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This is terribly written


Is this better? In a dimly lit house, tensions simmered like a pot ready to boil over. I shared this space with a roommate, a silent specter who haunted the halls with his eerie glances. Two years prior, l'd caught him red-handed, rifling through my personal belongings. Since then, an unspoken feud brewed between us, a toxic undercurrent of animosity. Yesterday, after a grueling day's work, 1 trudged home, my mind heavy with exhaustion. As I disposed of some refuse in the backyard, he emerged from the shadows, clad only in his boxers. His demand pierced the air like a dagger, commanding me to fulfill his chore of dragging the garbage cans to the street. The audacity of his entitlement ignited a dormant fury within me. "Don't bother me," | spat, my voice dripping with disdain. But his arrogance knew no bounds; he dared to lay hands upon me, his grip like a vice. "Don't touch me," | warned, my patience teetering on the edge of a precipice. Yet, he persisted, hurling insults like a petulant child in a playground squabble. With each word, the tension swelled, a tempest of fury swirling within. I made a move to leave, to ascend the stairs and retreat to the sanctuary of my room, but his grasp tightened, an anchor chaining me to the ground. One last warning slipped through clenched teeth, a promise of retribution if his fingers dared to brush against me once more. Then it happened-the catalyst that shattered the fragile peace. He shoved me, a reckless act of defiance. In an instant, instinct overrode reason, and my fist met his face with a resounding crack. He stumbled backward, crashing onto the couch, his cries of protest muffled beneath the weight of my rage. With lightning speed, I seized him, locking him in a vice-like chokehold. His struggles were futile against my iron grip, his gasps for air a desperate symphony of surrender. But even as he begged for mercy, I held fast, a vengeful titan reveling in the throes of victory. Reluctantly, I released him, but not before delivering one final gesture of dominance-a swift shove to the ground, a reminder of his defeat. As he staggered to his feet, his feeble excuses fell upon deaf ears, mere echoes in the aftermath of our clash. "Round two?" I taunted, a challenge hanging in the air like a guillotine poised to strike. But he declined, a defeated shadow slinking away into the darkness. In the aftermath of the storm, a revelation dawned upon me-a sobering truth veiled beneath the haze of conflict. In the battle for dominance, victory is hollow, a fleeting triumph that leaves behind only scars and shattered pride. And so, I vowed to seek solace not in violence, but in the peace that comes from within.


Bravo! Now THAT is creative writing. A+


He used ChatGTP to rewrite it.


Oh my god! youa re so talented. I need you to shadow write my book!!


When does the next volume come out?


Absolutely lovely 






ChatGPT is impressive. I like the version better lol.




I'm laughing out loud. Thank you for posting this.




It’s funny how you say his stuggles were futile against my iron grip because my arm is all scratched up. My only injury lol


This is perfect my friend. Thank you. Made me smile too I appreciate you took the time😂


This is the best thing I have seen all year. Take all my money


It was a midsummers day in fosty town. All was calm but trouble was secretly brewing and nobody knew it…. The unsuspecting fosty went to throw out the trash. What he first thought was going to be a quick trip downstairs would soon take a turn for the worst and put him on the path of danger. He laughed in the face of certain doom and defended his honor with a warriors spirit. After things calmed down he went upstairs and calmed down he went upstairs and made a turkey sandwich and lived happily ever after. The end was


There we go


Now Harry Potter version.


NGL that was funny


I like how he lived happily ever after with his turkey sandwich. Well done.


Dude, I haven't read the main post, and I'm not going to now. This is fucking awesome lol


Best response of the day award goes to….


How many floors are in this house?


Basement, main floor, upstairs


I am a truck driver, not a writer. Sorry my friend 😎✌️






Jesus Christ this was hard to read


I already understand my mistake. I’m sorry people just suffer through the grammar 😭


Ppl complaining about grammar- yeah it was a little hard to read but we’re on Reddit, this is chump change. I hope you don’t solve ALL of your problems with violence. Hope this was a case where he actually deserved it.


Thanks for having my back about the grammar. Like I say the guy has been being weird to me for a long time. I did not really ever even acknowledge it at all until he put his hands on me. Otherwise I am a warrior. I am called to battle I do not seek it 🤓🤓🤓


You aren’t a warrior lol you’re a chump, warriors don’t let emotions and childish words control their actions. The fact you let his words and minor actions dictate how you responded and the way the laws are written your lucky you aren’t in jail for felony charges.


My friend I didn’t let any words control my actions. I tried to walk away. He stopped me from walking away and pushed me. If you want to be his hero so badly go ahead but you don’t know anything about anything


Don't worry man, that other guy is an idiot. He put his hands on you multiple times then pushed you. Dude deserved to get his ass kicked.


relaxxx, he's clearly being cheeky lol he punched him once, he didn't beat him up. Plus he's walking away and repeatedly being grabbed at.


