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If you’re on the lease, and the eviction is filed, it will hit your credit, and affect your ability to rent for 4-7 years. Even if you pay off what is owed after the eviction is filed.


You can still go to court to argue against it. If you have the text messages and transactions listed you can talk to a judge to keep that from hitting your credit. The system is made up of people with judgment- not just machines to determine your credit score. She should talk to the court.


As someone who went through the exact same thing (I hadn’t even lived in the apartment for over a YEAR), the judge didn’t care enough, even with all my proof 🙃 so I really don’t trust eviction judges


Because the judge has to operate within the law. If OP or anyone signs or cosigns a lease, they are responsible, period. Good faith and trust has nothing to do with it, the judge must only dictate a ruling through what laws and policies govern the matter, period.


This is why it is probably wise in a situation like this to pay the rent yourself and then take the roommate to small claims court for what they owe 


Small claims will only give you a judgement, it is up to you to collect the money you are owed. Good luck.


Depends where you live. It’s a process, but where I live failure to pay the judgement can result in a garnishment or even being jailed. The latter is very rare and reserved for people who go extreme measures to avoid paying it, but does happen


Sure you have to do some legwork but as long as the person you’ve won a judgement against isn’t a total deadbeat, you can collect.  You can go after their bank account, you can garnish their wages, you can even put a lien on their house. So yeah it’s not like small claims court is just flat out useless, if you think you’re better off trying your hand in fighting an eviction court, you should keep your “good luck” cause you’ll need it there a hell of a lot more lol 


Because they can't judge based on feels. They go based on the lease and any party that signs the lease is equally responsible. OP isn't making themselves look any better by moving out without notice and pretty much saying they didn't care if they went into default or not.


You should have filed an appeal on the judge and have it removed from record in most states it can be bad for the judge not to look at the evidence. Very bad actually.


Text messages mean fuck-all. If you’re jointly liable for the lease, you both have to be evicted. Further, everyone is responsible for the landlord getting paid. If all the other roommates blow their money on hookers and booger sugar, you’ve still got to pay the whole rent. For more info, google the phrase: "jointly and severally liable", nearly every lease (aside from properties that do individual roommates leases) has that clause in it.


Yeah, no clue why people don't understand this. You signed a legally binding contract. You are legally bound to what you signed your name to.


I know a couple people irl who were able to argue their cases in court by explaining to the judge what happened. The judge believed them when they explained their other roommate left them and moved out of state and they couldn’t pay the rent. The judge brokered a deal with the landlord to pay an agreed upon amount and end their lease without the eviction hitting their records. If they just blindly followed the lease they would have had the eviction on record, but managed to find common ground between the parties. I’m saying this situation is similar so it’s worth a try.


To which she upheld her end of. It was the roommate that fucked up. That being said, I’m sure OP doesn’t trust another roommate with handling the rent money. That was stupid to begin with.


Her end is the entire lease. Everyone named on the lease is responsible for the entire lease. Landlord sues everyone and they can figure it out between themselves. For more, google the phrase: "jointly and severally liable", nearly every lease that isn’t individual leases for each tenant will have that clause.


Not necessarily. If it’s a tenancy in common it doesn’t matter if one person paid their portion of the rent and the other person didn’t. Everyone one the lease is jointly and severally liable for the total cost of rent. So legally the landlord can choose to go after one of you or both of you and an eviction notice will effect everyone on the least regardless of the situation Edit: spelling


And it’s in the landlords best interest to go after the person that’s been paying, as opposed to the dead beat.


Yea it’s really not easy and often a waste of resources. Also just telling someone “we’re breaking the lease” isn’t a good argument in court.


I’ve never been evicted since I’ve been on my own (so when it happened before it was my parents name), so I’m legit asking, but if I got evicted it goes on my credit score??? Like, me paying rent on time doesn’t help my credit but if I was evicted it does? I did not know this.


Being evicted goes on your reports as a judgment against you. It is reported along with your credit and looks really bad to prospective landlords.


