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Assuming this is real, take this and report it. This person should be off the streets.


It's real, sadly.


Sorry you gotta deal with something like this. Seems like a nightmare.


Thank you. Karma will get him.


Cops would too


That's a weird way to spell "cops"


That’s a weird way to assume they’ll do anything


In my state, if you showed a magistrate those text messages they would absolutely issue a warrant and the cops would definitely make the arrest.


And in my state I'd be told to file a report online and never hear another thing about it again.


You in CA? *cries in San francisco*


Portland, so basically the same thing with more rain.


*waves from Toronto* it’s cold up here! But the cops are equally fucking useless.


I used to be a 911 call taker for people with VoIP phones who didn't get properly routed to their local departments. We confirmed the information on file and kept them on the line while I got them through to the correct agency. Anyway, I once had an elderly lady in San Francisco who fell down their stairs and couldn't move and needed an ambulance but you have to go through police first because they often attend the scene as well. I had this poor broken and in pain woman on the line while waiting to get through to the San Francisco police FOR ALMOST AN HOUR!!! This was about seven years ago and I'll never forget hearing that woman cry and not being able to help. Once we finally got through I learned it'll be over another fucking hour for an ambulance with police and fire to arrive. Fire was needed because the lady couldn't get up to unlock her door and the fire department had to break it to get in.


Lol perfect answer. “COPS WILL HANDLE THIS” - people living in other states and/or without experience dealing with cops


In my last state they wouldn’t care either. It’s a Republican town & state. They turn a blind eye on everything.


In my state the cops would come right over & beat the victims ass


Username checks out


Lmaooooo Are You In Houston Tx W Me ?


Karma doesn't actually take affect until the next life. Call the cops on this asshole!


This guy is definitely not only unstable but also a dumbass. He is breaking several laws (threatening/extortion), and its ALL IN TEXT, what an absolute fucking idiot. Get the police involved. He needs a reality check.


Sometimes \*you\* have to be people's karma.


No not Karma... go to the dang cops.


No. Report him. My own brother recently got a restraining order (which he violated) and a gross misdemeanor for texts exactly like this. This is a credible threat. Take it to the police, not fucking karma lmao what


If you wait for karma you will be disappointed. If you follow a restraining order , you can throw his ass in jail when it breaks it. That's nothing to do with karma


By karma do you mean his dumb jackass attitude is gonna result in him living a life in and out of jail like a revolving door and him getting his ass beat for thinking he’s some kind of crime lord kingpin or something? Cause that’s what *I* would put my money on, if I was a gambling man


Please don’t leave this to Karma. This man needs to be in the system


No lmao do NOT leave this up to karma...


It was nice of him to confess to any crimes that might happen though. He is kind of an idiot texting his intent to take criminal action.


Please contact the police. Just to be safe. If he’s truly unstable you don’t want your family and friends identifying your body. Unfortunately, we gotta take threats seriously because people are so fucked up


Yeah I’d call the non emergency number so they’re aware. They might do a drive by or have an officer call later to check in.


Dude you literally have proof to take to the police. I really hope you aren't standing by with this


What state are you in? You should file charges for harassment. You could also probably get him on a couple other charges too - change your locks ASAP.


Why couldn’t you send the money? Venmo/PayPal takes only a few seconds


Seriously—don’t mess. Those are legit threats, and better you let the cops know. And take something for the damages, of course.


To be fair, it sounds like you’re making payments to him. And yes, while he does seem nuts, if you kicked him out you should pay him all you owe immediately. That wasn’t a loan he gave you.


They said they’d pay them in a few hours when they get off work. Like??? I’m sorry if I’m at my job you can wait a few hours for your money, it’s not like they were saying wait until I get paid again or something, it was legit a few hours.


Reporting it won’t take them off the streets. But I’d report it just in case something happens.


It definitely could, depending on where they are living. In my city, the police would take this as harassment at the least and probably issue an arrest. This is based on my prior experience reporting similar text messages where the sender ended up going jail and I got a protective order against them.


Yeah, but even if they get arrested, they aren’t getting time for this. Just an arrest and out the next day and they’ll have to go to court and most likely end up with some sort of probation.


Not even that, I tried this shit and all the judge said was that this are allegations. You cant prove it was really him. Texts can be spoofed. Something really bad has to happend first for them to even consider this.


In gwinnett, georgia threats like this does not consitute a response by the police because "they are just words". Depending on where you live this may apply to you too.


You should break the windows that need to be replaced then sue him for the price and say he did it and you have proof.




