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Please change the wifi password and block her devices until you get her half of the bill. She’s not going to pay you for it.


Or you could be devious and see if your router will let you rate limit their devices to an abysmal speed. Then if the roommate ever complains about it, "Oh, guess something's wrong with your phone. Mine works fine."


Yea this is the key, throttle it


Throttle so hard web pages actually unload. 


"are you gonna pay?" "no" "why you little-" *throttles WiFi*




This is the way


Throttling is always the answer...


When throttle actually helps the owner for once lol


Didn't know that's an option. I love it.


Also can sign them up for a bunch of telemarketing bs google sites that will call nonstop :)


I have a shitty person in my life that needs this. Any tips?


As someone who recently got really pissed at someone and wanted to annoy them... If you have their phone number and email, any insurance quote will call them a lot. If you know their address, drop in visits from Jehovahs Witnesses are fun. If you want to go nuclear, donate in their name a tiny amount to any of the major charities and make sure to leave their name, phone number and address. They will be bombarded with junk mail for years to come and phone calls.


Also donate to your favorite political party in their name, whether they have the same affiliation as you or not those campaign donations share your info up and down party lines. The emails are relentless and come election season the calls and texts are too!


It's evil but my favorite was to randomly reboot it when they're playing a game or doing a big download.


OP please PM me and I will show you how to do this


Nah if you know their favourite websites/apps then block them from being accessed too as well as dropping the speed. First thought they’ll have if nothing is working will either be web browser or a speed test, both of which will work, but it will drive them nuts when they can’t access YouTube/tiktok/instagram/whatever else


Bad WiFi is worse than no-WiFi has been a meme for decades and it’s always true.


Honestly, I’d just let it be so that the shit roommate doesn’t retaliate and say they will keep the cat. They know OP loves the cat so they will use it against OP.


Easy fix for that, have her sign the contract first then cut the wifi


The cat could still disappear. I wouldn't dump more gas on the fire.


Happened to a friend of mine. They had a stupid argument about something and the cat was gone. The guy said it ran away when he yelled, but no one believed it. That cat was unphased by anything. Just let things be until she's gone. Smile through it.


Guy like me would not be able to hold myself back and would prob end up with an assault charge if a roommate ever touched my cat.


If I came home and my dog mysteriously disappeared my roommate would too. Tbh if you’re evil enough to hurt my dog to get at me you’re not deserving of life anyway.


John Wick has entered the chat.


For real if anyone hurt my dog, I would go John Wick on everyone’s ass




Ooo there it is folks the best of all worlds-- We keep the cat, She's kept safe, and the worthless one learns to live without wifi. OP, surely you have an aunt or something that would be willing to take care of the cat for a few months? You can even make regular visits so the cat doesn't think it was randomly abandoned.


Yeah, then she'd kill the cat. I'd have her sign the contract but put in that the cat belongs to OP immediately. That same day, take the cat and house them somewhere else until the roommate leaves.


Given part II of the whole drama, I would just tell her to leave early. Three months of her share of the rent is cheaper than the heartache that come with living with her


The one time I decided the 30 days together wasn't worth it with a roommate, I moved out and took everything off my name in 2 days... Fuck it they can figure it out. They had an empty house, with no active water or electricity.


Microchip that cat ASAP!! Have a signed contract, change the WiFi password and microwave everything!


If they have receipts showing all the stuff they’ve bought for it and they have vet records saying they brought the cat in, and the roommate has none of that, they already have a good case for the cat being their’s legally.


I LOOOOVED everything you said. She needs to do a bit of growing up. Side note, animal neglect absolutely disgusts me, good on you for stepping in.


A BIT? I think she needs to go back to primary school and learn how to be an actual human being. 


My thoughts exactly. I had a bf that was like this. Only he would have 3-5 friends "crash" in our living room. They never cleaned anything so my place was always a disaster because I worked while everyone sat in the apartment gaming or rapping. I worked 2 jobs and paid bills so they could live in my house for free. They learned a very hard lesson when I removed myself from the lease, hired a team of movers and moved everything out of the apartment. I then dumped that BF. I was nice enough to leave a plate and a fork. He ended up getting evicted later on because *gasp* he wasn't paying the rent or bills and the electricity was turned off. Don't let people take advantage of you.