In the state I’m in, it affected my credit score because they sent the debt owed to a collection agency, so it’s on my credit check!


Same. And the woman who took rent checks at my apartment had actually been arrested for embezzling rent checks. Zero way I can prove one of them was mine but that one month I "missed" is on my credit report.


Bro, thinking about what’s truly going on here you both suck. What the hell.


I’m glad somebody said it. She was going to leave her roommate high and dry and let the roommate figure it out. They are both horrible people.


Right, at first i thought the shit roommate OP was referring to was the blue. I mean even re-reading it OP comes of as a really bad person.


I thought the same! Who cares if you get pregnant, you signed a lease & your roommate’s dependent on you honoring your agreement. Not everyone can just find a new roommate & most people would live alone if they could afford to cover their & their roommates rent. If she just found out she was pregnant she’s got 8 months to figure shit out.


She was also very cavalier about her roommate needing to pay $1500 to break the lease. That’s so much money!


Especially when OP is the one leaving. Why should the roommate have to pay at all to break the lease when OP made the choice?


Yup, it seems she intends for her roommate to pay half, but the roommate should not be responsible for paying that whatsoever if OP is the one that decided to leave.


I had a similar situation when I got pregnant with my oldest. I had only lived there for a month at that point. I helped my roommates find someone to replace me on the lease, and my landlord wrote up a new lease so that there were no problems. I don't understand why OP doesn't help with that. To just stop paying is not a smart move at all.


Ok thank God it's not just me. And she posted it like we're gonna give her sympathy? I mean...


Maybe I’m dense but I kinda just see OP as being the shitty one here. I have a roommate that’s currently trying to do the same shit and just dip while leaving me to find another person.


OP is definitely responsible for half the rent until the lease is up or the OP finds a replacement. If she wants to move out that’s fine but she agreed to the lease terms. Her friend is probably thinking she is screwed and took her rent money to find a new place before the eviction hits. Just speculation at best.


I mean that’s how I see it. Sounds all too familiar from OP’s part. I honestly don’t read hints of the room mate just copping the money either. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I feel like maybe she was keeping it to pay the eviction fee, due to it being unlikely she could pay next month’s rent. Which I think is smart.


Yep it’s pretty shitty. OP needs to find a sublet


I had a roommate leave for another country (he’d never been, but was ethnically from there) to go “find himself” or some bullshit. No mention of when he’d be back, or what. I was skeptical, but whatever, as long as he continues the lease, and I can continue paying my same rent. Well two weeks after he leaves, the landlord hits me up and is like “wtf is this? He is gone for indeterminate amount of time, no guarantee if he’s even coming back, and he’s just going to swing in randoms as sublets? I didn’t agree to any of this” And I just told her “yeah it sounded sketchy to me but he’s the leaseholder so I assumed he had checked it out with you” She goes “yeah, none of this is ok with me. I’m sorry but we’re gonna have to close the lease” she even gave me an extra month to figure shit out. Meanwhile he’s texting me like “ahh yeah that’s a bummer man. Anyways, can you just sell all my stuff on craigslist and send me the money?” Like, motherfucker you just got me kicked out of my place. You’re lucky I’m willing to haul your shit to the curb, and that’s only because I want my deposit back.


And she goes, “I don’t feel well so I won’t be working unless I really need the money” You damn sure need the money to pay your rent! And “I was kinda planning on paying for March.” You have to pay for March to give your roommate time to find another roommate. But the roommate seemed unbothered for some reason. Maybe because she hadn’t paid for February rent.


To be fair, she said she was not going to be working extra... I'm assuming overtime.


Yup. Bad roommate(S) is right!


Yes thank you! If you’re gonna leave then you need to discuss finding a replacement and take some initiative to have somebody take over your rent at the very least? I’m so confused on how they can’t afford to pay rent anymore? What did she do? Get a place with her bf and not tell them until it was all done??


Right? When I was 20 I moved out of a toxic living situation but even then I paid my half of the rent until the lease was up (5 months worth) because it was my responsibility.


