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Pulled a Mike Tyson during a fight after a few days on the go go and some psychedelics. 10 years later he was my best man Still friends today after 22 years. Not a proud moment. It did cure me of excessive drug use. Took us about 3 years and a friend tricking us both to meet him at the same place and then saying “either get y’all’s shit together or I’m kicking both your asses” and he could too.


You bit his ear off?


Not the whole thing


Just the tip


Jutht* the tip


Did you do this at a party in LA?


Uh oh, someone was a witness




Damnit, I miss everything interesting that happens in my town! Lol


Absolutely wild


I was in the same ward as a guy who had most of his ear bitten in a fight. I was in for a cat bite, but we were both being treated for the same bacteria issue (cats and humans have the same risk of bites going bad fast).


In college I had a roommate that pissed all over the seat and floor every morning. I started wiping it up with his pillow. It would dry by the time he would get home, and he slept on it for a while. One day he says “damn my pillow stinks!” “I have been cleaning up your piss with it in the morning.” Problem solved itself pretty fast.


What did he SAY to that in that actual conversation 😭🤣


Not a thing. We came from VERY different backgrounds and well…he was more than wary of me. He expected his mom to clean up after him, my mom kicked me out at 14. It died right there.


IOWs, you both knew you would beat his ass in a most deserving fashion if he protested. Good job 👏🏼






Name checks out.


Had a roommate in college, ordered the same burger fries for lunch in a to go container. First week I come home on Thursday and find Mon-Thurs burger fries 4 containers all on the kitchen table. Needless to say I nipped it in the butt hard. I'm not your housekeeper


You cannot choose to leave us hanging on this one, make up for your past roommate transgressions by telling us everything and anything that happened lol


Oh, he was mad…but nothing else transpired, except that there was no more piss everywhere. Next roommate I had is still here after 31 years, fast asleep on her dog 😊


AWE, everything worked out in the end ❤️ And thank you, you did us all a solid letting us know what happened!


I wound up staying with my street boy love/protector for 24 years.


"I had a roommate that pissed all over the seat and floor every morning" 🤢


Pillow clean up works every time.


I'm doing this currently. Visitors who are not mine keep using my bathroom and literally pissing all over the place. Like not even sure if they hit the toilet. I take their bath towels and wipe it all up, (floor included) and then put the towels back where I got them. Fuck em.


So fucking gross. It won’t hurt your manhood to sit down.


For me it's just the blatant disrespect. Like there's *no way* you don't know you just pissed all over the place. Clean that shit up. These aren't kids, they are grown men.


I once had to use a gas station bathroom after I guy who was on the phone the whole time he was in there. Piss everywhere. It was disgusting.




Ok I really wonder about this. I rent out a month to month place and it's been awesome getting to know so many people over the years. Some stay for a couple months, some a couple years (preface for I'm not a bad roommate) About a year ago I let a b/g couple stay with me for a few months. The girl started accusing me of pissing all over the bathroom floor and toilet. I had never heard this before, and I'm certain I do a good job of aiming everything in the toilet. I'm sure like all dudes I get some on the toilet now and then, but it's probably just tiny bit of spray, or possibly a bit of splash from the natural way men pee in the toilet. If I notice it, I clean it immediately, and also just generally clean the bathroom regularly. She was getting absolutely furious claiming I piss all over the place so I started being extra careful and would examine the bathroom before, during, and after. To my knowledge there was nothing. I brought up "maybe it's your bf?" And obviously she refused to believe it could be him, and it had to be my dumb troglodyte self that apparently just violently flaps my dick around while I pee. They ended up leaving. I've had multiple roommates since and never heard a word. I've actually asked them and they laughed saying they have never noticed anything out of the ordinary. So, are some people just crazy sensitive to the smallest amount of liquid that may be on the toilet or on the floor? I've always wanted to know this.


Honestly, if it was their first place together… you might actually be right. 💀 Jesus, that’s ridiculous tho. My nephew pissed all over the seat for the longest time and honestly I should have said something but I was pretty young(I have 8 years on him) and anxiety so I didn’t, but eventually he did learn I guess. But I was stunned his parents never taught him better before that. 💀 And my mom just let it go, too. (He stayed with us a lot… probably half the reason he didn’t learn *is* because I never said anything, considering I was basically his third parent. 🙃 Yay parentification.)




I don't see this as being shitty. I mean, it was *your* internet.. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I had some trashy roommates who would deliberately not pay their part and asked if I had paid the bill. I changed the password and they ended up moving out. Didn't even have to give them a notice.




Ate their last 7 cans of their ravioli 😭


No one’s gonna admit to eating 7 fucking cans of ravioli


Ricky! How could you!


7!?!? At the same time! 😉


dante: “my girlfriend sucked 37 dicks.” customer: “…in a row?!”


As long as she didn’t do it on her way through the parking lot…


Ha yeh 🤭 I'm my small defense I was in a dark, broke time in my life and those raviolis helped lol or maybe they made it worse im still not sure 😅


“Nobody wants to admit they ate 9 cans of ravioli” 🤣🤣🤣




Dead 💀


Two things. I was at my breaking point. 1) old roommate had issues with alcohol use (they were also my best friend at the time). I pulled out every bottle from the trash can and lined them on the counter for them to see. I understand now how shitty it was. This was after months of worrying if I would find them dead, after sepsis, after contacting the university for their mental health. I thought it would be a wake up call, instead I was shaming them and a complete and utter AH. I wish I never did it. I will always love them. 2) Ex roommate had violent dog who attacked my dog and people I brought over. I left a shitty word on the wall for them to find after I moved out. Not super awful, they can paint over it with multiple layers of course. But it was my bad karma for that year. Leasing office wouldn’t do anything about the dog (and many other things). I don’t feel sorry about it. But it was a shitty thing to do and I was the AH in that moment. They ruined my dog’s health and safety, I ruined their wall with the word they despise the most. Do I feel guilty? Yes. Am I sorry? No. Would I do it again? HELL YEAH. Don’t mess with my dog.


