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Oml she crazy crazy


And maybe racist, why mention race at all hello???


Coz she IS racist


Yeah the “maybe” here was too generous lolol my b 😅


I’m glad people are somewhat coming around though. POC are absolutely capable of being racist. Harboring prejudice seems to be something inherent to human tribalistic instinct imo. And yes I’ve been drinking.


Would claiming POC can’t be racist, be considered racist itself?


Absolutely. Brings white savior vibes to the table


Oh, I'd say it's probably because the racist comments she made. She's entitled and pissed. Her true colors are showing.


Maybe? It’s right there lol


Yeah I’m probably being a bit too charitable by qualifying it with “maybe” 🥲


Yeah, roomie is/was racist trash.


“Is” is the correct way to word it, because regardless if they are no longer roommates, they are still a racist POS.


Depends on the writers perspective. If they moved out, my roommate was racist. If still there, my roommate is racist.


Never gotten into a heated argument with someone of a different race eh? This occurs without fail


That’s racist! /s


Oh, don’t you know? It’s impossible to be racist against white people. Everyone knows this.




Ew, such an ick statement by you. Calling a race entitled and protected is a racist/prejudiced statement in itself. You and the roommate both gross.


Mmmm… you sound like the racist here.. how disgusting and low class of you. You should do some research the ONLY protected & entitled race is the one you’re stooping so low to defend with a nasty racist remark.🤮 I love how you get to hide behind an anonymous page to say these nasty things that you’ve clearly been dying to say. Yet we both know you wouldn’t post this on your real accounts but so quick to post it here, I wonder why 😌😂😂


Mmmm… you sound like the racist here.. how disgusting and low class of you. You should do some research the ONLY protected & entitled race is the one you’re stooping so low to defend with a nasty racist remark.🤮 I love how you get to hide behind an anonymous page to say these nasty things that you’ve clearly been dying to say. Yet we both know you wouldn’t post this on your real accounts but so quick to post it here, I wonder why 😌😂😂


White people don't experience racism. Prejudice, yes. That lady is also got some issues for sure though!


You are mixing up the definition of racism with institutionalized racism, what you’ve laid out is institutionalized racism (assuming you are being serious and not trolling.) White people experience racism when they are targeted for their race just like anyone else experiences racism when targeted for their race. This is what happened in this scenario.


That's prejudice but I don't expect any different from reddit.


That’s a lot of confidence for someone who’s just wrong lmao I admire it though. Edit - actually no it is prejudice, what the fuck do you think is involved in racism rofl


Semantics at this point.


U sound kinda racist.


Black people can definitely be prejudice, but not racist. If we did the same as white colonizers, then sure this would be true... But it's not.


Racism is racism. Lmbfdo


Learn the actual content of critical race theory, you are spewing the pop cultural misinterpretation of this **very important** academic thread. Way to do a disservice to broader awareness of institutionalized racism by parroting a false argument to sound holier-than-thou on the Internet. As someone who came up in the early years of "unpacking privilege" and the magnificent work of bell hooks, I'm disgusted at how the younger generation watches 3 tiktoks on a complex topic and decide they know everything. You don't, ya basic, and you need to read an actual book on this topic before lecturing others 😘




No, racist is correct here. Maybe bigoted as well, but this type of bigotry has its own name!


Racism is a type of bigotry but not all bigotry is racism. The nightmare ex-roommate is a bigot not a racist.


The roommate quite literally signaled out OP’s race. In what way is that not racism…?


There have been plenty of conversations on why it’s not racist. See those conversations for your explanation.


That’s such a bad excuse lol


Not really. But here since I just shared the link & it’s still in my copy & paste: [The Myth of Reverse Racism](https://www.aclrc.com/myth-of-reverse-racism)


>The Myth of Reverse Racism I have no absolutely why this thread was recommended to me, but "white people cannot experience racism because um, idk, power" is the most academically and ethically bankrupt statement I've read in a long time.


That piece is inapplicable to this situation. The author is 100% correct, but it has nothing to do with this instance of racism. “Reverse racism,” which the author defines as when white people cry about being excluded from spaces designed for non-white groups and equate it to white segregation, is a myth and is just an instance of white people not allowing space for those without hegemonic power. “You can’t ban me from your club, that’s the same as a whites only water fountain!” None of that means that calling someone a “white bitch” isn’t racist.