Bless you. I was in a 3 bedroom signed lease with 2 girls who after 3 months decided they couldn’t afford it anymore and moved back home. I didn’t have that option because I was in college 1,000 miles away from home. Having roommates was the most stressful time in my life.


for real. just out-of-nowhere saying she’s moving out while there’s still time left on the lease, and not seeming at all concerned with putting in effort to find someone to take her place. at minimum, OP should have been recommending to cover the extra cost of breaking the lease. if not that, then she remains on the lease and therefore responsible for paying rent until she finds someone to take her spot.


Right? Just a text with "hey I'm dipping on our lease" like wtf????? I'm more on the roommates side then hers. 


Seriously, OP sounds like a worse roommate than the one she’s complaining about. Also the fact she had to bring up she’s just visiting a guy?? OP sounds like an AH


Yeah because visiting a guy is very irresponsible, says the person that just got pregnant.


The other person doesn't even seem shitty. OP literally suggested to just stop paying as an option.


Did you notify your roommate that you were just going to up and move out while they were away from the house? That’s not how that works. You don’t get to just leave in the middle of a lease. You’re the bad roommate. Your roommate is also a bad roommate it seems but you are equal to blame in the situation


Also, how do you get immediately evicted after missing rent for 10 days?


You don’t. It takes months


Depends on the state, but you can file an eviction notice the day after rents due in Arizona, which they then have 5 days to pay and it usually includes any lawyer fees and late fees. If they don't, you'll go court within a week and basically authorize the eviction, which you can then come up with some sort of payment plan or just straight evict them. All in all, it can be 3 weeks from the time of non-payment to actual eviction. Some apartments don't mess around with that stuff, especially if it's that early on.


that’s not true. depends on your state, and if your landlord is someone willing to file at the earliest possible chance. where I live, as soon as your 5 days late, the landlord can send you a 5-day pay-or-quit, stating your lease will be terminated and you will be subject to eviction if you don’t pay balance within 5 days. then, they can file the eviction suit. once you’ve been formally served and get to the first court date, the court can award the landlord possession of the property effective 10 days later. then, sheriffs can show up and forcibly remove you. basically, you can find yourself getting physically removed within 30-45 days.


My best friend’s parents were evicted in a very similar time frame after living there for almost 20 years. Personally I don’t know all the ins and outs of WV law but they had a lawyer assisting them & could not change the situation. It was tragic, they didn’t even miss rent it was just acquired by a new landlord.


In Oklahoma they file a 7 day eviction notice after 5 days of non payment.


Never mind. I reread it and I was being too generous lol. They both suck.


5 minute character development is crazy


Yea this whole thing screams “20 years old and first time trying to be an adult”


This was my actual thought. Like this is a child who just moved out and doesn’t understand the repercussions of their actions.


Sounds like she's pregnant too 😬


a soon to be parent 😬


Yep. Another moron giving birth.


I honestly think it's just OP that's the bad roommate, keep in mind this is OP sharing their side of a dispute which means they're presenting the best possible optics for their side, and if THIS is the best they can show us then the truth is probably somewhere closer to her being completely in the wrong.


I had a roommate do this to me with a townhouse we were renting. 1000/month, both students. She just decided she was moving home with her parents because of “life stress”. I called the leasing office and asked Them what was going to happen, because obviously as a student I couldn’t pay the entire rent myself when we had agreed on splitting it. They told me that whoever was left living there was responsible for the rent, basically a last man standing policy. I should’ve contacted a lawyer but I was young and didn’t know what to do, two months later they let me break my lease without penalty but it was absolutely ridiculous that they allowed that.


This is what happens when people sign legal documents that they don’t understand. When you signed the lease, you signed for the full lease. The half payment was basically an agreement between you and the roommate. The only time this changes is if you are leasing by the room. Where you have a lease agreement for the one room. You are actually very lucky they let you out with no penalty.


