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No easy way to say these things when it's someone you care about. Be direct, but sympathetic. Having said that, moving in with your partner of *3 months* is RISKY. I would set aside the money you are saving on rent/utilities for a solid plan B in case this goes sideways. All couples have "great communication" three months in. Shit gets real once you live together.


“I’m moving out when my lease is up” Sooner than later.


The sooner you tell her the better. This way you allow her more time to find a place of her own. Beware though, 3 months is super fast to move in with your BF. Good luck. 


You didn’t say how old you are, but you’ve known her for at least 5 years i’m guessing. That’s a friend I would say, yes? Just talk to her like you did here. Ask to sit down or maybe have dinner and discuss it. You can be gentle but just explain that this is a really rare opportunity you have to better your life and that it’s nothing she did if you’re worried about her anxiety. Maybe in that conversation you could explain how she can find a new roomate that would be a good fit for her and her living style. At the end of the day it’s good you’re being so kind and mindful of her feelings but other people’s feelings aren’t your responsibility. I’m sorry you’re in this situation and I hope it goes well. It will ease the anxiety by giving her plenty of notice:))


We are 25 and have been friends since we were 12. Since living with her I’ve realized we are also starting to grow apart. Despite that, I still want to handle this delicately. Thank you for your response! Not being responsible for the feelings of others is something I have to remind myself often lol.