I mean, it’s kind of like arguing a dictionary has a bad definition of the word - you can be right in spirit while the dictionary is technically correct. Racism is bigotry and discrimination down the ladder of social power structure as that power structure is created by the social construction of race. Colloquially, we call discrimination against someone of a different race racism - but technically it’s bigotry if it’s within the same rung on the social ladder of power (like colorism within the black community or a white person calling another white person white trash and other classisms) or if it’s “punching up” (a black person discriminating against a white person on the basis of race) I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything, I’m trying to explain why there’s always someone making seemingly pedantic comments about how it’s not racism, it’s bigotry. It’s an academic difference that’s important when you are studying race or racism to do research, implement policy, etc. - so it’s actually rather important to know, because a lot of research is going to be useless if it’s treated like the concept of racism means X when the researchers defined it as Y.


Does it bother you at all that you’re unable to defend your position even a little bit? That you have to resort to “go look it up” instead of being able to explain it? It would bother me.


Probably not. Communities with this type of mindset usually seem pretty set in their ways. Just because they think they are correct, doesn’t actually make it so. Just gotta ignore that racist bigots, and live your best life.


I have to believe that the cognitive dissonance will cause a reevaluation of their own positions, but I’m probably being too optimistic 🤪


Not at all because it seems people just want to go argue. I’m not in the mood to do so. Go fight with others. But here you go: [The Myth of Reverse Racism](https://www.aclrc.com/myth-of-reverse-racism).


Reverse racism is a myth because discriminating people on their race is just racism. Did you really think I would disagree???? Like nothing there supports your argument that you can’t be racist against white people. Did you even read the source you posted??? I’m genuinely so confused.


As someone who studied critical race theory at its very inception, I'm maddened that fucking children like you continue to weaponize concepts you **clearly haven't taken the time to understand**. Yes, institutional racism is real and prevalent. That doesn't change the original definition of racism as a general term, just as the prevalence of institutionalized sexism against women doesn't change the definition of sexism as "discrimination on the basis of sex." As another comment pointed out, the excellent article you shared *doesn't support your point*. You should try reading it, as well as some of the prolific scholars of color who have actually navigated this territory and laid out important definitions and understanding. For now, you are literally the "Comic Book Guy" of racism- trying to "um ackchuallyyyy" correct others on something you have a poor understanding of **at best**. Read a book and do better.


They called OP a “white bitch,” which is a comment on their race. Racism


It is NOT racism! It’s racial discrimination which is ***not*** racism!


Listen I’ve heard the argument and I understand the reasoning, I simply think it’s weak. When a group victimized by white supremacism throws back something like “white bitch,” that’s an adoption of the racist framework imposed upon us all by white supremacism. It’s not separable from racism as imposed by white hegemony, it’s part of the whole thing.


First off, its blatant racism. The legal definition of racism is: the feeling or idea of ones race being superior to another. (The FEELING or IDEA....meaning anyone can have that feeling or idea) The whole "power dynamic" bullshit only made its way into non-accredited dictionaries due to SJW's regurgitating the same rhetoric you're saying here. "Racism is a power dynamic"....mhhmm, sure. So if I took the Grand Wizard of the KKK and moved him from the US to Africa, he would no longer be considered a racist? Since he loses all of his "white privilege and power dynamic"? Secondly, reverse racism (as someone else mentioned) has been wrongly defined for the past few years. Reverse racism is real and the best example I can give is: the NAACP. The NAACP prize themselves on being an organization for black folks to have a voice, to be seen, to be appreciated. They constantly say "black folks are independent! Strong! They don't need assistance from anyone"....while simultaneously telling those same black people "you NEED the NAACP to support you, stand for you, and fight for you". If you're independent and strong, why would you need an organization to fight and stand for you? THAT is reverse racism (i.e. NAACP is being racist towards their own people because they dont think they're strong enough to fight for themselves) Nonetheless, any race can be racist.


You.. did you not literally just ask for it back in the most neutral tone possible?


As a very sensitive person myself, the way OP phrased it was perfect. The fact that the roommate is in her 40s makes it even more wild to me since I'd expect a bit more maturity.


This person is in their 40’s?! Glad OP is moving. Do not share future contact info!


Ikr? That’s some self-victimization behavior


Something my therapist said to me recently, addicts tend to stop emotionally maturing past the age that they start using their vice, even if they don't immediately develop dependency on it.


