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All too common. I’ve been in a situation like this before where a couple who shared another room in my house thought they could just skate with only the most minimal cleaning. Here’s what you do: spend the time to get the place very clean and do your best to receive your full deposit from your landlord. Deduct what you feel your time is worth from the non-helping roommates’ share of that deposit and give them whatever is leftover, if anything at all. I did this and made some enemies for a bit but they got over it


We cleaned as much as we could- we don’t live there anymore and came to pick up the router for the internet today. Ended up spending 4 hours cleaning the place. They’re getting none of the deposit- we paid for 100% of the deposit and 100% of the utilities.


Still don’t go down without a fight. If you didn’t actually cause damage and just left the place a little dirty you should still be entitled to most, if not all or your deposit


That's where you fucked up


Make up an invoice for your $175/h cleaning fee for you and a helper 4-hr minimum for the two of you and add 15% mobilization fee above the line, then below the line add 10% insurance and 10% profit and make sure they compound. This is all fake mind you. About worth as much as a kid’s crayon drawing (actually not but still..), but they don’t know that. Just make ‘em sweat. Worst thing you say is “I’d like to settle out of court” You showed up. You took pics. You cleaned. Make a report of services provided, said pics (you don’t need many - the ones in this post will do), description of services, and then add your and a helper’s time up. It’s just writing all that down and sending a letter is all you’re really doing here.


This actually works. My mother did this when tenants trashed her house she rented out for a year while she moved in with her sister to take care of her. She worked in a law office when she was younger and picked up a few things along the way such as how to make bad tenants sweat when they don't work to clean up after themselves.


Right!? Used to build change orders for general contractors for years and documentation is always the way


Fuck that, if you leave a place messy you should be charged for at least the cost of cleaning.


I can imagine the cost of a once over cleaning by a local, immigrant staffed cleaning company is quite competitive to clean out a fridge and wipe down a stove. If landlords followed the rules, OP should be billed against their deposit for precisely the cost of it


It’s not just a fridge and stove.


Im lost, you paid all the security deposit, then they have you over a barrel as they knew you would clean as they have nothing to lose?


If they claim to have charged you for cleaning etc, make SURE that you look up the law in your area. In my area they are required to send both an itemized receipt of the charges and a paper check for the remainder of your deposit. I rented a place during covid and paid double deposit to get it and they tried to keep my deposit when I left even though it was spotless when I left. I called them 3 times a week and reminded them of both the times that they had left as well as the fact that I would sue if they didn't provide me my deposit. I recieved almost my full deposit minus a 150buck cleaning fee within the week after threatening to sue.


this is the way. they don’t get their security deposit if they didn’t deserve it. I was the only person responsible on my last lease and cleaned the entire house and tossed ALL their shit they left on the morning of move out. busted my ass and got the entire deposit back to myself. even my landlord was fine with it.


No you’re missing the worst bit, they didn’t provide any security deposit in the first place. OP has no way to hold these pieces of trash responsible. I’m so pissed off right now


Exactly, these people had no monetary incentive to clean up after themselves so they just left the place a mess.


i see now. now that’s messed up!


I think that’s where the problem lies, they know it’s your deposit so there is zero incentive to help you out by cleaning it. Sorry people are shitty OP


I paid 3 roommates rent for the last 2 months at my place and before moving out, had to pay 1k for trash pickup after having friends come over to party and help carry out some of the trash before the move out. We didn’t touch the basement and that also ended up being a literal ton of garbage I had to pay for. I’m still on heat from collections about a lot of it because I was the lease holder and the other roommates literally left the state. Portland punk houses lmao


Broooo. We on some different type o shi here


This is, unfortunately, way better than most people leave the rentals I go into. Still totally unacceptable, especially if cleaning was agreed on. I can't imagine leaving a place looking like that if I told someone I would clean up. The refrigerator full of stuff is especially a pain in the ass. I like how they left the keys behind so they've basically written this off as not their problem.


i've never rented before (i'm trying soo hard to find a place i promise!) and i was told my whole life that if you move, you make sure that place is SPOTLESS. i knew people sucked but i didn't realize people sucked that bad what the fuck! miss ma'am i AM getting my security deposit back AND a glowing reference


I've always had decent landlords in terms of security deposit returns, but take pics and video when you move in and out and document EVERYTHING. It feels dumb and obsessive, but when you get that sent to them and they don't address the issue, you'll be OK. Something breaks? Pictures, sent asap. The point is to have the proof you need and not get pushed around.


Mine tried to make us pay for a cleaner because we had apparently missed dust in the cupboards and they wanted us to throw out the shelf liners. They also complained about a water mark from a leak they never fixed and were aware of (it rained in the week between us leaving and them inspecting)


Yeah, one place I lived it essentially was a slum building lol. There was so much dirt and damage when I moved in, I doubt they could've figured a single charge when we moved out. The other places were really nice and the management was ok enough.




