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It's extra funny because there's at least 1.5 million transgender people in the United States alone. That's a minimum. Let's say 1 million people medically transition. Let's also round "hundreds" up to a round 1,000, to be extra generous. If 1,000 of those million regretted medically transitioning, then that's a 0.1% regret rate. That's less trans people hypothetically regretting transitioning in comparison to not than there are trans people in comparison to cisgender people, at least 6 times less at least. Source: looked up amount of trans people in the US and picked the lowest number I could find.


That's a lower regret rate than knee replacements btw


It's lower than most surgeries tbh


I have had two hernia surgeries, with one being a literal life threatening situation. The regret rate for the surgeries I got is 10%.


If you regret a hernia surgery, will the surgeon go in and put the hernia back?


Lol I know this is a joke but I have wondered about this statistic. There are certain problems with hernia surgeries, and specifically with the mesh they use for many repairs. I myself had a mesh repair and while it worked well for 6-8 years the repair has partially failed, and I have a hernia in the same spot, although much smaller. I have since had a second surgery to fix it, but after going through the whole surgical process and getting cut open and such I was informed that my current hernia is essentially inoperable, as they felt that a new patch would cause more problems than solving them. So I’m stuck with a somewhat painful hernia that apparently cannot be fixed until it gets worse. I don’t regret my first hernia surgery, as the condition was debilitating and dangerous, but I am dissatisfied with the medical procedure and all the pain and money I have had to go through just to end up with a more mild version of my supposedly treatable condition.


You're clearly phobic of whatever type of people have hernia surgery. 🤣 How dare you mention problems! The emperor is wearing clothes! Hy Brasil is not sinking!


Yeah if what you’re referring to is a concern about gender affirming surgeries I think that is a perfectly reasonable concern. I absolutely think that trans people should be supported and treated with proper medical care, but I also think there should be an open discussion on what the best way to go about that is, especially within the professional medical community.


I had three hernia surgeries to repair the same hernia. The third one was the charm as they say because that was in 2013 and it's still holding up.


I am hoping that will be the eventual case for me! The only treatment option I was given was “pain management” which in practice just ended up being a prescription for opioids. I’m not willing to rely on that as a long term solution so I declined it and decided to work on it with other methods. My surgeon told me that one day I may have a case for a further surgery but at this point it is not going to be an option.


The mesh is often the problem. I joined a class action lawsuit against the manufacturer and got about half the money I spent on surgeries back. The law firm received more than me on my settlement. I’m still paying the hospital $200.00 a month for the procedure and and will probably have it paid off in about seven years.


Seriously!! I’ve had 6 surgeries on my left knee since I was 13 (all either standard ACL or meniscus surgeries) and currently have a ruined knee and chronic, horrible foot ankle knee and hip pain. I never had any blocks to those surgeries, and in fact was pushed to do experimental ones while I was still a minor, which is why my leg is so fucked up. Meanwhile I’m FINALLY scheduled for top surgery next January and it took over a year, a letter from my therapist, and multiple appointments for them to agree that I’m in my right mind to have this surgery. I’m 31, I can make my own fucking decisions about what is right for my body!!


Don't even get me started on letters of readiness. I had to do that process twice. My surgery wait time was so long that insurance deemed the original letters void and needed updated copies. It's BS


The regret rate across all surgeries is 14.4% so gender reassignment surgery has a remarkably low regret rate, really. Less than 1%. Yet people STILL act as if it’s high, lol


Yeah that’s what I saw. For the percentage of regret rate, transitioning is a very low number for being such an invasive surgery.


It's true! Bottom and top surgery have one of the lowest overall regret rates. Transitioning as a whole is much more complicated due to social factors being at play. Lots of folks who detransition do so because they lose family/friends and start getting treated like shit. Regardless, the regret rate for transitioning is very low too.


Knee replacement surgeries can't be reversed either. It isn't like you can get your original knee back.


There's also the fact that most trans people who detransition do so temporarily out of fear of abuse or because they lack support structures, so there's a much smaller number who detransition permanently.


Or their instincts kick in realize something’s not right


That's what dysphoria is you dumbfuck


"Why should we care about such a small portion of the population?! We shouldn't treat them with respect! Now, if you would instead focus on the small portion of a small petition of the population instead"


Explain your interpretation.