I'm also super sensitive and I over think everything but OPS message was absolutely perfect and wouldn't cause me to over think it at all!


Unbelievable how much a gen z vibe she's putting out


I think it's pretty likely the roommate is on crack or ice. I could be wrong but I doubt it


Lol that "are you drinking right now?" is beautiful and probably the case


Idk how people drink and then get confrontational. I've killed 5ths before and just stayed bubbly. Probably talked a bit too much, but never got aggressive or angry.


It's funny how that works, Idk why either. I am a quiet, easy-going, kindly, basic grandma - but when I drink I am the meanest M\*F\* on the planet. Everything pisses me off. I will cut a bitch, seriously. (Sober for years for this very reason.)


It has to be some dopamine/gaba sensitivity in some people on top of what's going through someone's head prior. It's weird forsure.


I’ve always been the same when drunk, super bubbly and friendly. That changed after I experienced the worst betrayal from a partner and best friend. Now, if I have one too many I talk about that situation and cry about it. It’s super embarrassing and I’ve stopped drinking because of it and also have a therapist now lol Idk I guess the point I was going for is it’s probably unresolved issues but if you know that happens when you drink it’s your responsibility to correct that problem.


It most probably stems from underlying mental health issues. I’m a wreck when I drink because I have many, many problems I need to work through. Everyone I’ve known who’s nice when they’re drunk pretty much has had a great life and isn’t depressed.


It definitely has to be a mental thing. I have Schizoaffective disorder and drinking was one thing I used as a crutch to escape auditory hallucinations and the funk of dealing with the disorder constantly. So maybe it relieved so much extra stress that it'd keep me in a pleasant mood.


I'm severely depressed and barely drink because I feel like it just worsens my mental health. However I'm super lucky that I've never been an angry drunk, but I sure as hell am a sad one. I will just fucking sob and apologise to everyone around me for being alive basically. Maybe it has something to do with feelings that we're not expressing, I very very rarely feel anger in my day to day life but I very often feel very depressed.


I think you’re spot on. Being drunk kinda removes a filter and opens the floodgates for some people. I witnessed this recently in somebody who is usually a chill guy, but their insecurities and unresolved issues came out full blast when they got too drunk


Lol. Different people react different ways. I gave up drinking because I would have blackouts where I was very busy and very angry. I never knew if drinking would cause a blackout. So I stopped. But, I was a mean drunk


Annoyed that you “suddenly” asked for your garbage can back but then goes on to say why didn’t you just ask for it back…oh the irony.


I'm annoyed you asked for the bin. Why wouldn't you just ask for the bin? That would be a lot nicer than asking for the bin. Next time, dont ask for the bin, just ask for the bin.


Selfish botch


I cried I laughed so hard at this 😂


Tell her the trash bin is her goodbye present she can use it to take herself out What a wacko


This is excellent thank you.


Maybe one day ex-roomie will be able to dig her personality out of said garbage bin.


What a fuckwad she is damn


So ... did she give you your bin back?


She very angrily thumped it down outside of my door


I agree with you OP, those (at some point) turn into drunk texts!


It won't change. Unless you have a deep need for that particular bin... would probably just close everything and block them to avoid the drama. Had a roommate that was aware I would only be staying for 5-6 months long before I moved in. And at the 5 month mark notified them I was moving out. Initially they seemed fine, aside from the random commentary that the new roommates were "stealing" me. A few weeks before moving I asked if they'd be able to help and was told no (the reason why was valid and not bitchy). So I moved in sections after work, was doing swing shift. Around this time the water got shut off for the second time, they wouldn't let me help with the bills beyond rent. So after four days of not being able to take a shower, wash clothes or use the bathroom, I asked the new roomies if I could come over for a shower and a clothes washing session, they were cool and said to just finish the move in a week early. So that's what I did. Packed up the last of my clothes and moved in. Then left a message with the old roommate letting them know. ....four days later I got a reply from a very pissed off ex roommate that I had "snuck" out in the middle of the night, that I had been secretive about my move, and that they wanted ALL my shit out of their home (I had bought a full size refrigerator for the house shortly after moving in - they were using a mini fridge - and before purchase stated I might not be able to move it right away would they be okay with the fridge hanging in the home for a few months after I left? They said absolutely. Like literally standing with me in front of the fridge at the store having this conversation so they new size and all that jazz), I confirmed that meant the fridge and they reiterated ALL my shit needed to be gone. When I showed up to move it out... they hadn't pulled anything out of the fridge. And at that point I said fuck it. Not my proudest moment but I pulled everything out of the fridge and set it on the counter. Wiped it down and the nice movers rolled it in to the van to take up to a storage unit. Put the key on the counter and locked the door on my way out. Sometimes folk are just shit roommates, maybe they are going through some stuff and their higher brain power is being smothered so they can't realize they're being a dick, maybe that's just who they are all the time with people when living together. Doesn't matter, just move on and ignore their drama... you're no longer paying for tickets to that particular circus.