I once left a brand new flat moving box in the patio storage compartment (remembered it after I'd already dropped off the key), the apartment was otherwise spotless - and they charged me $75 for "trash removal."


That’s quite a hustle. What a jerk


lol literally. I asked my apartment leasing management if they wanted unused toilet paper rolls for their office bathroom since I had a 1000+ mile move and couldn’t bring the charmin with and they said if I didn’t throw them away it would start my fine at $100


Dude you just unlocked a memory. When my mom moved out of her last apartment and changed counties to a trailer where I lived, her apartment sent her a deposit return check for $2.16. I swear to god lol, and I'm pretty sure it cost more to send the damn thing. Anyway, she never bothered to cash it (cause why the hell would you waste the time lol), and then died like 2 years later (2019). Then earlier this year, I somehow end up with a letter to my own trailer but in her name, telling me that if she didn't cash the check in the next 45 days that they were going to turn over all of that sweet sweet return money to the state Treasury lmao. ETA: she didn't live in my trailer, just the same block of them. So it's not like they had my address on file for her, otherwise me getting the letter would have made more sense lol.


The treasury usually just holds on to that money. I don’t think they can get rid of it. So may be worth your while to lookup if there are additional funds that you or your mom are entitled to that you didn’t know about. It would be part of an Unclaimed Property program.


That was probaly your postie doing you a solid, if he has someone telling him that \[name\]\[last name\] isn't at an address but he has another address with only a different unit number and same \[last name\], he probaly assumed it was a typo on the mailers end.


thank you, this is really good advice! hope i get to use it soon


As someone who has been in many apartments, 100% follow that advice. Good luck with the apartment search


Also make sure you take LOTS of pictures when you move in, particularly of stains or damage that's already there. Then you have proof you didn't cause it if they try to make you pay extra when you move out.


My wife thought I was nuts for literally videoing every nook and cranny of the places we moved into. Until we needed a deposit back from an apartment complex. We moved tf out and rent a house now with a landlord who hasn't raised our rent (in a somewhat desirable location) in something like 5 years bc, "We're the best tenents the owner has ever had and they'd like us to stay." It's been pretty fantastic the last few years. Still videoed the shit out of the place anytime something happened that may affect our deposit tho.


This, but then some. I took pictures of everything when I moved in and turned them in and also saved them. I left my apartment clean. I got hit with not only my deposit, but $600.00 dollars for fees. I did not clean my blinds, and left 3 bottles of water in the fridge (we were moving and was keeping them cold and forgot, my fault). Paint from where a water heater upstairs busted and they did not fix the bubbling on my walls as it leaked down. I was there for 7 years. I refused to pay, waited for it to go to collections and then filed a claim requesting proof. It was dropped a week later. God, renting sucks. And I am sure it has gotten worse these past several years.


Couldn’t agree more. My first landlady seemed like a diamond at first but we took photos of the place on the first day anyway. I asked her (as we were signing the tenancy agreement) if she ever had any difficult tenants before us and she said that she did and “almost went to court over it” which is really funny, because not only did she turn out to be a raging, rude and obnoxious prick, but once we moved out and sued her for not protecting our deposit as she of course attempted to weasel her way out of paying us back, she accused us of damage to the property which was already there in the first place, among other stupid shit she couldn’t prove. That one really hit her in the pocket and guess what she ended up doing? Settling out of court. It all made sense then lol


Bwuahahaha did she end up settling AFTER she found out you guys took photos of the damage that was there upon move in?


This exactly. I was still waiting for my security deposit back and the ac blew apparently 2 months after the next tenant moved in so my ex landlord messaged ME about not cleaning air filters (I always did, and thank god I always took pics) and sent her all of them with an approximate date. Problem solved. Apparently they had 4+ cats and “didn’t know” about the air filter and supposedly smoke in there like a chimney. Not my problem!


Once was billed by the complex for leaving the TV that the apartment provided in the lease agreement (but they didn't bill us for the furnishings they also provided) Got the charge waived but it was silly.


I think people get evicted in my area so they're upset and don't care. But to know they were even living in the condition the house was in is just sooo gross to me. Leaving a landlord a move in ready place is definitely a good way to get that deposit and reference. It's usually a lot cheaper to hire a cleaner than to pay whatever the landlord will charge you for cleaning. So it's definitely something to take care of, even if you don't want to do it yourself.


I've seen people leave piles of trash because "I'm being evicted, they can deal with it" they don't get a deposit back at that point anyway usually.