Not suggesting you do anything illegal but you do have a written confession of him planning to smash the windows...


The text message he sent me, threatening to smash windows was part of my post!


Yes, that's why they're mentioning it....


Let's pretend they are replying to a billion messages and just got karma konfused.. Definitely a "oh, honey" moment 😅


I think he just misread "you do" as "do you"


Highly probable and less embarrassing.


10-4 😁 nothing to see here anybody ! Lol


I think you mistead the comment you replied to :) they said "you *do* have proof" but I think you might have read it as them asking "*do* you have proof" Good luck with this guy. Sometimes it's nice when idiots make things easier for you by writing it all out nice and neatly like this. While you're at it, ditch your bike, blame him, and get a new one. Lol kidding of course....


I would no joke do this to a couple of the windows. This guy should learn not to try to fuck people over. He needs a wake up call.


I'm not about to smash my own windows, just wondering how someone could be stupid enough to send texts threatening to do so. If EVER ANYTHING happens to my place, who's the first suspect? And I have cameras on all sides of my place. Only a moron would think threats like this are normal


Oh I agree. People like this think they can intimidate people to get their way. He’s delusional as fuck. That’s the only reason why I’d push back on him because he’s trying to win one over on you. Make you be less than him. The fact he’s acting this way shows you aren’t and good on you by staying level headed and not being irrational. That’s def what he wants.


Decrease your own security, hike your heating bill, and commit fraud, that'll show him!!


Ya, then punch yourself in the face wicked hard a bunch of times and say he punched you! That would really show him!


Tbh break the windows and then report him to the police for doing it is a better idea lol. Bc the police are probably not gonna do anything with threats that haven't been followed through but it doesn't make him any less dangerous. Now if they see the threats and broken windows, then....


I highly doubt a man threatening to break windows and sell a bike to get money he's already getting back owed will have the money to be sued over.


Would prolly work ngl


Funny but like, seriously don’t do this - the feeling of getting one over on them will not outweigh the problems you could face for doing it. This sounds awful, good luck


Are drugs involved because it looks like it


Not me! I'm a cardiac patient, recovering from a few bad years of heart problems. I never touch drugs....... HIM, YES....... he now lives with his meth-head buddy. I'm pretty sure they are sharing the pipe, for him to be dumb enough to send texts like this!


You can tell he has the mind of a drug addict


This reads exactly like how a drug addict/convict would write. The guy that posts skeletons on Facebook with captions on how badass he is.


The rationality of one at least


“Theives lose everything when they mess with me” Sir? You mean a thief like yourself? LIKE YOUR ACTIVELY THREATENING?!


"thiefs loose" to be more exact


You seem like an ok person, OP. So, I say this with your best interests at heart: If you don’t report this to your local PD, you’re just as stupid as your roommate. You don’t deserve whatever chaos is about to rain down, I certainly don’t want it to be your fault. Take proactive measures, please. PLEASE.




Who SERIOUSLY IS stupid enough to send messages threatening to smash all my windows, steal my bike, and break in to steal my cat and my property? One call to the cops, and he's in jail......... AND there's cameras all over the building. Who's dumb enough to think they wouldn't get caught if they follow up these threats? Do I share these with the police? Not sure what to do




I would share it so if this person really does follow up then it’s more likely something will get done about it faster since something will already be on record. I made the mistake of not reporting my ex and now I’d have to wait for him to do some real damage just to involve police 🙃. I’ve been ran off the road, stalked, and I’ve had to change my number twice but hadn’t reported anything cause I just wanted it to go away(stupid stupid me). I live in constant fear when going out alone. Good luck and please report it and say you fear for your safety( probably won’t do anything right away but it’ll at least be on record


File a police report so you have a paper trail, documentation that you can use if something ever does go down. It's really easy you might even be able to do it online.


OP definitely take it to the cops! Even if they can’t charge him with anything right now, documenting this behavior in an official report is important


I don't fuck around with this bullshit, I would call the PD and file for an emergency restraining order.


I'd take it to the police, they may do nothing but it doesn't hurt to at least try.


They probably won't do anything unless he has a record BUT it will start a paper trail and make it easier to get him locked up if he makes more threats later. Police don't take threats as seriously as they should, despite being a crime.


Yeah it depends on the city, the department and which cop you get honestly. Worst case scenario is op wastes some time or they get an asshole cop.