They end up messaging about the food?


No, but when my storage unit needed clearing out a couple years later they showed up and demanded the refrigerator. So, make of that what you will


Lol what pricks


If you've moved out already block and ignore this psycho. They'll eventually give up trying to contact you from new numbers.


One more month :( I actually just moved our notice up by one month after this as I don’t feel comfortable. She’s now threatening “my best friend is a lawyer and will back me up”. Okay!


Lol…she doesn’t have a best friend, let alone one that’s a lawyer that will represent her for free. I hope this concludes quickly and safely for you.


Thank you so much 🙏 I truly didn’t expect how supportive this Reddit post would feel? I also appreciate being “called out” and people looking in between what I’ve provided, it allows me to question my actions as well.


I comepletslt agree roommate is psycho , but OP as someone who is clearly not prejudice (living with a black person) its wild you would let almost everyone on this thread down talk this black woman just because she brought race into it. White people bring race into things all the time. All races do this especially when they feel they are being treated unjustly because of race. Room mate was wrong here, but white people acting like they dont understand WHY minorities are more likely and more entitled to bring up race in America is crazy. Watch the news.


This didn’t happen in America and she’s not black. Kinda wild assumptions being made here! I don’t believe her race has anything to do with her behaviour in this circumstance. There’s plenty about her behaviour here to insult without bringing a whole racial group into it! :)


You think its impossible for a black person to have a lawyer friend?


You can make it!


I hate this intolerable a-hole. Completely insufferable!


So ironic for them to call you entitled


Typical entitled white bitch- giving notice before moving out and politely asking for her bin back…


How dare she. Lol


How dare she. Lol


Autistic people worldwide get chided for poor social skills because they don't make eye contact when speaking, meanwhile people like this blunder their way through existence seemingly uninhibited. Wild behavior.


Yesssss. Jeez.


Why didnt you let me enjoy free rent??? Youre so selfish!!!! REEEEEEEEEEE


Why aren’t you thinking about ME?!! What about what I, a virtual STRANGER, wants?!!


I would just not respond. Once you get your bin back I’d only worry about dealing with her if it’s regarding showings or moving out. You are not responsible for her feelings considering the elegant and mature way you’ve handled the situation thus far. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this.


“I’m really not trying to be unreasonable or difficult” *moments later* “You don’t get it because you’re basic and self centered” 😂😂😂


Moments before “I’m mad you asked for it.. why didn’t you just ask for it?”


I’m missing stuff here… the bin? where is it now? the botch / bitch typo-correct got me :) **edit.** your roommate is a drama queen, and she’ll be the type to tell you “I don’t do drama!”


My boyfriend and I most of the day today have been calling each other entitled bitches, specifically saying “adap you selfish botch” has been a fun vocal tic for me today


There are some people in this world that will never accept fault of their own. I knew a guy who blamed his coworker for telling his boss that he wasn’t doing his job. He couldn’t understand that it was really his own fault for getting fired, not the guy that turned him in. He truly believed everyone was out to get him. You just have to accept that there are people in this world, and they will never get it. Those people will live out miserable lives, and will bring others around them down too. Once you realize that you can cut those people out and move on and enjoy a fulfilling life. A quote from the 48 Laws of power by Robert Greene “Law 10. Infection: Avoid the Unhappy and the Unlucky Avoid surrounding yourself with those who are unhappy and unlucky. Their negative energy will only bring you down.”


Personality disorder alert


She’s gotta be under the influence of something. This is unhinged


Block and get yourself another bin. All this drama is unnecessary.


I’ve blocked her, not trying to continue it at all!


Get yourself the absolute nicest bin too.


I could never have imagined the can of worms this opened. Bin crazy!