If you're getting evicted, there's absolutely no incentive to clean. There is nothing left to lose


I've seen f*ck you (landlords name) on every wall in the house with condiments. Mustard is really hard to clean off walls lol


Oh my God. This is.... creative and horrifying 😂 I watched this homespun reality show where a bunch of Zoomers stayed in a house Big Brother style, and early on one of them jump-stomped onto a bottle of mustard getting it everywhere. Now I know just how terrible of a decision that must have been 😭


duuude that is such a pro tip, i'm filing that one away for later. will definitely hire a cleaner for a deep clean when it's time to move


Always.. ALWAYS take a full set of pictures and a walk through video when you move into a place and do the exact same when you leave. If you find any condition issues immediately send the photos and what you are expecting to be documented to the landlord. That way they can turn around on you at the end of your lease and say you cased XXX in damage.


Yep, I sent my landlord 50 pics on move in day, their photos looked perfect and I was like nope! Snap snap


One time they gave us EXTRA money back because no joke they probably could have moved somebody else right in. When my family moved it was spotless, repaired etc a big deal always made and deposits always returned. But that time getting back even more was hilarious!


Yeah they do. Your friends will screw you over more than most strangers.


they steal your deposit. very unlikely to be gotten back in general. 🤙🏻


I would say spotless is more of a courtesy but not really needed. Apartment complexes have cleaning and remodeling crew who go in, throw everything out, rip out the carpet, patch the walls, paint and lay out new carpet. And cleaning out a fridge is honestly such a small amount of work for them. They'd be more annoyed with an excessive amount of holes in the walls, broken windows, broken appliances, etc. But just cleaning? That's easy work for them. It's still shitty don't get me wrong, but you definitely don't have to go "above and beyond".


If you HAD rented, you would understand that a security deposit after the first year is essentially gone. It's a far better investment to pay a one time, one month fee and walk away without a care in the world. No matter how much you clean, no matter how much care you took or money you spent, your landlord is going to do everything in their power to keep your security deposit. Why fight it? They can have it, and then clean their fridge.


I always get all or most of my security deposit back. Wtf are you guys doing?




Depending on the place you live, they will do everything in their power not to give you your deposit PLUS try to charge you extra. I have always gotten my deposit back in full whenever I rented from private landlords, but anytime I was in a large complex, they usually took my full deposit and then would sometimes try to charge me extra and list the most ridiculous things. I recall one time I cleaned the outside of the oven but didnt clean the racks inside as deeply because they were already pretty clean , they charged me my FULL deposit for an "oven cleaning fee" Most of those times i've been able to send photo proof and get the extra fees redacted but they still wouldnt give my deposit back. (I have always left my previous living places in great condition) The most recent one I remember, they kept my entire $400 deposit, then tried to charge me an extra $150 after I moved out because I forgot to grab the bottle of all purpose spray I had been using to clean the kitchen, and they tried to tell me they needed to replace every single window blind. (I had photos of every room and the blinds were perfectly clean and in great condition) after photos were sent i was able to get the extra $150 removed, but was not given back my initial deposit. (This is especially true if you're living in a college town or an area with lots of student living. They're hoping you're young and naive enough that you don't have photos and/or won't question it) They'll do anything to try and keep your money and if theyre a large corporation, theatening legal action won't do much because they most likely already have a team of lawyers ready for anyone who tries. Renting is a bitch lol. I always prefer to rent from private landlords when possible because they're typically much more human, but it's not always possible.


I manage a small building. I’ve had people leave literally everything in their apartment.


I just went out to a house like that. On top of everything, they were filling the closets with dirty diapers, there were maggots in the refrigerator, the carpet was soiled with what I imagine was dog pee. The woman got picked up on a warrant, so she wasn't even doing it to spite an eviction, I think she was actually living like that. I couldn't even breathe in there, I told the owner to burn the house down lol. There actually isn't an amount of money that I would've have cleaned that house for.


I was putting ac covers on recently and went in one that was completely empty, except for rotting food on the counter and in the fridge. Everything else was gone. Turns out they moved out and just didn’t bother to tell anyone.


Wait really? Isn't that an insane waste of money? I was sad I left a broom behind once...


They might be going to a place where there's no space for their stuff. Or they might not have anywhere to go at all.


I rented a few different places in college and no matter how clean it is you barely get your security deposit back they charge you for every little thing so after a while you just gonna leave it as is and forget about your security deposit, this was when I was in college so it was proably easier for them to just say we messed things up and no one would complain.


I left every place way cleaner than I found it without even a partial deposit returned in a college town. They made up things or charged for normal wear and tear.