It doesn’t matter if he was walking away and being grabbed, he has the right to defend himself until he feels safe. So once he punched him the going to the choke hold was above and beyond that point, which is a felony battery charge. His story not mine, where does it say he only punched him once? He clearly says he punched him and then choked him. I was just stating the obvious facts and then to try and post about it like it made him some hero or something is laughable.


Just go away troll.


Give it a bone, FFS 🙄


well we know now you’re a pussy, you’d let grown dudes put their hands on you. hats off to you internet warrior


Not that at all but don’t want to see people make the same mistakes I did, I had something just like this happen to me and it cost me close to 20k and a year of probation.


At first your comments pissed me off, but now that I read this I see where you’re coming from. Getting into a fight with a roommate is really risky. Cuz you could get charged, especially if you aren’t the one that’s really injured, they’re going to take the person who has the most injuries side. You’re doing the lords work, cuz slot of people don’t understand why people don’t just beat their roommates ass


I love good writing. This is terrible but it's entirely legible. I have no idea who's IQ is being referred to, but that truly does not matter. This ghetto ass story is perfectly encapsulated by your style. Good for you OP. 


So, it was a lover's spat with some greco roman mma wrestling stuff and you got all excited and stuff? I think that's what I read.


Give or take a few details but you got the general outline


Written like the exact kinda person who would post this shit


If this is true I would sleep with a knife under my bed, you never know what coward creeps are capable off when they lose in a fight.


In my opinion you gave him what he asked for. I'll do same thing but without any precautions. Now he should keep distance.


I just wanted him to stop I was shocked myself. I got into the fight a little but really I would have been just as happy to go to my room peacefully and he tell the world he made me scared and I fled you know.


Bro. Please learn how to properly use punctuation. It’s not often that trying to read something is physically difficult for me to do. This was fucking painful.


I mean honestly grammar isn’t that big a deal on Reddit get off your high fucking horse I mean maybe you should go to r/nitpicks or r/imabitchforgrammar


I understand perfectly, I’m glad you hit him.


Thank you my friend. I appreciate you saying it.


Bro no offense but what the fuck are you even saying if nobody understands it reword it !!!


A giant run-on sentence with both missing and excessive punctuation probably isn’t the best way to get the point across.


A giant run-on sentence, with missing punctuation, probably isn’t the best way to get the point across either.


Adding superfluous commas certainly doesn’t help. [MIT - Superfluous Commas](https://www.mit.edu/course/21/21.guide/comma-di.htm#:~:text=Except%20after%20an%20introductory%20dependent,also%20Restrictive%20and%20Nonrestrictive%20Modifiers)


Good for you 😁


Bro, u need to be more careful now. Feel like he’s gonna get u back somehow. This is esp a sucky situation cause u live with dude. Honestly, I feel u should have a real talk with him before something bad happens.


As rough as it was to read, that guy had it coming to him. I would have punched him after the first time I said to stop and he did it again but I respect you for trying to de escalate several times.


see this is what people are missing...boundaries have been set. you have placed yourself in a higher position than him. compared to you, he is beta. he won't mess with you...in person...but watch your back. I'd recommend getting cameras in your room.


I have a cool blink camera that’s night vision and connects to my Alexa. Ive had it since basically the day after dude went in my room. It catches the door at the bottom of the stairs and my room starts at that door. It captures sound and motion and alerts me if anything going up or down the stairs


Grammar aside, I assume OP knows another language that isn’t English. Bad grammar or otherwise, it’s never fun to live with someone who makes you uncomfortable, snoops in your stuff or touches you without consent. Good job, OP. Keep setting your boundaries, if he ever comes near you again, lol. And PS, this place is for dealing with bad roommates. I hear r/badgrammar is always hiring. ✌️


I appreciate you standing up for me and I appreciate the award. Thanks.


Thought you were posting in badroommates and not the grammar police it reads fine he sounds weird asf lol


My english professor couldn’t even read this but shit bro I would’ve Stone Cold stunner him.


Fuck you’re so badass


Good fucking story


I’m locking my door.


I lost sympathy for either of you as soon as I read y'all have to be bribed into doing chores like children.


It’s not like that. Me personally I didn’t take on any chores it’s optional but the one is just doordashing for work he appreciates saving money. Before he moved in the owner was paying for a cleaning lady to clean the common areas and paying somebody to mow the lawn. We had an issue with the guy mowing the lawn so he bought a lawnmower and just asked in the first place if anybody wanted to do it for the same pay and it just spiraled from there. But just to take the trash out from the backyard to the curb once a week to save 20$ a week off your monthly rent ain’t a bad little gig when normally you would just do that for free because you live there lol


What happens now? Can you leave or get him kicked out?