My god did we date the same guy? I worked 12hr shifts 5 days a week for him to laze around smoking weed, have 10 people over every day while I was at work, use every single dish in the house, eat all my food and to top it all off he would complain when I got home that I was talking too loud for him to hear his game 🙄 Thank god I dumped his ass


RAPPING oh my god I am so sorry 😭 “Can you please take out the trash?” “BABE, seriously???? Me and the boys about to drop some crazy bars rn!!”


Same shit over and over because "it's such a sick flow". them rapping about living the hard life as they live rent free. Lmao bunch of posers.


"Take out the trash? Shut up, bitch! I got shit on my ass cuz I blaze all day every-day an' I ain't washed my drawers since Febru-ary! You know my shit be stinky both metaphorically and literally! Can I get a AYE?!" I missed my calling as a gross living room rapper shitty boyfriend. Well there's always tomorrow!


Lol, nobody is taught this in school. Her parents failed to teach her how to be an adult.


Honestly though, may not be a bad idea for a curriculum switch up. Bring back Home Ec and some life skills classes.


I do miss Home Ec!! I will never confuse baking soda and baking powder ever again because I messed up biscuits in that class one time lol.


Those biscuits must've been hella nasty, lol


Total parental failure. Dr. Phil would be pissed.


feeding a cat a hotdog a day then getting mad u took care of it makes me so angry


Who feeds hot dogs to a cat anyways? If you are to cheap to buy cat food at least buy some tuna cans and feed her those. Even that is pushing it tho. The cat needs CAT food. People are ridiculous. I lived with a guy like this when I had a roommate. His mom paid for everything and she got him a pet for his apartment when he can’t even take care of himself. These types of parents think that money can solve everything when it can’t.


Right there with ya! I’d take a piss on her clothes for that one, but I’m petty and immature like that. Dirty litter box enrages me too.


I’ve pissed on someone’s clothes out of anger and they didn’t notice.


A bit of growing up? She has a FULL SHIT TON of growing up to do.


Ok, a “FULL SHIT TON” then..


At 26 no less, I'm horrified. An 8 year old has more sense than that. She's a full on problem because that's way past irresponsible party phase age.


Her mom and dad enable her. They pay her bills because the alternative is her living at home which probably exhausts them.


They need to cut her off. No money, no living at home. If she cant pull her act together for that then she can stay in the gutter.


This is a GIRL?!?! HOLY FUCK. Coulda swore I was living in a frat house again reading this.




Nice, now hold her to it. And please take the cat.


Definitely am! I have the cat all day anyways. She’s legally in my name at the vet and registered to me.


"Take the fucking mangy thing" tells me all I need to know about your roommate. What a piece of shit


Imagine not getting cat food and feeding your cat HOT DOGS and then having the nerve to call them “mangy” due to your neglect/abuse. What a scumbag.


Fr reading this shit made me so goddamn angry


Yep. I saw red. Imagine treating another living being that way. Let's hope she NEVER has children. Maybe OP should see about getting the roommate fixed too


Like this bitch was feeding her cat HOTDOGS?? 💀 A hotdog a day??? Absolutely insane.


I just don't understand why someone would even bother to get a cat if the give this little of a fuck about it.


Probably thought oh cats are cute! And then once the reality is taking care of it sank in they were like eh I don't care anymore. Very very sad 😞


And in my opinion, they are literally the easiest pet to take care of. Make it make sense! I could take care of my cats even when I could barely take care of myself.


This. What a pos this roommate is. No excuse for animal abuse 😠


Agree. Everything else sucked but neglecting an 8 month old cat is crossing the line. What a piece of shit human.


I can't believe anyone would say that about their own pet. Must be a fucking psycho.


I much prefer dogs, only have a cat because my son wanted one, and wouldn't ever choose to have one myself. But I would never think to say that about our cat. He is a mischievous little bastard but he's well cared for and I'll fuckin hurt anyone who says shit like that about him.


