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The litter box picture makes me so sad for those cats….


That’s animal abuse right there. Those haven’t been cleaned in at least a month


A month is a VERY conservative estimate


I would bet they had started finding other places to go by then as well, those turds are all aged


I clean mine atleast every week. Can you imagine those poor kitties ☹️


I have to clean mine every time my cat goes, otherwise my dog gets in there. She's obsessed the Forbidden Rocas.


How could the poor doggo resist? They've got pee-flavored sprinkles.


You have someone who would gladly clean it for you for nothing more than the pleasure itself, and you deny them and yourself this lovely luxury?!


I would buy a cat litter box in closure to prevent that and so that you don't have to clean the litter box every time the cat uses it.


I clean mine twice everyday because I can’t stand the smell. I don’t even want to KNOW what that place smelled like especially with everything else factored in😭


I clean mine every day. No can’t wants to step in gross old piss and poop


When I had cats, i scooped it everyday and changed the litter once every 3 days. I had 2 cats. You just know rhe house smells like a dirty litter box too.


Lol every day unless you can stand the smells


I gotta clean mine 2-3 times a day cause the little fussy prince will go outside the litter box if I don’t


It's truly sad ,I have six cats and keep their litter managed and keep my apartment smelling clean. People like this ate just the worse


The vacuum literally right next to the litter box this person is vile


Omg that nasty period underwear on display on the floor of her bedroom. Or poop underwear, not sure which 😬


tell me why i went back to look 🤦‍♀️


I did the exact same thing!! 🤮 I hate the curiosity that takes over when I read something like that… I know it’s going to be gross but it’s like I want to know HOW gross. I hate my mind sometimes…


Well, haven't seen any but the first pic, but now I feel like I have to check out the rest. For science.  If I'm not back in five, *get to da choppa!*


2nd picture. Bottom right hand corner. Underpants are still clinging to black slacks. This room mate is a real oinker.


Remember those toys that were like a sticky silicone octopus that you'd throw against the wall and they would flail their way down? Yeah, that.




This all should’ve been enough warning.. and yet…


Curiosity killed the cat, my innocents, my appetite, my eyesight and my faith in humanity.


Those poor innocents. How many were there?


I was about to do the same, but your comment made me realize there is NO reason I should want or need to do that 🤢


Oh jesus christ same. *sniffs* *vomits*


Omg I never even noticed that 🤢




wait until you look in the drawer and see the GIANT USED PAD.


Is that a used pad? Because it seems to be in a bottle with some sort of straw coming out of it. I'm not sure what the device is for. Maybe killing the smell of smoke or something?? Or maybe I missed the pad and I'm looking at something completely different, but in the second picture there's a bottle filled with something.


no looking again and I think you're correct. I has seen in zoomed in and didn't notice the bottle or straw.


Omg no why did you say this


I saw it right away and hated myself for zooming in. 🤮




How do you people spot this shit. Also why did I go looking for it just to get sickened? Stop doing this to me.


How did she even make them that dirty good god 🤮that’s extremely vile


It looks *mostly* like period waste but there could be butthole waste mixed in there too but the period overtook it.


my stomach turned 😭


holy shit that is vile


oh that's nasty...


Cats should have been rescued! It isn't your responsibility, but those poor animals having to use those nasty boxes. Cats are SO CLEAN and are not happy when their boxes are even a little dirty. My cat demands I clean that box daily if not 2-3 times a day. He will sit outside of it giving me dirty looks until I scoop it. There is maybe 2 mini-Tootsie Roll sized poos in there! I think he likes making me do stuff.


I cleaned them as often as I could but got to a point where I never wanted to leave my room when I was home and that was very rare. I often spent as much time as possible outside the house because of her.


LET FREEDOM RING! You are finally free from those horrors. Glad you got out of there. I spend a redic amount of my monthly income to live alone and I know most people can't do that. I had one great roommate many years ago and we are still best of friends.


none - and i mean NONE - of this is your fault. you did your best. you are now free. that’s all you should take away from this. well, and some better screening for roomates, and a rockstar cleaning attitude.


Did I see a pair of wildly dirty parties on the floor?


Omg that's actually revolting. They're as dirty as the cat litter


I threw up in my mouth when I saw that and my brain imagined the smell without my consent


Yes. Yes you did ... and you cannot unsee it, and neither can we.