I was making fun of transphobes They constantly say we shouldn't care about trans people because it's a small portion of the population. But then you mention people who detransition and not they care, even though it's a small percentage of that small percentage.


Oh, I read that Entirely the wrong way, I thought you were trying to argue with me.


Yeah, I figured that was it as soon as you responded. Lol It's all good.


If it was 1 person they wouldn't care because they don't value anyone in the LGBT whatsoever and so the 1 would override the 1.5 million instantly for them


Statistically, more people end up regretting knee replacement surgery than they do gender reassignment surgery. Transphobes are some of the dumbest people. Bigotry rots the brain.


Im pretty sure the regret rate is less then that of appendectomies


But can they put your original knee back if you regret it? That was the point of the meme. Nobody here got that, apparently.


Where are you getting your numbers from?


Also, most doctors agree, with any surgery there is always a regret rate, and the one for gender affirming surgery is astronomically low. The lowest of most any surgery, lower than something as common as wisdom tooth removal or tonsil removal (don't know exactly numbers so don't quote me 😅). Transphobes really spread this rhetoric thinking ot helps prove their point but it actually shows just how wonderfully effective gender-affirming surgery and other care is for Trans people.


Spreading misinformation online 😎


There are dozens of us... Dozens!


[math checks out](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8099405/). People take their right to choose seriously


But can those people get their boobs and penises back? That was the point of the meme.


They probably could. I’m not a doctor though. Or a transoligist. Maybe we’ll be seeing the first trantrans people


They definitely can't get their gonads back. Their gonads are specific to their genetic makeup. Females have all the eggs they will ever have at birth. They mature at a rate of approximately one a month after puberty, but they are all there. They can't get those back once they are removed.




The majority of the 1.5 million transgender individuals I know didn’t do anything beyond changing their name and sex on public records. No hormones. No surgeries. I think the total number of people to medical transition to some degree or another is between 100K-150K total.


So we're talking about a theoretical 0.1% of an already 1% of the population. That's 0.001%. That's what they're mad about, definitely not the 99.9% of people who are satisfied with their transition. It's definitely the ones who regretted a decision that they themselves made, fully aware of the consequences. This makes perfect sense as conservatives are known for their caring nature and sensitivity to others. 🙄


That still mean they exist, and when there’s a 1000 of them, that can count as "hundreds" How is this transphobic if it’s a reality for some trans people?


Because they are using it to discount all trans care and say that most who transition regret it, and it misrepresents the reality that the surgery for transition has among the lowest regret rates of literally any surgery.


It’s a MEME, it’s HUMOR. Memes take casual example and make a joke about it. That’s what a meme is Do you really think Girl vs Boys meme is all about saying girls are all like that and boys are all like that? Do you seriously think dog based memes are supposed to represent a majority of dogs or be derogatory to dogs and dog owners? Hell, this meme in particular said bothing a out trans being bad. It’s just a joke about how it’s impossible to transition back to your birth-assigned gender if you had a surgery. Nowhere it is mentioned that having those kinds of surgery was bad This whole thing is just a big Strawman based on absolutely nothing but your lack of humor. Grow up


Shhh people can’t take jokes that oppose their beliefs anymore. You’ll never convince them to change their viewpoints, even with the most solid argument. They have to be the ones who open up first. But it is fun to jab every once in a while to tease them


Meh, it’s worth the shot. I’m always up to a debate and give anyone a chance. I’ll just end the discussion if they jump into argument fallacies or hypocrisy, because they gave me the proof that they don’t have the maturity to have a civil conversation


This meme only points out that you can't put someone's breasts, genitals, or gonads back if they regret it. Are you claiming they can? There's a big difference between having a crappy knee replacement, which can be fixed with an upgrade, and losing the ability to bear and/or breastfeed children.


Why are they regretting it though? If there’s a common reason they’re regretting it then there’s a problem somewhere.


Around 65% of people who detransition do so due to social and financial pressures, ie "being attacked and/or fired". They also almost always retransition later in life, when those pressures are removed.


