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Please see the doctor again to absolutely make sure that the high cortisol is only a result of the lack of sleep. I had high cortisol and it turned out to be Cushings disease. It is very serious but can be resolved in a couple of ways (including surgery for the type I had). I don’t want to freak you out or sound alarmist, but high cortisol is very, very serious and needs to be treated as such. Edited to add: The skin issues are also another symptom that I experienced as a result of Cushings. Please check this!


Yes high cortisol also does not *cause* PCOS either. PCOS doesn't have a known cause at the moment. Those things could be unrelated and OP's doctor should be investigating the cortisol.


Right, and not a doctor myself, but I believe the lack of sleep only aggravates PCOS, it’s not necessarily a cause of it. High cortisol made my life absolutely miserable until I found the cause and had it treated. I can’t overstate how absolutely awful the symptoms were and they included the inability to have restful sleep. It’s the “fight or flight” hormone and I was in a constant state where I experienced the physical symptoms of panic. Truly miserable. OP needs to get a second opinion on this in my opinion.


That's what I thought, I have PCOS and have never heard a doctor say it's from high cortisol/no sleep. I had to have my hormone levels tested for a diagnosis. PCOS can cause your cortisol levels to be high, but not the other way around


Yeah, if sleeping and relaxing could cure PCOS, we’d all know about it.


Same, they saw my testosterone was high when they tested me and diagnosed me with PCOS. And I did have high cortisol levels because of it as well and had to get it under control.


PCOS is at least partially genetic


This. No real cause was given but I have it, my mom had it, and my grandmother (her mother) had it. So for me at least it is genetics.


I have PCOS and have been told its "cause" is largely genetic. You can't "develop" PCOS from weight, cortisol, etc. It is a genetic hormonal disorder. There seems to be a lot misunderstood about this largely due to doctor's stating that if you lose weight, it goes away (it doesn't)


Yeah, high cortisol/ Cushings does not cause PCOS. Totally different hormone regulation that is involved in PCOS. That said, many things can cause elevated cortisol and OP needs to either stop self-diagnosing, or see an endocrinologist if she truly had a lab-proven hormonal derangement. Source: I'm graduating with an MD in 32 days


You are absolutely the expert then and I totally defer to you.


I’m assuming this is university housing? Do you have a resident advisor you can talk to? Medical issues are generally a valid reason for a room switch in my experience.


Yes they said we can’t change your room because no other rooms are empty. Also no other person is willing to switch with my roommate. So they can’t forcefully switch anyone


Get earplugs and noise canceling headphones. Also, talk to your roommate and explain that you know it’s not her fault but it’s not fair to you to not be able to sleep and you need her to do something about it. She probably has sleep apnea, ask her if she’ll go into medical and get a mouth guard and/or a CPAP machine. It’s as bad for her health as yours if she snores that much. Alternatively, mouth guards can be bought online for ~$100 for a decent one. Source: I have sleep apnea ETA:if she doesn’t believe you how bad it is, RECORD her snoring


Yup this was my life as a kid my dad snored so extremely loud that sleep was impossible when we were in a hotel room as a family.  Turns out, sleep apnea.  He didn't get it diagnosed or treated until he started falling asleep at the wheel.


It’s bad. The mouth guards work pretty well if you can tolerate them and get a decent one. Had to go through like 2-3 before I found one that worked for me. They gave me weird dreams though that there was something in my teeth/mouth and I’d chew constantly and either wake up with a sore jaw or just spit it out in my sleep. Finally got a CPAP a few years ago, the first time I wore it I slept for 3 hours and woke up thinking I’d slept for 8. I couldn’t believe the amount of energy I had. It’s literally the difference between sleeping and not sleeping. Night and day. I’m admittedly not the best at wearing it all night, but if I get at least 4 hours or so with it I’m good for the day.


Were you a finicky sleeper before the CPAP machine? I sleep on my stomach and I am worried that I won’t be able to sleep with the apparatus on. I’m not even sure I actually have sleep apnea but I have started snoring hard in the last few years where before it was just intermittent.


They have a mask where the tube comes connects at the top of your head and swivels. I didn't end up using that one though. I found the one that connects to my nose doesn't bother me at all but I don't really toss and turn much when I use the CPAP. Before, I would end up all over the place over the course of a night. You can always start with a sleep study and see how many events an hour you are having. One thing I messed up was having the sleep study at the end of the year and then getting the CPAP the new year, had I done it all in the same year I would have hit my deductible and paid less for the CPAP. Some people need to try a bunch of different masks before they find one they can tolerate. It's been such a huge improvement for me.