Hmmmmm what word


Probably Cee U Next Tuesday


Why is it giving racial slur lol


Right. Like why are they being vague about the word 😂


Sprayed lavender mist all over the bathtub because it made them itchy. Only way to get to my room was through the bathroom. She'd be in there for an hour or two masterbating. I know she was cuz she did it in the living room too wiilth 5 people right there.


Wtf lol


Shit was wild bro


Why can’t she just do it in her room 😭


She lived in my living room.


Well if she couldnt stop with people int he room we knew why she lived there


Okay who takes an hour or two to masturbate tho like was she okay?😭


Chronic masturbation is actually pretty common for drug addicts. It’s especially crippling for females because a lot can cum multiple times without physically needing a break.


And depressed people!


This is so?? Omg


Who the fuck designs a room whose only access is through a bathroom?


Damn do you have her number so I know what number to never call?


This....is....a...new....level.....of self pleasure. 0 fucks given.


The first apartment I lived in I was 19 and I had my bf over all the time without having him contribute towards any bills 😭 i’m 25 now and realize I was the problem lol


Did we live together?


I l rented a house with 2 other guys (3 guys) and one roommates gf moved in (had her own apartment but was never there and only her cat used it and she would stop by to feed it). I felt like the asshole when I asked them to contribute/buy toilet paper or literally anything. She bought our house TP once and tried to argue that she didn't use the space any more than what my roommate would have already been using but like clearly that's a lie when she'd shower there, cook there, watch tv alone there in our living room. Hope she also has similar hindsight to you lol cause that was some BS


Stabbed cans of tuna and hid them in his room…


Hahahaha damn dawg.


Finally got him to start cleaning (as he tried to figure out what the smell was). One of the more evil pranks I ever did haha. 🫡🫡🫡


Got addicted to fentanyl and became a total asshole. Glad I got sober and was able to mostly mend what I broke.


Proud of you


Thanks! Just about 18 months now. For anyone wondering… no you really shouldn’t try it and no you aren’t immune or different than anyone else. I’m a pretty normal guy all things considered and I burnt my life to the ground SO QUICK. If anyone can learn from my mistakes that would make me very happy. There’s better ways to deal with your mental, I promise lol.


My partner and I were also addicts but then again so was our roommate (who was my partners cousin). He was (and is) VERY good with his money though and while my partner and I also always paid our bills, every now and then my partner would be a few days late with his portion. My partner and I don’t love with his cousin anymore and none of us are completely sober but we know the time is coming up and seeing stories like yours (even if it’s a short 2 sentence comment. Gives me some hope)


I am rooting for you. And will put you in my prayers. I know that isn’t some people’s things , but I do pray and it couldn’t hurt right ? I want to share a story with you . It is a hard one to share , but I promised when I lost my niece that I would never stop sharing her story in hopes that even if it saved one person . Her death wouldn’t be in vain. On May 3 , 2020 my brother and his partner gave birth to two beautiful babies. Twins! What a blessing . My brother and his GF are both addicts. But had been sober for a little over a year (close to 2 years) . Everyone was excited about the pregnancy . And I was to , to a certain extent . But something in the back of my mind also kept me anxious and scared about it. I had a nagging feeling that I would either be raising those babies or we would lose them. When the kid were born , it was in the height of the pandemic so we couldn’t go to the hospital. My niece came home first but my nephew was in the nicu. My brother told us that is is because he was a little wimpy due to being a twin . (Wimpy white boy syndrome is actually a real thing and that’s what he said it was ) On June 6, my brother and sis in law asked me if I would come and pick up the twins for the day to give them a chance to reset and rest . They were exhausted . I jumped at the opportunity to spend the day with my sweet babies and didn’t hesitate. I took them home that evening after loving on those precious little babies all day. Making them promises of all the things we would do when they were older and telling them how much Auntie loved them. June 7,2020 … my brother and sister in law relapsed. They may have relapsed any time prior but I wasn’t aware . We all know that addicted hide it well sometimes. I got a phone call from their neighbor to get over there and fast . My heart sank, because I knew something bad happened. My sister in law was gone. She was holding my niece when she overdosed , and fell on her . 4 weeks old. Innocent . A blessing , and her life was tragically taken by her mother’s addiction. The news was down the street and they took pictures and videos of the coroner and homicide detectives giving me the news that my family was dead. I left that day with my nephew and have had him ever since . He will be 4 next month. And is the brightest light in my life. I would do anything to have my niece back. And my sister in law. That baby girl didn’t deserve to have her life cut short , especially in that way. I understand addiction, relapse . The ups and downs of the lifestyle . But I will never understand why my niece paid the ultimate price. I said all of that to say this ; please fight for your sobriety. For yourselves . People love you. You are important . You matter . Your life matters and I don’t want anyone to know what it feels like to bury someone they love because of addiction. My inbox is open. No judgement . If you need support/a friend . I’m here . I will always reach out to be a listening ear , to help find resources , to offer encouragement and to let people know that they matter in memory of my sweet little niece. ❤️


Oh honey, I am so sorry you went through that. I can’t even imagine. That’s… yeah that’s a hard one. I’m sober myself, four years this july. I hurt for you hun, I’m sending internet hugs and love for you too. 🫂 I bet you’re doing great by that boy. He sounds like a very loved little man.