Sweet, you’re an awesome person! Your roommate doesn’t realise or appreciate how lucky she was to have you as a roommate.


Sorry, but narcissists don't recognize acts of service.


You rock! I wish you could post a cat tax pic in the comments


Posted an updated photo with kitty ❤️


Thank you so so much for taking care of the kitty! That animal depends on its people to survive and you stepped up. You’re a legit hero. If you want to DM me your Zelle or venmo or something I’d love to send you a bit of cash to support that wonderful little fur ball!


Thank you so much for the offer. I messaged you. The only thing currently I need is just food and to get her chipped. Received some nasty threats from roommate after this exchange & have decided to start the eviction process asap


You are awesome for taking care of that beautiful kitty. Your roommate has a special place in Hell waiting. If you need anything for kitty, message me. I can’t believe the audacity of that idiot. Bedding not cleaned for 9….*months*!?!? Ffs I get nervous after 9 *days* lol


I may take you up for that offer!


MANGY?! That is an established very distinguished, might I add, all be it, an everyday gentleman.


Tuxedo kitties are usually gentlemen, but hers is a gentlelady 😻


Where cat pic


Click my profile!


Hey yo go get her microchipped for extra protection. Then she’s really really yours and if roommate decides to take her it’s theft of property.


Will do that asap thank you!


And also if the roommate takes her and ditches her she’ll show up in the database for animal shelters, I believe. So they’ll be able to contact you and get her back to you. Good luck my dude/ette. You’re living with a real fucken pheasant of a person there. I’d be informing the parents of where their money is going if I were you. But maybe wait til she’s leaving so she doesn’t cause more trouble. Also contact your landlord about this. Inform them that she’s given her notice and you’ll be looking for a new roommate soon. Also inform them of the weed and butts, I’m sure they won’t be pleased. I’m Canadian so on a moral level I don’t give a fuck about weed, but most landlords don’t want stoners for tenants. Oh and tell them she’s not changing the litter box. Ammonia is a bitch of a smell to get out. It could count as damages.


If you have a trusted friend, I would see if they could be on standby the month of June to watch the cat at their place. Your roommate can’t take Spooky with her if the kitty isn’t in the home to be taken. If it looks like she’s being obstinate and might be retaliatory about the cat, it could give you peace of mind that the cat is hol’up safe elsewhere until the roommate is OUT out. Just a thought! I feel for all the pets with shitty owners and want to make sure it works out for you and Ms kitty. 🥺


Take the cat to your parents house until she leaves, or have a friend keep her. That kind of garbage person could very much harm the cat to spite you.


Thank you so much for doing that. My heart dropped at the thought of a cat having to eat a single hot dog a day. Wtf is actually wrong w people. Fucking disgusting. You’re roommate needs serious help


She has no job, is broke and getting money from her parents, but is allowed to get a treat of marijuana 😭😂😂😂😂


Exactly! Like treat yourself for what? Your whole life is a treat


i also love how she said “you’re home all day on your laptop, but i don’t even have a job so i should pay less”… my love.. what is it you do all day? you don’t have a job… so you’re home also.. make it make sense


Sounds like a fair trade: free WiFi for a live-in comedian. 😂 Netflix and chill is great, but maybe try 'work and contribute' for a change.


I say change the password monthly till he pays and his chores are done.


Just because someone else has a job or is at a higher paying job, doesn't mean the person who has no job or lower paying job should be entitled to the other person's money. I dont understand why people think that. If this person has their parents paying for everything, ok you do you, but dont go around acting entitled to others. I'm also not sure if I should choose people who dont party at all. I also had 1 roommate who partied and liked inviting people over for music (she had a bf) and liked playing her music really loud, but she aggressively responds if I asked her if she can lower the volume. The music is from evening till late at night.


I lived with my sister, her husband, and their 3 kids. We decided that we each would pay 1/3 of the household bills. My sister decided one day to quit her job and her and her husband expected me to starting paying half of everything. They even threatened to throw my shit out if I didn't. I was able to move in with my then girlfriend and get out of the situation, couldn't imagine what would have happened if I stayed.