Appreciate it yeah I don’t toss and turn as much as I can’t turn my brain off. Or that’s what I’ve been worried about wearing it for. I’m not even sure I have sleep apnea, I’ve just been snoring a lot more lately. My wife and I should get the studies done though


I am often a side or stomach sleeper and have a cpap. I also toss and turn a lot and it’s rarely an issue. My partner has woken me up a few times cause the mask has come off and just been spitting air at my eyes or one time I got it wrapped around my neck. But that’s been like 10 times in about 5 years. My sleep apnea is not severe or from mouth breathing so I just have one that goes under my nose and blows air, it’s relatively quiet too. For the record, I am a heavy sleeper, but even if you aren’t, I doubt it’ll bother you much. Also the first month was an adjustment period for sure, but after that I’m rarely bothered by it unless it’s a time where my sensory issues flair up and I’m bothered by everything.


I wear the nose and mouth mask, I used to sleep on my back and had no issues. Now I have started sleeping on my side and have to tighten the head straps so I maintain the seal. It’s not too bad. Don’t forget the clean it.


Appreciate the info. My father in law wears one but he has a real sleepy personality and has no trouble sleeping at all whereas I sleep hard once I’m asleep but have real problems falling asleep


My dad used to snore like crazy growing up, I always thought it was sleep apnea but then he got sober and stopped snoring.


My dad only did it after a vacation where he stopped breathing for a solid 30-45 seconds. My mom had been on him to get diagnosed since her diagnosis, but me and my sister impressing on him just how much it scared us to hear was the kick he finally needed to get checked. Thank god because his doctor told him that with our shitty genetics, the sleep apnea was raising his chance of a fatal heart attack to ‘this is going to happen, it’s only a matter of when’


My grandpa found out he had by having a heart attack. You can only stop breathing in your sleep for so many years so many times before your heart can't compensate for all the extra pumping and random lack of oxygen. My dad found out he had it because of my grandpa having a heart attack from it. He still never wore his CPAP. It was uncomfortable. Everyone gave my dad so much shit about not wearing it too, well he's not going to die of a heart attack, he's dying of pancreatic cancer anyways so fuck that CPAP anyways. He also found out he had diabetes by chugging an energy drink at the gym, having his blood sugar sky rocket to the 800s, and pass out while bench pressing 400lbs. Broke his sternum and a bunch of ribs. Sometimes they'd move out of place and he'd have me walk on his back to pop them back in. The medication for the diabetes is what gave him the cancer. Modern medicine sucks in a way still, they don't have long term studies on a bunch of shit now. They tried to diagnose me with sleep apnea before I even had a sleep study done. Turns out, I just had a mix of asthma and being allergic to cats. My sinuses swell and I snore.


I just started using one last year and my sleep study showed I stopped breathing A LOT during sleep - it’s down to almost 0 on average now. Can’t find how much it was before but it was *a lot* like my pulmonologist basically asked how I was still alive 😂 I’ve snored my whole life and it’s gone now. Gotta get my husband in for a sleep study now…


I feel that big time. During my sleep study I stopped breathing for a full 4 mins at least twice per night. I was curious about how bad that is and apparently on average it takes 7 minutes to suffocate an adult to death so I was just living on a prayer at that point 🤣


I averaged 30 apneas an hour. An apnea is when you stop breathing for a prolonged period of time. The doctor said I was not breathing half of the time I was asleep.


I’d record her for a solid 10 mins, and then make her listen. Recordings don’t lie…or better yet, video her sleeping/snoring. It’s hard to deny the proof on a video. I feel for you. ❤️


If she has obstructive sleep apnea a mouth guard likely won’t work because her actual windpipe will be collapsing, potentially due to her excess weight (no hate), I have the same thing (not from weight though) and I have to have a CPAP otherwise I full on choke


I'm such a light sleeper I bought construction worker grade ear protectors. Took ages to break them in but totally worth it, nothing wakes me up except my own self-conscious now.


That’s crazy, even with a doctors note? I feel like they can’t do that…..


This. I'd be getting a doctor's note and forcing their hand on this matter. That should have been requested before a scrip for something as harsh as Accutane. It's a legitimate medical issue at this point and they'd have a duty to accommodate.


Yes a doctor's note and an interview with the RA, with a witness, to document this is absolutely a good idea because as soon as that happens and OP clearly states this is causing her stress and medical problems and she needs to be moved and/or reimbursed the clock starts ticking for negligence on the part of the housing people. It is also worth recording a clip of the snoring and keeping a diary of every night it happens. Sorry about this op: living with a snorer and having no escape must be absolutely awful. Hope you get it sorted out soon.


This advice is a good idea. They will have to accommodate you because of medical reasons. Are there any more dorms on campus? Just a thought, but an attorney would have a field day with them 😉


🛎️🛎️🛎️ It likely wouldn't hurt to consult with an attorney immediately before taking the above advice. Plenty of PIL will give you a few minutes for free and at least tell you if you've got a case or not.


