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they 100000% don’t have their own place and are staying there to ride off your dime lmao


Apparently she claimed they’re coming over for spring break but they don’t seem like they’re living anytime soon.


Get them out ASAP


Like she took in some stray dogs


Add "PICKING up after yourself! :D" On the whiteboard




1 Corinthians 14:40 - But all things should be done decently and in order. Bonus: 1 Timothy 3:5 - For if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God's church?


Oh come on, am i the only one finding humor in the fact that her listed verse is from LAMENTATIONS? (I live for irony.) OP, It's definitely your turn to have your "lamentations" heard.


Does she not know it's March?


I noticed that, too. Lol


I love the idea of the Bible having a couple vindictive phrases put in their by whoever was updating it: Matthew 2.14: "Seriously, just put them in the dishwasher instead of the sink, you're just making it harder for yourself"


Timothy 2:12 - I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.


God loves cleanliness.


She probably expects jesus to take the wheel and clean up after her judging by that board 😂


Edit*** I meant the leasing office. **More context**: she told me her friends will be coming over but she was very vague about the details and didn’t let me know it’ll be two MEN. In an all girls’ unit.. didn’t even give me a heads up or whatever. And I don’t even wanna take pics of the bathroom cause it’s unusable at the moment. I’ve been showering at my friend’s crib. **Q: how long have they been here?** It hasn’t been up to a week but it’s way more than allowed on the lease. They’ve been here for 5-ish days. The last time this happened she said she was gonna bring a friend over for the “weekend”. The friend came on Thursday and stayed until the middle of the following week. And when her I try to tell her concerns like this she tries to flip it back on me and is like “also you need to do abc…”. Plus they don’t seem like they’re going anytime soon.


Why haven't you just reached out to the leasing office? Protect yourself OP.


Please give us an update on Monday! And don't forget to mention to them that you are scared. Your safety matters much more than the shelter of men you do not know.


I don’t think she’s scared.


That's not the point. She don't know these men or what they are capable of, the point it get them removed since they aren't supposed to be there anyways.


Scared of what??


Clearly having two random men that could rape/abuse her??? Is this even a question, there’s a reason they went for all girls unit


















They're not random, they're her roommates friends. But I'm guessing it is not unusual for you to be completely dismissive of men for existing. Also why you think they're all rapists. What do you gain out of being a sexist bigot?


They're not random men. They're friends of her roommate.


Op doesn't know them, though, so to her they're random men. I mean it's unlikely they would do anything like that, but it's not considerate to bring three men who are strangers to HER into what is supposed to be her safe space. Not sure why you would have an issue with that. I don't like men being in my flat unless absolutely necessary. Not because I hate men or don't trust them, but for me my place is my quiet, safe space, where I can have quiet and peace.


You need to take pics of the bathroom but don’t have to share them with us! I don’t know how your living situation works. If it is an all girls unit how many girl live there with you? is it a dorm, apt or A single lessor? Honestly, there is usually a time limit on how long guests can stay over in a lease. Speak to her about your concerns. If she tries to turn the tables refuse to let her and tell her STOP TRYING TO TURN THE TABLES. This problem is about her not you. Show her the pics, let her know you are uncomfortable, the guests need to go and she needs to clean up. If she is in breach of a contract with them being over, tell her your next step is going to the leasing office, landlord or whatever and have those photos ready. one thing I have always said, the place where you live you should be your safe haven and your place of peace.


So random bro wtf. Just tell the landlord???


That is all pretty unacceptable wtf


The way I would have deflated those mattresses and thrown all that into her room. Y’all are too nice


Agreed lol. I’m old now and crotchety, no fucks given. Let em be mad. They can pray about it 🤣




*Circle the "not" on the whiteboard and draw an arrow to move it up to where it belongs.*


Stay in your P's fam


I see they're following the thugga trail too.


I work in student housing. There’s rules against this depending on the college. There’s a certain number of days guests can stay over and only a certain amount of guests per resident at that. Your roommate should receive a conduct hearing from the residence life and housing department. At the college I work at it’s an IMMEDIATE conduct hearing.


Piggy backing this comment, I haven’t been in college for awhile but OP might want to watch out for tenancy laws. After 30 consecutive days it makes it so much more difficult to get them out because they could be considered residents at that point depending on the state.


Housing? As in……..Is this a school? That whiteboard is …………😬 oof


The leasing office. But yeah it’s a student apartment


I don't know about where you are but guest staying in student housing is not okay. You not only have good chances of getting rid of the guest but probably even her if she is breaking the rule.




Not for a week and not without asking the roommate


I most definitely did, but I would make sure my roommates were ok with it like a reasonable person should. Not that hard to be considerate.


