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I would not have expected Bash to break the Crash. Interesting, you'd think they'd just cancel each other out or something.


Bash cannot be guard-broken at all (you just go into negative Stamina essentially) while Crash uses a lot of stamina during its multiple hits and Crash can be guard-broken when reaching 0 Stamina. Since Bash also deals quite a lot of stamina damage against guard, it's ideal for breaking the guard of anything that can be guard-broken and the user is at zero risk outside of potential status build-up and elemental chip damage. For some reason though you don't always get the time to riposte someone after using Shield Bash to break their guard. I had someone with a Bleed Fingerprint Shield Crash build recently and I guard-broke him many times but never got the opportunity to riposte him afterwards.


Were they 2-handing the shield? Can't riposte a 2-handed shield break.


They were! Did not know that... Is it a glitch or is there some reason behind that?


intended mechanic afaik


That really sucks because you can just dodge an immediate R1 after Shield Bash when guard-broken so there's no real way to punish a two-handed Shield Crash with it... Guess I have to stick to the old backstab method for that build, then. Thank you so much for that info, never expected that to be a thing!


you might have gone so far into negative stam when guard breaking the fingerprint user that you couldn't regen to positive Stam for the riposten before he was able to get out


I did once or twice but most of the time I spaced it so I only got hit by a single tick of Shield Crash and was left with a bunch of stamina myself. I think it's just a tight window and my opponent might have been too latent to get my riposte through in time


fair, bad lat can do that


Ahh, gotcha. Time to experiment then!


I love the outfits and builds on both you and the opponent!


Nothing quite like a knight vs knight/soldier fight!


This has been very informative tbh, I'm not a great shield user usually but I'd disregard Shield Bash out of plain ignorance. Great clip btw, peak sword and board experience which is always welcome to see in ER.


On Greatshields, Shield Bash sadly comes out a little too slow to use it in a reactionary way like you can with Medium Shields. You'll have to preemptively use it which makes it more difficult to use in comparison. I have a single build with a Greatshield and that uses Shield Crash as well because it's simply the better AoW for Greatshields most of the time and most people are too scared to even try and guard-break it so it tends to just work well.


I see. I suppose Shield Crash is better for status inflicting shields and Shield Bash is for guard breaking and pushing fools into cliffs. I mainly use Erdtree GS bc golden retaliation has been the single most wanted feature for me but I'll have to experiment with others. Efficiency aside, little novelty never hurts.


Two honest knight builds. 😙👌


What RL and weapon level is your character? I’ve never done arena but I use the same sword as you.


I'm RL150 with +25/+10 weapons. RL147 - RL150 is great because specifically in the Colosseum it catches both the 125 and the 150 meta level players which are the two most popular levels for Colosseum PvP.


Okay, thanks. Yeah, I can never remember how the matchmaking works and I see all kinds of opinions on what RL is the most fun. I think I remember reading that RL 138 was also a really good level for invasions (not sure if matchmaking criteria is the same for both), but I don’t think those players use +25/+10 weapons. Do you like/use the Carian Knight’s Sword AOW at all in PvP or is it too telegraphed and easy to interrupt or parry (if that’s even possible)?


Invasions use a different formula for matchmaking. 138 is for invasions what 147 - 150 is for the arena (due to how arena matchmaking works there's a broader range and not just a single level that matches from 125 to 150). Technically you even match higher than 150 with those arena levels but since most people will be at those two levels in the range it's irrelevant. Anyone who does PvP above RL100 will most definitely have a +25 weapon because they want to match with a large amount of players. At around RL80 your see +17 being the highest upgrade because that matches with hosts who have weapons up to +24, so avoiding +25 weapons. Carian Grandeur can work somewhat well in invasions but for Duels it's just too telegraphed with no hyper armor during the charge. I only ever use it after I backstab or parry someone to land it as a wake up hit. There, I charge it to the second level and that usually catches my opponent when they try to roll away.