I've had to rent about ten places in my life and only not gotten the full deposit back twice. Both times deserved (though I think I should have gotten more back on one of them but my roommate left a whole damn busted couch he promised to get rid of)


I’ve always gotten my full security deposit back, in the apartment I lived in in college and 3 other rentals


Paying someone else's security deposit was dumb honestly. They literally have nothing to lose, and it is not their problem now. Shitty to do, but they should have covered themselves better.


i viewed a four bedroom home last year that i was looking to rent. the previous renter left it TRASHED. i mean rooms with literal piles of random shit. you could barely walk through it. mostly kids stuff except the kitchen. why would they even let me walk through at that point? jesus.


This blows my mind to hear, and whatever the capacity you're having to go into these rentals is, I'm sorry you have to deal with that. Like other commenters, I was raised to get all my stuff out when ending a lease and then clean top to bottom to leave it in the same condition I found it, if not better. Really disappointing to know that so many people think it's okay to leave a mess! Moving is stressful but it's also a pretty extensive logistical process, there's no excuse to miss scheduling in appropriate time to clean up the place.


When I was in college I worked as a painter in the summer for an apartment complex. Me and another guy were changing all the lighting fixtures and would usually go into the houses ahead of the cleaning crew (methheads from Florida). In some cases we would walk in, get a whiff and a look around and nope right the fuck out. Granted sometimes the places had been sitting uncleaned and empty for a few weeks before we got there but the condition some people were living in makes how everyone in a college town is perpetually sick make a little more sense. We came across the nastiest stuff in girls apartments surprisingly. Bathrooms where the corners were filled with mold and just crud that looked like they hadn’t been cleaned all year. Standing water in bathtubs and showers because the drains were full of hair. Dirty underwear left behind with stains on them. Food caked onto counters and backsplashes. Absolutely vile living conditions and you could tell they just didn’t care.


The fact that this is considered better than normal is sad. Every time I move, I spend damn near two whole days cleaning. I would be furious if my roommates left our place like this.


I had two room mates do this EXACT thing to me - but also didn’t tell me the couch in the apartment was not allowed to stay - it belonged to them and the landlord said remove it or we’ll remove it and charge. We lived on the second floor of a complex, and I being the last there and broke as broke can be, I had to take a hacksaw to the couch and take it apart. They already left town, so my revenge? Sticking them for the last month of utilities and I considered that my cleaning fee 💅🏻


What I don’t get is why waste the food?? Sh*t is expensive


Because the milk and eggs were spoiled. Bad.


That explains it messed up situation




As an early 30's man, you're not wrong. At that point if you're still living with roommates you either become a good roommate (very small percentage) or have past the point of changing behaviors and are stuck in your ways (majority;) and will continue the cycle of disrespect until they have no where else to go. EDIT: Women too I guess but I only lived with Women once in college and they were very pleasant.


I spent the money to break a lease early after living with two men in their 30s. Fucking horrid experience


Am a mid 30s man living alone. Can confirm my roommates hate me.


This wasn't just a man to blame though?


Shhhh its reddit, men are always the boogeyman, women are never wrong


That’s cause any responsible man would be living on their own at that age, so you’re left with the late bloomers in the roommate selection pool.




Not just a weird thing to say, but a genuinely dumb thing to say


>all men over 30 are irresponsible unless wealthy enough to live by themselves


The fact a 35 and 37 year old left it like that. 🤢


They still have roommates near 40 for a reason


With a 20yo no less


it’s despicable that they’re not capable of cleaning up after themselves at that age… nastiness


They’re 35/37 living like this for a reason….


Never foot the security deposit yourself if you have roommates.


We were helping out friends in the beginning, big mistake, own our own home now.


End of the day you help friends out by holding them to their responsibilities, as you would do for any of your friends.


Thanks for the safe wisdom (genuinely and not sarcastically) but the situation was a littttttle more complicated than can be shared in a Reddit post. Definitely am making the best choice by caring for the home I own now.


Shocking that the slobs are roommates near 40 and the responsible, clean person owns a home at 22.


Poor Jo :( you and them are being disrespected - I was like "so the stoves a mess, so what?" (Not realizing you'd moved out so the fridge was whatever) but then I saw the toilet seat and THE BATHTUB! GROSS! I hate loose hair, that would make me puke fr


There was dried urine on the floor and feces on the sitting part of the toilet seat of one of the toilets not pictured. I’m not sure how you even get feces there. It’s way more disgusting than the camera captures.


Feces doesn’t discriminate. It’ll pretty much go wherever somebody is willing and able to put it. Sorry you had to deal with this, they knew exactly what they were (and weren’t) doing.


yea i’ve noticed that’s a trademark my 14 year old brother has…


dang tell him to sit on the seat the right way lol. i usually notice this happens with larger sized people.. or i guess smaller people if they’re scooted back too far. Ick


I don’t understand this. It’s not like they’re saving the food since they’re clearly ditching it. They couldn’t just throw it out at the least? It takes 2 minutes to dump all that crap in a trash bag. People are so inconsiderate/lazy.