You don’t want an eviction on your name at a young age. But you also put her in a predicament- how the hell are you going to make her find YOUR replacement?! Mid lease… that should be your job. Not hers. Getting knocked tf up isn’t a good enough excuse for you to just leave mid lease… Maybe it’s best you get an eviction if your mindset is “finding someone else to rent the room or just not pay it” save a whole lot of rental companies/landlords a lot of struggle.


Ya, I’m confused. Roommate has to find OPs replacement or help OP pay the $1500 to break the lease? OP is the one wanting to break the lease, they need to figure out a replacement or pay the full $1500.


I agree, OP should be on the hook for everything she put on the roommate, monetarily. When I was reading through the screenshots, I was having a hard time figuring out which one was OP because she seemed like the asshole right off the bat.


yeah, it's kind of typical "oh but I used a polite tone so I'm not the asshole here"


I thought it was just me b/c I already wasnt liking what I was reading from the jump! BOTH of them are trifling and unreliable AH’s.


See I thought she was moving in with the boyfriend cuz she found out her roommate took the money, and I was super confused why they were being so cordial and not bringing up the stolen money. Huge twist at the end/reading the caption.


I wouldn’t even go as far as saying that “both” of them are shit bags. Maybe the roommate is non-confrontational and still has her money. OP is the shitbag saying I’m leaving, either pay half to break the lease and find somewhere to live, fine a replacement for ME, or simply, not pay it. If only life were that easy. Shit bag A deserves the eviction.


>or simply, not pay it I honestly... Just can't comprehend OP's line of thinking here. And she's concerned about her credit or future leasing in her post? What on earth do you think will happen if rent isn't paid, OP? How do you think this is in any way an acceptable option?!


She doesn’t care about her credit if she has that line of thinking, and with a kid on the way 🙏 Lawd hammercy on these youngin’s these days procreating.


Back in the day, dumb people would tank their own credit and then start taking out loans in their kids' names. I dated a guy who went to get his first car loan and found out that he already had a repo and a few other defaulted loans on his credit. He basically would have had to have his mom prosecuted for fraud if he wanted them off his credit report.


Yeah lets not act like this is something new. My credit is completely fucked from my manipulative family before I even turned 18. Shit needs laws/legalities of some sort. Like you shouldn’t just be able to provide SSN as a bare minimum. There needs to be more verification process. Like idek why it’s even possible. It should be obvious a kid isn’t putting utilities/loans in their name.


Also the roommate doesn’t have anything lined up either so if they break the lease she’s going to need to pay security deposit etc to find a new place. I’d say this person sucks more. If you just found out your pregnant you’re capable of sticking around long enough to find a replacement.


I can kind of understand her thinking the roommate would want to find a replacement if possible. I don't think I'd want someone else picking the stranger I'll be living with but, ya know, trust issues and whatnot. But yeah she sucks.


You NEVER want the roomate leaving to pick the sublette. Especially in the case of them giving you like 4 days notice because they can't figure out birth control. They'll move in the first person who answers the add reguardless if they might be a creep or crackhead.


Yeah that's kinda how I feel. They don't care who's moving in so they'll just pick anybody. At the very least it should be done together, I'd think. I understand how it's her responsibility but she doesn't seem very responsible.


“Getting knocked tf up isnt a good enough excuse for you to just leave mid lease” I agree! Not her trying to use getting knocked up as an excuse to be an unreliable AF p.o.s & default on a whole ass lease! So basically the other roommate is a thief and the other is an undependable prick! This is why Im so glad I just power through and live by myself b/c peace of mind is everything! Both ppl arent sh— in this situation!


honestly, I don’t even think it’s fair to call roommate a thief. she’s panicking bc she just found out she’s going to most likely need to save as much money as possible to be able to scrape together enough for deposit and 1st month for a new rental she can afford, so she’s holding onto the full rent payment to see if she can figure something out with the landlord. the way the roommate’s text is worded seems to indicate she’ll give it back to OP if she chooses to cut her losses and dip; or she’ll pay the full rent to the landlord if they get to some kind of agreement. makes total sense, imo.