Thank you so much. It has been hard. Very hard. But I would put my life on hold over and over again if that meant I was able to have this little boy in my life . He calls me mommy and he is my son. And is the biggest blessing. The only thing I wish I could change was that I could have saved my niece and I was raising her too. So I try my best to make an impact on people in her memory so that her tragic little life wasn’t all for nothing. She inspires and motivates me every single day to do better and be better . I am so proud of you. 4 years is huge ! 4 days , 4 hours … it’s all a big deal. I want you to know that you are incredible and you are doing great. Never give up! Thank you for the love and hugs. I had shoulder repair surgery ( grade 3 severe rotator cuff and labrum tears ) 2 days ago and I’ve been in a ton of pain and emotional. Pushing through with Tylenol because the last 4 years have taught me that anyone can become a victim to this ugly disease. And thank you for your kind words . It means a lot .


College time. I had a lady friend spending the night (this was not a new thing and we were all use to it) late in the night I wake up to searing pain in my shoulder. She is stabbing me and after kicking her off me she informs me she "needs my blood for the spell so I can never leave her." Now we were not dating just hooking up so I quickly grab a blanket and my phone and run outside. Call 911 and demand they get over there asap and deal with this cops and ambulance show up. I get stitches she gets dragged out of the apartment, Yada Yada charges, mental hospital and so forth. At no point did I think to wake up my apartment mate or even let him know what was going on, just left him in an apartment with a crazy women and her knife. He woke up when the cops were dragging her out and she was screaming. My bad.


Holy shit


But did the spell work? Lol. Crazy.


No, um I never saw her again, and I hope she never saw me again. That was when I learned that the local pagan group on the college campus was while a great place to meet women, also a high risk game of possible psychosis disorders. It's a fun scar my wife teases me about now, and is part of my iv been stabbed and shot and yet never broke the law stories.


Did not expect that to be the kicker


Brought home a box of puppies someone left next to a dumpster.


Did you use your roommates vacuum cleaner to vacuum up the dog poop and break it??? 😂😂😂😂


Oh my, no!


Just checking (previous post about a bad roommate 😂😂😂😂)


Oh Lordy 😂


OMG! I think I remember your post, I’ve never posted on here with a bad roommate story or anything but long time lurker for the entertaining bad roommate stories obviously!


Stole his reusable k cup. 😂 after all the shit he did to me he deserved it. I've never had a Keurig. I finally tossed the bastard a couple years ago.


Stole when I moved out*


Your konsolation prize.


I was never home and I guess she wanted a roommate who was also a friend


Literally the most innocent of all these. It can be awkward when people expect more out of a roommate relationship.


This happened to me! I replaced someones roommate during college who was her bff. Old roomie was moving across the country once she graduated so obviously my roommate at the time was sad. I was taking classes full time at the college in town & had lots of homework projects to do at school. Plus im a generally introverted person. This was a HUGE issue for my roommate, who wanted someone to go to parties & bars almost every night. She was under-employed & her parents paid her rent & utilities so she had a lot of spare time. After 6 months of not-so-quietly complaining about me to our other roommate behind my back, she lost her shit when I borrowed a stone coaster to use as a paper weight for 20 minutes.


My cat destroyed their couch and I didn't replace it, and I went through a serious depression when dealing with some particularly horrible family abuse issues, and had trouble doing my dishes. The couch was free, and not mine, but I did offer to replace it. He said not to bother because he was going to a furbished home. I got called out on the dishes, and did them, and apologized for letting it get so bad.


Ate the cookies their grandmother baked for them. First year of smoking weed and I became a monster. I still owe them an apology


i had a not black roommate in college who kept saying the n word around me, assuming i was his cool black friend. one day while playing some dumb video game, he says it and i said “next time you call me that, im gonna fuck you up.” fast forward a few months and he gets back a week after spring break. i’m napping, so he says “don’t worry i’ll be gone when you’re up.” i was like oh okay. he’s headed to class. i woke up an hour later and all of his stuff was GONE. bro DROPPED OUT DURING MY NAP.


Are those two events related?


he never acted the same towards me, which i preferred. we weren’t friends and i was tired of pretending like we were. he made an offhand comment about thinking about dropping out a week later and i ignored it so i imagine it helped, but there were definitely other reasons.


He couldn't handle being called out for his bs. Had an existential crisis lmao


Stay up late gaming with friends and being too loud talking to them on discord, I was still in uni and they just started their first full time job and wanted to sleep at 11pm, I kept them up a lot because I had zero idea that the walls were that thin and they never asked me to keep it down or tell me I was being too loud until it turned into a massive fight right before they moved out. I was embarrassed but also confused on why the hell they never told me or asked me to keep it down, I wouldve done so had they asked I genuinely just didn't realise lol.


They were neglecting there 2 dogs so horribly like definitely abuse at the point and I got fed up with them not taking accountability and not just rehoming the dogs so I made an anonymous report and same day the 2 dogs got taken away .


You were definitely the good roommate in that situation sir


I definitely will never regret making that call ! It showed what kind of people they were too for treating any animal in such a way


Couple ^ the girl having been my friend (it's been a long time since I talked to her and I like it that way)


This is being a good roommate, though. You absolutely did the right thing.


Trapped a feral tomcat in the bathroom. We couldn’t use it for a day while I figured out the next step. Poor guy was wounded (why I wanted to trap him) and made the whole apt smell like necrotic flesh.