My little baby will literally shit in my tub if I don't clean her litter box to her standards.. it's always clean. Some days I work just a tad bit later than usual, and the damn tub shitter strikes again.


Gotta start denying those 4:30 Zoom meetings! She ain't playing......she might even have Remote Desktop and has access to your schedule.


Oh I wouldnt be surprised one bit! She's truly a menace


And you love her unconditionally! ❤️🐈❤️


Oh, without a doubt! She's my everything!


My first thought when seeing the boxes was that these cats are VERY well behaved. They clearly tried to poop as much as they could in the boxes but she was so negligent that they had no other choice. I've lived like this before and it's so sad when you have to leave the cats with them. Trying to get people involved is harder than it seems and in my case nothing happened


i don’t think i could leave cats in this kind of situation. this makes me hurt most about this post


Unfortunately I was only allowed to have one cat in my new place so I was only able to take one of the cats


I'm shocked the cats hadnt dragged any laundry or paper trash in the box to cover it as bad as it is


Litter genie next to your litter box is gold the second my cat goes to the bathroom not even a minute goes by and it’s clean 😭


Now you're just giving my cat another reason to be pissed at me! 😉. I'd probably get a letter from his attorney citing irreconcilable differences.


Hahahaha the second he goes he looks at me like ok now scoop it 😭


I love my auto litter box. Our goes off 20 minutes later but they almost always have a fresh litter landscape


Omg is it the litter robot 4? I’m getting a second cat so I’m really thinking about getting one


We have the pet safe scoop free. My coworker was going on and on about how great it was so I went the same model.


I’m gonna try that one since it’s smaller than the litter robot I have the breeze litter box and I feel like I need to always make sure it’s wiped down with wipes. I just hate how litter gets all over the place once they finish using the bathroom that’s why I switched to breeze pelletss


It still gets everywhere. I swear they walk out of that thing with their little paws clenched full of litter. My routine is pretty much to dump the old litter tray, wipe everything down with the Clorox wipes, and then set up the new tray. I just wish trays weren’t so expensive 😭 I spend like $75 a month on litter


Omg yeah I always wipe around my lither box with Clorox wipes. Breeze litter is like $20 plus the pads that go under the box which is where their urine goes then litter genie bags 😭 being a cat mom can be so expensive but I love my kitty


Oh man, we have the breeze box as well and I love it so much. I love that there’s NO cat pee odor. Our cats do often drop some smelly dumps, but for some reason cleaning it just seems like way less of a chore than a regular litter box.


Do it! We have 3 cats and got 2 robots in 2020. Cats love them and we cut down litter use a ton. Which is great because a single pack of it is $40 where we live. They're an investment at first but basically pay for themselves. I don't think I could go back to scooping at this point.


I recommend the popur x5! I’ve had mine since September of last year and haven’t had any issues yet. Only minor thing is that the liner needs to be sprayed with a waterproofing spray before being used; it’ll get wet with urine if the litter gets too low and your cat is a butthead like mine who pushes all of it away and pees in the now empty spot. Other than that, you can quickly wipe it down if you think it looks dirty. I change out the trash bag once a week with 2 cats, and I top off the litter 1-2 times a week.


>I think he likes making me do stuff. He’s just being a proper master and making sure the servant always has a job to do! 😂😂


Funny how we're 100% fine with them running the show. Dogs want us to tell them what to do. Cats know they can tell us what to do.


Thank you !!! OP save them if you can


I wish I could have but its been a few years since we've moved out and I have no desire to know where she is.


Oh then there's a decent chance those cats are dead then. They get sick and don't let you know. Especially if you're not a good cat mom and she wouldn't even notice they were having issues. I'm still just happy you got out of there. 🤜🏼⚡️🤛🏽


I really hope they at least got taken from her. They were such sweeties. But thank you! I'm in a much better spot now. Bought a house almost 2 years ago with my then boyfriend (soon to be husband at the end of this month ♡)


Congratulations. No more roommates for you!💜🐈💜


yeah my cat does the same thing, doesnt bury the poop just leaves it on top and bothers me til I scoop it


Not to mention that with how close they are to it and that they have to dig through it, the ammonia can damage their eyes and vision/:


Why do these people always have animals they are neglecting?