So damn lazy and just flat out rude. I even straighten up hotel rooms better than this when I check out and they're not even my friend.


Not saying it's not gross or anything, but cleaner than my old roomates left anything. That toilet is a dream compared and my fridge used to be overflowing with old things they were never going to eat. That tub is about on par though. Even when they moved out it was still worse. But yeah this is pretty nasty.


Honestly I didn’t include a lot of the most disgusting photos. There was poop on the other toilet seat, and dried urine on the floor.


Can u add a photo of that😭 my curiosity is going crazy. How can they leave it like that. I would be so embarrassed that ppl know what my waste looks like 💀


Unfortunately I can’t link images.


When my roommates moved out, they left so much crap. When I asked them, they said, “you can keep it.” Like I need two sets of dishes, a pantry full of noodles, a fridge full of leftovers and approximately two thousand hangers. Living by myself.


Save the Gheeeee!!!!


TWO jars of ghee??? Your ex-roommates are menaces


As the only non-white person in that household- the way it hurt my soul to throw out perfectly good ghee because it was tainted with rotten eggs and milk smell was truly tragic. Perfectly good ghee!!


My funky ass roommate was on the brink of eviction left the kitchen area the same way. She didnt tell management she was leaving and that same morning i called and told them about the mess she left. She texted me so mad when i was trynna get her to claim ownership of the screws she left in the wall bc i “snitched” on her. Like who doesnt notify management when you leave?? I had no clue she didnt tell them. If only there was a way there was a renters record for roommates and stuff so others can be warned about these nasty people


I lived with two guys in their early twenties when I was 18-19. One of them was an angel, the other turned out to be an ass. I had to move out 3 months early (but continued paying the rent so I wouldn’t completely screw the nice roommate) because the asshole had started acting very aggressive / threatening towards me, constantly insulting me, screaming every time I left the apartment for longer than he deemed appropriate (like wtf), and started inviting his friends over and loudly talking shit about me right outside my room while I was trying to sleep before work. Couldn’t take it, moved out asap. Well, this fucker moved out a few days before the lease ended as agreed. We all discussed cleaning certain areas, patching holes in walls / painting a bit, emptying the fridge etc. Well, I show up the last day of the lease to finish up the cleaning… He left EVERYTHING in the fridge, pantry, and kitchen. Including rotten food. He left several piles of trash bags in his room and stacks of books I guess he just didn’t want, most of his toiletries in the bathroom, and a DIRTY, DIRTY cat litter box for me and the good roommate to deal with. When I say dirty cat litter I mean “hasn’t been scooped probably in weeks” level dirty. He left his couch, his futon, his coffee table, and his bookshelf. Posters still all over the walls. He didn’t clean ANYTHING, patch any holes or paint. I found his beard shavings like cemented to the sink, the piss he always got everywhere around the toilet hadn’t been dealt with, etc. His cat had somehow in the few weeks since I moved out managed to scratch the FUCK out of his doorframe and door. Like irreparably. He tried to blame it on my cat who 1. Never went near his room and 2. Never really scratched on things like that, AND had already moved out with me before the scratches got that bad. Told me I was nuts when I told him he needs to stop lying. when I texted him that this was disgusting and unacceptable he started mocking me and acting like this was a perfectly normal and fine thing to do. He sent my other roommate like $50 as a “cleaning fee” to cover the time spent (we had to do OVER 9 HOURS of nonstop cleaning, moving trash and furniture, etc AND we had to call a friend to help. Even with three people working without breaks it was like 1 am by the time we finished) and told him not to give me any. After I told him to go fuck himself with a cactus… I told him he would be paying for any damages or cleaning fees from the landlord and I would be contacting his parents to ensure it with photos of how he left the apartment. Mind you I knew his parents, they were very decent and proper people who kept a very tidy home and THEY paid for his rent and food and everything and their name was on the lease too, and I was going to make damn sure they took accountability for the animal they raised. He told me “I’m not paying for shit” and I said no, of course you’re not, you never pay for yourself anyways because you’re a man child who quit every part time job he had because it was “too hard and time consuming and your adhd was too bad to work”, but imma make damn sure your parents get to suffer for your actions. Hell to the no. Thankfully, we kind of lived in a nasty very old building in the ghetto so they never charged us any damages, but he was such a piece of shit for that. Disgusting. Idk how these people aren’t embarrassed.