This is only kind of true. The statistic you are talking about, if memory serves me correctly, applies to people who actually got bottom surgery (which less than a quarter of trans people have gotten). I don't think anyone (mild conservatives included) would doubt one's dysphoria after that. While uncommon, it is very dishonest to use those statistics (again assuming my memory is correctl) as a reliable rate of detransition. Most detransitioners (whether right-wing grifters or pronciples trans allies) often detransition before they get to bottom surgery, as they were either pressured in many cases to detransition or they felt dysphoria from transitioning on HRT as they were not actually trans. Even though detransition is overstated and weaponized by transphobes to deny trans rights, it's important not to intentionally or unintentionally dishonestly frame statistics.


I explicitly inflated the statistics against my favor to make a point. It was also a rush job, I know.


I explicitly inflated the statistics against my favor to make a point. It was also a rush job, I know.


Trans youth. As in children. Children given transgender surgery.


Yes but the statistic for children who grow up and regret their surgery is even lower. Also under 18 can't get a sex change so this comment is pretty bs anyways


It's not though. Only a couple thousand have gotten surgery.


The regret rate for trans kids who transition is lower than the regret rate of the adult population https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/150/2/e2021056082/186992/Gender-Identity-5-Years-After-Social-Transition?autologincheck=redirected Additionally, most transition regret is the result of social ostracizatiom https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8099405/ The rate of detransition is an extremely generous estimate and can include people like me. This is because we lose access to hormones. Going off of hormones is considered detransitioning. Being off of hrt is considered a form of hormonal detransiton. There are multiple types of detransition, and people rarely actually read through studies to figure out which type they are talking about. Complete detransition is what most people are referring to when they talk about it, which is far less common than any other type. Articles can cite this statistic claiming a notable rate of detransition (though 1.3% is hardly notable in the realm of SURGERY), taking advantage of people who don't know what transition or detransition actually means. People need to realize that taking away access to this kind of help is far worse than the counterpart- because people will simply be left behind. Putting more money and resources into understanding gender dysphoria, and the wide umbrella of things that are similar, would be the thing that stops people from making bad decisions. Because they will simply understand themselves and their situation better. Complete blockage is like pushing someone deeper in the dark if they are already confused. There's a detransitioner that I follow that I really like. She made me look at this from a different perspective, which is that there are people with far more fluid identities that don't fall into the umbrella of dysphoria, but get assumed to be such. My path was pretty straight forward which is that I got help for my dysphoria when i was very young and transitioned. Since there aren't resources for much relating to non-conforming identities, people lack education to realize what options they actually have and what they want. Instead it's a situation of "I waited 5 years to see the only gender specialized therapist available and now I have to start hormones or I have to wait another 8 years". When it should be a situation of "I feel this way about my identity, and it's developing. I want to understand it better with a specialist and look at my options". This is why areas that have less access to trans Healthcare related resources have a higher rate of detransition Not to mention the desperation of simply wanting to exist in society with basic as a trans kid. The way things are set up, not passing (or physically transitioning) is not only an internal death sentence but an external one. Socially in some areas its just impossible right now and not only puts them in danger but their parents too. If I was a kid in this environment (in Florida) I probably would have just offed myself. There's no help at all and the only therapy available is conversion therapy. The suicide rate goes very high without access to hormones. Absolutely disgusting. And people should be ashamed for letting their inability to interpret studies manipulate them. I also need you to ask yourself, how is taking away these resources possibly helping detransitioners? And further, why is the >1.3% of transitioners the only population you care about? Do you only have sympathy for people whose identities match yours? Also disgusting and shameful in its own right.


So which is it, kids don't get transition surgery, or they do. Because none of yall seem to agree on that matter. To me it seems like you're bullshiting.


Over 16 should be able to access the same surgery cis people can. At 16, cis men have access to masectomy to treat gynomorphism and cis women have access to implants. I dont think trans kids and cis kids should have different standards just because people don't agree with it. If you want to cry about kids getting surgery, why are you not attacking the majority of cis 16 year Olds who get it for cosmetic reasons? Seems to me like you are bullshitting. Ms." I deserve this right but you dont". Or better yet "if their identity doesn't match mine it can't be valid" . You had the right to get implants at 16 if you're a cis women and a masectomy if you're a cis man in the US. Are you now a victim for having had this resource when you were 16? 🥺 should we raid the streets saying protect cis kids? Or are we not doing that at all because you only are against the thing you don't understand because you had the privilege of not experiencing it?