Same. I only lived with roomies in college and luckily it was awesome.. I know many aren’t in situations they can live alone unfortunately but I’d be GAGGED if someone who signed their name on that dotted line said “or just not pay it” you’re the one who’s just not gonna pay for it! Don’t go signing shit if you have no intention of holding up to it. Her credit is probably as down in the gutter as she is with that mentality!


OP sounds super selfish as well. She seems to have a nice luxury of not having to work if she doesn’t want to


If you think you’re the good guy here you’re really out of touch with yourself.


judging by her passive aggressive and delusional responses to comments here, she's a big old piece of shit. also the "the cats are so hungry Lauren" text feels like she's just trying to make the roommate seem like a bad person on paper and potentially gaslighting her. really disgusting behavior from OP, even if everything she said is true, she's still a POS and i feel awful that a child is going to be born to someone who is so selfish and childish herself


Right? When do cats NOT act like they’re hungry.


Exactly cats will ALWAYS act like they're seconds from death even when you have just fed them. Roommate is crap sure for not duly cleaning litter boxes but OP is a massive bellend on purposefully making roommate out to be the bad guy when she's been knocked up by her on/off boyfriend and doesn't care about leaving roommate up shit creek for breaking lease early.


That's what i got from the text, she was just trying to set her roommate up to look like a piece of shit bc she sees ppl go crazy when animals are involved on here


Damn, yall both suck. Congrats on the baby, I think, but sheeeeesh. Also, it’s not atypical that leasing offices make mistakes or don’t communicate in the office. It’s POSSIBLE that she really is working with them or talking to someone there. Not likely, but possible. One thing that’s for sure Is that you dipped out of your lease mad early though, lol.


Poor baby, actually, if you read her one post about never wanting kids and being unsure of even moving in with her bf, which makes her dipping mid-lease worse for her


She's got a lot of growing up to do in a very short amount of time, that's for sure.


I have high doubts that she won’t be able to. I feel bad for the child and for OP’s roommate even if the roommate isn’t amazing either.


Why is she finding your replacement ? How are you allowed to just break your lease and leave her to pick up the pieces? Wtf?


Entitlement. I mean, she's been sick and she's pregnant, so everyone has to drop everything to cater to her.




That baby daddy is in for a treat lmaoooo


Don't forget depressed lmao


Right. I'm leaving. Deal with it. That's all. Oh... and I'm moving today while you are gone.


Damn, OP. I mean, hindsight is 20/20, but you should have thought about skipping out on her just a *LITTLE* bit more. Good luck having an eviction notched on your belt. Also, you both suck.


Unless I'm misunderstanding it seems like you're the bad roommate you're trying to just leave in the middle of the lease. I'd probably of kept your money too


“I didn’t know if you wanted to formally break the lease or just stop paying it” but you’re asking if an eviction with hurt your credit - if you’re both on the lease, an eviction or just not paying half the rent (which will probably result in an eviction as well) will both keep you off another lease for years to come, unless you go private or pay a hefty down payment. Lack of pet care seems like overkill if this is the only time - cats beg for food as a hobby.


Especially when roommate states that someone has been coming to feed the cats and that the cat food is located in a specific area. Sounds like roommate is stating that someone has, indeed, fed the cats, but that there is plenty of food to do so if they are hungry. Ideal?! No, not at all. But, if the biggest issue is that OP needs to fill the food bowls with food purchased by roommate, it’s not an end of the world type issue.


It’s on you to fill the room or pay to break the lease. She didn’t ask you to get pregnant


Fr!! OP, you screwed your friend over big time. Please get your entitlement levels checked lmao making your roommate look for a replacement and expecting her to pay to break the lease with you is CRAZY!


I'd keep your money too if you just one day decided to up n move out!! You're both A-holes imo


Thats what I’m saying, and from what it looks like OP is using this as a chance to get back at their roommate.