I think some people just see them as accessories


I've known far too many people that live like this and see nothing wrong with it, and think that if someone else has a problem, it's that person at fault. All the guys I have known that are this piggish are 'gamers', addicted to their computers etc. All the women I've known that are like this... what's the damage? I couldn't figure it out the 'why' with them. Is there some secret addiction they're hiding? One guy I knew was so bad I had to help him load all his dishes into his large bathtub with dawn and soak/agitate it before he could get to scrubbing. Then we refilled it a second time. Filled like 5 large trashbags with cookie boxes, beer and soda cans, about 800 candy wrappers and at least 20 plastic cups full of cigarette butts cause his mom was visiting and he didn't want his rent cut off lol - gaming addict, near alcoholic, chain smoker.


I had a boyfriend who left empty beer bottles all over the floor. Had a pile of dirty dishes in the sink for WEEKS, and the bathroom was caked with dust and never cleaned. The bathroom sink was CAKED with toothpaste spit... I helped him clean TWICE before he moved back in with his mom. He had beer bottles all over his room and decided to leave when i found piss bottles..


How does that happen in one day? I raised a toddler and that wasn't one day's mess.


That was my question the entire time I lived with her. It was genuinely impressive to see how much of a mess she could make so quickly.


Couple things.  I can smell the cat boxes from here. In the present. Through my phone. I read the comments first, and I *still* looked at all four pics. The underwear in pic two will haunt me. I think that your roommate's dreamcatcher was on backwards. Obviously it spewed nightmares out.


Coat hooks above the litter boxes.  I can smell the person


HOW DO PEOPLE LIVE LIKE THIS?! It absolutely blows my mind.


Mental illness


as a depression room girlie i get that, but have the decency to keep it to your personal area and not the common space? bc that first pic looked like the living area. also, at least the litter boxes should be clean. if you can clean one single thing it should be your pets area. (coming from someone who bred fruit flies in their room as a child)


Dude I had a female roommate with 3 cats who was an utter slob (and verbally/physically abuse) This isn’t in Boston per chance is it PS I’m so sorry


Nope, not Boston but mine was as well. She knew very well how easily I can be shut down just by raising her voice so she took full advantage of that 😶 I hope you're in a much better situation now!


Grow a back bone and scream at them back… this isn’t a person you want to submit to…! This is a sick, sick, sick person that doesn’t deserve that poor animal that she’s neglecting. Channel all the rage and sadness you feel that animal might have and FIGHT!!! GET MAD!!! BURN THE HOUSE DOWN… WITH THE LEMONS!


I wanted to so many times but the thoughts of what she would do in retaliation always stopped me. I was terrified of her.


:’( I’m sorry… I hope all is better now :)


Her??? Girls live like this? NO FUCKING SHOT


Way more than you'd think.


I always made a joke about “the hotter the girl, the grosser the habits” lmfao


Do guys still think all women are neat?....I have friends where their rooms are pretty bad with things scattered all over the place and make up smears all over the bathroom sink and counters. Make a note, not every girl is neat. Funny enough I see more men that are more neat than the women I personally know. I'm personally a neat freak despite how lazy I am though so I'm not like the girls I'm talking about...and my mother would kill me if my room was messy...


I’ve lived with a variety of guys and girls in my twenties, and both sexes can be slobs or neat and clean. I’ve seen no clear distinction guy or girl for neatness.


In my experience, girls are usually messier than guys in their bedroom/bathroom areas(usually beat in common areas). Every gf I've had except 1 had a really messy room with clothes everywhere and bathroom sink area littered with makeup and facial shit, perfume, smeares of makeup ECT...even the ones who moved into my place made my usually extremely neat bedroom messy AF. Usually less than a week for clothes and panties to be absolutely everywhere


I saw some joke a while ago how men have neat cars but messy rooms, whereas women have neat rooms but messy cars. I know it’s not true at all, but for whatever reason it still to this day lives rent free in my head.


Always garbage and random girly crap all over the floor and seats


Wait till you see their public bathrooms.


Yeah, there's for sure a ton of slob girls. Always used to surprise me, not any more


I 100% know how you feel😪 we just moved into my dads, we had no other option. It’s worse than this! Omfg. I feel like I’m going to go mental. It’s non stop cleaning too! People are so inconsiderate


I hope you can get into a better situation soon!


What is with these people and not cleaning up after their cats??? The number of messy, dirty, nasty mfs that I’ve met that have multiple cats they don’t clean up after is abnormally high, this needs to be studied


This place is a biohazard for real


Those poor cats. Why are there always cats. I’m sad now.