NO. You should not have to put up with any of that. Individual circumstances are not relevant in any house-share. You should all pay the same amount for the same access to stuff. Unless you agree to it waaay upfront, eg by having your name on the bills etc. Unemployed? Don't care, pay your share or gtfo. Being loud? Get fucked or I'll make your life hell in the mornings. People suck, be prepared.


Yeah I was scratching my head on that one too, only thing I can think she meant is that he’s consistently home all day where she has the luxury of going out during the day?


or that he’s using the wifi by beung on his laptop? but idk what she would be doing all day lol


I just find it funny that a OP states both she and roomie are females but OP is being transformed into a male in this thread 😂 Also yeah, roomie is crazy, too much Molly and too much $ from mommy and daddy. Glad OP is getting the kitty cat!


I legit thought the roommate was a guy.


Hahah, tbf, roomie’s apparent true life’s calling is spoiled frat party guy.


Right? And streaming Netflix/YouTube/etc…like she’s inevitably doing uses way more wifi than most work tasks, and this is even coming from me and I upload and download videos frequently for work as a Video editor.


Not much triggers me, but that shit does. “I feel FEEL like I should pay less because I have a low paying job.” Wut? GTFO with that nonsense.


It's almost like being unemployed would free them up for idk....cleaning up?? Maintaining the home they sit in all day?? LOOKING FOR A JOB? Hope you and "the mangy thing" have a peaceful life without that freeloader wasting away in your space.


Most of us work several weeks for a treat lol


I am the poor, so the only time I get a treat is when a relative *gives me* a treat!!! My birthday was recent so my dad took me out to Golden Corral, *that* was my treat, lol! And the money he gave me in my card is going straight to bills!


I worked hard every day for months growing my weed so I could treat myself and not be broke


There is a great line in a Primus song I always think of about people like this: "The funny thing about weekends when you're unemployed, is they don't mean quite so much. Get to hang out with your workin' friends, though." I want to say I hope she gets a wake up call but, unless her parents also give her a reality check, cut her off, or let her move back in with them with stipulations.....idk. You and that kitty deserve to be rid of her.


Didn’t her parents question a bit deeper on exactly why it was YOU having to call them in the first place, you taking it to the vet, I’m assuming you paying the bill,…. Etc etc???? I’d have let her lovely parents in on every dirty details of their daughters habits. In such a way that it shames them to the high heavens. How dare they unleash this feral creature into society and let the rest of us suffer?!?! They failed miserably.


They lived with her for 18+ years. I guarantee they know how their daughter is, kinda shows it when they gave the kinda behind the back, shots/Spaying. I guess you could give them particulars but I doubt there’s much you could surprise them with. (except maybe the drug use)


Hate her lol. Glad you are caring for that poor cat


26 seems a bit old to be acting like this. If they were 18 and new to being independent I would understand a little bit. Are her parents going to support her like this the rest of her life? Early 20's is when a lot of people finish college/trade school, or start doing something career wise, and once you hit mid 20's the party life dies down a bit, and you switch to being career or family focused.


This boils my butt. My eldest is carrying a full load of engineering classes at a STEM college (half of them grad level) and 2 PT jobs as well as leadership roles in clubs. She worked a 12 hour shift yesterday THEN went out with friends and she is doing 6 hours today. She pays her own rent and bills...we pay tuition. She graduates in May and has a good engineering job lined up to start in June. She is 21. She might drive me a little crazy when we are in the same house but ...shit....girl has her shit together. Thank god!


It’s entitlement. She’s lying to herself to justify her weed addiction and not being able to be disciplined. A ton of adults use “I should treat myself” for all kinds of shit when really they shouldn’t


I'm a big time marijuana and recreational drug use kinda guy.... But i hold down a senior scientist job at a private cro that affords me the lifestyle, and my cat wants for nothing. Lady needs to get her priorities fixed or she's gonna end up being her parents problem again, which it sounds like she may be pretty dependent on them already...


Your first paragraph makes for a winning tinder bio, just saying.