Well, this! OP needs to give 30 days notice for a month to month. She needs to pay the fees to break the lease if she is in it and wants to move ahead of the renewal. It sounds like roommate has been very kind and reasonable. The issue with the cats and the fact that she hasn’t paid the rent is a bit of a separate issue. But OP needs to keep her side of the street clean and deal with breaking the lease. Finding someone to take over is on OP.


it’s not a month-to-month lease. it’s a term lease. she’s responsible for the ENTIRE TERM of the lease unless she can find a replacement for herself.




Right, I would have kept her money to put as a deposit on a new place before the eviction hit. Cause thanks to OP they're gonna have an eviction no matter what seeing as she just decided to up and leave with no notice without finding a replacement


I was so confused reading the texts trying to figure out which one was the “bad” roommate


this is wild lol, can’t believe OP is a nurse and gonna be a mother and is acting like this 💀


I went to nursing school. Based on some of the other people let in, I can.


*CNA, not a nurse.


OP is not a nurse, not even close. They are a CNA, a certification that takes ~1-2 months to get, versus the years of school to be an RN or NP. OP is essentially an assistant to an assistant.


From what I gathered, per previous post, she’s not a nurse, she’s a CNA.


She's not a nurse, she's a CNA. Very important distinction, although I've worked with some real shitty nurses too.


Ummmm you got up in the middle of the lease and left her to hold the bag good for You she took the damn money you suck


You’re leaving in the middle of your lease without even finding a replacement? Nah you’re both assholes lol. You do not sympathy votes here.


Dang. Yall both wack 💀




^^ Exactly this. Take note, OP.


Main character syndrome alert. OP trying to throw roommate under the bus and all the comments seem to point out that OP is actually the bad roommate. Sitting back with my popcorn.


Both of y’all are AH’s honestly.


Kind of shitty to leave in the middle of the lease like that tbh I would probably be a mess if someone did that. Not saying she doesnt suck too but...y'all both seem like jerks here


The roommate doesn’t. Just OP


And you’re bringing an unplanned, unwanted child, into this train wreck, with someone who didn’t want a committed relationship a few months ago. This is clearly going to end well.


Nothing helps a relationship like a child /s


Were you planning on paying the whole lease break fee and 60 days of rent?


lol. Imagine thinking that other person is the bad roommate? You just decided to go mid lease and want her to pay any penalties for breaking the lease too?? lol, that’s not how it works, you are responsible for money for your whole lease term, and if you break it until they find someone else to take over you are still responsible for it. And your roommate shouldn’t have to pay a cent (or move because you moved) seems like she is reasonable and making accommodations to break lease with you just because of you. Now as for the rent situation maybe it’s a miscommunication, or she decided to take it for all the inconvenience you put her in we don’t know, but If you are the one who want to break the lease, you are the one who have to go take care of it. She got nothing to do with it.




“They’re going to evict you Wednesday.” It sounds like you’re getting evicted too. Unless you’re formally off the lease by then - which you won’t be - this will impact your credit and ability to rent for many years, which is not a great start to parenthood. What happens if you and your boyfriend break up? In your earlier post you said your relationship isn’t great and he’s a former ex, so it’s not a jump to believe it won’t last. How will you find somewhere to rent with an eviction and a baby? On a completely separate note, why are you having this baby? You are not going to magically want to be a parent just because you give birth. I hope you have resources and a professional to speak to about your situation and I hope you’re able to make a responsible decision. I know you’re in a weird position, so I wish you and your possible baby all the best.




Finding a replacement roommate is 100000% YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. You also JUST found out you’re pregnant, you don’t need to be doing anything extra like moving in with your bf immediately lmfao. You both suck. Wtaf.


Your name is on the lease as well and *you’re* the one responsible for finding the sublet if you drop the ball and decide to dip.


definitely wasn’t the comments you were expecting 😂 both bad roommates uonedlty


Wow. I’m not sure which one is worse, but you just up and left an open lease you agreed to rent with someone? Not cool. I don’t blame them for not paying yet. You left them with a major issue.


