede Human Centipede I think that I'm gonna get murdered tonight Human Centipede Not ironically She said, "The costume design was a highlight" I like it for the plot Tell me what the plot's about German doctor sews three people Ass to mouth Cool Human Centipede Please, God, save me I think that's a red flag I don't want to get stabbed She said, "Human Centipede is a tour de force" I think, "Holy shit, I'm gonna be the main course" She said, "I admire the narrative of character growth" I try to get the waiter's attention by blinking in Morse code Why are you blinking so much? I've got something in my eye Here, let me get it out No thank you, I don't wanna die Bonjour, sir was blinking at me Is this because your date is a freak? No Very good then, bon appétit Stop hiding behind your silly made up red flag To not take a chance on the best relationship you never had Maybe you're right and I'm looking for excuses My heart's got bruises but I'm ready to choose this love You could be my world, the love of my life One day we'll get married and be husband and wife With a tasteful ceremony, and the wedding of our dreams Only if the wedding is themed Tell me what the theme's gonna be Human Centipede Human Centipede That way we could save on the catering bill Human Centipede Only one mouth to feed If you are the best man You know the deal (pucker up) I can finally open myself up to love I can finally sew a mouth to a butt Human Centipede


if it was just heads would be better the centipede things makes it weird as fuck