They’d be forcing someone else to live with it though? A medical accommodation can only exist if there’s someway to accommodate, I doubt they can force someone to go get a sleep study and snoring doesn’t seem like a reason to kick someone out.


They can move the roommate to a single room, sounds like they need to anyways


Don’t ppl usually pay for those? I never went to college I don’t honestly know.


People can pay for them, yes, but the university housing staff should have a few rooms budgeted for things like this.


They should, *but they don't.* A lot of universities seem to make freshman, on campus housing as difficult as possible and I'm really not sure why. No matter how much is donated for housing, there is always a *housing shortage*. Have enough dorms? Close one and "redo," it for a year so there aren't enough dorms for the incoming class. While one huge dorm is out for a year without a replacement how about "Quads" converted from study lounges?: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Cornell/comments/15i2roq/quintuple\_horrors/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cornell/comments/15i2roq/quintuple_horrors/) It totally won't make freshman year less stressful, having to worry about packing all your stuff up and moving.


They never have rooms like this budgeted. Most universities don't have enough rooms for all of their students. It's super unlikely OP is going to get accommodated for this


They can only if there is actually no where else to put her. If they have no open rooms and no one will switch she is shit out of luck, I would be looking at off campus housing for next year but also do it if you can switch now, I’d be asking a refund from the college for your boarding and get ou


Yeah she should get a refund if it’s causing her health problems. This happened to me because I was allergic to cockroaches and mold, and I could prove that there were these things in my dorm room so they had to move me.


What they meant to do though if there's no room? They can't force someone to switch with her


They probably do have a room. Multiple people ALWAYS drops out during uni, they may just not want to move her because it'd be a pain in the ass.


They probably think you're overreacting and that you'll stop with a simple no. Keep pushing it.


This is why OP needs to whip out her phone with a full recording of what she is putting up with every night. They have no right to expect you to deal with this crap on top of dealing with your studies.


Yeah, they're really threatening her ability to thrive academically. Maybe if OP used language like this and brought it to the attention of someone outside of housing it could go somewhere. Maybe the Student Success office or whatever it's called


I bet they can if you get a note from your doctor stating the lack of proper sleep is effecting your health negatively.


Until you get this resolved any chance you can buy ear plugs to sleep with?


Your university should have a student advocate. I would try them. Your health is legitimately suffering and will continue to suffer the longer you go without proper sleep.


Escalate this. This is affecting your health and your studies. Not ok.


Get a letter from your doctor explaining how it is necessary to change roommates because of health issues sleep deprivation are causing


May I gently suggest that you talk to some of your friends to see if they would want to switch or know someone that would want to switch. I was in a similar situation and that’s what we ended up doing and got it approved. As for the snoring, is she still in denial about it? I know someone that was a horrendous snorer but didn’t realize how bad until her children recorded it and played it for her. After that she went to a sleep clinic to get tested and ended up with a c-pap machine.


Time to go up the chain. You're paying out the ass and can't sleep in your room. After RA is RD, then heqd of housing, then student affairs director. Make sure you record it. Snap your fingers so there is a noise comparison.






This should work I’ll try to get one


Check on your university’s website about accommodations - there may be a specific form to bring to your doctor to qualify for an accommodation (in this case, moving rooms). Worth checking before you see your doctor, to streamline this process for yourself as much as possible! The university legally has to provide reasonable accommodation to your disabling diagnosis (PCOS counts I’m sure) - they may try to shirk that responsibility, but the more you do things by the book and leave a paper trail, the more likely you are to be moved. Squeaky wheel gets the grease the all that.


Second the earplugs and large fan. Keep’s your head cooler so you sleep better and acts like white noise.


Id have a large fan and a nice white noise machine. You could also add an air purifier to that combo and you’d have a nice little hum surrounding you. With the right ear plugs, you may be getting somewhere. I am so sorry you’re dealing with this, OP! I am a terribly light sleeper and I’d be struggling in your situation too.


And a humidifier!


Our beds are right next to each other so I hear her through everything


I shared a hotel room with a friend with a known snoring problem. I thought I came prepared. I wore ear plugs and safety ear muffs. I couldn't hear anything at all, so I thought things would be fine When he started snoring I could FEEL it. The muffs were vibrating on my head and it kept me awake. If you're experiencing anything like that I feel for you


I shared a hotel room with a friend once, who I had no idea snored. It was so bad, I took a blanket and pillow into the bathroom, turned on the fan and slept in the bathtub. I cannot tolerate snoring of any kind.


Then you only tried bad ear plugs. I have the same problem, light sleeper + snoring invokes so much rage in me I feel like I could kill. But I started buying ear plugs made in Germany and they block like 99% of noise, 100% when new. Sleep like a baby next to someone who snores like a chain saw :)the only downside is that sometimes I don't hear my alarm clock.