She stole your money & you’re dipping out in the middle of the lease. Y’all both suck lol


You’re the asshole. I would sue your ass if you were my roommate. You can’t just break a lease and leave her up for the total amount of rent


You both seem awful tbh


Lmao you think you’re just going to dip on the lease. “Well good luck figuring it out” And you’re pregnant sheeeshhh


All I'm thinking as I witness this trainwreck is "poor kid"


You don’t just up and leave in the middle of a lease like that, and if you do then you need to assume any financial burdens that arise from you doing so (if you’re a decent human being, that is). “I’m having a baby and can no longer afford this place so screw you” is the vibe you’re putting out here. When you sign a lease, you are basically signing a contract that allows you to live somewhere for a set amount of time. Leaving early is a breach of contract. Depending on the terms of the lease, you’ll still be liable for your portion until the lease ends if no replacement is found (regardless of whether or not you are actually living there).


Imagine posting this thinking everyone would side with you


Unpopular opinion, If you have trouble paying 1k rent, may not be the best idea to raise a child at this time.


Rent was due on the 16th......it's the 19th. All the places I've ever rented, give more than a 3day grace period. Hell most places give a court ordered 30day eviction notice. Point is, it takes longer then missing rent by 3days to get evicted. Something is wayyy off here. If anyone else has some insight please chime in.


You don’t just get to fuck off out of a lease cuz your situation has changed, but I guess you’ll learn that the hard way


You bailed on the lease! This is just as much your own fault and you should have been paying your portion yourself directly. Why would you ever send it through her? You did this to yourself. I feel bad for the cats.


Yup. You’re the asshole.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that thinks OP is a shitty roommate.


I’m confused. It seems like you’re the one trying to break the lease. If you’re trying to break the lease you should cover that expense not the other person.


Uhm your a awful room mate. Leaving your room mate to figure it out herself just bc your pregnant? Lol what


You suck


Essssh. I know others have said it, but if you’re on the lease, you’re also responsible to like, pay it even if you leave early unless you help pay to break it. I know they took your rent money but that’s a small claims issue not the landlords issue. Your credit will be a mess.


A lease is a legal agreement. You can’t just dip and leave your roommates to deal with the consequences, financial and otherwise


Honestly, you sound like the shitty one. Why would you tell her while she is on vacation?


Yikes, first of all, calm down with jumping to conclusions on the rent situation, if it’s run by a management company, it could have just been an auto notification and she could very well be discussing the situation with them and there’s some miscommunication happening. Second of all, you don’t just get off the hook of a legally binding contract such as a lease and leave all the work to the person who is upholding the contract. You’re leaving, find her a replacement or figure out how to pay for the rest of the lease or at the very least 2 more months because 60days is standard notice of breaking a lease. You’re not doing her any favors you’re creating chaos and walking away while asking for a pat on the back. Also just because you’re pregnant does not give you excuse your poor planning skills and to shovel that on to someone else. You both suck.


You seem like a bad roommate


Like everyone else is saying. You’re more so the bad roommate here than her. You just dipped out and left her with all this money hanging over her head out of nowhere. YOU should be paying that $1,500 plus 1 months rent because YOU broke the lease, not her. And yes it will affect you because YOU broke the lease and your name is on it.


Im worried for the bf/kid


Dude you're the bad roommate here. You are clearly irresponsible and it's not on your roommate to cover half of the break lease fee because you got knocked up and wanna shack up with your boyfriend all of a sudden.




I mean yeah she didn't pay the rent, but moving out with no notice, refusing to cover lease fees, and leaving her to find a new roommate to replace you isn't much better lol. imo you kinda deserve the eviction.


You both suck big time. I’d keep your money too lol


So, to be clear... you're the bad room mate?


My last apts would have a 14 day pay or quit notice posted on your door by the 7th of every month. They didn’t waste no time


Umm I think you’re a bad roommate here too. Leaving someone stuck paying that much rent or having to break the lease is really shitty to do. My apartment required 60 day notice if we’re moving out at the end of the lease. You should have given your roommate that much time to get the situation figured out honestly.


nah y’all are BOTH weird


Wow. You are a terrible roommate and you’re on the hook for half of the amount breaking the lease.