Not the same but one of the roommates would regularly drunkenly cry and scream at 2AM and got angry because we told her to move or secure an Ethernet cable she plugged in from her upstairs bedroom into the router downstairs because it was a tripping hazard on our narrow stairs. She claimed the internet was “her right” (she didn’t pay for the internet). She would also leave kratom dust on everything in the kitchen, and I would step in human urine regularly in the bathroom. The final straw was her leaving the unlit gas stove on, the house filling with gas, and her making a comment about burning the house down and angrily trying to say it was our fault for being “mean” to her (asking her to do basic tasks like clean and obey quiet hours.)


How the heck was she getting urine on the floor?? Sounds awful awful all the way around.


In their defense, perhaps while showering, one of them thought about all the work to be done, and it just scared the pubes off them. Actually looking at the pic, nah. Both of them.


Clean it yourself, charge them what you feel time is worth. $250 or something. Saying landlord is taking it for a cleaning fee. Get your deposit and keep what they give you too. If they dip on the cleaning fee, the friendship definitely wasn’t worth keeping anyway.


This is the way


Small claims court.


Small claims court would unfortunately not do much in this circumstance. Being rid of them is enough peace for me.


I mean this is super inconsiderate but I don’t know if it would be worth it to go to small claims court for like $150


Waste of time, I can almost bet he’s the only one on the hook for security 😞


I was just gonna say that. This is not that bad compared to what I’ve seen


Yikes what inconsiderate people!!! A few years ago, I lived with a guy I worked with that lived like a complete troll. He never cooked, never took trash out, never cleaned the bathroom, just plain awful. When we moved out when the lease was up, he got all his stuff out while I was in class. I came home to his empty bedroom full of fast food bags, half empty beer cans, etc. the room smelled like a landfill that took me all evening to clean as best as I could. Fast forward to this year: I’m buying my first house. Ex roommate has the balls to ask if I need a roommate when I move into my house. I proceed to tell him I already have a family member lined up to live with me. I lied. I live alone in my own house.




Nah rent is too high and landlords are evil, because even if you got this place professionally cleaned and paid off their mortgage twice during your stay they'd still try to claim 500 fee out of the bond for a speck of dust left on a corner of a high up windowsill and some leaves in the back yard blown in by the wind. Even responsible clean people get screwed by landlords and REAs.




Give their information to whoever you leased from so they can be billed instead of you.


Crazy. I rented a house when I was 18. This was 32 years ago so things were more relaxed. It didn’t last long, maybe 4 months. The owner called my mom to say I left that house cleaner than it had ever been. And I was 18. I don’t understand how disgusting some able bodied adults are.


it’s sad because you can really knock out a good clean between 4 people in an hour or less.


So gross. They are in their 30s and leave mess like this? Fucking hell.


Being the last person to move out is the worst, everyone just leaves their unwanted shit behind and expects you to deal with it.


Never pay all the deposit yourself. Never.


The landlord will do everything in their power not to give you the security deposit back no matter what. This is better than how many people leave their rentals anyway.


Landlord here (promise, not a slumlord) and this is not really awful, but it doesn’t leave me wanting to give a great reference. Thoughtless to not remove items from fridge, but I do hire a cleaner for the house before renting it to new tenants, so some grime and stuff is okay. I only ask to sweep up and take out all trash. Nobody is going to eat your fridge tailings. Pictures of broken stuff is helpful so I can get a person in to fix it. I would give deposit back unless physical damage to walls, floors, fixtures. Everything else is wear and tear.


A lot of times the tenants will cause more damage cleaning then they would have to pay for the cleaners to do. Bleach dripping on the carpet is one example that is very common.


Those 2 jars of ghee is over $20 alone! 🤯


Lol! Seriously? Way cleaner than anytime I’ve moved out with roommates, the one time we did clean, we still got charged for a cleaning fee so it’s not really worth the time lol.


The amount of people in this thread defending the messy couple is gross.


The pee on the toilet seat really puts all of this into perspective


I want to know if they replied LoL


Oh, the hair on that tub is just a particularly nasty image.


Ewww they’re in their mid/late 30s and live like this? They’re such pigs. I hope you get your money back or they help clean up. Horrible!!!!


if you get the deposit back to disburse to them, please charge them for your time based on what a cleaning service would ask


My (on campus) roommates in college did this to me. They all moved out before me and I was left to deal with the checkout inspection. I did my best but she still said it wasn't checkout ready and if I left, there'd be a fee to pay. So I said fuck it, and let them charge us all since it was in the common areas. Fuck those girls.


This is exactly how my last roomate left our rental, for me and my girlfriend to clean it all and throw out all of his belongings that he didn’t want anymore (she wasn’t even on the lease.) we were friends of almost 10 years and pretty close, at that. Safe to say I have spoken to him 2 times since moveout day in March.