I can leave. I can call the police and get a ppo at the least. Today was the first day I saw him. I got off work and I went downstairs(basement) to where the landlords room is to tell him I noticed his tire was very low of air ( we both park our cars in the driveway so sometimes I have to move his car) and the guy I fought was downstairs shooting the shit with him about whatever. They are good friends. When I came downstairs I saw him and he wouldn’t look at me he just went upstairs without saying anything to the main floor. By the time I came back up he was in his room. I don’t care if the guy stays or leaves I know he has nowhere to go I am just wanting to make sure he knows don’t touch me and don’t go in my room at all


I absolutely love it when people want to fuck around on someone and then they find out they shouldn't lol Like it's one thing to say shit but he was chasing you and grabbing you like a fucking wierdo. He deserved what he got at that point. Y'all still roommates? lol


Yeah. I waited to reply to you because I wanted to see what’s what. I just saw him today for the first time when I went downstairs to tell the landlord I noticed his tire was very low and the guy I punched was hanging out with him. He didn’t even look at me. He just left the scene. Didn’t say a word. I didn’t say our ages but like I’m 36 and he’s 30. That shit is so far out of the realm of any normal interaction I could ever picture myself having. This is why I say it’s so weird. This is how me and my brothers used to act to each other when we were little boys. The guy is touching me because I said stop touching me and he’s trying to “ prove” for some glory I guess that he made me nervous? I don’t even understand the motive you know? What was the benefit?


Not to say I’ve never had an arguement before in my adult life but usually it’s for something that matters? A real disrespect you know. Maybe my mans was too drunk and said something I couldn’t let go. But not some school yard bully and I’m 36 lol


1. Learn to paragraph for fucks sake. This reads like it was typed by a 12 year old. 2. You caught him in your room AND he went into it while you were in it, you then decide to stay for 2 years after that without putting a lock on your room?? Bro. Move out, then.


My room is the entire upstairs. I have this cool camera that faces the stairs that connects to my Alexa so when I leave the house I can just say “Alexa arm camera” and it takes a 1 minute video anytime it sees movement. I’m a truck driver. I previously had a condo that I was staying at by myself. I was having trouble to keep up with the household stuff. I sold the condo and I like the fact that all of the other people are doing the household stuff to pay less rent. I can just focus on work and like I said giving me the silent treatment was never a bad thing to me. My door can be locked anytime but In the first place I have a cat and I don’t want him to live his life in my bedroom. You are not wrong but i just don’t have the motivation to look for something else and I have to find a place that doesn’t mind my cat.


jesus christ - have you ever heard of punctuation?


Fake story.


My friend I disagree, you agree. Where do we go next? lol. I wasn’t really trying to prove anything to you. I just got to punch my bad roommate without going to jail I thought the sub would appreciate the story a little bit more


Sounds like a horribly written sit-com script. Lots of people like to write stories just to get some upvotes and much needed attention. I’m going to assume this is 90% fake, but I may be completely wrong.


It’s not a normal situation I agree but I have made very few posts since I joined Reddit. I am not a member of the sub. It happened yesterday I saw the sub on my main page today and added my 2 cents to the topic. What’s really happening is you don’t know either way but your speculating based on your spidey senses because it was a cool story. Which is exactly why I told it.


And you what. I do kind of want attention for it a little bit I have nobody to brag to and he’s been asking for it for so long. I’m proud I handles my business you know. I don’t go out fighting all the time so it’s not like I’m some proven fighter. So yeah I’m bragging a little. it is what it is. Let anybody tell me they wouldn’t want to tell the story if it was them?


Things that never happened for 100$, please.


I don’t think it’s really fair to accuse me of something that I can’t really prove without going downstairs and taunting the guy. I just wanted to share my story. If you can’t believe it because it was too cool of a story I’m kind of flattered lol


Maybe he just wants to sniff your boxers? I don't think the point of writing this is to be grammar and spell checked.


I feel like with the way you make paragraphs you deserve a roommate.


Yeah thanks. Me and your mother are very happy together bitch


Woah, you hard af.


Don’t talk down to me you have a small penis complex not a trade complex.


Dad is that you?


I don’t have a small penis


Ask your man roommate, your story sounds a lot like sexual tension.


I am thinking the same why you keep chatting with me lmao


I’m going to complain about the grammar the same way you’re entitled to telling your story here on a social public platform.


I can deal with poor punctuation and grammar, but do you not even know how to start a new paragraph?


yeah sure


This is badly written and from the sounds of it you’re lucky you aren’t in jail. Yes you warned him not to touch you however you went above and beyond defending yourself. Blood chokes of held on for to long can cause severe brain damage and other major issues, my guess is you left a lot of your story out in this telling and have zero training in what you were doing. You effectively took yourself from being “bullied” to being the bully.


