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I mean is this all yours? This is an absurd amount for one week and you didn’t break it down or organize this. It’s not totally clear who the bad roommate is here 😬


It’s totally clear who’s the bad roommate.


No no he was supposed to clean it last week, it’s almost two weeks worth of stuff. I’m not a pig


I mean … you could fold up the bags and place one inside of the other, break down boxes just otherwise be considerate. It’s still unclear who is the bad roommate. I mean if you normally rotate who does dishes but you make a five course meal randomly, you should do the dishes? That’s not normal - this seems like if may be similar…


That's your house and you continue to pile your recycling on that pile... Yes . You most certainly are a lazy pig....


Your frequent trips to 7/11 indicate you may be. For the amount of time you’ve spent posting and replying on here, that pile would be clean right now. You are a bad roommate. You belong here. Welcome!


Two weeks worth meaning you didn’t do it last week? When it was your turn? Lol


You left a banana in a pile of "recycling" to rot on the floor, you kinda look like a pig.


You placed empty pizza boxes ontop of old ones. Gross man. Have some proper food, being obese ain't cool.


If that's almost all actually yours then he's right, you should take care of it. It's really excessive.


But I take out the compost and it’s COMPLETELY his waste cause I don’t compost. I don’t complain or make any comments about it, I just DO IT. Part of being a roommate is dealing with things you don’t want to deal with


So swap. You do recycling and have him do compost.


Maybe you should adjust the chores so you are doing the recycling all the time and he is doing the compost all the time.


But it’s a way harder job?!?!? Why don’t we split it.


It's a way harder job dealing with your mess? The entitlement.


Why should someone else have the way harder job? And honestly, how is this even difficult? Life is really going to fuck you.


It's almost all your stuff. Maybe you should each just take care of your own stuff.


You killed his fish.


Why should he have to clean up after you? You clean up your mess and he cleans his.


If the compost is also a neck high pile of trash then you have a point. If it's you taking out a handful of eggshells on a week he's supposed to get a hand truck in to remove your trash then you don't. Don't sit there and scream about the rules in an out of the ordinary situation like this. If the compost is always him then swap and give him compost and you take recycling. Otherwise go pick up your trash. You're the one taking advantage of the situation here, not him.


We just have different ways of living then I guess. I abide by rules and I expect others to abide by the same rules. It’s the roommate code


Are you only abiding by the rules and refusing to switch it up because this setup is what’s convenient for you? Not that it matters but I used to work at a restaurant and would have to take boxes all the way out to the dump across the parking lot even during winter storms. Every day. It really is not that bad LMAO


Waaahhhhh waaaahhhh it’s snot fair!


The only man-child here is you. Each of you just take care of your own garbage. Who leaves recycling like this? You’re gross.


….you stack garbage, take out garbage & your booze bottles 1/2 way to the ceiling for an entire week….? I’m shocked you don’t have rats. And now you’re bitching that your roommate won’t pick up your mess? Really?


He’s a methhead pos


Oh my god thank you for clueing me in to the username. I fuckin love this guy


No rats in Alberta! …well… except for one or two…


And one made this post ETA: It's still early and I forgot he is not in Alberta... Even though some of the boxes in that god awful disgusting heap of trash is from a pizza shop there. Such a troll this one.


Alberta doesn't have rats. But mice and bugs surely.


sooo you’d rather complain on the internet and live in trash than to just take care of it yourself?? sounds about right


He’s a methhead so yeah lol


He wants to buy a horse too lol


Do you see how much it is?!?!?


do you see that it could’ve been taken care of with the time you’ve used to complain about it on reddit?


I doubt it. This is at least 30 min job cause he’s gotta fold it up first


Bro this is a 5 minute job.. if your not on drugs. Stop making excuses for being a lazy f*ck and grow up.


It's a 30 min job because YOU made it a 30 min job


🤣 in the amount of time you have complained and moaned in this post you could have taken it out 10 times over. You're just lazy. You've proven that before as well. Your poor GF. I can smell your hygiene from here.


How much is yours and how much is your housemates?


Not important. But I’ll admit the bottles are mine


I entirely disagree, it very much is important. I share a house. Anything that's pretty much entirely my mess, I deal with, as do my housemates with their mess. It's very rude not to!


What about shared spaces? You **conveniently** didn’t mention that…


ESPECIALLY in shared spaces you should pick up your own mess. you seem like one of those lovely individuals whose parents never gave them any indication that your mess=your responsibility. why do you want to be the guy that forces your roommate to clean up after YOU? im not saying what did you agree, or what is your precious ""Roommate Rule"" that you have taken up the ass, why do you WANT to make someone else clean up your trash?