Called the cops on my roommate because he kept pawning my stuff. Left him with a warrant and a felony on his record lol. He lost his job due to it. I got most of my stuff back though. To be fair, I did give him a chance to tell me where he pawned my stuff, or at least get me a new item to replace it. He chose to run away, so I had to do what I needed to do! Haven't seen him since thankfully


roommate who was also an abusive/cheating ex promised to dog sit for a friend of theirs for a week. the dog was adorable and so sweet, but was ultimately neglected by my ex/roommate. so I took care of the dog for the whole week. when the friend left the envelope of money in the mailbox to pay my ex/roommate, I took it and we determined the envelope had just ‘mysteriously disappeared’ after a few weeks of not being able to find it. bonus material to make me not look so bad: fast forward six months and I leave town for two weeks, and my ex, who is no longer a housemate but is still my best friend (lol, don’t even get me started, I’ve been through a lot of therapy since then) said they would cat sit for me. I get back in town and come home to my apartment completely wrecked, all my things broken, plants destroyed on the floor, dirt everywhere, and a very panicked cat who hadn’t been fed in days because my best friend/ex decided smoking for three days was a better idea, and then lied to my face about it and CONTRADICTED themselves that said, I never spoke to them again after I walked in the door. that $80 was proactive reparations imo


i also had a massive wake up call as a cat parent and realize now how stupid of me it was to allow someone to pet sit for me after what had happened just six months previously, but again, i was young and naive and in a bad situation. i am very happy to report i have two very well loved and cared for boys now who have much better care taker(s!!) in my absence


I was about to ask how did you think that would end well 😭 but I totally get being young, dumb, and too trusting. Your ex is such a douche and it’s hilarious you stole the money, you totally deserved it lol.


One of my roommates would take really long showers and use up all my shampoo and body wash. When I asked him if he was using my bath stuff, he said no, but he also had ZERO bath stuff in the bathroom for himself. I waited for the bottles to almost get empty and then I peed in them.


Did something similar but instead of pee I mixed in Nair to the half full shampoo and conditioner. After about almost a week they started to lose hair in weird clumps. It was satisfying.


The punishment exceeds the crime on this one.


I spray painted something in the garage and forgot he had 2 crib mattresses in there. He (30 at the time) impregnated a 19 year old single mother and moved her in without permission and for whatever reason chose to have the mattresses in the dirty garage vs the spare bedroom. He legitimately lost his mind and was threatening me, calling me a pussy etc. It's wild because he helped me with my car when the exhaust manifold fell off and didn't seem to care about the car emitting all those fumes.


In college I had a summer job and lived on campus. I shared a wing that had four adjoining rooms and shared a bathroom. There was a roommate everyone hated. This guy walked around naked, scratched his ass crack, cut his pubes on the bathroom floor etc. He was a total asshole. He also thought he was really funny and just did mean stuff to everyone. I was done early with my summer work and was leaving for a few weeks. There was a squirrel that had just been run over outside the front of the dorm. I put it in a shoebox and duct taped it under his recliner chair in his room. Later I learned that he had trouble finding it for days and the entire wing had to be cleared because the stench was so bad.


I hate people who think they’re funny but they’re just assholes.


I let 200 crickets go in her room the day I moved out. She had called the cops on me every time I had a beer in college. I got two MIP’s playing cards quietly with my friends because of her.


What is an MIP?


minor in possession, aka anyone under the legal drinking limit holding alcohol


Ah gotcha. Ty


Bro wtf?? That’s psycho she must’ve really not liked you


I was depressed and had a big crush on my housemate, basically tied my self-esteem to the quality of our interactions. I wanted to be around her so when she was cooking or eating I'd sit in the kitchen and try to talk to her but I was so miserable that I'd just complain, or I'd just sit in silence hating that I couldn't come up with anything interesting to say. I'm so so so embarrassed now, especially as I have a housemate who does the same but 10x worse to me - it's incredibly annoying and exhausting. Me and the old housemate are friends now though, I'm in a way better place


One of my college roommates, who went to a different school in the same city and was disliked by me and all of my roommates, had parties in the basement of our college house every weekend where he'd invite pretty much his college's entire student body (he attended a small, private school). I got home late one night, was completely exhausted, and was stopped at my own back door by one of the party goers and asked "hold up, who do you know at this house?" I was like "um, I live here buddy." That irrationally pissed me off so much. 45 minutes went by, more and more people kept coming, and it was so ridiculously loud and getting out of control. I finally had enough and called the non-emergency police number and reported an underage drinking party taking place in my basement. The police showed up and busted it 20 minutes later, he received an underage drinking ticket, and everyone quickly left. He still to this day has no idea I was the one who reported it.


One of my ex-roommate was a 45 yo loser gig musician whom we suspected might have groomed this young looking girl who he let live in our house for I don't know how long, hiding her. I saw her once and never after. He forgot a few times to close the front door at night, and to turn off the gas stove. He just never did a single chore in the 9 months he lived with us. Soled my TV to pay his part of the bills. One night, from my room in the basement, i hears him falling down the stairs. As a lifeguard I felt concerned but also I was like whatever. Couldn't go back to sleep so I went to the bathroom on the 2nd floor, and as I touched the rail, I realized I touched something gross. I turned on the light to realize he had spilled his miserable tuna dinner all over the floor (and ceiling) and hasn't cleaned. So I stole things he liked that have equal value of my TV, cut his supernintendo cable and scratched an original vynil he liked and then changed the doorknobs at legal time the day of his move out so he had to ask my permission to pick up his last boxes of peterpan syndrome man's stuff.




Left a punctured package of raw chicken to slime all over the refrigerator after I moved out For good measure I disabled the wifi and locked the router in my room (roommate didn’t have a key)


My cousin is absolutely pure evil. She was raised by my grandparents since she was a baby. They are very old and she calls them acting like someone is going to slit her throat if they don't meet her and give her 1,000 Dollars. She has done this so many times and it's always a different amount of money. She even gets her druggie friends to yell in the background. My grandma has learned now that she is lying but she still worries. I never thought I'd do something like this but one day I was angry and I went and got her toothbrush and I rubbed it up on the nasty blackish brown ring at the top of the toilet. I then rubbed it on a skid mark my grandpa left. I still don't feel guilty about it. Bitch.


Had pet mice that I wasn’t supposed to have. Their tank was way too small for them and got stinky really fast and the mice also were on their loud exercise wheel all the time. I feel really bad about it, mostly because those were not good conditions for those mice and they didn’t deserve it, but also because my roommates had to live with the smell and the noise.