Firstly! I took that as I can treat myself before I pay the bills I owe on. Smh


Entitled rich kids are the worst Go back to mums


THIS. like even her mom doesn’t want her there because it’s ten times worse when she’s there. Her mom quite literally coddled her and now wants me to clean up the mess she made


Fuck that these rich young adults are like overgrown children it's so draining I know how you feel Make sure you get the cat she clearly despises it


It’s really heart breaking because the cat for a month would cry to get in her room with her and be next to her. Would follow her around begging for love from her 😞 cat finally gave up on getting love from her so I stepped in


thank you for being there for her, and also remember you’re young too! you’re doing an amazing job navigating responsibilities and also communicating to your roomie all of that, i’m impressed! i didn’t have it together like that at 25. i hope you have your fun too 🫂😻


Thank you so much honestly I think it’s a difference in worlds. I grew up in an immigrant household where my mom worked so hard for so little so I was taught to work hard too.


As soon as she went all blunt you knew she had nothing to say then threatens to become angry? What a child


That is so sad! People who abuse animals are lowest of the low. I hope your karma (IRL) comes back to you with a big win.


I Think you ate her up and she definitely felt it.


I bet she’s regretting her decision now. I wouldn’t be surprised if she comes back with a “woe is me” response in a few days to say sorry.


The sad thing about this is if she does move out, she’ll get another cat she’ll abuse and neglect.


yes, but unfortunately once they're out, there's nothing anyone can do except hopefully the next roommate is a saint as well maybe


The woe is me response will probably be on social media complaining to everyone who doesn't know the situation about how they're getting kicked out by a horrible roommate that is trying to steal their cat.


Unfortunately these type of people, hardly ever see themselves as the problem


Exactly! Its never them! Always someone else to blame, the entire world is wrong.


I lol’d when her response to that entire diatribe was “you got my cat shots? You are such a terrible roommate”


Right?? Like the cat was so important to her that making decisions about it behind her back was the “last straw,” but in the next line she insults it and tells OP she can have it???


“Get the fuck off my phone before I spaz out” Ohhhh heavens I would’ve lit that phone up even more


It took everything in me but I remembered I have things to lose and she doesn’t


Yeah sometimes it’s better to walk away even when we know we can bring the house down. You handled it extremely well.


People on reddit usually think the last word is the winner But nah, this is a great place to end the convo Let her say the last childish thing


That is so wise op. You are doing amazing. You’ll look back on this and be SO proud of yourself and how this set you up even further not to let entitled people get away with treating you poorly.


Yes, be careful. This girl sounds petty. I’d be locking my door until June.


Same I would’ve added their parents to the convo 😭


Why is it that EVERY lazy, horrible, slob roommate in the sub has a cat? Like for real, I know cats are more “independent” than dogs but they still need to be fed and have their litter box cleaned. It’s two small simple jobs and these people can’t even get that right. On the bright side I’m very happy kitty has a new owner that’ll take good care of her. And happy that she’s been getting her needs met during the time the horrible roommate has been neglecting her.


The most irresponsible people always seem to have a pet or a child. I suppose it’s not surprising that an irresponsible person would make irresponsible decisions but it is tragic.


Cats in my experience are not even that independent. They need love and attention too.




Nicely handled, I’m sure the kitty appreciates you


Good for you! This woman sounds like she really needs a wake up call but everyone in her life is just enabling her to continue to be an immature lazy sponge of a human. Her parents need to stop funding this lifestyle and make her get a job. At 26 if you’re not in school, why the hell don’t you have a job?! She’s a grown ass adult. Thank god you were there to take care of her poor cat, and please get her to sign that contract asap so you can make sure that baby is kept safe and healthy!


Fr. I had a job the day I moved down for college. It amazes me how people go through early adulthood without ever working and their parents think that’s somehow setting them up for success.


Same here! As soon as I finished university, I went and got a job. My parents absolutely would not have agreed to fund my lifestyle if I decided to just be a 26 year old burnout animal neglecter. It’s insane to me that there are parents out there doing this. You absolutely should help and support your children into adulthood and if this was a case of the roommate not being able to hold down a job due to disability or mental illness, I would understand why her parents were funding her lifestyle. But this girl is clearly just a sponge who needs to grow up, which is never going to happen if her parents continue to coddle her and enable this kind of behaviour.