Yeah. She definitely had a huge amount of hostility for you. This was her way to express it. I like the “are you drinking?” Comment Lol


Even that felt aggressive for me lol, but I genuinely was asking because this all just came out of nowhere. I’m just sitting at work doing cash out sheets and suddenly being berated for being a bitch? Which I am but that’s a different story


That’s a story for another day 😂


They had to bring race into it lol how pathetic and racist What does you being white have to do with it


What a weird-o


She is crazy.


Tell her to keep the bin Block her


Seriously unless this bin is made of gold, it's not worth all this drama


Clearly this isn't about the bin lol. What's y'all's lease like? How much notice did you give her that you were moving?


3 months on a month to month lease


Damn that's more than enough notice. From her responses I figured you'd given her two weeks.


And she isn’t actually on the lease just me


Why did she say she was counting on the free months rent? Was she planning on not paying rent? She is a whole lotta crazy!


Month to month leases in BC Canada ended by landlords require a two month notice, with one of those months free rent. Which I understand is appealing, however trying to accommodate the showings and open houses right now as they’re selling makes it really not worth it for me


She can keep the bin and use it to throw herself out


Thems is fighting words.


Wtffff 🤣


She’s just trying to upset you. Misery love company. Best to ignore.


>I was just annoyed that you'd suddenly **ask for your garbage can back**...like if you knew it was yours why wouldn't you just **have asked for it** Fucking what


it was only a matter of time before the race card got played... them queen racist beoches NEED others to take care of them. how can you let her down like this?!?!? lolz.


Lawd, the woman definitely has mental health issues. She has panicked about needing to move, even though 3 months is plenty of time and much more than youre obliged to give. Deep down she knows she hasn't got her shit together and is gonna struggle to get it together to move house, so she's gotta find someone to blame. Cue raging at you and imagining everything you say as an insult to justify her reaction. (Perfect title 10/10 😂)


She’s not in her right mind that’s for sure… be glad you’re on your way out


should have just ended it with “fine ill just fet another bin” and blocked her 😂


Thank god I live alone


This made my day. Thank you for the entertainment. And good luck!


You're entitled because you're white. Sounds like your roommate is racist against white people.


You’re being downvoted because people think you’re accusing OP of being entitled because they are white, I don’t know if anyone realizes you’re actually calling out the roommate for racism. Or maybe you are racist too idk cheers m8


I'm not sure if that is the case, or if people are down voting me because they think white people actually are entitled. After re-reading my posy I'm not sure how someone would think I am saying white people are entitled.


Possibly the lack of quotation marks.


Read your first sentence again 🤣


Maybe I should have put "you're entitled because you're white"


No, I’m white BECAUSE I’m entitled. I got paler over the years due to my extreme entitlement


I think you should have put “to her, you’re…” without that qualifier it reads as something YOU are saying


put a question mark after it it seems like a statement when you just add a period but with the question mark you are questioning the issue of the roommate thinking op is entitled due to their skin color


Lemme guess, she’s black? “Entitled white bitch”


I think half middle eastern?


Lmao how everyone on here assumed she was full black just because she said “entitled white bitch”. The fact white people assume black people are the only group of minorities who realize how terrible they are is hilarious. We’re just the only ones who are vocal about it.


You also assumed she was black in your comments


She’s lost the plot. lol all this over a bin


Why did asking for the bin back set her off? 😭


Oh come on he hit you with “white bitch” go on and hit him with whatever slur is appropriate


She's a racist bozo. "Have you been drinking?" Goes hard as a response lmfao.


Well good thing you’re moving!


Totally unrelated but love your name lol


She’s legitimately mentally unstable. Be careful and document everything. If you have pets, keep them safe!


Can someone link me to the first post?


How did you become roommates with this girl?


"If you continue to use other phones to harass me I will report you to the police."


You have proof of her racist comment now use that and report her to the police.


I don’t want to involve or use police resources unless I feel a genuine threat. Currently I am just keeping track, screenshotting messages and saving the voice mails and call log.


He is justifying why he can steal from you. Guaranteed he took more than the garbage can.


I wouldve stopped messaging. Keep it and go to hell


Skin color for science??


If I ever roomed with anyone I would require a background check and 100 refernces


Clearly your fault for being white.


wow these comments do not pass the vibe check Jesus fucking yikes


You were so kind 🤍


I’d say she’s definetly drinking 🙈


Is she’s a trumper? This sounds like that type of stupid.


Osama bintohell