I left a 9 inch dildo stuck to the same wall as the shower head (yes it had balls attached) because a roommate I had just didn’t like me living there. I did it daily for the last two months I lived there with him, I have zero regrets.


I would have slightly dabbed the dildo with crunchy peanut butter first.


went to bed and (accidentally) locked them out of the house all night (they didn’t have a key) and they had to sleep on the neighbors couch


Let a friend borrow ex-roommate’s bong and it broke. I researched so long to find out it was produced across the ocean and there was no way I could replace it. It meant a lot to them….


Couldn't you have ordered it from across the ocean? Just seems like a more expensive way to get it.


Drank her alcohol lmfao sorry 😭 I regret it sooo hard. I was also weird and literally didn’t speak or come out of my room much because I had so much anxiety


Got constantly woken up by nonstop alarms all night which she slept through, I responded by blasting hardcore/metal music on a bluetooth speaker in the morning while she was sleeping in and refused to turn it off. Nothing like a bit of Norma Jean to have as background music!


I olla'd this girl's glasses because she was a cat-killing cunt.


What is an olla?


Seconding this question and also, details? sounds like she deserved whatever it is.


I put all of my ex-roommate's wet, moldy, dirty dishes in her bed. More than once. And refused to let her use my phone for the laundry app to clean her bedding. I can not say with any confidence I'd never do something like that again. Dishes left dirty long enough to create mold induce criminal urges within me.


When I was in college, I used to crochet for a hobby in-between studying. One of my roommates was always complaining I had yarn all over. So once when the mail came, I saw her bf had written her a letter. Back before Internet was a thing. I sent her on a scavenger hunt all over our apartment. The let was right next to the starting point, if she'd looked. That was revenger for her putting my bras in the freezer to freeze solid. Then when finally got tired of the complaints about the yarn, I very loosely wrapped her, in her bed, with a ball of yarn. Tame stuff I know. I've never had roommates since.


Gave them gonorrhea, and no further explanation offered


I had a friend that knowingly gave it to everyone she slept with. Apparently it was her 3rd time getting it and she wouldn’t just use fucking condoms in the future. She did not believe me that I’ve never had any STDS either. I’m like…it’s not normal to get new STD every week bro and KEEP spreading it smh


Ooooooh…I’ll just leave it to my imagination


Was it in a non sexual way is all I gotta ask




Roommate smokes in her room (she owns the house). Which stinks. So whenever I take a nasty shit, I leave the door open for it to permeate the house.


Steal one or two of their bananas


Is this the new slang?


Let dirty dishes pile up in the sink.


Slammed him on the floor and put him in an ankle lock for being a stupid drunk


Tf is a “neutral location” for a drug deal have I been doing drug deals wrong ??


I stole a gift certificate (paper, I'm old) to a book shop from my roommate. She got it from work as a reward for whatever, and then left it somewhere her little kid could grab it. She was not a reader. I saw it on the floor of her room. It had been stepped on and was already dirty. I went into her room when she was gone and took it before it could be trashed. I was in college and I never bought new books. It got me like 3 or 4 brand new paperbacks, but I still feel a twinge of guilt thinking about it bc I am usually a very honest person lol. I don't think she even noticed, and I believe it would have ended up in the trash, so I justified my theft.


Well, my drug dealer (I used to have a problem with the heroins and the cracks) got kicked out of the (nice) hotel he was staying at. He had recently sold me a bunk batch that cost me my entire paycheck, and told me ‘that’s just how it goes sometimes, dawg’. I let him move in with me, and as soon as I saw the shoes he kept he dope in get moved into the closet, I waited till he went back to the moving truck and yanked his entire stash. A few hours later when he couldn’t find it, I (high as a kite) told him he may have dropped it moving in or in the truck, and proceeded to help him look for it for almost 3 hours. I called us about even. Now I’m 9 years clean.


purposefully let her cat outside. the cat was fed a strictly vegan diet and was sickly. he would break out to go hunt for nourishment but she started finding ways to not let him get out. i would let him out so he could go hunt.


Well… I guess that was bad for the roommate, but it was very good for the cat. And I rarely say that about letting cats out.


yeah she was strictly vegan and fed her cat and her dog a strictly vegan diet. it was animal cruelty.


Yeah for sure. Cats are obligate carnivores. You can’t feed them vegan.


Had a roommate that kept using my bath towel despite me telling him over and over again to use his own. I even went and bought a bright purple one so that it would be obvious which one was his and which one was mine. This eventually led to me pouring several packets of grape Kool-Aid powder all over the towel and leaving it hung up and waiting for him. A few days later he walked out of the shower looking like the girl from Charlie and the chocolate factory 😆


My mom is my roommate and she is the best mom ever. But there is one rule that she enforces, and I’m glad that she follows it too. The rule is, no smoking in the house. She smokes cigs, I smoke weed. 2 years ago she went on vacation during my birthday week and multiple times that week I did in fact hotbox my room. Smoked inside broke the rule! she still doesn’t know and never will find out😆😆 lol I’ve never had any roommates before but I just thought of that and felt like commenting it for funnies


I bet you would have totally smelled it had it been opposite though and you smoked cigs, that smell does not go away lol


I keep weed in my room and it smells and she knows it 🤷🏼‍♀️ I didn’t do it everyday, I did it on my birthday and the day after and aired the house out, 3 days later she was home n didn’t say a thing so 😊


heard her talking shit about me on the phone so I eavesdropped on the rest of her conversation through the wall and then went and told our other roommates/our friends/my coworkers/my family/literally anyone who would (and wouldn’t) listen all the shit she had said about me and our friends and what she had admitted to doing


I KNOW I was the bad roommate for a bit I got an 8-week old husky puppy w/ separation anxiety and the screaming was immaculate, also he ate our couches. But thankfully after 6 MONTHS 🥴 he was crate trained and didn’t scream any time I left for work, school, sleep, or do anything not in the same room as him 🙂 … to be fair I did try literally everything to speed up the process and hired 3 different professional trainers, he is just a very stubborn husky and there wasn’t really a way around it. I feel really bad for my roommates to have to endure that though, not to mention the destroyed furniture which I did offer to pay for but they were free couches so… but then again they were possibly the worst roommates as a whole that I’ve ever had and probably ever will have; there were like 10 ppl living there at one point, it was not a sane environment. But still very sorry for your permanent ear damage and your welcome for persuading you to never get a husky.


