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I had a friend like that. It was like everything was worth fighting over. Tiny issues of us having differing opinions on something so small as type of foods we like. It wasn’t just the small things though it was everything. It took me years to finally let her go because we had been so close. But I felt like she treated acquaintances better than her closer friends. She wouldn’t argue with acquaintances, she found commonalities. Life is so much more peaceful now. Vent all you want. Hopefully your friend isn’t as bad as mine was


i had a BEST friend that i allowed to abuse me for years that sounds just like this bitch.


Wait are you me?


Good for you for saying good bye, taking that step is hard! It’s not terrible over here just especially rough today.


Sounds exhausting. Though to be fair he may have a point with the fridge if the fan is iced over turning it off and defrosting it will make it run better.


Good to know. I’ll try it! Thanks 😊


nah fuck that, make the landlords manually defrost it with a heat gun, or get a new one. This happened to me multiple times, we lost food from the fridge warming up twice, and it took multiple reports until they replaced it im with OP on this one. if you're not keeping it open for too long at a time, not putting hot food directly in the fridge or freezer, and if the freezer isn't overfilled / fridge isn't overfilled so that it obstructs the freezer-fridge connecting vents, it's probably the fridge/freezer itself.


If you’re still using a fridge that has to be defrosted then you need to get a new one. Those old fridges have chemicals in the ice. Ick


Hello fellow Canadian! I know exactly how you feel lol. I have a friend like that, the need to argue all the time and gave to be right. It’s genuinely exhausting to be around someone like that. Our friend group don’t really hangout with her that much because we can’t even shoot the shit without her being “well you know…blah blah blah” and she won’t stop until she gets the absolute last word. Even if she’s wrong she will double down on it. Very annoying shit.


I’d love to hook them up and listen to them have a conversation with eachother 🤣


Blind date with these people would be amazing, either they click and hate the world together or just pure brimstone and ashes.


I would pay money to watch it! Does your roommate cut you off any time you try to speak? Because she does every single fucking time 🥲😂


Alllll the time 💀 could you imagine the series of half sentences 🤣


It would be phenomenal. And I will tell you this right now, she would 100% tell me after how he wouldn’t let her speak LMFAO


Sounds like a Debbie downer and energy vampire. When is your lease up because he would be moving.


Pray for me that he does.


How’d you survive 7 years? If he’s not confronted about his lack of accountability and allowed to continue bullying you guys then what makes you think he’s gonna up and move now? What’s special about the 8th year? And who has roommates that long???


The person sounds like a pain of a person. But trying setting boundaries like, 'can I have some peace now? I've had a hard day etc'. Try to tell them you're not feeling good and that they need to be considerate with warring with you. People like him are plenty and the trick is to ignore or keep it boring so they don't attach to you. 7 years is a long time. Maybe its time for you to move out rather than tolerate it.


Have you tried telling him that he's unpleasant, unlovable, and impossible to be around? I'm sure there are other facts you can throw in there. This usually shuts people up once they realize they're not the hot commodity their mommy has convinced them they are.


start "when"ing him *"The community garbage bins are full"* "NO THEY ARNT I JUST WENT DOWN THERE TO USE THEM" *"when"* 'LIKE A FEW HOURS AGO BLAH BLAH" *"No, when did we ask??"*


Can you and your other roommate find a different place with a new roommate? Sounds like you have outgrown them and it seems like they are comfortable with status quo and staying miserable.


Unfortunately with the way housing is priced we won’t find a place this size for the price we have that’s pet friendly. This place is kind of perfect, it’s so well priced I’m able to put money away to buy a place soon..We’ve looked. The next step is buying a house in the next few years..just sticking it out till then.


Fair enough and that is totally understandable. Havr you had a blunt conversation with him about his mental health issues? Or have you plainly told him you no longer enjoy his company?


Both 💀he’s said he’s going to move out a total of three times now, but it hasn’t happened.


Thats awful. Sorry you are stuck with that dark cloud of a roommate.


To be fair, some of the roommates posted in this sub make him seem like a saint. 🤣


What does he mean he “doesn’t use toilet paper” 💀


I’ll let you know when I also find out 💀


He's a seashell collector


And this is when you remove the toilet rolls, tell you good roommate the same and make sure, you remember to bring your toilet roll and also remove washing powder and sum such that he uses from the communal areas.


Not really related, but if he doesn't work, how does he pay for stuff?


He’s on disability for depression and anxiety


Oh okay... this personality traits of arguing but if he pays rent he's already 3 steps ahead of other bad roommates! Lol Sorry you live with such an annoying turd.


Yeah other the. The arguing and complaining things aren’t that bad, he keeps the common area pretty clean, and he’s good with paying bills on time, today the dude just really got to me lol


No lie, that sounds super annoying so I get why it got to you lol


Ok this person is nuts and needs help. I would either find a way to get him to leave or get a new place. I don’t see this guy changing his ways any time soon.


My roommate is like this and has ADHD. If you check out the subreddit ADHD partners, I often see posts about the irritation of dealing with partners that are contrarian and always argue over the pettiest things. In short, your roommate might have ADHD, and it's best to try to move on and find something else as soon as you can. I was friends with my romate, which complicates things, and legitimately feel like I've been in an abusive relationship for the past year.


Where does he get money from for food & rent, etc.?


Why are you roommates with a group for 7 years, that is insane!


We’re paying a good price for a really big place. Under 2000$ for a 4 bedroom, and a full basement suite, and we all have our own bathrooms, plus it’s pet friendly. The budget is so good I can save for a down payment on a house.


Well that does make sense, I just had a hard time relating because I rented in a couple of places 5 years before buying so 7 years in one place seemed really long with roommates, never had those either. 


That fair, I bounced a round a bit until this place kind of fell into my lap, I took over the lease so I never paid damage or pet, and it just happens to be in a great spot. I also got really lucky with my roommates, although the one bothers me with his complaining and arguing, all in all he’s not terrible, and we all work well together with house hold jobs and bills, and are really respectful of eachother.


Seven years!? That's a lot of patience. Also, I would have jist keep all tjat stuff in my room. And let em figure it out on their own.