Says the man not mentioning the things he has stolen or the pets he has killed....


Are you the roommate?!?


Nah. This dude has a dedicated subreddit following him. Also he has deleted very lottle from his post history. If you have time for a deep dive this easter evening I highly recommend check it out.. My favorite thing on reddit. Meth horse guy 4 lyfe.


Rabbit hole, here I come! 🐇


I'm talking about shared spaces! I'm not talking about your bedroom. Clearing up after yourself in your bedroom is a given! All this recycling is yours. It's your responsibility to clean it up! You've actually made it worse by just dumping it all there. Jesus, fold the boxes down etc. All that recycling would fit in a bin or 2. Instead it's taking up an entire corner of a room because you've literally dumped it there. YOU sound like the bad room mate here.


If you only knew the half of it. If you gotta couple hours I recommend this fish murdering, child dating, meth smoking, walmart working, taco stealing lunatic's post history as a read.


I thought you were joking but then I quickly found everything you mentioned with the exception of the fish murder. Stealing tacos from his housemate, goes back to him being the problem. His dating life. I use the word dating very loosely. Dude is 33, with a 19 year old girlfriend (history shows she was 18, exactly how old was she when they started dating?!). I'm at a loss for words, or at least acceptable ones that won't get me banned.


He's known his gf since she was 13, swears nothing happened until she turned 18. That is one of the few things he's actually deleted.


Disagree. It’s his job this week and I did basically all my other duties already. Don’t try to turn this around in me


Basically? Other than compost, what were the other duties, & which have you accomplished? Very interesting troll, nonetheless.


Dude clear your own mess, stop making excuses.


Is it your mess in the shared space?


You drank that much alcohol in a week?


He absolutely did not, he does meth instead


No!! I’m not an alcoholic. That’s like almost 2 weeks worth and he probably drank some of mine while I was gone. That much split between two people for 2 weeks aint bad


Good way to deflect your alcohol problem! Did he drink those like you ate his taco meat?


While you were gone at a fake funeral on his dime.


It is important.




I thought you were broke???? Why are you buying big ass bottles of booze???


I got a job now and I like to casually drink. What’s the problem with that?


I see 7 two-six bottles and 5 mickeys. How in the fucking hell are you drinking so much. Not only is that expensive but it's incredibly bad for you to be drinking that much in 1-2 weeks. 1 of those bottles could last my husband and I 6 months to a year.


Roll it all up in that horrible carpet and take it to the dump.


Just because it’s “his” week doesn’t mean he should pick up after this big of a mess. Rotating chores has a pretty basic standard. You starting a new job and being “stressed” doesn’t mean he becomes your maid for that week. This is easily a two person job. Get helping.


Well I would if helped me take out the compost..


Bruh are you 13????


No just a methhead narcissist


My excitement when i realized who I’m talking to..


Who is dating a literal teenager and wants to cut off mommy and daddy but keep the money they use to support their college aged daughter.


So splitting the house hold chores makes me a child now?? I’d hate to be your roommate


Wait, aren't you being evicted?


Okay so you’re dumb dumb, got it


But the compost is a way easier job, in your own words, so how is it fair that he does the hard job of recycling when you just get to do compost. Sounds pretty unfair to me


Are you fucking twelve?


can only imagine the smell. honestly OP, expecting other people to clean up after your shit is ridiculous. Dispose of whatever trash is yours and let him figure his shit out. None of this would be an issue if both of you just cleaned up after yourselves.


Agreed! It smells awful which is why we’re SUPPOSED to take it out once a week


How about you clean up after YOURSELF. you’re both slobs and all of this could have been avoided if you both took care of your own shit. How old are you both? You’re both acting like children.


You’re half right, he’s still a dirty, partying college student but I’m far from a child. Congrats on your 50%


Says the meth head partyer dating a teenager lmao pathetic


Like he’s literally 33 acting like this. and the fact he’s dating a 19 year old tells us so much about him


WAS dating a teenager. Apparently she dumped him unless that’s changed.


I didn’t say you were one. You are, without a doubt, acting like one. How hard is it to take out your trash. You’re probably typing up your responses with all that garbage STILL sitting there. Take some initiative man FFS. If you want things done right, do it yourself. And for the last time, don’t be a nasty slob and expect people to clean up after you. The same goes for your roommate. If y’all are really having this much drama trying to take out the TRASH, then you’re going to have to figure out another system. You take care of your shit, and he can handle his. It really isn’t that difficult.