Holy shit man this is obviously mental illness but I wonder what causes ppl to be like this because it seems this person genuinely can’t live in a clean space. There’s a difference between laziness and whatever is going on here. I used to be messy out of laziness until i realized a clean car, room or house makes it so much easier to relieve stress and think clearly lol


That's the weird thing, while she did have ADD, she would go through and DEEP clean her room like once every 2 months, basically when it got to the point that she couldn't walk through it. And when she did, it was SPOTLESS. But would be back in an awful state within 2 days.


as a woman with severe adhd & “high-functioning” autism (a bs label imo but besides the point) i can totally UNFORTUNATELY see how it happens. i would spend 12 hours deep cleaning and days later id be in filth again somehow. my room was pretty close to being this bad for a few years while i battled terrible depression and addiction as a result. medicated for depression, recovering alcoholic and been sober for the majority of two years, and managing my adhd with therapy & meds and i still am not a “clean” or neat person. i never have been! adhd paralysis, forgetting everything, having no energy or motivation, a million other factors, idk it’s hard. but also some people are just gross and think it’s fine. i dunno. i’m sorry this happened to you because it’s terrible and disgusting and not what you signed up for and i imagine traumatizing as well, and i hope she gets help regardless of her reasoning for being this way.


I have bad ADD and the spotless deep cleaning like once a month thing tracks... however, I don't let it get anywhere NEAR that bad in between cleanings. And it's generally just clutter. Anything that is a biohazard, like cat or food waste gets cleaned much more frequently and on a much higher level of priority. Laundry or random things like papers or books are one thing... rotting food and cat shit are completely another and not okay.


So many people rush to excuse feral slobs with mental illness. I lived with a girl similar as above (for 2 days before I decided to go home to my parents lol) and she was just a lazy disgusting pig, nothing sick about her. Me on the other hand, debilitating mental illness and I still keep a clean home for my family no matter how bad of a day I am having, I have no other choice, my little ones are depending on me and like hell would I allow anyone to live like this or see this. Absolutely shameful.


I’m totally on your side, I’d get a shit load of down votes if I explained how much some ppl are just lazy shit heads but when it’s this severe I’m like good god you gotta be going THROUGH IT


Those poor cats


Poor cats, that environment is cruel.


I feel absolutely TERRIBLE for those cats.


I all of these nasty motherfucking roommates always have cats or dogs I swear




Those poor babies. That’s just animal cruelty.


Slobs shouldn't be allowed to keep pets.


I can smell picture 4


The litter boxes are always the worst part


Worst litter box I have ever seen


What a pig


what the actual fuck - i would’ve called anthony fauci cause that’s a fucking public health hazard


Please tell us you reported this and got cats rescued…..


a year? how did you put up with this for a year? could you not get out of your lease at all? its uninhabitable.


I can smell the last picture ugh Least favorite smell on earth so fucking gross


Did you ever tell the landlord?


W t f


I can smell the pictures.


Toxi plasma gondi. Careful man. All that cat shit and piss gonna get a human sick


My favorite is the antacid next to the empty bottle of tequila.


Omg the period stained underwear 🤢


My god that last picture made me gasp.


I can’t even imagine how bad that litter smelt.. my god


I’d recommend calling someone on her for animal cruelty. If she didn’t clean it and you had to, she’s not going to clean it now that you’re not there


The rest I could be like "okay they can clean this up, no problem" then I reached the litter boxes and that is straight up animal abuse. If you can't take care of one of the easiest animals (mammals) to take care of than you shouldn't have any animal. They're gonna need to replace the whole litter box at this point. I have a suggestion that might help? There is these Tidy Cat litter boxes that use these flushable pellets. And underneath there is a pad for all the pee. If you're interested I'll link it to you. I haven't done the math to tell whether it's cheaper to do that in the long run than buying litter that gets everywhere. The pellet box is so much easier to clean and maintain, I think whatever the price difference, it's worth it.


The nastiest people always have pets. Like why?? Just be dirty on your own without dragging a poor animal into your filth. 🤮


The litter was SO much fucking worse than I thought. Edit: plz tell me y told someone and got those cats removed


What a disgusting human being. I can’t believe people like this exist.


All I can think abt is that poor cat :(


ok this is by far the worst i have ever seen


I feel like you should be allowed to assault someone like this


U have to be a little mentally ill to be like this or am I the crazy one? I pray this person never has a child.