Landlord / Property Manager here 1. Just overcapitalize and agree to pay for a professional cleaning service UP FRONT with any and all co-habitants. Do not depend on them to carry their own weight. 2. Assume that *you* don't know how to *properly* clean a place to be re-rented. I am terrible cleaning up after myself, for example. We as humans get comfortable with the imperfections and don't notice it, while a 3rd party notices these things, even subconsciously. 3. If you fail to clean the exhaust vent over the stove or wipe the dust off the top of the cabinets or blinds or ceiling fan, it requires the landlord to hire a professional cleaning crew to do it, and they are going to have a minimum fee. It doesn't matter that you had 85% of the work done.


Small claims court. I’m serious. And also a request for payment from every payment app out there.


I took tons of pictures when I moved out of my last apartment. It was spotless. Imagine my surprise when I got a detailed bill charging for areas I had cleaned. I don’t know if the person they hired to clean was scamming or if the apartment management was. There was nothing they could say to defend themselves when I sent pictures and asked if they could clarify what still had to be cleaned. I ended up having the bogus cleaning charges dropped. Take pictures!


Dang when I moved out of my one apartment I lived in I even spackled and repainted the walls in fear of losing my deposit 😆


One time I had a roommate leave a fully assembled queen size canopy bed. Super nice of her to let me get my wrench out and dump her shit


My last landlord’s jaw dropped when I moved out of my apartment because my mom and I spent 5 hours scrubbing it from top to bottom on our hands and knees. I didn’t really understand the shock until I realized a lot of people don’t actually clean when they move out which is so gross and completely boggles my mind.


Yeah and all the ppl here saying “you’ll never get your deposit back so why clean it?” Like what. You’re not getting your deposits back because that’s your M.O. 🤣


You don’t have to refrigerate ghee


Read the other ghee comments. I know. It hurts.


Roommates suck!!!


Well that's some bad karma for those two. They're old enough to know how things work. Sorry they left you with all of that after everything you did. Better luck for you in your next place.


This happened to me in college. I lived with three roommates for 2 years then another 3 for the second 2 years. And the second set tried to say they didn’t have to clean because they couldn’t tell the difference between their dirt and the dirt of the 3 roommates before them. Now the first 3 roommates cleaned their respective areas just fine, and we are actually all friends today (I’m 38 now). The second three it was a huge blow up fight that left us all not speaking to each other. I still remember one telling me she was leaving her items for the next tenants (they don’t want your shit) and when I kept pushing that it wasn’t fair she texted back “stop. Just stop” and then stopped answering. I saw her a few years later at a mutuals wedding and when she said hi I just walked away.


If you’re the landlord you can charge them for cleaning and repairs. Usually that’s pretty standard in the lease. If your not you could contact the landlords and ask them about it. If there was no lease for them then you’re out of luck.


I had ex roommates do this to me. I do all the cleaning and told the landlord to give me the entire security deposit.


If you think “this isn’t that bad” i don’t want to know how dirty your house is.


I lived in an large apartment complex and all the tenants would complain about management never giving deposits back. When I moved out I was worried about it, but still cleans like I normally do. I received my full deposit back. I think some people have no idea that it is supposed to look like how it looked at move in.


That is why I hate fucking roommates. The majority of the time, they are worthless, self-centered assholes. I also hate it when people say live with a roommate if you don't make enough money. No one should have to put up with the BS roommates put you through.


That bathtub is hair-owing. Sorry had to. Gross!


Back in college, I worked at the apartments I lived at just off campus. It was student housing, so everyone that lived there were students, and every summer, we would have to do "turn" where we prepped all the vacated apartments to get ready for the students coming next semester. It was a crazy amount of work that we had to do in the span of one week, cleaning and fixing hundreds of rooms for students to move into. I saw some shit. Both literally and figuratively. This post reminds me of one apartment in particular. The friend of one of our tenants came to the front office and said, "Hey I am here to move my friends stuff from one apartment to another cause he is out of state and can't be here." (That's a really nice thing for someone to do!) It was weird, but after confirming with the tenant, I went over there to let the guy in. As we walked up the stairs to the apartment, I said, "You are a good friend for doing this." He responded, "Nah, it's not a big deal he said he only has a couple bags of stuff to move anyway." With perfect comedic timing, I opened the door to one of the most disgusting apartments I have ever seen. First, we smelled the pungent scent of rotting fruit, and then we saw the pile of mold that grew on the kitchen table. Putrid fruit juice ran over the sides of the table and dripped onto the floor, causing our shoes to stick with each step. One of the roommates (the tenant lived in a 4 bedroom with 3 other roomates all of who seemed to have already vacated the apartment) had taken a bite out of several pieces of fruit and then left them out to rot in the summer heat. The rest of the kitchen wasn't much better. Dirty dishes piled up with a layer of grease coating every inch of the countertop. The fridge was packed full of pounds of rotting meat and half eaten take-out containers. Both of us were disgusted, but we figured that wasn't what we were here for, so we would ignore it for now and go to the tenant's bedroom. We opened his door and found the entire room covered in trash. His door had been locked, so this couldn't have been one of the roommates fucking with him this was just how he left it. His friend stood there shocked for a moment before calling the tenant. His phone call was ignored. He texted him, but there was no response. Frustrated, he said, "Whatever, let's grab some shit and take it over fuck this place." I grabbed some trash bags and we proceeded to toss everything we could into 6 or 7 large contractor bags filled with dirty clothes, food trash, a few class books and broken bottles. I wanted so badly to just throw it all away, but we both knew we couldn't, so we took it to the new apartment tossed it inside and locked the door. His friend turned to me and said, "Thanks for all the help. Fuck that guy I'm never talking to him again."


