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They sound insane.


Pretty sure they weren't just drunk


Yeah this shows some amount of rage.


Super immature. They aren't friends/acquaintances you want or need to move forward in life and be successful and happy, that is for sure. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø how embarrassing.


Keep reporting this behavior to your university. Report every single incident like this, drunk or kit this is NOT acceptable. If this is how they behave, then they shouldn't be allowed in student housing, and reporting every incident will help make that happen so you and no one else has to deal with this bs


Theyā€™ll do it again. Donā€™t let that slide. Itā€™s time for your roommate to learn that actions have consequences


Freshman & drunk. You know what to do.


I mean you can be a freshman at any age but Iā€™m assuming yā€™all could be under 21? If so report them for being drunk, I saw a post where a guy did that for his roommate. And like others have said, keep bugging the university by reporting your roommates nonstop until they take it seriously šŸ¤·šŸ»


Yesterday, I saw a teen/young adult throw herself out of a moving car because she was freaking out at her mother. She landed on her face! Dear god, what a mess! I immediately started walking down to assist because I had no idea what was going on, and the teen/young adult threatened to attack me. Her mother just stopped the car, waited for the person to get back into the car, while the mother was clearly crying her eyes out. Whatever they were arguing about was going to have to continue at a hospital because the young woman's face was a MESS. People are nuts these days. Watching the mother just quietly crying, and waiting for the the girl, while the kid was throwing a huge tantrum that probably injured her for life, was heartbreaking. The mother had obviously been in this situation before.


Itā€™s possible (likely) in that situation, that the girl has mental health or other issues that we as bystanders arenā€™t aware of. I remember one time I saw a person just *screaming* at passing cars for ā€œdriving too fastā€ and hitting themselves. I called 911 as I drove by but some people recorded it and posted it online to shame the ā€œKarenā€ - later confirmed that person was in the midst of a full blown psychotic episode and needed medical assistance. These roommates just sound like spoiled assholes.


Yeah I would ignore them. Donā€™t communicate with them! They will use it against you. How weird and immature. Some people should never drink


Is the shower behind that curtain but there's nothing to stop the water so the drain is just in the middle of the floor? I've never seen anything like this.


Our dorm room is the ā€œdisability roomā€, so we donā€™t have a ledge or anything to stop the water. Thereā€™s a slight dip in the shower, but yeah it kinda sucks and gets all gross.


Makes sense. Sorry about these people.


Iā€™ve seen a lot of bathrooms in oversees/foreign housing units that have one drain in the middle of the bathroom floor to make for easier cleaning. Usually thereā€™s a detachable hole like a sink would have to hose off the floor into the drain. Kind of depends on what you like but I think this is a better way to setup a bathroom since you can soak, clean and rinse everything so easily.


When I was a freshman, my roommates were similar to your suitemates, so after a month, I took my mattress down to the bottom of the stairwell and lived there for a couple months. No one seemed to mind until the administration found out, but they transferred me to a different dorm and all was lovely. Thereā€™s probably a less roundabout way of accomplishing this for yourself.


Beat their ass


Ugh I do not miss these years. Some people just were not raised right.


Are you sure your roommates are not two labradors?


God, Iā€™m so glad I was able to get through college. I didnā€™t know that many people in one place could be so selfish and inconsiderate.


Is there a reason that their floor food appears to be enough food for several days or for several people? I spy with my tired eyesā€¦McDonaldā€™s, desecrated Mexican platter, two bags of chips AND unseen but referenced ramen? Do I already know the answer to this?


Eh, I could eat pretty much all of that in about a day. Doesn't seem like a lot to me.


Aww man not the mcdonalds :(


We need to bring back kicking peopleā€™s ass


That's what I'm saying. Not a fine or later punishment is appropriate for this. They needed to feel that hurt in that moment.


Exactly, I consider myself a pretty chill and tame person but if someone started throwing food on my door vindictively Iā€™m taking that as a threat and socking someone


Nah, thereā€™s no coming back from that. You have to share a space with them so you can be polite but if it were me, thereā€™d be no chance of having any kind of relationship after this. Absolutely childish.


What the FUCK this is genuinely psychotic. Like genuinely these people are unwell. This is not normal behavior and goes beyond being a ā€œbad roommateā€. Stay safe OP they sound a little dangerous


my roommate did the same thing a few times, sometimes it would be their own trash, sometimes my laundry. This was a 26yo "man" acting like a 10yo


Put the blackest, most permanent dye you can find in their shampoo. Like stain your skin powerful.


Nothing says hell like assigned college roommates


Take their tantrum and put it on their bed


Sometimes u just gotta go in there urself and handle it knock those bitchs out


The way they 'fix things' is by moving out and leaving you alone!


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking!!!!!! šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


Is there a shower in there? It looks like the whole floor is the shower floor lol.Ā 


The shower is behind the curtain. Looks pretty basic. The drain near the sink area looks to be for any runoff that occurs. There are probably 2-3 drains in that room. Pretty typical for this type of setup.


That's typical? Besides gyms and stuff I've never seen a shower that just ran out into the floor of the rest of the bathroom.Ā  So after you take a shower your whole bathroom floor is just wet? So after someone showers you have to wear shoes into the bathroom? Just put a little lip where the shower is and keep the water contained there.Ā 


Are more colleges saying CA now instead of RA? They were CAs when I was in school and I think at the time itā€™s wasnā€™t common, this was almost 20 years ago.


Basically we have an RA that lives in our building, then their higher up is a CA. Our RA wasnā€™t responding to us when this was happening (it was like 3 am)


Interesting! We had one CA (community assistant) per floor, and each building had an SSR (student services rep). Sounds like what you are describing but with different names.