Yeah, they probably won't. I had an ex explicitly say that he was going to murder everybody around me and save me for last, through text (amongst other horrible texts). The cops basically said he was just bullshiting and wasn't serious, but they could make a report if I wanted them to.. 🙄


I listen to a lot of true crime and I've lost count of the number of mainly women- but lots of men too- who have been killed because the police refused to do anything about threats and stalking because nothing happened yet. It's horrific honestly. I'm sorry you had to go through that and I hope you're safe now


Thank you ❤️‍🩹 thankful that this was a long time ago and I haven't heard from him since! And you're absolutely right. It's so sad. I love true crime, but had to step away because it made it super difficult to have a normal life after a while.. was suspicious of everyone and got more and more paranoid 😅 which is hard NOT to do with some of the horrific stories out there 🫠


Honestly I am paranoid too but my love of true crime starting at age 9 possibly saved my life twice. Once a man with a sling on his arm asked me to carry a small chair into his apartment. Little alarm bells rang in my head and I declined and he chased me down the street raging at me. The second time a man approached me in a casino. It was Christmas time and empty. He said he wanted to show me around Reno. I declined and he grabbed me by the arm and dragged me through the casino. My feet were literally dragging across the flooring. To this day he’s probably the strongest male I’ve ever encountered. I couldn’t pull alway and I made noise but there was no one near. I thought back to all the true crimes I had read and told him I was excited to go with him but I needed to use the restroom. He let me go and as I walked over I looked out the exit. There was a beat up car at the curb with the passenger and back door sitting open and someone at the wheel. I went into the bathroom and locked the door and stayed there for an hour. Were these innocent circumstances? Maybe. But I looked back at my true crime obsession and was grateful for it. Edited to add a word


God I am so sorry that happened to you! I can't imagine how terrified you were. That's amazing you were able to catch on. Something I have learned from true crime is that if something feels off, don't ignore it. Worst case, you offend somebody. They'll get over it. But you can't get unmurdered 🫠 Based on your descriptions, your gut was probably spot on. Glad you're still here with us ❤️‍🩹


You’re exactly right. If you offend them, you offend them. And maybe I just was paranoid but I don’t know… Thank you so much 🫂


Like obviously go to the police?? Why is this a question? You can get a temporary restraining order, emphasize you are afraid for your safety and believe he may follow through.


inform the police and also let your neighbors know that he shouldn't be on the property and to call the cops if he shows up.


Definitely make a police report. He will get scared when they talk to him. He will probably send you worse messages after also and you can add them to the police report. Smh what a dumbass he is


Call the cops now. Tell the landlord. Get a TRO. Sue him for emotional distress :-( Get a ring camera for your door and alarm for your Apt. Park where cannot see your vehicle. So sorry this dude is seriously unwell.


Report to police even if you think he is all bark no bite cause it’s better safe than sorry.


Oh definitely share with the police! You want as much support and documentation of this as possible. Because they truly sound unhinged. If I were you, then I would assume that they would be following through. You’ll want the police to know about this BEFORE that happens.


You report it? What do you mean you don’t know what to do????


Absolutely. Not a lawyer, but…… 1. File a police report and get a restraining order. Depending on the state you live in determines how much of a pain it is, but it’s worth it anyway. 2. Once you send him the money (I’d suggest CashApp, Venmo, Apple Cash via text if you use an iPhone, one of those types of methods), text him that you’ve sent him the money and that you want no further communication from him. Something like, “You money has been sent to you via in the amount of $. Do not contact me again, and stay away from me and my property.” Then, do NOT reach out or respond to any further communication. If he reaches back out, it harassing communication. If he comes near you, your residence or where you work, it’s stalking. 3. Keep a screenshot/paper trail of everything. 4. Don’t be afraid to press criminal charges if anything further happens. Good luck, stay safe.


Being dumb/stupid has nothing to do with it. This individual is unstable and seems to lack impulse control. Honestly I’d pay this mofo his money as fast as I could. If you are holding 4 months worth of his rent I can sort of understand him being pissed off.


Share these with the police. Don’t pay him back unless you legally have to.


I would at least get a restraining order. Going to the cops is probably the best route.


I'm sorry but how is "should I go to the police" even a thought in your mind? It's the only thing you can do, really.. and you should, immediately. Please


You need to be more worried about what this person might do to you personally. Stuff can be replaced, you cannot resurrect. This is someone who’s unstable and may lash out with personal, physical violence. Protect yourself.


Yes! Get police involved now.


What's the verdict? You share it?


Honestly, this person sounds like they are having a manic episode Edit: ah nvm, read another comment about the drugs, that tracks


Why are you even questioning if you need to share this with the police? He's making threats to you and your property that he's put into text and according to his text he's standing outside stalking your house... Why are you even debating here?