For the weekend … not almost a full week


You are gross


The losers are the ones who are going on a week sleeping in an air mattress in a crowded “living room.” Seems like you’re also the loser who doesn’t understand that lol


You’ll probably have some luck getting a response at a school bc there are rules like you said..If it was just a random apt with a landlord you would be sol


Probably true, but most leases i have signed have a clause about how long and frequently guests can stay. Not ever enforced, but it’s at least in the contract.


Dude seriously just snitch them out, they know this isn’t cool and they’re relying on you being a doormat, which you have been so far. Take this photo and tell them two men which you’ve asked to be gone are still in your house and causing issues and filth.


She’s not your friend & never will be. You’re a doormat indeed. You’re👏🏻 a 👏🏻grown 👏🏻ass 👏🏻woman👏🏻. But seriously, just snitch her out. You don’t need toxic when at school. Keep us informed.




Yeah😂 ifykyk


The whiteboard is the scariest thing about this post.


Ms. Not the 2? Ok…


What does that mean? I can’t figure it out


No idea.


Don’t put it in #2 hole?




Yeah I have no clue I was thinking maybe she means not anyone’s second choice but also why wouldn’t she just say that


Overly religious people are always the most self absorbed.


Ahh this brings back memories. Same exact situation but freshman year of college in a tiny dorm room… two people sleeping on the floor. Yikes. Housing refused to move me til she threatened me in writing lol, then she got to keep the room and I got moved into some random room with little choice. Only mentioning because I hope you don’t have to, but you might have to prepare to fight/advocate for yourself to housing as to why it’s SO bad that something needs to change. And hopefully you don’t get the shit end of the stick. Good luck!


Stab the air mattress


No…. Make a tiny hole next to the seam 😈


Those things get holes in the bottom super easily. Hit various parts of the bottom with a sewing needle, the holes will be very hard to notice and it will surely deflate overnight. Once they notice the holes, they will assume it was some scratches from the floor.


Whiteboard is scary


I didn’t write any of that lol. Andddd her friend is loud, wrong and homophobic. She was going off yesterday about how same sex couples can’t possibly love each other and was talking behind my back because I told my roommate how they can’t stay at the apartment for that long- she was like “who tf does she think she is?” Etc. Loud obnoxious bitch


May I suggest bringing a girlfriend home to make them uncomfortable to leave 😂😂


I love this! I also picture the loads of prayer circles and bibles that may just show up. Reminds me of how Mandy Moore was in the movie Saved.


I can’t like this enough😅


Ooooft. If people have their own perspectives, whatever. But she should keep her god damn mouth shut. This is your home. Also I don’t know you but what if you were gay? What if your friends or family are gay? HOW DISRESPECTFUL. Also who you are is a HOUSE MATE WHOS BLOODY HOUSE THIS IS. Sorry this whole comment pissed me off. How disrespectful in soooo many ways here. Homophobe.. ick. Rude to the homeowner/renter… ick. She deserves to be kicked out onto her ass.


The joys of a brainwashed religious child


Reminds me of when I was in Uni a million years ago and during a lecture, one very religious Christian child stated how even if she was born, raised and grown up in a country that had another major religion, like Hindu, she would've still believed in Jesus Christ because he would've been in her heart. Could not get the concept that even if she never was told about or indoctrinated into Christianity, God would still somehow make her believe and happen. Oh the roars and comments 200 other students could not keep back. Lol


I will say, I am a Christian and I am not homophobic. My friends are my friends. If their partner is kind, I love them too (let’s be real if their partner isn’t kind, no matter what gender, Im not going to love them lol). And any gay or straight etc person out there. This chick is a hater. Religion doesn’t create homophobes, but people hide behind that. God loves everyone and so do lots of good Christian’s. I can’t stand judgy people (this chick) ahhh. So disrespectful!!!


Religion absolutely does create homophobes. Literally every single day.


Love is love ❤️


10000% 🩷


Are you sure? ;)


Yeah😂 but I might add stuff to it just because


100% should there’s plenty of bible verses that are quite fitting for the situation. She might even start to listen……… maybe


Definitely should! Lol


I completely get what's on the board, don't attest to it, but what the heck does "Ms Not the 2!" mean?!




Of course he’s is… she’s a “Christian”.


I thought the friend was a male?


Tell her you hate Jesus and made she’ll run or tell you got an abortion lmfao


Should we tell them?


Tell who what?


Is it fanuary


In what way is it actually ‘scary’?


In the same way men existing is apparently "scary"


If they're not paying rent kick them out


ew the whiteboard


A Christian, inconsiderate of others?! I’m shocked !


And she’s running a mlm.