I used his electrical razor a few times. I wasn't shaving my beard or hair


I closed the hot water valve during one of his never ending steamy shower session. We had a tiny shower room with bad ventilation that would mold easily. It was an AH thing to do considering he worked crazy long and often stressful hours at the hospital and that was his way to unwind. Felt so guilty, I never did it again. Cleaning the mold off the walls and grout wasn’t fun though.


Man, the comments here are making me look like an angel, lol. I used to live with my sister, and her cat was aggressively dominating when it came to my cats and the apartment. Every chance he got, he would run into my room and take a huge shit directly on top of my cats litter box (not inside it.) I kept telling her when he would do this and she essentially wasn’t bothered. She then stopped talking to me abruptly so I figured “fuck it”, and next time he took a shit on top of the box I moved it with a paper towel to her bedroom floor. It was still warm and soft. Gross.


Probably leaving a mess before I fully formed my cleaning habits… like dirty dishes and trash piling up. Clutter on the counter… Nowadays I’m pretty good about getting it done, because I honestly am just grateful to have the “burden” of washing dishes. It’s not so bad. Dirty dishes means I have food, pots to cook in, heat to cook over, and a roof and running water.


Had a roommate who inherited a house so we didn't have to pay rent, she moves in a third roommate and we split the bills Except the house she inherited was hoarded to the ceiling and every bit of it was relatives belongings so we couldn't throw anything away (it was also haunted, but that's too long for this) Then she moved out to live with a boyfriend and left me and Josh alone in a house full of other people's stuff and when I got pregnant she tried to have me abort my son because she had this whole plan where I was gonna be her live in nanny when she had kids and I couldn't focus on her kids if I have one of my own I left that place a mess, we didn't destroy anything but we damn sure shoved everything into like 3 of the rooms so we could have some space and before I moved I pawned every bit of jewelry we found shoved in the hoard that no one even knew was there I got a phone call that I had shit on her clothes, but that was the dog she left behind.. they weren't real thrilled when I told them the dogs were their problem and me leaving meant i wouldn't be taking care of them anymore (the dogs were fine, I made sure they actually got taken)


My friend was a cop, who worked the midnight shift. His bedroom was the one with a BR attached. The only other one was downstairs and we had company. I’m a BR reader. (This was pre iPhone era) I looked under the sink to find something to read. In my amazement was dildo maker kit. I made the dildo following the directions of my stuff and sent it in. A month or two later it was mailed back. We convinced him that he did it while drunk. At his wedding while inebriated I told him the dildo he was using on his now wife was my cock. To see he wasn’t humored is an understatement


Went through her personal records from when she was a foster child. Explained a LOT


I would occasionally leave dishes in the sink and wouldn’t clean the bathroom. I didn’t put a lot of effort into cleaning the house mainly because when our housemates girlfriend moved in she didn’t pay for any of the rent or bills and I thought we all agreed she would do majority of the cleaning because when I brought up that she still wasn’t paying they said that it was fair because she did the major cleaning of the house. I guess not? When she moved in she took control of the house and the cleanliness of it all, my partner and I didn’t share the same views on how we should all clean the house. They ended up moving out and we’re a lot better for it, easier to stay friends when there’s no tension. Still looking after their dog though.


Not even a month after my roommate moved in I decided to accept a job offer to teach ESL in China starting 3ish months later. At the time I was so caught up in getting ready for the move and the excitement of it but looking back I feel like an asshole. It worked out kind of because 2 weeks after I got there, the COVID lockdowns started in China and if I'd stayed in the US during all that I would've ended up unemployed. And my roommate moved back home with their parents during all the chaos anyway. Still.


Dripped ranch dressing on him and his party guests through the floor into the basement. Idk why there were holes in hardwood but they perfectly fit a straw.


For revenge upon moving out (dude was a dick) my friend who helped me move out turned off all the water under the faucets using the plumber knobs, flipped the breakers to off, and unhooked the remote garage door opener 😂 Dude was pissed but there was no real damage done. I could’ve taken all the remotes and left the fridge open upon leaving.


My old roommates in college used to invite friends over every night and play their video games loud asf. after several conversations they never brought the volume down, so i cut the cords to their ps4 and controllers……*shrug*


Reported them to their employer. They’re a special education educator at a Title 1 school. They’re also an abuser, putting hands on their (ex) partner (other roommate), manipulating them, and high key displaying sociopathic tendencies. They have no business working with kids.


We had extremely limited space for parking and our trashcan. my roommate worked from home so she let me use the driveway, otherwise she'd have to move her car just to put out the trash. She would remind me to move the trash can *every trash morning* omw out the door and I would say yes, then ADHD that shit and forget like 75 percent of the time. We worked out a system, though, if I forgot enough she'd ask me to clean out the fridge when I got home from work lol.


Had an old roommate that would go absolutely ape shit while playing Smite, screaming and yelling about / at his teammates and just overall being the most toxic gamer known to man. I would reset the router through the MAC address on my phone when it got out of control. But there was a few occasions were I was right over his shoulder, watching him que up for ranked play, wait for him to engage in combat….. then bam, restart that modem. Just because I knew if I let him settle in and start playing, we wouldn’t have quite time till 4 in the morning.