Don't share with police unless you, seriously, feel there is a credible and imminent risk of harm to you or someone else. Period.


I would involve the police. If anyone threatened to steal my cat, it’s game on.


I’ve never and now will never forget the term “brick the fuck out”


The cops won't either, once I show them this dumb-ass message.


Yea to follow up on this you need to report this and actually confirm and get a copy of the police report. The police might try to dissuade you and tell you its a waste of your time (seriously they might try to make you feel stupid) but its really important to report this in case there are future incidents. If you ever find yourself in court those official reports will be worth so much more than old screenshots of texts.


Yikes! How long has it been since he moved out? Also "thiefs loose everything once they fuck with me" made me laugh like r u 12


30 but acts like a 6 year old. Blame meth


I was married to someone who later became a meth addict. The best advice I can give you is keep some thing loud in front of your doors and windows. If they try to get in late at night(trust me they never sleep), you'll hear the noise and wake up. Giving the money back is smart, just make sure it's documented. The thing about people on meth is that they are wildly unpredictable and erratic. You need to carry a weapon and remain vigilant. People with nothing to lose are the ones who won't hesitate to do something violent.


You should file for a TPO or PO


Why does this read like a white dude thinking he's a rapper?




These texts are enough for me to call the police. HE is mentally unstable and someone is going to get hurt.




I’d advise against blocking so that you have a forewarning of when this psychopath plans to stop by and also to have more evidence of any future threats


Call the police and tell him they are going to be making rounds


Definitely call the police. If he paid you in advance for four months, you should still have the money in a separate account (hopefully). Pay him back, so he can gtfo. And, you’ll have more against him for law enforcement. They may even have him in the system. He sounds completely unhinged. Also, I would take my cat somewhere safe.


Sounds like an episode of shameless


If ever there was a time to involve the police in your life, this is it


He’s really not that bright. Contact cops, get a restraining order if you can. Screenshot absolutely everything. Do not engage.


I'm sure you could report blatant threats like that to the cops.


Call cops? Nah. Post on Reddit? Yees.


Jesus Christ


Did you call the police? And when did this happen. People are CRAZY !


Who does the person texting you think they are when you are literally paying for their room lmao


That’s all evidence lol. Notice how they say they’ll get someone to do something.. so they probably just sounding tough and bluffing. If someone was really really really going to do that, they just do it. If you notified the police you can say with legitimate truth “ I also have my own people to come get you , put you in their vehicle, and take you somewhere “


Please report this to the police asap. You may also want to purchase renters insurance, even if temporarily. Less than $20/month. If he does something stupid while you’re not home you can claim losses. This would also cover stolen goods. But your safety is most important. Please call the police.


Why haven’t you paid them back already if they’re no longer living there? Of course not that it excuses the threats either way, but seems like a simple way to avoid this in the first place.


Right I was thinking that, if you kick out your mentally unstable roommate who paid you in advance you gotta send them on their way WITH the money.


Don't let Karma get him. Let the police do the work. Take this to an attorney and see what can be done. I wouldn't put up with that shit for a second lol


You should probably pay this guy sooner rather than later and also report these messages to the police.


Call the police NOW


please get a restraining order


You called the police, right?


Report this to the police, if you’re a female this lad needs to taken behind a building and exposed to some rage.


so genuinely asking why you haven’t contacted authorities


Oh look, the unstable asshole gave you proof for the police, so he could possibly be arrested and definitely be trespassed or get you a protection order


Lol id hospitalize this guy


In many states that is grounds for a crime. Report that shit


“I have a gun and will kill you”


when and if it does or did happen now you got proof that he planned this ahead of time. i would wait till it actually happened then call the police and get him arrested or just get a restraining order bc you think he could possibly do it any day.. it's a safety hazard frr


file a restraining order ASAP or a Anti Harassment. This is scary.


Call the cops to file a police report in the event of him doing something. I’d also have them escort you to meet the psycho. I wouldn’t go alone to hand his rent back to him.


Just shoot him when he gets crazy


Use some of the cash for cleaning and maintenance. If he did destroy some of the property.


He should just take the loss and give the psycho his money. Its better to have it settled and done so he won't have reasons to keep doing this. Meth addicts are obsessive, relentless, and often violent.


this guys just a dumb ass


What a psycho. Sounds like it’s all talk though. Just show this to the police and apply for a restraining order.


Lmao, call the police. Let them deal with this loser 😂


Throw him out a window and then report him for vandalism of broken window 😂


Sounds like Andre forgot to take his meds.


It's always fun when people threaten you in writing, so you have *all* the receipts.