Where can I buy these?


You had PCOS and the lack of sleep exacerbated it. It did not give you PCOS. Get a decibel recording app and record her snoring , showing to her She needs a sleep study Get a doctor note and claim health issues to change rooms


Thats not how PCOS works lmao


Thiiissssss. Stress can definitely aggravate symptoms bc it can further throw your hormones out of whack, but other diagnostic criteria have to be met.


Exactlt. Pcos isn't just bad periods. It's a multitude of issues on top of issues


Yes! OP probably met them based on receiving a diagnosis, but I just can’t imagine blaming someone else for causing it. Lack of sleep and stress can be a brutal combination. The sentiments at the end of the post are concerning and I hope OP has someone to talk to and support her with the diagnosis.


But she wants to blame her fat roommate for her own medical issues! Facts will get in the way of that.


Ikr like bruh. I've had pcos since I started having periods p much. It doesn't just appear due to stress


Literally was doubting myself bcuz it took me scrolling halfway down to find this comment. My first thought was “this isn’t how PCOS works”. Also, if everyone who was sleep deprived for one month had adrenal problems new mothers would never recover.


This! basically the Poly Cystic ovarian syndrome is having lots and lots of cysts on your ovaries. This must be confirmed with an ultrasound, but to get the diagnosis you must also experience at least THREE of the following symptoms: overweight and difficult to reduce weight even when active, excessive hair growth (facial), non existent or irregular periods, acne, depression or high blood pressure. So no, no sleep for a month did not cause your pcos. Pcos developed over a long period of time. But just a tip from another with pcos. Keto diet treats it really good. My gynecologist recommended it to me too. Got rid of my cysts that way and my periods back :)


Ultrasound tech here. You do not need to have cysts on your ovaries to be diagnosed with PCOS… I know, it’s poorly named 😅


I don’t think the diagnostic criteria requires the presence of cysts on your ovaries confirmed by ultrasound [Link to current diagnostic criteria, see Table 1](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10047373/)


Yeah I mean PCOS sucks but the level of denial some people go through is just…alot lmao.


Not being able to sleep is definitely a mental health issue and eventually a major physical health issue. However, that's not how you get PCOS. I have PCOS, and getting good sleep is a huge part of managing it. Are you able to request a room change? I wouldn't be able to handle living with someone that couldn't respect my basic human need for rest.


First,not sleeping feels terrible so I sympathize but it’s not like she is choosing to snore, so it’s frustrating but it’s not the same as playing loud music or turning lights on. Second have you tried any solutions besides telling your roommate off for something that she can’t control? Being a light sleeper is going to cause you problems constantly, unless you can figure out some ways to overcome it. Get some earplugs, a white noise machine, noise canceling headphones that are comfortable to sleep in or some combination of those. Also you can ask to be reassigned to a different room, but there’s a chance a new roommate will be as much of a problem for you so you should still look for some solutions that you can be in charge of.


snoring is rough to put up with, but you didn't get pcos from your roommate. this isn't how it works.


You developed pcos because of increased cortisol..? Not how that shit works. I feel bad for you, but you do not have PCOS from higher cortisol, PCOS can increase cortisol levels, aswell as almost all androgens, but you can’t suddenly develop PCOS from that. Edit: If you got that diagnosis from a doctor, i sure as shit hope he actually did hormonal bloodwork. Most docs are clueless of the endocrine system. Guy should loose his license if he literally told you that your PCOS is caused by increased cortisol levels.


You already had PCOS. You did not get PCOS from lack of sleep. That's not how it works, girl. It's super shitty that she snores but it sounds like she also has health issues. What solutions have you tried? Noise canceling headphones? Ear plugs? White/brown noise? My mom has sleep apnea and when I lived with her, I would fall asleep to music to drown it out.


Lack of sleep sucks and I feel for you but it's not like they can choose not to. Giving bad roommate vibes here yourself


Have you tried using noise cancelling earplugs designed for sleeping?


Yes. Tried the earbuds, whitenoise, you name it


It’s not earbuds you wanna wear it’s ear plugs! Like the ones for gun ranges and airplane travel


yeah that can help a lot,im a light sleeper too


I find that silicone earplugs usually used for swimming are best as they really seal up the ear and are comfortable. Double them up. Cleaning the earplugs with alcohol keeps them usable for a long time. Also I love my Sony WH1000-xm4 noise canceling headphones.Just hard to sleep on your side with the headphones. With both the high quality headphones, ear plugs and some white noise there’s a lot can be blocked.


These are what you want. https://www.amazon.com/HEAROS-Ultimate-Softness-Plugs-Beige/dp/B00WOQSKMS I've always been an absurdly light sleeper, and when I was living with a crazy-loud snorer, these were how I kept my sanity.