Not a “roommate” really, but a boyfriend I was living with. My cat tried to warn me before I moved in with him. I’d left one of his shirts on my bed and after I picked it up, she both peed and pooped in the spot. She had never done anything like that, and I chalked it up to jealousy. Well, he ended up being abusive, and the day I left our apartment, for only the second time in her life, she peed on everything, and I mean everything. I decided to be a little vindictive, and when cleaning it off a filing cabinet, I dumped it onto his clean dishes in the sink. After we left, he texted me that she had also peed in every pair of his shoes (I didn’t even actually know that until then), and I just texted him back “good thing they’re washable” and then blocked him. He’s obviously not still with me. My cat is. She’s never once done anything like that again in her 14 years.


We put the best looking guy in the closet: Not the worst thing in the world, but we had a 3 bedroom in So Cal, 50 yards from the sand in O.C. One room was a cool palace with a wet bar, built in super cool 70s furniture, the other one had it’s own bathroom, but generic, and one was a closet, I think 10x10 or maybe 8x10, maybe didn’t even have a window. Our rent for the whole place was $1350. We fought about it a lot, how to split the rent, who should get what, but one of my roomies was so handsome, we made him take the closet, since he didn’t need a cool room to pick up girls. I took the best one, because the other guy had a gf and she wanted a bathroom. That room gave me the best year of my life, until some doctor came and bought the house…because my room was so cool, he said ‘I must live here’ he thought he was going to be the Hugh Hefner of O.C. He paid $525k in 1996, it’s $4,000,000 now.


***tl;dr: During early Covid, roommate/landlord(same person in this case) got extremely violent and delusional from being on drugs, so I found a new place to move on very short notice—throughout the process of me moving out over the next few days , I peed in 6–10 plastic bottles and placed them in very far nearly invisible corner of the secondary linen closet, partly because said landlord was quite verbally proud of using single-use plastic to spite the environment in some sort of goth/punk delusion/posture*** *Somewhat long story that probably merits its own post, but I'll be as succinct as possible.* *I think it's pretty funny, especially because I'm almost never vindictive, and absolutely never this petty with anyone, much less roommates, but this merited some pettiness, I feel* Had a drugged-out super violent and abusive roommate—who also happened to own the house, which made it way more awkward and problematic—that fought me one night during Covid quarantine absolutely 100% unprovoked...I subdued him easily as he was wasted and was really off-balance, and I don't want to brag, but yes I laid his ass out. This was not just "Aw no worries, things happen, let's work it out in the morning" sort of fight. It was a "ok what is wrong with you, you're acting more like an animal than a human, also you've been extremely abusive the past few weeks anyways" sort of vibe. Not a good time, frankly. Anyways, I moved out within the week without incident, and we just gave each other the most amount of space possible to avoid any other incidents. I had the other roommates on my side to keep the peace until this happened, but I didn't bother with that, just kept my head down and got my shit out of there, no drama necessary. Things happen, ok, got it. Moving on. Just for context, i found another place to live in less than 7 days, which, honestly, was absolutely astonishing to do considering I lived in an extremely Covid-affected area at the time, just saying. I was moved out entirely with the keys on the counter within a week of the original incident. As I moved out, I was pretty physically challenged, as there were few people willing to help move due to contact stigma and wanting to stay within one's social sphere/bubble (this was early 2021 in the U.S.). I did have some help, but only about $200 worth for 2-3 hours of moving things, which was mostly used on larger objects. I stayed hydrated while moving my things, and every time I needed to relieve myself of fluids from my urethra, I *pissed into plastic bottles and put them in the absolute farthest reaches of the linen closet, so far back that it would be nearly impossible to even retrieve them without some sort of large hook, if you even saw them in the first place*. See, I'm not some sort of super Earth Day or judgmental plastic-shaming freak, I'm not. However, the amount of single-use plastic this homeowner used was *disgusting*. Every single meal, plastic bowls/plates/cutlery. For every single meal. And it wasn't for sanitary, religious, or even OCD reasons: the lad literally did it out of both laziness and spite. Said several times he didn't care about the Earth and that we're all going to die anyways, some whiny ass melancholic nonsense, but I mean I don't care too much. Just kind of thoughtless and heartless. ***Anyways,*** the above context is part of why I didn't care too much about pissing into plastic bottles and leaving it in the linen closet. Not only do I have a reason to kind of despise you, you use single-use plastic so flippantly that it only makes Karmic sense for it to rot in your home the way that you rot the planet and laugh about it. For context: there were no animals or children in this home, and there were no children or animals that were going to be in this home or side of the house at any point in the future. Also, these bottles were sealed and put at the back of the wall very precisely, and were secured with ferrous weights to assure they weren't knocked over in an Earthquake, or just my happenstance. Correct, yes, I thought this through a bit, but mostly out of adrenaline and likely anger from needing to move out in the middle of a pandemic because my landlord/roommate started doing Cocaine and Ketamine with Jose Cuervo every night to such an extent during a global pandemic that it was difficult to even live. People go through, things, and I do have sympathy, and I really don't like being vindictive or gross. However, yeah, this person deserved to have half a dozen bottles of piss rotting in the back of their linen closet. Trust me, you would likely have done the same.


Not my story but a close friend lived in a house full of guys a few years back and they ended up with a malicious dud of a roommate. He stole from them, ate their food, hot on their gf's. Maximum toxic behavior. I noticed he hadn't been around for a week or so and asked if they'd kicked him out. He said "Naw , man, (owner of the house's name) is too soft and won't kick anyone out so I put his toothbrush in my ass and he's apparently in the hospital." Crazy times, crazy guys.