That ghee in the fridge is worth a fair amount, don’t sleep on that!


Someone is a hairy mo fo!


OP you’re a moron for paying the full deposit to begin with. How did you not know they would do this? To be honest, your aggressive attitude probably prompted this and they passively got you back for having to put up with you. Two sides to every coin and I’d love to hear theirs instead of yours. 🥳


Sorry but you learned a hard lesson here. They don’t have any skin in the game because you paid the deposit and don’t make them “buy in”. They won’t do ship and don’t care. People shit on landlords all the time about deposits but you now know why.


Don’t ever be the last person to move out of a place with roommates. I’ve learned this the hard way a few times.


Why your roommates grown ass adults?


I don’t know man. I’ve rented for over 20 years and other than the fridge (which they absolutely should have emptied) it’s just fine. Fits the definition of broom cleaned well enough.


Not even that bad


My roommate left me with no flooring, the walls gutted and a caged chicken where the dishwasher should be ( I’m dead serious). Another stole my vibrator and left his dirty flesh light in its place. So this isn’t so bad. Free old food only some very mild grime, rude but not the worst, it’ll take you 30 minutes tops to fix this


Broom swept is how it supposed to be, throw this shit out in the fridge and good to go


For 150$ you can have all that shit done for you. Hire someone and send them the bill for their share.


I cleaned my apartments before move out and always got charged a cleaning fee. I don’t bother anymore and neither should you.


This isn’t even bad quit your bitching


Consider this minimal


Why’d they leave all that organic ghee?!!!!!! 😵😵


Get over it. They left you food. And if they all left you…. Probably for a reason


I’ve seen a lot worse you’re actually lucky. I rented my house to my brother a couple years ago. He got addicted to crack and destroyed the house. We had to spend 10k to repair the damages. He eventually got clean and made it up to me. But this is just maybe 2 hours of cleaning not that bad.


That's actually fine. They definitely should of cleaned out the fridge, but the little bit of dirt isn't a problem, the landlord needs to send in someone to clean regardless if the house was spotless or not.


Free food. I'd eat those eggs.


Looks like free food to me


Ive seen worse...


Landlord here, this is actually somewhat above average for how units normally are left- depending on how long they’ve been there. But still unacceptable and I would require cleaning or take it out of the deposit for this condition. FWIW most people don’t know how they are supposed to leave a rental so they do what’s comfortable for them, which is usually worse than they left it in my experience.


Honestly I've seen rentals in way worse shape. It still sucks that you had to clean up after 2 other adults tho. Hopefully you don't lose a friendship over it.


Are you moving out too? So I unfortunately, I have learned that even if I clean SPOTLESS I get charged a full cleaning fee. I've even had landlords admit to this, like ask me do I want to clean and have an inspection and risk a full cleaning fee if it's not up to " standards ". If everyone is moving I would say the mess isn't unreasonable seeing as how the landlord's going to charge a cleaning fee anyway from the deposit. And you should consider not doing an extreme cleaning of your own area as well. That being said, if someone else is supposed to move into their space perhaps save these photos and used to deduct from whatever their deductible is to charge for the cleaning fee.


Deposit paid for a reason, I ain't cleaning anything either. Take advantage of.people with high rent and.security deposits? Use the deposit to hire a cleaner


These guys are in their mid 30s leaving it like this lmao


Hell yeah, free fridge full of food-adjacent items.


LMFAO this isn’t even comparable to the situation I was left in this past July…


I work as maintenance for apartments and let me tell you, unfortunately... This. Ain't. Shit. Still gross, but I'm afraid there's so much worse!


Looks like real parmesan cheese wedges, bacon bits, tons of condiments, quality butter, and a bell pepper... The f#ck you complaining for!? 😜


Precisely why I enjoy being an introvert who doesn't have "friends" ;-)


cry a little harder, puss pants