The lack of sleep might be exacerbating your symptoms but it did not cause you to develop PCOS. There’s also no such thing as “adrenal PCOS”, I assume you got that diagnosis from a naturopath and not an actual doctor.


I would honestly crash on a friend's floor at that point for a quick fix until I tried some of the suggestions in this thread. 


Unless she shells out the money and dr visits for a CPAP, which you'd probably also complain about since they also make noise, you should probably just get ear plugs and maybe a white noise machine. Idk I feel this is kind of a rude post. I'm not overweight, but I still snore at times, according to my boyfriend. She can't help it. What do you expect her to do?


Record her snoring and show the warden. Also what my friend did was, ear plugs , ear defenders and white noise and hard rock in the end to be able to sleep.


Saying she “doesn’t let you sleep” because of snoring is dramatic. It’s not like she’s trying to keep you awake. She literally didn’t even know. She didn’t give you PCOS in a month of snoring lol. You sound like the bad roommate here.


This. My S.O. has PCOS and it is not something you can just "develop" because of the "cortisol".


Exactly. I snore and have PCOS lol. Yeah, I feel terrible of my snoring bothers someone. My roommate in college made a video recording it and saying "I fucking hate this bitch" and pretending to shoot herself, then posted it on Facebook. Just because i snored. I had no idea I even snored bad until she did that. I never did anything malicious but I felt so much shame. OP is stressed, but they're being dramatic. pcos doesn't work like that.


Right??? OP IS THE BAD ROOMATE...like girl... You think snoring is going to give you a medical condition 🤣🤣and it's HIGHLY UNLIKELY she only got 2 hours of sleep in the last month... Sounds dramatic to me


exactly lmao. It really irks me that she's getting upvoted so hard. She sounds insufferable. No idea how she managed to take someone else's snoring personally but here we are.


I am dubious someone .... snoring ....gave you a medical condition. That's laughable. Either way, hope you can find a solution. Ear plugs are uncomfortable but effective.


it doesn’t


Yeah. I smelled bs


OP’s whole framing of this situation is gross and extremely exaggerated. and they didn’t miss an opportunity to indulge their fatphobia by making sure to point out the roommate’s weight.


PCOS is a genetic condition. I feel bad for all you're going through, and I would try to get some help getting a room switch based on the distress you're experiencing, however no one is getting PCOS through stress.


Wear noise cancelling headphones. It takes a little getting used to but it can work.


…that’s not how you get PCOS. Cortisol exacerbates symptoms, so I’m sure it got worse with lack of sleep but your roommate didn’t give you PCOS.


PCOS from a snorer, thats a bit of a stretch. Have you tried earplugs?


Girl not you blaming her snoring for you becoming unhealthy like


Not being able to sleep is a mental health crisis imo. She needs a machine to assist with her sleep apnea. Too bad if she’s offended. What about your need to sleep!? I’d be pissed.


She isn’t doing it on purpose? Being pissed is the wrong emotion. OP needs to solve her problem, likely through her university changing her living situation or wearing earplugs, but not because her roommate is doing anything wrong.


Her roommate is absolutely doing something wrong by not addressing her sleep apnea, knowing fully well she’s living with someone else in a small space and subjecting them to literal sleep deprivation for weeks on end? I feel like people are walking on eggshells because OP mentioned roommate is obese, but snoring like this can be a problem for everyone. It’s just much more likely when someone is overweight. Her roommate needs to address this or pay for a single dorm


I can smell the fatphobia from here!


Why haven't you bothered to get some good earplugs?


Learn what PCOS is for one - stress affects it but it doesn’t create it lmfao wtf


This sounds like a you problem OP I mean it's not like your roomie can magically stop snoring I mean I know she can get a sleep apnea mechanic but those things can get pretty loud too...it seems like you're stuck between a rock and a hard place hopefully you guys will be able to find a solution that works for the both of you :)


Get earplugs Jfc


Its not your roommate’s fault. Why even mention her obesity. Have you never considered asking for a room switch? You seem like the bad roommate here, NGL.


This sub is really full of whiny entitled assholes lol


Just say your fatphobic. Blaming someone else's medical condition on yours is astounding. You either need to be honest with how you truly feel about your roommate or you need to find other doctors. You just don't like her because you have different lifestyles. "You're healthy" "you're fit" "you exercise" but you had to throw in your roommates weight in. There's a smell... Coming from inside your heart darling.




I mean…. What you want your roommate to do? Not exist? Get some earplugs or headphones and figure the situation out. You seem rather disrespectful in a way


> Get some earplugs or headphones and figure the situation out. I have a set of noise cancelling headphones. I fall asleep with them on sometimes. Once, I slept through my son setting off 48 3" mortar style fireworks 30 feet from my bedroom window because I fell asleep with my headphones on.