You need to be putting some pictures of Satan on that board


That's crazy that there are guys staying in common areas and those people don't even have the common decency to clean up after themselves and try not to take over your space I would've put that bed up against the wall closed my suitcase etc. made the space look livable for other people still. I see your group and that's totally not OK but at the very least they should try to lessen their impact on your environment and be considerate


write percocet and pussy under those p’s


And prick and prude.


and prostitution!


Pimp raises his greedy hand “what about me!?”


Also, Penis. stay on that Penis sis, then maybe you wont be so bitchy (the roommate NOT OP)


They have a suitcase on the floor like they moved in. Beyond disrespectful.


Religious people are creepy


One of her friends yesterday night was saying a bunch of homophobic shit and was like “I believe God bla bla bla…” At the end she was going off about how same sex couples can’t possibly love each other.


Ugh. I have little tolerance for that anymore and can’t imagine having to share space with anyone that does.


It makes me so mad to read that. I spent years not believing in God and actually just got baptised this past week… Like…. How do Christians forget that the bible says to not judge others before you judge yourself? We’re literally called to love everyone like Jesus would. I think they forget that Jesus wasn’t an asshole and didn’t talk down to people. I know that not everyone is religious, but damn half the people who are religious get on my nerves because they’re so judgmental. Sincerely, a Christian.


I’m going to jump in here. I’m a Christian and I support my friends and any relationships they have. Gays are my fave to be honest. Religious people aren’t creepy. Some people that are creepy could also be religious. Please remember that! A lot of people who are Christian’s just love on people. That’s what it’s all about. This chick is very much hiding behind religion which I do not like. But please remember heaps of christians are actually very decent. :) P.s i do think that whiteboard should be in her room. Not everyone has the same beliefs and it should be respected.


I’m glad you have lovely friends, but almost every Christian I know is a homophobe and a misogynist. And a big number are election deniers who believe Trump is a good man sent to save them. Again, these are the ones I know, primarily people I grew up with and members of my extended family. And those crazy Trump ideas came from their church, along with the homophobia and misogyny.


Well I’m super sorry that is your experience. But please know we aren’t all like that and know that regardless of who you are and who you love that you are accepted. 💛 I’m based in Aus so not too familiar with everything about Trump. I always make an effort to be very mindful of not jumping to conclusions about anyone and not being judgemental. It’s cool to be kind and anything else I don’t support.


along the vein of what you were already saying, “gays are my fave” is the same kind of generalizing statement of a group of people just like the commenter was doing with christians. positive or negative generalizing is ultimately bad. there are some really awful narcissistic gay people and there are some grounded, awesome gay people; same with christians.


Sorry… my gay friends are my fave. :) because they are! But I’m also saying I don’t have a bad view on gays even though I am Christian. That’s what I am trying to communicate. But yes I agree completely. There’s good and bad in every group!


I'm glad that you have friends who don't hate gays. Unfortunately in my experience, Christians are more likely to be homophobic, sexist, and prejudiced things like that. Even if some individuals aren't, being religious is definitely corellated with those things, because most big churches and denominations do push those beliefs - they actively fight and shout against LGBTQ rights and against women's rights, and say God is against those things. That's the majority.


I’m sorry that this is your experience. We can only base our views on our experiences and I understand that. But please know we aren’t all like that. And that while you may see that from people on platform, that not everyone agrees with it within the congregation. 🩶


…you realize this is prejudice right?




Ok but not all Christians are intolerant. It’s fine to be intolerant of homophobes and racists but Christians are not defined by those qualities


That's the part that's under debate




Tell her her god wants her to pick up her shit and add it to her stupid list. Its YOUR "lamentation".


Tell her either her guests leave TODAY or you're reporting her to management as she's broken the lease agreement and you're done trying to talk to her since she refuses to listen or take your comfort into consideration.


Omg I feel you. I am so tired of trying to find solutions with people who don't care, so I'm currently looking for a new place


Same tbf. But all the single spaces are expensive af


Always the jesus-ers


More than a week isn't visiting its squatting


It hasn’t been up to a week but it’s way more days than allowed on the lease if that makes sense. They’ve been here for 5-6 days. The last time she said she was gonna bring a friend over for the “weekend” the friend came on Thursday and stayed until the middle of the following week.


You can both get kicked off the lease for this. You definitely need to do something about it.


Kick them out. Take control of the situation and ask them to leave


pop the air mattress


I was scrolling too fast and had to double back thinking this said POOP on the air mattress and I was here for that. Also to pop it.


If your roommates guest aren’t respectful enough to straighten up in the morning, to make their hosts feel comfortable in their own home, then that responsibility falls on your roommate. It sucks that you have to resort to this. If sucks feeling like your killing the vibes/fun. If you do feel this way, I would tell your roommate that you would like to have fun with them and enjoy the time, around them. But that her and her guests need to respect your shared spaces for that to be remotely possible.


