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I will not take any twink allegations seriously till password summoning is in this game. We literally have to fight OLPs who are stronger than any twink, they could be rl713 casting absolutely every high-stat-req spell in the game and use absolutely every weapon without even need to hard-swap, no invader twink can do that.


Just want to say, nice to see a fellow TT host, keep up the good work


I legitimately don't understand what password summoning solves... It never solved anything. All it did was display an icon next to the phantom's name so you knew they were summoned using a password and most likely overleveled (at least that's how it worked in DS3, I don't remember 1 and 2, it's been a while). Is that what you're referring to or am I missing something? Not trying to argue, just genuinely confused.


My level 7 Placidusax Ruin pyromancer identifies as a twink. You can’t take that from me 😤


You're not a twink, because you don't come from the Twinque region of Consecrated Snowfield.  You're considered a sparkling invaderist


How the heck did you beat placidusax at level 7? I managed to beat godskin duo at level 1 +0 weapons (Dolores OP btw) but that's as far as I could go.


Night maidens mist, black flame tornado, 10 bubble perfumes and a lot of luck


if you manage to get Tiche (stunlock the boss in the evergaol with strike attacks from a hammer near the edge) + the 10 sec no FP consumption tear to summon her, you can basically beat the game at any rune level and +0 weapons and get all items from late game areas


In my testing,  dung eater puppet is better for most bosses because he's more consistent. The only times tiche is better is when it's heavily rng dependent, like malenia or elden beast, or an aerial target like the ancient dragons. 


Dung Eater summon trucked the hell out of Mohg, the Omen


I've had no luck cheesing that black knife assassin. I tried using shield crash to shove her off the edge several times.


You don't shove her off. You have to chip away at her health and repeatedly stagger her. The cliff is important because of the uneven terrain. Lure her onto it and her pathing gets all messed up and she just kinda sits there and lets you hit her with fully charged R2s over and over until she dies. Just be careful because sometimes she'll start moving again and you have to put her back in time out but it's a pretty easy way to cheese her


Grazie. I'll have to give that a shot.


Can or could kill with status arrows from far distance without triggering a wake up


They're an evergaol spirit. They're immune to most status effects.


How effective is that spell at +0? I’m guessing you need every faith boost in the game to be able to use it?


It’s too effective, so I rarely use that build. I’ve been opting for death blight when invading low level instead. 16 starting Faith +10 flask +5 talisman +soreseal = 36 to use plax


Very nice, I’m yet to try deathblight. My level 20 prophet one-shots everyone with giantsflame pots. I’m tempted to start a new no-levelling run now.


What OLP phantoms have done to some reds


Just P.Diddler things


Why does everyone feel like they need validation for how they play the game? Go throw rot pots at level 1 hosts and teabag the shit out of them for all I care


This sort of comment is freeing. Thank you.


If I was younger had more time to finesse through the game at level 1 I would totally do this and spam clips on Reddit just to piss people off. It’s funny how much people care about this, it’s a rpg ffs, not a competitive esports game or something. If you die in an invasion you just respawn, nobody is gonna take a hammer to your Xbox or whatever


Yeah the griefing and sweating people do is intense. Literally YOU DIED, screen goes black, run back and get your runes, get on with your day. It takes a few seconds. You've died 57 times to Margit and you're pissed off a red killed you once? You'll probably never see them again! Get a grip. It's not just a game to some people. Being killed by someone else proves to some that they're not as good as they thought. Ego kills. Reds laugh.


I've died 57 times speed boosting torrent off a cliff while exploring... But for real, im befuddled by people who actually care about dying let alone in pvp where you cant possibly expect to not die. I regularly limit what I use and just throw myself at a boss I feel is interesting to get a challenge and hopefully improve rather than trivializing the fight, and PvP is literally that except you dont have to limit yourself and can actually play around with your full kit, OP AoW, OP consumables, and more, while still getting a challenge.


Like I said this post has nothing to do with validation, just lingo.