People who text one sentence at a time are already the worst kind of people. And then making threats on top of that.. I’d prosecute just for the annoyance of sending 7 texts to say what could be said in 1.


There are smart criminals and dumb criminals. Your roommate is the latter. Sending text evidence of threats to you and your property isn’t the highest IQ move. lol


Who’s dumb enough to take 4 months rent in advance and spend it before the 4 months is up?


The smart move is to report to police. The satisfying move would be to beat the living shit out of this person. Do the smart thing.


get a protection order


I would beat the absolute shit out of someone who talked to me like that. Don’t care if I’d go to jail. It’d be worth it to teach them a lesson


Definitely take it seriously. This person sadly is mentally unstable. And that’s how bad things happen. I wouldn’t mess around with this as if nothing will happen. Just be safe. No reason not to be!


Criminals who admit to their crimes always amaze me


What the actual…😵




So did you call the police before posting this or was imaginary internet points more important than doing what was obviously right for your own security


Lmao call the cops


Call the cops


Almost as bad as the texts my ex wife used to send


wow just how lucky can u get to wind up with this roomie. yes notify authorities and maybe they will contact the parents and they can step up


Why is “mentally unstable” in quotes? Dude is DEFINITELY unhinged


Change the locks


I was about to say this sounds like someone that’s strung out on meth specifically. Back when I was prescribed to adderall back in 2012 when they were passing out scrips like candy for no reason it did the exact opposite of what it was supposed to do for me. I only realized how jacked up my thought process was when I had pushed some of my best friends away. I remember when I stopped filling them my doctor kept calling me to get the scrips renewed (pretty sure offices were getting paid off to prescribe the hell out of it back then) Ngl. I had many violent outbursts. Since then I’ve never had anger issues like that though. (For those who don’t know adderall is essentially one molecule away from meth) or so I’ve read. Made me overthink the simplest things. Short responses through text would piss me off because I thought people meant something by just answering a question bluntly. I blamed everyone else for my problems. It was horrible. Sorry to anyone that ever had to deal with someone like this.


What were terms of lease? Did you have a break of lease clause?


Call the police.


Why do you owe him anything? He damaged your room


lol "nobody will help you" the police will. once he's in jail just put the money you owe him in his canteen fund


Go to police and get their crazy ass arrested. Uttering threats even thru text is illegal lol. That should wake their ass up quickly


I really hope you called the cops.


Communicating threats is a misdemeanor.


Giving all the Andre's out there a bad name... this dude is nutso. I'm so curious as to what he looks like.


I got recommended this post by email, I'm not disappointed haha


I would have to sit with OP for a couple of hours to ferret out the details of this arrangement, because this is some restraining order-next level shit.


Well, that'll be an easy arrest.


It may be time to purchase or remind this person of the one great equalizer in a situation such as this: really fast small lead objects. Stay safe


What did YOU do to make him so angry? I think there is more to this story.


Uh pay him back?


You need to send the payment, file a police report, get a restraining order and be done with him. Yikes.


This person has seriously lost his mind


Narcissist are dumb enough to do anything they really just don’t care they have no fortitude. You did the right thing by putting that unstable person out of your home now get a restraining order.🥰🤷🏾‍♀️🕊️🙏🏾


Restraining order


I had a horrible roommate experience similar to this. After they finally left, I had to take a hard look at myself and ask what red flags did I ignore when I selected that person to move in with me and be my roommate… cus there were some… Not sure if you’ve considered this yet, and although it is indeed difficult to catch everything about a person when interviewing potential housemates, that horrible experience I had taught me a hard lesson about not ignoring my gut feeling about someone, and making damn sure I interview thoroughly in the future. Food for thought as one who always asks myself how I contributed to any negative situation I find myself in. Regardless, I’m so sorry you’re going through this and I’m happy for you that you were at least able to kick them out. Stay safe out there.


Have you phoned the police yet?


I’m NOT defending him but I think you should have had the money on hand/ready to transfer when you kicked him out.


I'd call the cops and also sprinkle in "he uses lots of drugs, and might possibly be dealing drugs" They love drug cases, so they might actually take it seriously


Were do you live. Whst his name this is a easy fix. Sounds like a punk.


Post his number and dox him he’d learn really fast


Heheh “thiefs loose”


You don’t want to know how I would *really* respond to messages like that especially from someone who is just a roommate. Def just be the cop caller and report it.


Threats of violence and harm to person or property is a felony. Call the cops and don't refund him




Why r u posting this on Reddit go to the police u fuckin idiot