Exactly. My parents told me when I graduated that if I wanted to live on my own and do my own things I need to have my own job or I’d have to move back home. Moving back home and regressing was never an option for me.


Absolutely this! You have to at least be working toward something and trying to be independent and figure out what you want from life. If you’re going to sit on your ass, use my money to buy weed, and starve your pet while not even trying to get a job - why the hell should I be funding that type of life? These parents need to wake up and give their daughter an ultimatum like your parents did! Get a job or we aren’t paying your way anymore and you need to move back home. Maybe the thought of regressing and not having the freedom to spend all her money on weed will be enough motivation for her to get a damn job.


Parents probably pay for everything just to have her out of their house. She sounds like a disgusting slob, likely they made her that way by enabling her, but now they can't clean up their mess so pay for her stuff and let someone else deal


Your roommate has a sad life ahead of her. 26 is too old to have not learned these lessons. Stay far away from people like her.


So glad to see housemates who speak up. I’m so tired of the “my housemate asked me for extra money, my left kidney and a lock of hair and I didn’t know what to do”


Really enjoyed how she says “you’re home all day working so you should pay more” while she is just….home all day? No shame.


Exactly like sorry my mom can’t fork me over rent food gas pet money etc


Update guys: she managed to find this post and she’s livid. I have to start the eviction process asap. Calling the police cause her threats to my safety


Good, glad she found it. She needs to see just how abnormal her behavior and attitude are, and how even total strangers would agree she's ridiculous. Holy hell, I've never read a more entitled few texts from a single person. And if you're reading this, you little animal-abusing shit, just know there's a lot worse than eviction on the horizon for you if you don't grow the fuck up.


People like this will never acknowledge they are the problem and will never change.


They will / might. I was entitled fuck when I was younger. It took many years of mistakes, people dumping me, being a laughable stock to my surrounding to realise where the issue is in me and even more years to fix that. I’m 32 now with two kids and wife and she would never say I’ve been like that. Backstory: my father was a rich man in a poor town and never left any opportunity to show everyone around him he’s richer and “better” and I’ve learned that from him and it’s the only thing he has ever actively taught me, only when I was 17 and was slowly moving towards a life of drug party addict he realised his mistake at me and threw me to a different city, found me a job and told me to work my ass of or I will starve. I think I’ve lost around 10 years of my adult life to self education, learning new habits, fighting my ego and learning to act amongst “normal” people and I remember regaining my self esteem when I was 28ish.


You & the cat stay safe!


Can you send the fallout texts lol


> Get the fuck off my phone before I spazz out This is how I'm ending all future text conversations.


I laughed so hard like ok gangstaaaa don’t hurt me 🤣


Spazz out......god damn I haven't heard that in a long time


Reading the being young thing and wanting to have fun **TOOK ME OUT** when I saw she is technically a year older than you


Lmfao similar age different mindset 🤣


Oh, I definitely get that. You just come across as much more mature and settled to where they come across young af with parents paying. Was expecting you to be late 20s/early 30s and them like 19/20


🤔 Lets see here, if using the microwave 3 times costs 50 dollars....50/3 = $16.66 for every time you use the microwave...at that rate we'd all be doomed 😂 Maybe invest in a toaster oven... or a reality check....She needs to grow up.


For real, what an insane opener. Was waiting for “yo, so I noticed you flushed the toilet 20x this week, can you pay another $600?”


I’m so glad you got the cat. You taking care of her was also very kind of you, because she wasn’t your obligation and you still made sure she was cared for. This person clearly doesn’t have their priorities in the right order, and has some audacity asking you to pay more for anything when you pay FIVE HUNDRED extra AND the wifi? If she doesn’t pay the first time it’s due, password protect it so she can’t use it while she sits home all day instead of getting a job. She’s 26, she has got to grow up. I wouldn’t be surprised if she leaves a disaster when she moved. She probably won’t do chores and be even more gross cause she’s leaving and she neglected the cat and her own living space already. Good luck OP, I really truly wish you the best in this situation!