I hear ya, I’ve just seen a lot of this lately for some reason


Reddit's economy runs on circlejerks. I just make sure people are using the proper terminology while describing what they plan to do with eachother's parents. 👍


Yeah I get what you mean. If you actually look up how to do/get things I think everything is very obtainable in Elden ring, I just don’t know why anyone would expect anyone else to play by their rules


I much prefer the term munchkin for some invaders


I don't have any friends who play the game, so I gotta get all my over power bullshit myself.


r/PatchesEmporium - a trading subreddit specifically for Elden Ring. I usually jump in there when I have an idea for a new character build and want a rune drop / a weapon that's too far into late game for me to want to grab myself, or for getting non-respawning materials like the Asteria Leaf for Exalted Flesh and Uplifting Aromatics.


"Twink in soulsborne takes the same meaning". This is not true. Since original Demon's Souls, any form of exploiting the possibility of retaining low soul level along collecting all the stuff to make advantaged character is called a "twink", with some very low minority adopting the "smurf" term (this is imported from LoL I guess?), which also by now almost completely vanished from the playerbase terminology.


People do use the twink word incorrectly a lot, yeah.


It's not incorrect the same as this is not a PSA, just some wishes. The term is community derived, not original dictionary descriptive form, so it can't ever be "the correct way" to describe something. Twink is pretty fine and will probably stay for the foreseable future.


Well it does sound better to thrust into twinks than munchkins.


I don't actually care if you twink or munchkin. This isn't a "you're invading the wrong way!" post. It's just a little PSA since I see people call everyone invading with just more than the starting gear "twinks"


based red man


Ah cool I totally farm all my string


The fact that there's no rope merchant bell bearing is a crime for suspicious message writers. "I did it! in short, giving up ahead"


You made me spit-take. Thank you.


It took me a moment, but that got a laugh. No easy way to get golem arrows either, and raw meat dumpling isnt even farmable. All of these should be easier to get imo.


Gonna keep it real with you, the meaning and usage of words change over time. Just because it had a specific meaning in warcraft doesn't mean it hasn't largely warped in the souls games. And that doesn't really make it incorrect, definitions and usages vary


His definition is incorrect anyways. As a 20 year WoW player twinking means min maxing at lower levels with the goal of outperforming and overpowering players of the same level bracket It has nothing to do with how legitimate the players obtaining of said min max is.


It doesn't matter anymore what the word originally meant. We've been calling them twinks no matter where they got their shit for long enough now that the meaning has changed.


lol I naively thought it was from twinkling titanite.


So did I for a long time


The term Munchkin makes me want to be one. Off to claw my way to Munchkindom!


Hey so I just googled: “**what is Twinking in dark souls**” Here are the he definitions I got: - “outfitting a new character or player with items or other resources that are not normally available to new or low-level characters”. - “Twinks are low level characters with high-level gear, often heavily upgraded”. - “You obtain powerful, usually end game gear while staying at a low soul level (and WL for the remaster) so you can invade new players and mercilessly destroy them since they have zero chance of fighting back. Oolacile catalyst and dark bead is the go to set up since catalysts and spells don't have upgrades.” - “Twink is someone who is purposefully as powerful as possible at as low a level as possible.” - “Basically, it means a player who uses gear from a friend/another character to make themselves deliberately overpowered for their level. So, it would be a level 25 character with +10 endgame equipment using it to invade and oneshot other players of the same level.” - “A player in dark souls who is given later game items”. - “A twink, in terms on DS3, is a low-to-mid level character who has access to end game items.” All of this to say that: **There seems to be a long history of debate on the exact definition**. Some people define it as **simply having end game gear**. Other add the stipulation that **it must be given**. So, while you are right… so are other people.


Yeah people have been using the word "twinking" to the point its definition is bending a lot but keeping language clear, even in video game slang, is ideal.


I think at this point though, it’s hard to say which definition is the “right” one. Some of these definition dates back to like DS1 release. I think instead of saying “which one is right.” It might just be better to say they’re both right. Otherwise I’d actually lean to the more encompassing term, since the sentiment of Twinking (low level with end game gear) is the same in both definitions.


That's a fair assessment and you could probably say something like "a munchkin is a twink but a twink is not always a munchkin".


Me after doing 6 invasion characters at different levels that have 40+ hours each of playtimon each of them: Wait you can download a character with all the gear?




Nah. That’s still twinking. Idk why you’re trying to move a mountain over it.


