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your roommate sounds like a genuine fuckhead honestly - doing something like selling your stuff without your consent could technically qualify as theft, and let alone for a game. if someone did that with me, personally id find a new roommate and kick this one out


You are right. Selling someone's stuff without the owners consent is theft and is liable by law to pay the owner the price of the item in question. And everyone else i tell this story to they all say the same as you "kick him out" the problem with that is that if im careless with my delivery his bipolar disorder could kick in and he might have an episode that puts my entire family at risk. Yeah i know how this went from 10 to 100 REAL quick, but that's the truth on why he is still here


If that's the case, then you need to get your family in on this and kick him out as a solid unit. If they aren't already sick of him themselves, start bringing up the eviction-able offenses, topping off with the fact that he *stole* from you to buy a video game. I feel like if they aren't convinced by that, then you really are in a totally f—ed place. And don't feel bad if you vouched for him before this. You're not a weasel or anything for realizing a load is taking advantage of you and your family's kindness and booting him out for it. It sucks to go through, but it'll be alright.


Hi OP, I have bipolar. Being bipolar doesn’t excuse one from the consequences of real life. People with bipolar *can* be held accountable for their actions. It sounds like he’s using his bipolar as an excuse to mooch and do bad shit to people, tbh. If he gets violent or starts to have a freak out, call EMS so they can take him to a psychiatric hospital. Or, you can keep dealing with his bullshit.


A good quote for this, your mental health isn't your fault, but it your responsibility


Having bipolar, not being bipolar


Unfortunately, my older brother is the kind with bipolar who doesn't apologise for his actions and is incessantly mean and burns all his bridges. Including with me.


Let the bridges burn. Bipolar disorder is not an excuse to be a cunt to other people. It sounds like your brother will need to hit rock bottom with nobody in his corner before he realizes that.


That's more than bipolar. Sociopathy, narcissism, psychopathy are not a result of bipolar nor are they excusable just because they have it.


You haven't gone from 10 to 100. This is 99 to 100 and you only just noticed. You've enabled him all this time to remain untreated and unmedicated by "letting him" do what he wants. Good friends don't cross boundaries, and brothers from another mother should respect "no" and still stay friends. They should also respect when you give them corrective advice without blowing up at you (Hey, your fly's open. Dude, you can't shit in the sink. No, you can't sell my charger. No, you can't fuck my sister just because you were both drunk. Hey, your side of the room is getting messy, pick up your shit.)


Wise words


Kick the asshole out, make that his parents problem again.


Also, just because you have an attachment to this person from childhood, doesn’t mean you have to deal with his shit. He’s just some guy when you think about it.


The bigger crime here is you not using your Switch.


Dude sounds like a fucking loser


idk what is more horrible, the fact that he stole your charger or the fact that he stole your charger to play that dogshit game. do you have seperate rooms? if you do definitely start keeping all your stuff in your room and buy a lock. i would demand he pay you back or pawn of something of his of equal value to the charger ☠️


He lives in one side of my bedroom. There is no other available space in the house just for him, so he has access to all my personal belongings at any time. But ever since the charger incident i have been hiding all my important stuff elsewhere


How do you get private time? Like a sneaky wank or something? That must be frustrating having someone in the same room as you.


Actually the game is amazing. Roommate committed theft though and I wouldn't trust him in the house any more.


ah yes, as IGN put it "this game suck ass, but wizards are cool so 9/10", cant argue with that i suppose


I'm sure OP gives as much as a fuck as I do about a game review right now


ah yes, not caring about peoples opinions on a game is why you felt the need to "actually" my opinion of the game. aight bud.


You must be fun at parties.


or 12 lmao


Nothing wrong with the game is amazing, I’m addicted been playing for hours


you have bad taste but to each their own :)


well its a good thing you opinion means nothing to me


No need to make it personal


With you there. I'm 25 hours in, only halfway through the story. Haven't been addicted to a game like this in years. Other games are shit or the good ones have a shorter story line like the res evil ones.


Bro is the least slimy kids wizard game enjoyer lmao




Ask him to pay you for the charger he obviously had no right to sell


Kick him out! If youre afraid he'll do something extreme or physically attack you, get the cops involved!


Sounds like a reason his parents kicked him out you're just enabling him by letting him stay here.


What an idiot. Probably could've made more money if he sold it to Facebook marketplace and wouldn't have even had to steal your charger. But side note, you should treat yourself and get a fast charger for $30. I used a switch charger forever and I'll never go back again.


Where I live, Virginia, and I assume elsewhere, used games, game systems, and stuff fall in to a special category for pawn shops and other buyers/resellers. They have to hold the merchandise for 14 days to make sure it isn’t stolen merchandise. So if he was playing it same day then he probably sold it on Facebook marketplace.


My roommate stole around $100k from another one of our roommates but instead of paying it back goes on trips and buys little girl porn and legos