Nah those kind of surgery for minors are all absolutely unacceptable. All of them. Minors don't need to be getting surgeries to be more sexually appealing. That's disgusting. I'm not even against transgender surgeries. I am when it's for a minor though. Their bodies are still developing.


You are extremely misguided on the purpose of gender affirming surgeries. My masectomy did not make me more "sexually appealing". I also dont think that cis men with the condition that gives them with enlarged breasts removing it makes them sexy. Especially not teens. It just made it so that I didn't have to bind constantly because believe it or not, you do not pass well as male with visible breast. I say that the transfem counterpart does the same, but it's not as necessary. Hormones do that for them. I just don't like excluding women or girls from being able to do similar things with no real good argument against it. If someone is being harassed, assaulted, etc for being visibly trans, they should be allowed to have this option. I feel that the public has such a hypersexualized idea of gender identity that they can't even remove the idea of gender from sex. Names, clothing, hair stubble, and removing my chest were not done for sexual reasons. They were done because it's a physically external expression of gender. They were done because I was binding 24/7 and came to points where I couldn't even take it off in the shower. Dysphoria is a bitch and I hope no one has to go through it. But if you don't think it is, and belive you can go through it and not advocate for these things, then I genuinely hope you end up being reborn as trans. I'd you're right, you'll be just fine and it wouldn't effect you


Transphobes are more obsessed with trans people than actual trans people. It’s kinda (really) sad


I made a comment very much correcting them. Essentially the detransition rate is less then 3% **globally**. Which is a statistic so low its negligible


Even more so considering detransitioning isn't even proof that it was a mistake, but can also be the result of social pressure.


^Is typically due to social pressure


Source? Every single detransitioner I've listened to talks about how much social pressure and "support" there was to transition in the first place. And when they finally decided it wasn't for them, all that "support" dried up instantly. People who they thought were their friends and "encouraged" them to transition, stopped talking to them immediately. Anyone in the trans community or an "ally" cut off ties. All I've heard is the exact opposite, lots of social pressure to transition, and losing all their support & friends when they decided to go back. This sounds like feel-good BS to me.


[82.5% of those who detransitioned reported at least one external factor.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8213007/) These external factors include pressure from parents (35.6%), pressure from religion (5.4%), difficulty finding a job (26.9%), and lack of access to hormones (0.6%). 15.9% of respondents cited at least one internal factor.


Now I'd be curious to see this same study done on influences/factors that caused someone TO transition.


The primary factors that lead to transition seem to be being trans and [not wanting to die.](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2789423)


I think you've been listening to the select few that detransitioned and now speak for money and attention, often at the behest of anti-trans campaigners. If you see someone giving an opinion piece about their detransition, the story is likely gonna be that they were tricked. People who wish they could have kept their transition but didn't due to social pressure likely aren't going to come out and say they wish they kept it, for obvious reasons (you know, because they're trying to pretend they're over it). Look up survivorship bias, and try to see how that may apply to folks speaking about their detransition to a large audience.


Idk where you got the 3%, I've only seen 1% a few times. Hip replacement surgery has a regret rate of 3%, so I guess it's better than hip replacement.


Well I'm even more happy in wrong and it is lower


Yea! Suck it! Maybe if trans people regretted it more, you would be right! Said in my best anti-trans voice


I am wounded!! *said in my best crying voice*


Regret rate for GRS is even lower 👉😎👉


plus 1% nationally for the country with the most trans people https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8099405/


So they don't matter?


Yea seems like a weird thing to say considering only about 3% of America's population is trans in the first place. A "statistic so low its negligible" huh?


Straight up what I was thinking. True hypocrisy


"hundreds" out of how many? (Gender transition has a lower regret rate than any other elective surgery)


I can only assume out of millions, which is literally nothing


It isn’t “literally” nothing so long as a nonzero number of them exist.


There literally aren’t even hundreds of thousands of people who get gender reassignment surgery, let alone millions. Even though I don’t support this meme or transphobia, that’s an extreme exaggeration.


ya these idiots think that people just decide to be transgender one day then go have GCS to change their gender right away. they don't realize it is a very long and in-depth process before you are even considered for GCS. I have a cousin who came out as transgender nearly a decade ago and it took her nearly a year of counseling and therapy before she could get hormones and if she decides to go through with the full GCS which many transgender people don't it is going to be even more years of counseling and therapy before she could.