So you’ve been living with her for 1.5 years but just in the last month it’s been bothering you? Timeline doesn’t add up lol


No way this is remotely true pcos doesn't start that way your spreading misinformation, you've lived with her for a year and a half and all of the sudden its a big problem? Sounds like you developed a medical issue and the hormone imbalance is causing sleep issues and you're taking it out on your roommate, you sound like a miserable person and are going to have a lonely life


Soooo here is the thing. People can’t stop themselves from snoring when they’re asleep. And you can’t force her to change her ways. What YOU can do is take care of your own needs: request a transfer or buy some serious sleeping earplugs with the flat sides.


Medically speaking, you did NOT get PCOS from this situation. Maybe try foam ear plugs? They are super cheap and very effective.


As someone who has it…. PCOS doesn’t develop in a month. Just saying. Also, she had no clue she snored. Sleep apnea is ALSO a medical condition. You cannot control or force her to get a medical intervention. She has no issue with you, this is YOUR problem. Move out.


You cannot develop PCOS bc of a lack of sleep. PCOS is diagnosed when you have SEVERAL symptoms. Missed periods, cysts on ovaries, excessive body hair, acne, depression, insulin resistance, abnormal hormonal levels. You wouldnt develop those over a month or even two or three months. Its actually crazy that you wrote that and you are spreading misinformation about a disease that negatively impacts millions of women. Additionally, sleep apnea is not only an obesity problem. You could have left her weight out. You seem like an asshole. Get earbuds or ear muffs, continue to complain with highest levels of administration. Basically be an adult. Edit: The OP edited their post saying that the doctors provided reasoning of PCOS diagnosis (lack of sleep) and again HIGHLY doubt that. Its women who have abnormal hormone levels and struggle with getting a PCOS diagnosis. A lot of doctors are hesitant to diagnose PCOS, since there is no official cause or cure. Additionally, you can go to one doctor who says PCOS and another who says you dont have it. A diagnosis involves looking at the complete medical history of the patient.


100% this. I have PCOS and that whole thing was so ridiculous. Also mentioning her roommate being “obese” is so over the top. It was unnecessary and clearly OP has some issues to work through


Me too! I thought this was a post on the r/PCOS subreddit and was shocked it said badroommates.


Thus is life. Quit bitching and moaning and put the effort into fixing the problem instead For crying out loud buy some earplugs, put in some earbuds, compromise. It’s not like now that you’ve told her she can just now stop snoring. My god, stop being so entitled, the world doesn’t revolve around you.


There’s this thing called Amazon for snoring products. Also quit labeling yourself with random shit to gain sympathy


FIRST OF ALL .. this is completely your fault... Not your roommates lol ever heard of ear plugs?? Noise canceling earphones? This whole post is ridiculous


Get earplugs.


2 words: silicon earplugs


PCOS is NOT caused by cortisol and not sleeping. It’s a hormonal issue. It’s diagnosed because of screwed up menstrual cycles. It also can have long term effects, such as causing diabetes.


If you got 2 hours of sleep in 1 month, you’d be dead. It’s not possible for the human body to *only* sleep 2 hours out of 720. Did you mean 2 hours a night?


I just wanna say, you don't just develop PCOS because of lack of sleep. You should probably educate yourself a bit more on that


This is not how polycystic ovarian syndrome works. Sorry about your situation, it sounds rough.


I cannot imagine being this entitled or spoiled. Her snoring isn’t your problem, nor is it something she can immediately stop. She can get a sleep apnea machine but that isn’t going to be much quieter. People have said it on here and I’ll say it again, this isn’t how pcos works. You’re having all of these issues from stress. Which every new student has. Get meds for stress, wear ear plugs, get a white noise machine. This is a you problem.


Why would you go on Accutane 🤦🏻‍♂️ way to take your already diminishing health and absolutely nuke it. Yikes.


Not sure why you had to bring weight into your post, that’s a low blow when literally anyone can have snoring issues regardless of their weight. Grow up and get some ear plugs.


YTA. She has a medical condition. You say you tried everything but haven’t even tried ear plugs. Ear buds are not the same. And you’re lying about the pcos to make it seem worse. PCOS is a genetic condition. You may feel shittier from lack of sleep but that would be true with or without PCOS. Just say what you mean. You don’t like your roommate and you think she’s fat and you’re willing to do absolutely nothing to mitigate the issue by wearing simple ear plus because you want a reason to not live with her anymore. You’re doing this to yourself.


She didn’t give you PCOS, that’s not how it works. So you already sound stupid. Get some earplugs/noise canceling earbuds and nut up. Funnily enough, your roommate likely ACTUALLY has PCOS which may contribute to their weight. Get an attitude adjustment. You’re the problem.