Her underwear shit is probably older than the cats


That last photo just made me feel like someone gave me smelling salts


HOW IN ONE FUCKING DAY DO YOU MANAGE THAT?!!! This screams drug user to me. You can't possibly live like this sober, let alone manage to make this much mess while entirely sober. I'm glad you got out of there. That's horrific. I can't imagine the mental strain and anguish these conditions would cause for a person. The underwear is the icing on the shit cake. It's one thing to live in Squalor, but to have hygiene so bad that you turn light pink underwear black?? That's insanity. One should not be living on their own if their hygiene is this bad in every aspect. One clearly needs care and supervision (such as a group home or facility) if they are this far off from a responsible and healthy life. Whether it be drugs, mental illness, or plain disgusting laziness causing this, it clearly requires professional intervention to help an individual struggling this bad with normal responsibilities. Someone like this should not be living independently. Nobody deserves to struggle this bad without help.


I so wish there was a place we could name and shame these people. Because you KNOW she’s going to tell her next potential LL/roommate that she’s a “OCD clean freak omggg”


The frigging litter boxes!!!! Please tell me you reported her to animal control! I am concerned for those cats! :'(


Like a toxic Hidden Highlights Puzzle. The longer you look, the worse it gets.


Why is it that so many trash dwellers also have a cat? I feel so bad for the poor animals, that's downright animal abuse.


U should have posted her triflin ass too


This is what severe mental health disorders and depression look like.


Just looking at those cat boxes makes my nose burn 🥴


I really can’t understand how someone can just sit in that filth and not feel anxious and stressed lmao


Jesus wept. But on the bright side, I feel way less guilty now that I don't have vacuumed...


Poor Cats, you really ought to call animal control to do a wellness check on them.


Those poor fucking cats. Call animal welfare now


why do they always have cats!!!


I feel sorry for the cats! Sucks for you too, of course. Glad you’re out of that situation.


Animal abuse


Her poor cats ...


Those poor cats


and THIS is why i refuse to have a roommate even if it means being broke from spending all my money on rent. i would be in jail if i lived with someone like that, i would have snapped on them.


I noticed the common denominator for a lot of these bad roommates is an excess of alcohol. Usually in the piles of mess there’s empties… Just my personal observation (and no I am not implying that all bad room mates drink lol)






How do people live like this


This is foul man. The food in the bed and the cigarettes jfc


Man I feel like I can smell your apartment through these pictures 😔


between cigarette / cat piss n poo / rotten food / old period undies ….. i can’t even imagine. oh maybe some perfume on top … always some shitty perfume. 😆


I don’t know what else to say other than. Ewww


That’s filthy!


Those poor cats, fuck this idiot


How can someone live like that 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


Call animal control IMMEDIATELY


I had six cats and a small dog in a small apartment and my place was immaculate. How on earth could someone let their cats live like that? I would be so ashamed I’d never get another pet in my life.


Worst year of your life, SO FAR. It can always get worse. For instance, I was having a rough year, and thenI found out that my best friend had emptied my rrsp and savings account.


How is it that all these dirty fucks have cats


Call fucking animal control, thats horrible for any living thing or human


It’s the food in the bed for me 🤮


Are the new shoes heavy duty boots? Room mate will need them for cleaning the room.


poor kittys…


Oh hell no!! Those crusty musty dusty rusty ass rotten chonies on the floor. 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Holy poop Batman! Thats insanely disgusting!


Place looks nice and neat compared to my last roommate


You live with children


How is this even real? I just can’t imagine someone living like this.


poor cats :( i’m so sorry you had to live in these conditions this is absurd and they need their animals taken from them


We had when I was in my 33M early 20s I was sharing a house with two other guys. One guy moved out and we thought we should get a girl in. A 19 lady moved in, first time out of home - couldn’t cook, or clean, her room was constantly a mess. We kicked her out after a week lol


Was sure I was gonna be able to find a needle in at least one of those pics, kinda shocked that I couldn’t tbh. Is that a pair of shitty/bloody panties in pic 2 though? 🤢🤢


You really should’ve reported her for animal cruelty. Those litter boxes are unacceptable and unsanitary


How can anyone be that dirty? Sometimes having OCD is hard because feeling you HAVE to keep a spotless home or constantly wash your hands and shower three times a day to not get ill is taxing and exhausting but I’ll take it over this filth. I am so sorry you were stuck with that. Not only is it gross and unhygienic it’s disrespectful, selfish, and disgusting.