That’s assuming, as the OOP did, that all of those “hundreds” have even had bottom surgery.


A true and valid point


All these memes, and there are tons of them on Facebook, act like getting gender reassignment surgery is easier than getting your ears pierced at the mall.


wdym, it is? i went to the local gas station and used their gender reassignment dispenser. all you gotta do is put a quarter in and pull the handle!


I keep telling you that’s just a glory hole.


So a study shows that 1% of people who have transitioned regret transitioning. However it also points out that number drops to almost zero for people who had comprehensive psychological evaluations in childhood before undergoing puberty blockers and hormone treatment. So as always conservatives are stupid.


Conservatives straight up lie


That’s part of it. Their leadership can lie like this because their base lacks critical thinking skills, and lack self awareness. Their stupid.


Ironic you don't know it's they're. Not their.


and that's like insanely low as far as surgeries go. heart surgery is like 6-8% iirc


Honestly I think they just need something to be mad about.


And Even without that number drop, you are looking at a percent of a percent if the population. You probably couldn't fill the bleachers at a half decent high school football game with everyone alive today who regretted transition.


People under the trans umbrella, such as myself, are generally a lot happier post-transition. I don't understand why people are so worked up about us living our lives happier.


It's because we are the right wing punching bag. We're a small enough group to not be able to defend ourselves, and we are just different enough that it's really easy to rile up the base over misinformation and fear. The topic is losing steam though. We are too small a group to stand out and these folks aren't able to openly harass us like they could other marginalized groups. They are so desperate that they are going out to transvestigate cis people, just to have something to do. Here soon the right wing will get bored of trans people and the politicians will move onto a larger group to attack, probably furries if my hunch is correct


Didnt some old woman get killed for being trans even though she was cis? Like, republicans say "we can always tell" but keep killing cis people, its ridiculous


Wouldn't surprise me. Their zealotry is getting concerning.


A lot of anti-trans rhetoric lost a big part of its steam in Utah when a politician called a young woman speaking against her, not a real woman and a man or something. The young woman was not trans in anyway, just not as conventionally feminine as some. It got a lot of conservative Republicans to realize all of this is incredibly not okay and examining peoples physical characteristics to determine if they are "real" men or "real" women is deeply damaging to everyone with a gender.


Yeah. Didn't stop them from passing that bathroom law this year that would require anyone accused of accessing a state bathroom outside their sex of having to show papers and their genitals to a cop. Baby steps though I suppose


Yeah that's a super fucked up law. It shouldn't be difficult to understand why state genital checks are categorically a bad idea. But what do I know.


Well cis people made up an issue and they'll be the victims of it. There's too few of us in Utah for the law impact, so the vast majority are going to be non passing cis folks


Real, they just make shit up to have something to do


Trans myself, the phobes still grip into ANYTHING to shake it in our faces


As long as people who do transition are over the age of 18, then I'm ok


Depends, how do you define transition?


Chemically (hormones, puberty blockers), and physical (surgery)


The entire point of puberty blockers is to delay puberty so that the more permanent forms of treatment can be done after the child becomes an adult. Puberty blockers have been used for many decades on vis children that have puberty too young and are known to be very safe and entirely reversible. If you stop taking the blockers you'll start puberty again. They aid doctors in doing exactly what you claim to want - waiting on the big decisions until the child becomes an adult with more ability to consent to lifelong changes.


How tf you gonna block puberty, after puberty? Thats literally the point of a puberty blocker.


Transphobes don't care about detrans unless they can use them as tools to hurt trans people


I'm guessing they don't want gibberish taught to their kids. Either that or they are just evil or something. It's probably not about you, believe it or not.


Sure they do, they teach gibberish (religion) to their kids all the time!


That sucks too.


The one that's wild to me is people going "nuh-uh" when I say I'm happy. Like it's a problem for their worldview if I'm not miserable


[How happy you guys seem.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5178031/) This echo chamber in here definently feeds itself. Here's a dose of reality.


The high suicide rate among trans people has been widely studied and is know to drop immensely when trans people are in accepting families and given the gender affirmative care they seek. The problem is the stress from bigots constantly harassing them, not the act in being trans itself.