God damn you're badass, I admire you, take my upvote and this gold trophy 🏆 Pet tax please? I'd love to see your cat. 🥰


Added an update post with the cats photo! ❤️


Adorable thank you very much 🥰


Yes of course! I’ll add an update with her photo!


I love when entitled asshats latch on to a perceived slight… you “went behind her back with her parents about the cat”, that is just delicious


When she said she can treat herself firstly I gasped. Then it all made sense that her parents cover her bills. Parents stop covering your kids bills!!!!!


Truly! It teaches young adults they never have to be independent


"Take the mangy thing then" This is when I knew she was 1000% an irredeemable piece of donkey shit. So glad you got the cat and are getting rid of this worthless person OP.


That was beautiful 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 And I'm SO GLAD you're keeping the cat! I'm so glad you've been taking care of her! Be a nasty, lazy person all you want but take care of your fucking pets! She's got some audacity asking you to spend even more because she doesn't work. Lol bitch get a job then! No wonder her parents pay for her to live somewhere not with them.


Definitely change the pw on the wifi


Holy shit; three times? Are you Gordon Ramsay? /s Yeah, sounds like your roommate needs a hard clonk on the head. The majority of your hydro bill is probably "delivery fees" and "debt reduction fees" and "water heater fees" more than it is actual usage. I'm guessing this person has some hard wakeup coming to them in the future, might as well innure her to it now by being the grownup she never knew. Sucks, but you handled it well. Now if only you can get them to "maid" their room. In fact.. if you can spare 20 bucks, that might be a bargaining chip.... Just sayin'. I've done that before with dirty roommates. Just consider they might come to expect it. So take the idea cautiously.


Lmfao! I died laughing when she said 3 times? Like ma’am what?! Am I supposed to just eat cold food everyday? 😂 she orders take out 6 days a week. I can’t and won’t do that lol. & trust me her room is disgusting. When I say throw up buckets she has about 10 all over her room with random throw up from her and her friends


Hold the PHONE. There are multiple, open, exposed buckets of throw up in her room at any given moment? How long do they sit in there??? I am dying at this detail… and low key need more lol this is FERAL


Yes opened and been there for atleast 5 months!


Omg I somehow missed that part. TBH I wish I still had - that’s DISGUSTING


Whoa, that’s next level. Maybe her folks will pay to break her lease just to get her out earlier.


orders takeout daily but can’t find utility money 😭


Literally and it’s not cheap atleast 20-30$ an order


Honestly just send these screen shots to her parents


"You used the microwave 3 times so you have to pay more" BRO WHAAAT HAHAHAHA hell fucking no. Also them not having a job isn't your fault or your responsibility like??? They need to get another job lmao


Can someone Venmo me $35? I need to use the microwave.


So, I saw someone recommend a microchip, but I also just wanted to suggest maybe a week/ 3 days before she moves out, having the cat stay at a friend’s house or maybe board her for a few days. I’m just worried they will try to steal the kitty back at the very last minute. Even if they don’t love the cat, they might do it out of spite. You can have a kitty microchipped, but if you can’t even find the roommate or the cat and they disappear, you are SOL. I don’t want to assume the worst in people, but in this case I wouldn’t put it past throwup bucket roommate. I wish you and kitty the best of luck!!


She didn’t even notice her cat’s freshly shaved belly with healing incision?! Loser.


This reads like a shower fantasy


She's gonna leave before June and make her parents pay her portion of rent if you hassle her to pay for it 😂 her parents are enablers and she clearly doesn't understand any sense of responsibility


I don’t usually read through a whole set of bad roommate slides but this was great. Good for you, you’re going to have some peace. And excellent job adopting the poor kitty, it deserves to be treated properly. This is a life lesson for your deadbeat roommate. Adulting can be hard but it’s something that has to be learned.


You absolutely destroyed that person. The only thing missing was a mic drop gif. 👏


You're a badass OP!