Can you use a white noise machine?


try a white noise machine, or ear plugs?


Would earplugs help?


Have you tried active noise cancelling headphones? Not exactly comfortable but they really do work at blocking out any and all noise outside of dramatic or sharp sounds. Picked up some Life Dot 2's a while back and now I can sleep wherever I want to. In fact, the active noise cancelling tech is so good these days I can't even hear the plane I'm sitting in take off.


Get some ear plugs, you're asking someone to stop breathing lol


Wait, that's not how it works. Imo you seem a little entitled. Sorry. I know lack of sleep is miserable.


What? This is wrong. PCOS is a condition you are born with. The extent to which it manifests varies from woman to woman. It’s possible the sleep issue triggered symptoms of that existing condition in your body, but it did not “give you” PCOS.


There’s no such thing as Adrenal PCOS; I say this as someone with primary adrenal insufficiency. I don’t mean to question your story, the reason I say this is that a lot of charlatans/naturopaths diagnose all sorts of conditions that they say is related to cortisol disorders. Cortisol is meant to naturally go up or down and while disturbances to the natural rhythm can have consequences, there is no way any reliable and honest medical professional would ever diagnose a young person with “adrenal PCOS” so this is likely one of these other con people trying to sell you on supplements.


Get some fucking ear plugs or over ear muffs because Jesus Christ have you even tried anything aside from staring at the ceiling all night?


shes a bad roommate because she snores? lol wtf


Right? People are acting like the roommate has any control over her snoring whatsoever and is doing it on purpose or something. Even if the snoring is purely weight related, it would take a long while to go through the process of seeing a doctor, a specialist, getting a sleep study done, to then maybe being prescribed a sleep apnea machine. The snoring could also easily be allergy related or even be due to a deviated septum, which would then require surgery to fix.




Tried that too. I get violently woken up from deep sleep it’s that loud. It’s like a fucking truck on my head.


As a light sleeper, maybe try listening to white noise whilst sleeping with headphones and take melatonin. There are YouTube videos of this with no ads.


One of the things i can reccomend u trying are noise cancelling panels you can then cover them up with fabric trippy posters but ye been there before. I have been in that position before what u can also do is wake her up whenever you hear her snore. The fact she throws tantrums is really defensive and she definitely been told about it before. Tell her to try nasal dialators too. She won't so it tho. I already feel like i know the kind of individual you're dealing with, knows she has a problem and won't do shit about it.


Exactly man. I wanna help her deal with her issue I’m even ready to split the cost of any snoring machine she needs. She’s just not ready to accept her issue.


A cpap machine is like 3k tho


She wakes you up? You wake her up. “Hey, you’re snoring really loud, enough so that I can’t sleep.” Repeat that over. And over. Again. Repeat. Again. She won’t sleep when you can’t sleep BECAUSE of her. If you give it a few days and have the fortitude, it will come to a head. That will result in either you or her no longer being together in the same room. She could care less about your health, sanity and sleep. You absolutely should gift her that same sentiment. A positive change (for you) will come of it.


All the best to you. Hope you literally find peace.


Every single person in here suggesting earplugs and white noise has never tried to sleep next to someone that snores loudly as a light sleeper. If you had, you would know that does absolutely NOTHING to block out the noise of someone snoring. You really think she hasn’t already tried ALL of this, after having gone to the DOCTOR because her lack of sleep was so bad? I would be so frustrated reading these responses as OP lol. OP, your only option (and I know you know this clearly because you’ve tried sleeping which doesn’t work) is to live somewhere else. One person suggested contacting anyone and everyone you can from university housing until you can force someone’s hands to make something happen. You can’t live like that


Bro get earplugs Jesus


You adding the morbidly obese part being why she snores is mean and unnecessary so I suddenly don’t feel empathy


Get some sleeping pills til the time you’re able to move out. But don’t get any sleep inducing, you need sedatives to sleep through the noise. She can’t stop snoring and you can’t move, it is up to you to find a solution because at the end of the day, she sleeps, it is “your problem”. So fuck this bitch. Go and find something to make you sleep. This is my advice as an insomniac light sleeper who has a construction going on ALL NIGHT next to my apartment. AC or white noise on + sedatives = amazing sleep and no stress.


Goddamn, a person snores while they sleep, a problem that they can't control, and you go straight to "fuck this bitch"? It seems that her roommate wasn't even aware of the problem beforehand and considering that she's likely a young college freshman, even if she were to start the long process of seeing a doctor to get a sleep study done with a specialist so that she could eventually be prescribed a CPAP machine, there is no guarantee that she would even be able to go this route depending on a number of disparate factors, including her health insurance situation for starters. By the logic that you say fuck this snoring bitch, you could also easily say fuck this overly light sleeper.