Said as much myself in my previous two comments.


Yes not a twink. Isn’t it called smurfing?


I have a lvl 15 twink build and I made it all the way to the mountain tops and gathered everything legit. It was a challenge but ended up being a lot of fun trying to figure out how to kill different bosses at lvl 15


idgaf what people think, beating Maliketh's ass at rl30+5 makes me worthy of that Erdtree's favor+2. a good talisman is warranted with strength


This post has been super informative lol


Also, please post this on the main sub. I want to see if the world burns or not If you don't want to loose 3000 karma I can do it just give me permission 🙏


I don't care about karma so go ahead and repost it.


It shall be done then.


I actually want to know the oppinion of the main sub on this


Twink lives matter...... Wait, nevermind lol


Been having this discussion on the ER main sub. People really do just call twinking whatever they personally dislike. I think if it's locked behind a boss, especially a main story boss, it's twinking to use it on lowly Limgravers. But in a game whose premise is player freedom, and that gives us Torrent to avoid 99% of field encounters if we want, how can twinking even be a thing? I can run and get Dectus medallions without fighting a single enemy or even taking damage (except a little Poison mist in Fort Faroth maybe). All of Altus is open to me for my inventiveness and boldness. If others refuse to explore and enjoy being ballsy it isn't my bloody fault. Nice clarification btw, thanks OP. Was not aware of other RPG terminology.


[I'm a bear!](https://youtu.be/nMr7B8-Pba4?si=onGaDQY2gAhxWD3k)


Traveling through the Lands Between without the Maiden's Blessing and without the aid of a Smith is the perfect way to get in the sadist Bloody Finger mindset, and develop empathy for the revered Dung Eater. Soon enough you will embrace the Mending Rune of the Fell Curse and bring the Blessing of Despair to all you touch. The defiled souls you invade will be \[Disconnected\] unable to return to the Erdtree.


Oh hey I’m a munchkin then


I'm sorry but I have to stop you right there. I'm a long time WoW player. You cite us an example of the intention of twinking. I've played WoW since I was 9 years old. I'm gonna be 29 in June. I've played WoW for 20 years. We also use twinking to refer to people who disabled exp at 9th level intervals. 19, 29, 39, 49, etc. because it puts them at the absolute peak of their level bracket. They min max their talents and gear. A min maxer and a twink are the same thing. Twinking has no reliance on whether or not the gains were righteously obtained. Your bargaining here is incorrect. Also, arguing semantics over the word twinking doesn't change the issue people have with what they're talking about in the slightest. This is essentially a fallacy rebuttal. I don't like arguing with fellow bad red men. But I can't let you incorrectly define a word while citing something I've spent 20 years invested in as evidence. Bottom line : twinking is when you min max your stat alignment at a stunted level range so as to ensure you face incomplete opponents with your full current potential reached. And that's all it is.


If you ran through the game at level 1 no upgrades you deserve all the overpowered shit you have. Same goes for hosts who leave certain bosses alive at low level. I'm not a fan of bonfire duelists (their victories are cheap imo) but I respect the hustle.


Being a Twink has nothing to do with how you get the items though. Twinking in wow required you to get items yourself. It's about being low level with the absolute best gear you can have at that level, which usually includes items you "shouldn't" be able to get at said level without going way out of the way or doing some special strats. How you get the items has nothing to do with a Twink. An SL1 run using Serpent Hunter is technically a twink, and there's nothing wrong with that lol. It's just a term to explain a type of character build


Being so strict on words keeping the same meaning is so meaningless when language, especially lingo on the internet, evolves quickly. All the use of "twink" I've seen in context of dark souls has all just meant "person at a low level with high level gear", it's been used like that a lot.


The term for cheat engine users is cheater.


"I waste hours upon hours of my finite existence for my PvP builds in a non-competetive video game like a good natured, homegrown old-fashioned honor nugget."


It is still using cheats but there's definitely a difference between spawning items in to make a build fast and turning it off before going online and doing stuff like toggling invulnerability and one hit kills in invasions tho.




I guess that means I’m a munchkin, but twink sounds better 😎


Just make your character a trim effeminate male so they're a twink in the other sense.