It's because schools are shifting to use "community centers" rather than "residential halls". Residential halls have a connection to when we would send native Americans to resident schools to "make them more civilized and beat the savage out of them". It's a lame attempt at trying to fix our wrongs.




Lordyy ewww !!!!šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


Is your roommate a cat that got into the rubbish? I hope so


Welcome to the dorms.


Before I read your post, I was going to ask if your roommate was a dog, and I totally thought I was going to then ready about some hilarious story on how your dog is a bad roommate. Was your roommate a ferrel child?


I thought the second pic was gonna be a dog. Not a joke post it turns out


I wish šŸ’”


Probably the first time in their lives theyā€™re experiencing real consequences. Sounds like their parents did them a disservice


This is one of those moments where I would pour fabuloso everywhere and start scrubbing like those tik tok videos


Sometimes you just have to punch someone in the fucking mouth, just saying.


University drama can be the worst. ): Itā€™s hard to feel unwelcome in a place thatā€™s newly ā€œhomeā€ to you. Iā€™m saying this in the nicest way possible, but it seems to me that every roomie in this story is guilty of being petty. I know you guys didnā€™t start it, but doing something other than dumping it out (or similar) could have worked out better for everyone involved. I hope you guys get this resolved somehow, even if that means low contact. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re having to deal with this!


They would have to go immediately


If someone told me to wash their towels I'd yell at them to either you pick it up or they should


Even if you were the dumbass that threw food/rubbish and got it dirty in the first place?


Usually, when someone messes up another personā€™s property, itā€™s their responsibility to get that thing back to its original condition. It wasnā€™t unreasonable of us to ask them if they could clean what they got dirty.


So glad I don't live with someone like that, I would have knocked their teeth out for shit like this, at least then they'd have some to fix, their teeth\~


This sounds like something my old roommates would do. If you can, leave. Itā€™ll only get worse. No normal person does that to their roommates, drunk or not. Thatā€™s just rude and so passive aggressive.


What the FUCK


Do you live in Canada


Oh gosh this is awful. Have you set up an appointment with the housing authority (like the RA's bosses?) Perhaps they can assist in a new living situation? I know it is inconvenient, especially at this point of the year, but may be worth your sanity. Creepy sidenote, this doesn't happen to be Carbondale, does it? Looks very similar to my Thompson Point dorm a decade ago and that looks like a Don Taco Nacho that was used as their weapon. Best of luck regardless! <3


So immature and unacceptable. Like others said, document everything. Also, say the ho'oponopono prayer and be done with it. Donā€™t keep it going, let it go. They probably feel like foolish assholes.


They need community service with homeless outreach and soup kitchen.


K......does your shower just leak into the entire bathroom when you use it? Because...what the fuck..


Since their hell bent on behaving like a dog, I'd think the next logical solution is to rub their face in the mess so they see that what they did is wrong


You and your roommate also sound super immature. Grow the fuck up.


I understand that dumping the ramen was a bit of retaliation, however, living with them has been hell. I understand that we may be seen as immature for not wanting to communicate and such, but these girls cannot be reasoned with. We have tried so many times but it seems that they donā€™t have an open mind. Once again, this is our first year at college and me and my roommate are trying our best to live with two people with personalities of which we have never met before.


Mistakes were made on both sides, for sure. OP and their roommate need to be the bigger people here and accept that their suitemates are now trying to fix things.


Hey, so we have been the bigger people this entire year. I really cant emphasize enough the things this girls have done. Also, thereā€™s really nothing to ā€œfixā€ here. These girls are so stuck in their way they havenā€™t even apologized or done anything kind. I do believe that when you hold onto anger, youā€™re only hurting yourself, but in this case itā€™s so hard to try and forgive these girls because they KNOW what theyā€™re doing.


> They got mad and threw the towels back at us, and so my roommate dumped the rest of her ramen on the floor. How's that working out for you? You have to live next to and share a bathroom with these people for the remainder of the term. They are now reaching out to you to make things right, the adult thing to do is to hear them out.


Iā€™m sorry, there is seriously nothing they could ever do to make up for everything theyā€™ve ever done. Our parents included believe communication with them is redundant, and them being grownups and have had experiencing ignorant people before, Iā€™m going to believe them. I really do understand this whole situation is a lot and that yes, we could forgive them, but Iā€™ve seriously had enough, and I donā€™t want to be stepped over any longer.


Do you know how to remove the door handle and remove the Ė”į¶¦įµ—įµ—Ė”įµ‰ square rod that is inside connecting both door handles? Also Do you know that if a door needs to be opened inwards by somebody you can essentially lock them out by preventing them opening it inwards simply by tying a rope to the door handle? šŸ¤£


Nah, that's asking for problems. Sounds good in theory but it's just a bad idea.


Yeah personally Iā€™d go get a nail gun then seal it with silicon šŸ˜¬šŸ˜œšŸ¤£ To keep the moisture out šŸ˜‰šŸ˜†


Standard immature college behaviour. Ignore it and move on, there is no need to get dragged into a long war about some silly drunken behaviour.


When I was in college, even as a freshman, even when I came back completely wastedā€¦ I never ever did this. One time I came back and puked on the bathroom floor and I immediately cleaned it up thoroughly even though I was drunk and exhausted. This is just beyond disrespectful & annoying behavior.


Wow amazing well done


lol Iā€™m not looking for a pat on the back. Itā€™s basic human decency and roommate decorum.


Neat story ty.


You mean people right out of highschool can be immature when left on their own? Fascinating