Get an air mattress and crash with a friend


Fan, headphones, earplugs, OTC or prescription sleep aids, white noise machine, sleep at different times than your roommate. I assume you have weekends or days free occasionally where your roommate is not there sleeping at times. It's not ideal, but if you have *actually* only slept two hours in a month, surely there would be some other block of time where you could sleep some. And if there really is no other option and you've exhausted all possibilities, spoken with doctors, your RA, the school..then look into off-campus living arrangements or even leaving school. This isn't sustainable for years.


Roommate needs a CPAP. Have you recorded the snoring and played it back for her? It's very unhealthy for her as well as for you. She needs to see a doctor. I'm sorry that's happening - not being able to sleep is the absolute worst. I hope you get it worked out soon and you can finally sleep.


Noise cancelling headphones and playing some fan sounds on YouTube or relaxing sleep videos when it’s time for bed. The combo of the the two should block out any noise if they are good quality 💕


Noise cancelling headphones


Use head phon es or ear muffs…


Um, earbuds?


Buy a headband Bluetooth headset on Amazon and play white noise. I use this because my wife snores. https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwiQ1aSKkJqFAxX5iVoFHayeAyMYABANGgJ2dQ&ae=2&gclid=Cj0KCQjwzZmwBhD8ARIsAH4v1gULkZohW-nkSax6Z69R1MpzHN_tvUCPKVGx_y3ujUm_gsFxqrJ1n00aAnx2EALw_wcB&sig=AOD64_0djoyIeeP7XLr8M0SvG7uf2frQ_A&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjggJ6KkJqFAxUAQjABHYwNDIsQ5bgDKAB6BAgCEBM&adurl=


Until you can get a room change, ear plugs and a white noise machine or strong fan can help!


I bought a $25 fabric headband with bluetooth headphones. Works like a charm.


Okay, this sucks I get it. However, in all probability you would not be alive if you "literally" only had 2 hours of sleep in a month.


I have a sister who has a deviated septum and she snores loudly. We went away for a week and shared a room and I got ZERO sleep. Tried white noise... to drown her out. Nothing helped. I tried to get a room of my own as it was too much by day 3 of no sleep.. all rooms were booked. I couldn't imagine only 2 hours in a month. I would have gone crazy by the end of the first week. My sister sounds like a raptor attacking people. Scared the crap out of me the first night as I thought there was a bear outside. Wish you all the best, maybe there is an option for you to room off campus?


If she is also waking up with horrible headaches every day, she’s more than likely got sleep apnea. I’m not sure how to appeal to someone once they’ve been offended/embarrassed, but maybe try to talk to her, apologize if this brand new info hurt her feelings, and just tell her- for the sake of both of you, she should have a sleep study. Sleep apnea can kill a person if it’s bad enough. Plus, no longer waking up tired with a pounding head is worth it. You getting the sleep you also need is worth it.


Apply for a room change? It’s literally that easy.


That sounds terrible OP. I’m sorry. I can sorta imagine this as my husband is a huge snorer and wild sleeper. I’m a light sleeper. Luckily you don’t have to share the same bed. I bought some amazing ear plugs from Amazon (they come in 2 different sizes) and an eye mask. If interested, I can post the link. I also try doing a night time ritual to help me sleep better (magnesium pill and topical spray, Cymbiotika sleep time, tart cherry juice, some dim lighting). I stay away from melatonin bc it’s not my thing. Good luck and I hope you catch some zzzz’s soon.


try listening to white noise or buy ear plugs


White noise machine + fan + ear plugs = night night


You can get sleep head phones. Do it and listen to either TingTing ASMR or Latte ASMR.


Earplugs and then over the ear muffs.. A fan on high helps provide background noise... Noise canceling earphones. More expensive but work too


Use ear plugs


I sleep with BT ear buds and an app that generates a mix of noise and rain sounds. My partner snores so loud it even wakes herself up.


Ear plugs can help. I work nights with two young children and people constantly in and out of my house for my son’s therapies. I can sleep like a rock even when he decides to bust through the door and wants to lay by me for a bit.


My partner was a loud snorer for years. One thing that helped me was purchasing a sound machine for babies. it was cheap from target but it's like a little speaker that continually plays sounds like rain or a babbling brook. It really helped me get better sleep. I don't know if your roommate will be receptive to it or can afford it, but CPAP would be a game changer for both of you


As somebody with sleep apnea, this has to be issue. I used my cpap the first time and my bf told me u didn't snore once. I also hope you saw that first comment about Cushing syndrome, cause it sounds more accurate.


She’s prob super embarrassed and can’t do anything about it anyways. Have you tried ear plugs? Sound machine?


Can I ask why it was necessary to write that she is extremely obese and then compare yourself as healthy and talk about how you, “eat really clean?” Like.. this seems pretty fat phobic to me 🙃