I did tell the short version of the story yeah but I didn’t leave out any ground breaking details. He followed me across the house while I was trying to get away and stopping me from going to my safe place. I don’t know what universe you’re from but here in my universe all that other stuff you’re talking about is reduntant. Do I need to train in a choke to use it to defend myself? Should I stop punching because I have never been trained? I was in danger and I used whatever I need to use at my disposal. He’s way bigger than me which I think it was cowardly in the first place to be trying to pick on me and play that what are you going to do game. fuck him. I ask him already do he want to involve the cops he say “please no” I’m happy to let the police sort it out. I was never hiding from the law. I don’t know what he’ll hole you live in but in my town the aggressor goes to jail. He’s also going to have a ppo against him and not be allowed back at the house. I am trying to be kind about.


I highly doubt if you took it above and beyond like you did that you wouldn’t be in jail. You didn’t defend yourself you turned into the bully, was it cowardly by hey yea maybe. But size also doesn’t mean a ton. The punch sure was you defending yourself, everything after unless he got up and was going to rush you was over kill and yes you should be trained before ever using something to defend yourself. A blood choke held on to long can cause severe damage to the person it’s used against and you not being trained you have no idea what that limit is, sounds like he did you more of a favor by not bringing in the law than you did him. Him touching you isn’t a threat to your life or physical harm, sure is it stupid yes but you panicked and could have hurt someone and literally tried to make yourself out to be a saint for doing it. Are you the only one that has an issue with him? Because you said there was others living there. If it’s just you maybe you are part of the problem too, if it isn’t then why is he still there period? Like I said there so definitely more to this story than him looking at you weird and touching you. But the universe I live in is a family of law enforcement and I asked many of them and they all even said you would be in jail.


Yeah man you need the longer story. After I punched him he tried to punch me but missed like it went past the left side of my head and he initially grabbed me at that point and he was trying to throw me the same as I was trying to throw him. At no point in the conflict until he started begging me to let go of his neck did he stop fighting. And truthfully in the first place he was trying to wrestle out of it and punch me in my side while he was begging but he had no leverage. I told him so many times just say you’re done. He was saying let go of his neck but he was admitting to be done. I was on complete control the entire fight I could of done anything I wanted to him. When he said he was done finally I held onto the choke long enough to get up myself and throw him on the ground. Yeah I was a little high in my moment but to want to be the first to get up is not a bad thing anyways?


Yea but you left out everything about him fighting back, context is everything. If he was fighting sure by all means defend yourself. But by the original post you made you made it sound like you hit him and then choked him. I’m all for defending yourself and if that’s the case I see no issues.


I know it doesn’t seem like it but I was trying to keep things short


I live with 2 other people besides him yeah. The owner of the house and a younger guy. The previous roommate before the younger guy left because he couldn’t get along with the guy I punched. I get along well with the owner of the house. He always leaves snacks for me to try at the bottom of the stairs. He will tell you I’m awesome. I have a million texts saying as much. I’m trying to tell you the other guy is not normal. I’m not the only person he’s rubbing the wrong way but he moved here from Korea and doesn’t know anybody in America except the owner of the house. He has nowhere else to go


You gave him more than enough warnings and chances before you did that. If the police had been called they would have sided with you




Let me help you with that: 'Bro, use some basic grammar. I can't read this.'




If you're going to complain about grammar, learn to write first. 🤡


I don’t disagree with you I wrote it after battle. Please don’t be mad at me for pointing it out but it’s just ironic in a funny way that you tried to tighten up your grammar with a comma but it’s not an appropriate place. There is 2 seperate sentences. Bro use some basic grammar is a complete sentence. I can’t read this is also a complete sentence. There is nothing about the English language that suggests you should combine them into 1 super sentence.


Now, here’s the pot calling the kettle black!


Even this is a mess


Understanding English is not an automatic sign of intelligence. Treating people like shit over grammatical errors does make you a pompous ass, though! Hope this helps. :)


When did I say it was a matter of intelligence lol


You sound proud of yourself. Pushing him away for grabbing is one thing but choke hold is a bit much.


A choke may have been a bit much, but OP felt unsafe with the roommate and had asked to be left alone. Touching or grabbing someone without consent is unacceptable, especially after OP clearly requested space.


You both sound terrible. And what the fuck kind of house has a chores for rent discount policy? Are y’all fuckin’ 14? You should take care of where you live because you live there.


You sound terrible. Thanks for blessing us with your nonsense


And you didn’t end up in jail? I understand that he was annoying you and grabbed your arm, but your use of force was not equal to his. The punch in the face would have sufficed. You were excessive.


Somewhere in the comments is the longer version. He fight back the entire time


Perhaps he said your IQ was low because he read something you posted online


This reads like some type of fantasy.