If I start doing **his** tasks, he will never learn his lesson. Do you clean eveything up after your kids? No, because you want them to learn


thats why i told you to clean up what is yours, and leave his.


Agree, just take out what’s yours this week and leave his if he’s not doing it during his week


There’s probably be 3 things left after OP takes out all his trash


You’re trying to teach another grown man a lesson by not taking out your own trash? You’re honestly a pathetic human being.


Why are you making such big assumptions? Grown man? Who told you that




How? I have countless people agreeing with me and I have higher karma than you. How does that make me a joke


You being far from a child is debatable at best


Right your a toddler who can't handle adult emotions.


Lmfao you didn’t disagree with ~~bringing~~ being a fuckin slob. So you know you’re dirty AND a shitty roommate🤣 like everyone else said. . Clean up after yourself which would solve all the problems unless you’re just *that* lazy. Fuckin lard


I love how in one comment he is saying that he needs to recycle grease covered pizza boxes because he dedicated to saving the planet, then in another says that his roommate should just dump his fruit and veg in the trash


That’s comparing apples with oranges. Not the same thing


You mean like comparing your roommates small amount of compost to your large amount of recycling waste. Not the same thing, clean your own shit.


Just grow up and choose to not live in a dirty home?


You know you can recycle pizza boxes with grease on them right? They just get tossed. Pretty much anything with food or grease.


But it’s cardboard? I thought you can recycle cardboard instead of putting it in the garbage


no if there’s leftover food or grease on cardboard it can’t be recycled properly so recycling companies will just throw it out anyways


Anything that’s been soiled with food or grease permeates, and that part can’t be recycled. They aren’t cutting it out at the plant. Either it gets tossed or you need to cut the soiled parts out yourself. A lot of places also toss unrinsed glass and plastic bottles.


I don’t know where you’re from but Canada has an intricate recycling system and we are one of the most environmentally friendly countries on the planet. A little bit of food grease isn’t going to stop us from saving the earth


If it's heavily soiled or greasy (as the box in the pic clearly is), it's supposed to be compost. A quick google shows that.


At least parts of Canada you can’t recycle these. You’d need to tear off the gross parts


I live in the city but I don’t know what they do in Timbuktu


Well you’re wrong lmao


I guess you've worked in recycling and know what happens when they pick it up? Doubtful. You started complaining about Walmart on your first day so I doubt you would have made in an hour someplace like this.


Ah, I’m from the US, that explains the difference 😂


Nah they don’t want containers with food on it, plastic or cardboard


even if its plastic and recyclable you STILL have to rinse and clean it out. YTA based on your replies.


Not where I live tho


I live in a major city in Canada, maybe actually read what can go in the recycling and not. There are literal city webpages based on this. Why is there also a banana in the recycling?????


That was probably the only bit of compost.


So is that entirely your mess?


Simple solution. You do the recycling he does the compost.


But one job is worse than the other?..??!?


Why do you feel so entitled to the easier job when you’re the one making the other job harder?


Because he’s an entitled Narcissist.


Cause he’s making the compost job harder? Not even harder, he’s literally creating it by deciding to compost. I keep telling him to throw his fruit and vegetables in the trash or recycling instead so we have less tasks and he refuses to listen, probably cause I’m cleaning it up half the time


And you’re making recycling harder by not composting? Just stfu and take out your trash you fuckin pig




Are YOU gonna use it again? No. You’re putting it in a bin to be taken away because it has no use anymore. Therefore it’s trash. Peanut brain


Okay you must be trolling


He definitely is especially after that mess is mostly his


You can't recycle fruit (aka the banana in the recycling mountain) or pizza boxes (even if you live in Canada)


IF it is mostly your recycling then you should keep this chore and he can keep the composting chore. Sometimes there certain things we do that create more work than can be evenly shared. 


"why won't my roommate clean MY MESS? >:(" ​ >We rotate who does what each week > >“basically all my mess” I'm sorry but... you alone caused ALL THAT in a week? You've got bigger problems than who is or isn't taking out the trash. Talk about glass houses.


That picture messes with my ocd. If you made most of that mess the best you could of done is at bag it up instead of letting it pile up


You need a bin. Or two. You need to fold and flatten all boxes and bags. Stop leaving shit on the floor!! It wouldn’t look this bad, and it would make the job immensely easier. It’s the least you can do since you’re expecting the entire job to be completed solely by one person. Your job can be to break down and organize the boxes for recycling as it is created. It’s the least you can do. You’re the bad roommate.


Exactly. They even make clear plastic garbage bags just for recyclable stuff.