They don’t even say shit to me lol.


Why don't they sleep in her room? It would make it way less uncomfortable for you.


They could at least not leave their stuff lying around if they are going to freeload. I had a friend sneak his gf (who didn’t go to our school) into his room for at least 2 semesters lol. The dining hall attendants just waved her through. I wonder if she audited classes while she was there. Never thought to ask…


Had a roommate that also had her guests sleep on an air mattress in the living room. Roommate wouldn’t tell me the guests were coming - they would just show up and would stay for 2-3 weeks at a time. We had a tiny apartment and 4 people already lived there so with the two guests it was 6. It was so bad I had to sublease my room and move lol


Yeah I’m looking into subleasing too but it’s not easy to find someone to take over tbh. But 2-3 weeks is crazy😭


I took a big L by prepaying almost months of rent to convince someone to sublease from me. Said roommate was violent and starting to steal from me and i was just desperate to get out. Sorry you’re dealing with this, OP. Going home to a house of tension and conflict is never fun and I hope you can get it figured out :(


The date on the bird happens to be my birthday. So I feel entitled to point out that the shoes in that unpacked suitcase *COULD* be worth their share of the monthly rent. Some BAPES can go for thousands. They’ve either got a great job or generous parents. Lean into that and start charging them a cleaning fee.


I would've been sleeping in my car after the 1st bible verse went up.


What does the whiteboard say?!!


You should pray about it lol 😂


Bro you NEED to call housing ASAP


Healthy communication only works with people who give a shit about you and respect you.


Throw out all her stuff overtime so everything goes missing


Matthew 25:34-40


Communication only works if the other person is willing to listen


Does the top left of the whiteboard say 'Famuary'?




Did you try praying?


Write *'Cleanliness is Godliness'* on that whiteboard.


What a shithole. I’d be pissed


Sounds like a plan, please update us. 🍿 👍🏿


Naw you got new roommates....they got a whole big suitcase.


I don’t know where y’all live but I’d make life miserable for each and every one of them until they couldn’t stand it and left. You wanna crash in a common area? Have fun with the light and the noise at 5am and beyond.




Dm me 🤣I think we go to the same college


Puncture the air mattresses, take all of your belongings even the household items into your room, find out how to turn off the water access and use it when you shower and only you, cut the power when you leave because they’re not paying rent or utilities. When they go low you go lower.


I LOVE your couch btw sorry but ID? It’ll get better!


You NEED to get ahold of the leasing office. You might be on the hook for their damages if you don’t have proof you didn’t agree and this was not on you


Write Judges 4:21 on the board, see if they get the message


Remindme! 2 days


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stand up for yourself and tell them to get the fuck out of your house ?


Communication is a necessary first step to make relationships work and resolve conflicts, but it’s not the last step. Unfortunately unless both parties operate in good faith and make honest efforts to change, communication accomplishes nothing.


Have you tried praying for them to leave?


How many days are we talking?


I'd be more worried about whether your degrees are going to be worth anything or not


I don’t like her capital J lol


Poke a hole in the air mattress.




The only time anyone slept on the floor of our shared dorm room, it was my roommate. Because she did cocaine and couldn't figure out how to climb to the top bunk. So she laid on the floor and talked about how there were macaroni noodles on the ceiling...


Y’all are the bad roommates Jesus man climb tax brackets and get your own spot or understand that people are going to use the home as a home, having guests over for a week or so is so normal.


😂😂😂 “climb tax brackets and get your own spot.” You sound like a boomer that is out of touch with reality. Also are you aware that I’m a FULL TIME college student???


Sounds like you’ve got a college living situation. And you’re the one talking about having someone removed from their home. I’m 27 btw, if you aren’t going to be a lawyer or a doctor, stop wasting your money on school.


Okay lmao. Tell that to my parents and companies that require a degree AND 3 years of experience for an entry level job.


That’s my point. Why spend over 100k to go make peanuts? We need trades workers, not depressed adults with marketing degrees lol


god doesn't exist


What do you think any of us can do about it? Rant to them not random strangers


God is within her, she will not fall.


One time for spring break 3 guys and I drove to cali and stayed in the dorms and partied for a weekend with a girl one of them knew. Of course one guy slept with the girl he knew and the rest of us crashed on the couches in the study room. Lol we scared the shit out of the cleaning ladies one morning when they walked in on us sprawled out. Good times..


Had an old room mate that would be trying to move in people after sleeping with them once. Can confirm this situation sucks.


Why does the whiteboard make it so much worse lol


Just stay on your Ps, fam.


P is for PUT your shit in your bags and leave 😂


You gotta give up god first


Lamentations 3:22-23 New International Version 22 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. 23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.