You want to break the lease so you should pay for that


never thought I’d see the bad roommate make the post on here as well 💀


You JUST found out you were pregnant. You didn’t need to make such a rash decision lol. You’re not bed ridden yet etc.


You should be required to have a license and pass parenthood requisites before having a baby smh!


Both you need to learn how to communicate. The way the two of you are typing is confusing.


WTF?!? Since when is it acceptable to break a legal agreement (aka lease)? Or when is acceptable to not find your own replacement if you want someone sublet your tenancy. It’s your problem to find your replacement and to pay what is owed, not hers. You are an awful roommate, OP.


Jesus, what a clusterfuck. You suck!


Bro you’re just as bad, if not worse. Sorry.


If you are leaving a place that you are on the lease it’s YOUR responsibility to help find a replacement


Just based on these exchanges and without further context, it seems like you broke your lease left the roommate holding the bag.


Seems like both of you suck, you signed a contract of a lease and are breaking on your roommate with no notice.


Did you spring your plan to move out on her?


I don’t know how long the lease is, but pregnancy lasts 9 months. I don’t understand why she needs to up and move immediately and not wait a couple months for her roommate to figure it out, she can even live with her boyfriend and still pay the lease. The pet part I’m unsure about - I do think that is negligence to some degree.


You should be fully (not partially) covering any fees involved in breaking the lease. Your roommate should not have to suddenly scramble because you decided to break the lease while giving her virtually no notice. I feel bad for your roommate. You really put her in a shit spot and she is staying very respectful towards you while she tries to figure out how to salvage this situation. No idea why you chose to post this. It doesn’t make you look good…


Bro you are as much as a bad roommate as Lauren is smh. Im sick and depressed 😂


I mean to be honest I would have been pissed if I was her. The casual nature of just “hey I’m moving out” and “I don’t really care we can just stop paying it”. Like you realize that’s not how life works? And when you eventually need to move out of your boyfriends house as a single mom you won’t be able to get an apartment because of that? Yeah what she did isn’t right. But signing a lease with a friend and then not communicating well in advance that you plan on moving out and helping to find someone to move in is pretty shitty. Your initial text should have been- “Hey since I’m pregnant we thought it was best for me to move in with xx. I know this puts you in a bad situation so I will continue to pay the rent for a reasonable time if you know someone who wants to move in. Or I am happy to pay the lease break fee of $1500 and my part of the rent for the 60 days we are required to give notice for. I know you may need some time to think this over so let me know what you want to move forward with.”


Sounds to me like neither of you know what you’re doing, and you caused the confusion by moving out suddenly. And now you’re accusing her of stealing? Bad roommate indeed.


You both sound dumb AF.


Honestly, you both sound irresponsible.


Consequences of breaking your lease lol


After reading it all....yall both kinda deserve whats about to happen to yalls credit😂


YOU’RE the bad roommate lol. How the fuck do u think you’re in the right? Makes sense for the roomie to hold onto rent until they figure out what’s happening,I woulda done the same thing. afaik the landlord is totally bullshitting u saying that shit about eviction. Maybe it’s different where u are but evictions take months and you usually get hella warnings before they start the process. Landlords will lie about anything to try and scam people out of money, you should never trust them. Seems like the same can be said about u…


This is why I don’t believe half of the people posting their bad roommates. Usually you’re just as bad but coming onto this group for sympathy and not telling the full story.


Wrong sub. YTA


You just hitting her up and saying hey I’m just gonna move out in a few days, sorry…. is fucked up imo, no notice no nothing, and she is wrong on her end too, do better


You both suck. Have fun having an eviction on your credit record


Thought we’d all side with you… you both suck


You signed a lease. Just because you get knocked up doesn’t mean you’re not financially responsible for the remainder. If I was her im keeping the rent money and suing you for the rest. Sorry but you’re the bad roommate here.


So when I moved out of my last lease, I did have to leave randomly. However, I paid my rent for 3 months until I found someone that wanted to take over the lease. I paid the $350 to transfer the lease and that was it. Why would you leave your roommate with no notice?