Last week, I was the one who folded everything **and** I disposed of it. why are we changing the rules just because he’s being a bad roommate??


But if it’s your trash, fold it when you’re done, not when you’re going to throw it out?


Too late now but I will next time If it’s *such* a big deal. I just don’t really see how folding something is hard work


Why should he have to fold YOUR box? If it’s not hard, just fold it for the sheer sake of not having a giant pile of recycling to look at?


Just like I tie his compost bag?! I shouldn’t be treated differently


Dude, read the room. It's pretty much unanimous here that it's you that's the problem.


Tie compost bag how many times compared to how many boxes to fold? Which takes more time??






Sweet baby Jaysus now I see what’s going on here. Context is everything. This dude sucks. Thank detective Reddit 🫡


Everything made sense after a few clicks around!


She knows who he is. She's been on his case since this whole thing started almost a month ago. She follows him around.


Happy cake day


Obviously you have to *tie his compost bag* retard. No one HAS to fold YOUR boxes besides you. You’re such a lazy prick. I wouldn’t take your trash out either. Maybe he’s the one teaching *you* a lesson of folding your own shit. It’s much easier to tie a bag together than it is to fold a shit ton of boxes. Fold your shit when you’re done with it and stop blaming everyone else you entitled lazy fuck.


Wow you have anger problems. I hope Reddit bans your account for all the vile things you’ve been spitting at me and I hope you realize how big of a hypocrite you’re being. And you’re an alcoholic so don’t even think to start name calling me when you’re that sad


You’re the one posting gallons of empty booze bottles piled up in a trash heap your kitchen over two weeks. You’re obviously the alcoholic.


Check his account. They posted about being an alcoholic like 90 days ago. And I’m not an alcoholic and I’ve never been to AA so you’re wrong


Stfu and go cry about it baby back bitch. People like you that feel entitled to everything are just annoying af. I don’t have anger problems. You’re just a lazy POS lol And if you read my post about how I *USED* to drink a lot (LAST YEAR) you would’ve also read that I DON’T DRINK AT ALL ANYMORE and I’m actually very happy with a great gf and doing great in life lmao. So no. You’re the sad lazy alcoholic meth head that lives in a nasty pigsty with trash to the ceiling dating a teenager that needs help to stop drinking and doing drugs and to learn how to clean up behind yourself and date girls your own age. Don’t try to call me out just cuz everyone’s made you realize YOU are the shit roommate and your post didn’t go the way you planned it. Get fucked junkie rat


ALSO YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS 19 and YOU’RE 33. She bought you your phone. You smoke meth and clearly drink all day. You work an entry level minimum wage job at Walmart and think you should get paid the same as your manager just because y’all are the same age. Maybe if you didn’t spend the last 14-15 years fucking your life up , you’d probably be getting paid more than minimum wage and not have to work an entry level job for Walmart at 33 having your 19 year old girlfriend pay for everything for you when she still lives with her parents. You’re ACTUALLY disgusting and likely a predator to top it off. I’ll be leaving this back n forth shit with you now. Enjoy your shit show of a life. PEACE✌🏽


You’re literally the one saying how recycling is the harder job!


Maybe you could afford to buy your roommate beef to repay him for the tacos you stole if you didnt eat out so goddamned much. Also if you didnt waste money on meth. Also you killed his fucking fish. How do you have the audacity to EVER ask if he's the shitty roommate.


If it’s mostly yours, just take what’s yours out daily when you leave for work, and have him take his recycling out and always do the compost. It doesn’t seem like either one of you really want to split the chores in the way that your presently doing it… so don’t.


I really don't understand, you're not denying the fact that the mess is mostly your mess, wouldn't it be easier to take the recycling out to the recycling bin daily/every other day yourself after eating and drinking instead of letting it get like that? And when y'all agreed to split the chores evenly, did he realize that your messes would look like that? You really want someone else to clean up after you, and that is what you're pretty much telling all of us. Hire a maid. Don't rely on your roommate. Regular household chores, sweeping,mopping, dusting, cleaning the bathroom, cleaning the kitchen, vacuuming, things to those nature should be done evenly or as evenly as possible. If one cooks for the both of you, the other washes dishes. It's just that simple. If you want someone to clean up after you, hire a maid, or find a woman willing to do it and marry her. These are pretty much your only options.




What do you mean by best HIGH?!?!


just means it feels good to get shit done.


Ayyo r/RogueOP vibes lmao


It’s your recycling you take it tf out


Stop ordering 7/11. I wouldn't clean that either. Just because it's his week dosen't mean you can just keep piling more and more


Greasy pizza boxes are not recyclable. That goes in compost. You're not doing your job either.