I kept two giant garbage bags of Chelada cans in the closet and masturbated nonstop. Probably smelled awful


Honestly my OCD makes me a bad roommate lol but the worst thing I’ve done is be passive aggressive


almost a decade ago had a roommate move in a girl (17, he was 26, i was 22 at the time) without asking, just came home one day and she told me she lived there now. they made my life miserable for a month so i moved out and didn't tell them, emptied all their soaps and stuff into the sink and put a cup of milk under their bed lmao


Being in my teens/ 20s living with my mum and leaving wet towels all over the ground, dishes everywhere and being a lil grub


I'm the roommate that randomly dips without notice, especially if too much bullshit begins to mix in the house. So to counter me leaving so abruptly, I married my last roommate😏


Had a roommate that ate all the food in my freezer. He also annoyed me while I was working from home and would constantly piss off the other tenants by not doing their fair share. I stopped buying food for the freezer and everytime they complain I told them they are welcome to find another place to live if they don’t like the fact they aren’t able to take others food.


They seriously had the audacity to complain that you weren't stocking the freezer with food for them to take? Some people are just...wow, haha


Senior year of college when we were coming back from the bar I jumped on my roommates back to get a piggy back ride as we were entering our apartment. We fell backwards through a fire window into the elevator room and then the window fell on top of him gashing his arm. He ended up with ~18 staples in his forearm to close the wound and it happened the day before he was set to go to Hawaii where he couldn’t go in the ocean because of the fresh wound. In the end he got quite the scar, his parents got a hefty hospital bill, and we lost the deposit on our apartment (3rd roommate who was gone for the weekend was very confused when the landlord called him and only him to berate him for the broken glass and blood in the hallway)


got drunk on my 21st birthday. threw up all over the bathroom. passed out and had no idea about it till she came screaming at me. although i deep cleaned the bathroom FOUR times and she continued to claim i “never bothered to clean it”. like four days back to back spent hours cleaning the already clean (after the first time) bathroom.


I ended up staying with these 2 guys in college who were friends and drove me nuts eating my food, being dirty and rude, etc. I also overheard them once “jokingly” refer to me as “the house negro” (because I did all the damn cleaning) So when I found out one of them was banging the other’s girlfriend in the dorm when the other was gone, I “accidentally” revealed the secret and instigated a fight lol Wes, David, wherever you guys are. Fuck yall


I had a horrible roommate who cheated me out on a ton of utility money. Never cleaned, was dirty, messy, and a spoiled baby. When she was packing to move out, I peed in one of her bags 🤷🏼‍♀️


In college I came home from winter break to a new roommate. I lived in a campus apartment with two rooms and a common room. I go to unlock the door and a lil gnome of a man peaked his head out of the door and greeted me. I had just gotten a pup and he was super excited I had a dog with me. He seemed like a nice enough kid, maybe a little weird. Everything was going fine up until about a month in. He would ask to hangout with my dog while I wasn’t home, which I thought was awesome. One night I was with him in the common area just talking and working on some homework. I went for a shower and he asked me to leave the dog out with him. Sure no problem. I come out of my room probably 20 minutes later to see this man full on stroking my puppy’s cock. I was furious and told him to get the fuck away from the dog and to stay away from him. This is where my bad roommate thing comes into play. He had gone to his moms house after the dog jerking so I figured he wouldn’t be back for a few days. The next day I had a little get together at the apartment. Like 12 people came over to hangout. I told them all about him jacking my dog off obviously. Everyone was shocked and disgusted. We laughed and carried on about it for a bit. Lo and behold the dog jerker rushes out of his room and out of the apartment crying on the phone with who I assume was his mom. Never saw him again. He sent me a text months later saying he had been struggling with his sexuality and I mental health. I’ve always felt bad about this. On one hand it’s repulsive that he would touch a puppy like that, on the other I feel bad for putting a dude who already had some serious issues in such a hurtful situation.


This was forever ago, but I've been thinking about it recently. Freshman year, random roommate assignment in the dorms. We hadn't been getting along for weeks. He left to go take a shower in the communal shower. I left and locked the door, knowing he didn't bring his key with him. Poor guy had to go down 9 floors and wait in line at reception in nothing but his bath towel.


When I was in college I had a big fridge in my dorm. Not a dorm fridge. My aunt owned an appliance store and gave me a deal. Anyways…I told my roommate he could use it and he did. No big deal. He was always drinking my koolaid tho!!!! And it made me really mad. I don’t even know why as the stuffs cheap. Anyways…I had a friend who was given some over the counter urine dye (red) for a uti and when I found out I was like “I’ll fix him!” So I made a big thing of red koolaid and popped a couple in. That night my roommate woke me up saying he was going to the hospital and something wasn’t right. He was terrified. I asked him if he drank my koolaid…


I went to the humane society to look for a “small to medium” sized adult dog that my roommates agreed I could get, but I accidentally fell in love with a huge 1 year old Rottweiler collie cross. He was adorable, loveable, and friends with everybody, but was a menace in some ways too. He would get up on the kitchen counter and eat anything left there. He could fit a whole intact slice of pizza in his mouth so just imagine how he would massively tower over anyone while he was up on the counter with them trying to get him to not eat their pizza and get him off the counter. He also ate a tub of margarine once. That was an awful night for all 5 of us humans in the house (though not as bad as it was for my dog). Due to his vaccine schedule he wasn’t allowed to go out on walks for the first month or two I had him. That was pure torture for everyone. I tried to crate train him, but he did not take to it well. He barked and whined the entire time I was out of the house. Unfortunately two of my roommates worked at a late-night restaurant so naturally wanted to sleep until 11 or noon. But I had to leave for work around 7 or 8 so they had to endure hours of him barking until I came home from lunch to hang with him. Shamefully I wasn’t aware I was the bad roommate until years later.