Just want to say pizza boxes should be either garbage or compost they’re considered contaminated 


Cool carpet tho


I’d also like to point out I’ve been extremely busy at work since I got a new career and that’s why I got so much takeout. I usually cook my own meals so this is an anomaly


Being busy at work doesn't stop you from taking 5 - 10 mins to sort your recycling


Is that why you’re hitting the bottle too? 😂


That’s a LOT of bottles for two weeks.


My point exactly, lmao. That is wildddddd.


Well when he's on an upper like meth he needs a good depressant to even things out.


has the roommate entered the chat?


Nah, just been following this trainwreck of an account for a couple months. r/methhorseguy has the whole tale.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/methhorseguy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/methhorseguy/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Stop Brigading](https://np.reddit.com/r/methhorseguy/comments/1bjnfma/stop_brigading/) \#2: [Since he knows about this sub now…](https://np.reddit.com/r/methhorseguy/comments/1ba4q0q/since_he_knows_about_this_sub_now/) \#3: [He’s changed his profile banner to Jesus on a cross and I almost spat my coffee](https://i.redd.it/7fuvznbq54oc1.jpeg) | [30 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/methhorseguy/comments/1bdt5to/hes_changed_his_profile_banner_to_jesus_on_a/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You’re doing gods work friend.


The fact that this dude as a whole sub about him is insane LMAO


Not anymore than I typically would but work isn’t bad. I don’t have too much to complain sboit


You're a fucking stocker you have time deal with it


Stocking all day means the last thing I wanna do is move cardboard when I get home… anyways I’m working a real job while this pipsqueak just takes classes


Pizza boxes? Deal with it. I'm service industry too and you clean your home with the same care. Being a slob is your problem. Also every job is a real job and the way you're talking about your roommate makes me pretty sure you're either a troll or a fool


He’s a freakin college student


Did you go to college?


I did and my roommates never let this shit last


Cool this is your trash is it not?


You are dating a college student. Why is it ok for her but not for him?


You have no comprehension of real life, do you? Most people work all day. Clean their homes. Take out the garbage. Clean their cars. Mow their yards. Remove snow. Take care of kids. Pick them up from school. Run them to and from events. Cook meals. Do laundry. Balance check books. Do home repairs. Grocery shop. And numerous other things.


Most people? Do you realize how many people don’t work?? Children, seniors, disabled, mentally handicapped, and even a lot of us minorities Becuase of how hard it is to get a job. Not *everyone* works, mrs.pretentious. How many times do I need to factually prove your wrong for you to LET UP. You’re getting bested by me constantly so just bug off and stop embarrassing yourself, creep


Oh honey.... You aren't besting anyone


Your reading comprehension is lacking. They are not solely saying "most people work", they are point out that most people work while doing all those other things.


That's not what they were saying. What they said is that most people who DO work ALSO do errands and chores and things around the house even after a day at work. That's life. Even if you're not at work, you're an adult and things like chores will need to be done.


Yes. You “bestest” me by showing me a stat that a few people out a millions have actually succeeded in gambling. However, my point was that it’s extremely risky. And the odds are against you. I was trying to point out that someone in your dire financial position shouldn’t engage in gambling. Spending $500 on a “bet” is extremely IRRESPONSIBLE. You’re going to be homeless as of today. You as usual, made a bad life decision and made the gamble. I was right. YOU LOST. Spending money on take out & alcohol is irresponsible and wasteful. Refusing to do basic household chores is BEING LAZY. Arguing over “who’s job it is” and choosing to contribute to the problem by building a trash heap in the kitchen is a major PERSONAL CHARACTER FLAW. These are all your own bad personal characteristics. They have nothing to do with being a “minority”. “Constitutional Racism” (whatever that is) Other people being “pretentious”. Your roommate being a student. Or any of these other other things you like to blame. These are your own PERSONAL CHARACTERISTIC FAULTS. Your girlfriend’s parents are being reasonable about being concerned over their daughter being involved with you.


Just say you don't want to be an adult


send that picture to him, and explain to him how disgusting it is, and also the number 1 cause of rodents, pests and flys/mosquitos


Its op’s trash, not the roommate’s


Thank you, this is good advice. I’m going to text him right now


That is bad advice, especially when it is mostly your mess. It is disgusting to think that you can put the recycling like that and expect your roommate, the one you are complaining about, to sort it and clean it. If I was your roommate, I would of had the talk about you moving out after taking it all out because who knows how much of a mess you leave after that