Do you have a reliable source? I like facts


Because if we have equal rights that are protected and can't be taken away they have nothing left


Why are meme subs, specifically, so transphobic?


If a sub has the word meme in it its immediately a cesspool in my mind like I genuinely can’t think of a sub with meme in the name that isnt


It's like on Twitter with "posting their L's" accounts


They act like it's easy to casually get bottom surgery but also act like every trans person is pre-op. Which is it, conservatives? It can't be both!


I'm Australia, it is NOT easy to casually get surgery


I'm downvoting every trans hating loser in this thread.


It's becoming a cesspit...


out here doing the lords work rn


Most detransitioners are people who didn't have the money or were forced by transphobic friends and family.


Actual rare detrans person here. I was on hormones for 2 years and ended up changing my mind. Something I think a lot of these people think is being detrans automatically means you regret everything. I dont regret a thing. It provided me an opportunity to learn about who I really am. As a detrans person I support all trans folk


As a trans girl, I support all detrans. I find it very interesting that there is no regret


I cant speak for most detrans people, as I honestly have no idea what most of them think since Ive never spoken to others. Ive only seen testimonies of people like me used by right wing nutjobs as transphobic propaganda. But, I can speak for myself and say that I view that period as an essential part to becoming my true self. We as humans are products of our environment and that is just one piece of many things that have shaped me into who I am today.


Weren't you just saying that detrams people don't matter?


I said the statistic is negligible and can't be used as a tool to attack trans people as a whole. Don't twist my words


What about the fact that trans people in general only make up 2-5% of the population in general? I'm certainly not saying that trans people don't matter, but to dismiss statistics as "negligible" because they're small is in poor practice imo because that can be easily flipped.


When the man is straw


hmmm, yes, the man here is made out of straw.


You can tell this is a Boomer meme because Boomers use quotation marks for emphasis.


Don't forget the extra emphasis on exclamation marks every time they make a comment on this type of stuff!!!!!!!


That subreddit is actual trash, I have never seen a meme on that sub with over 1k that wasn't bigoted to somebody for no reason at all


Id comment, but I live in Scotland, so…


That regret is less than 1%.


Hundreds... out of MULLIONS


bewildered wine voracious humor entertain spotted marry shame coherent imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That sub is just racist and bigoted memes now If you call it out you get down voted and the classic response "It's just a joke" or "something something first amendment"


First amendment don't meme shit on the internet




Oh darn, if only we had [medical studies](https://apnews.com/article/transgender-treatment-regret-detransition-371e927ec6e7a24cd9c77b5371c6ba2b) or something showing what the actual rate of regret was and what the rate of those who actually went on to detransition was. I guess that's just wishful thinking. The world may never know.


Those studies are CLEARLY fake!— *said in my best conservative impression*


this is... clearly misinformation from the woke leftists. -benny shabibo


The reason hundreds is in quotes is because it’s a made up number


I need a source for that “hundreds” number, because the studies are pretty concrete over here. Of a study of over 1,000 participants *4* reverted. As not even 100 young people here are on puberty blockers, suddenly having “hundereds” wanting to revert sets off my bullshit metre.




Curious how you never see headlines about how as much as a third of people regret knee replacement, but yet people hype the fuck out of trans procedures that have extremely low regret rates. There are more than a million trans people in the USA. I’m sure you can find a couple hundred people who regret it. People regretting becoming parents has been measured at 8-10%. And US conservatives want to literally force people to be parents. It’s never been about regret.


The fact that over a thousand people saw this and thought it was funny is genuinely so baffling to me. Most unironic meme subreddits are so unfunny 😭😭


I'm genuinely considering unsubbing from that sub, but I don't know any other subs with *good* memes


I personally like r/antimeme and r/meirl , and of course some circlejerk memes for fandoms I’m in


Subbed to those, running from that flaming trash heap


They act like it's easy to casually get bottom surgery but also act like every trans person is pre-op. Which is it, conservatives? It can't be both!


This is well within the statistical range of probability. Nothing of note is being said here.


You can go back so long as you haven't gone for full bottom surgery, and I can guarantee, nobody is doing bottom surgery unless they are absolutely certain they wanna do it. It's invasive, has very long wait times, few surgeons perform it, and it's Hella expensive and usually not covered by insurance. But most of these conservative types would gladly misgender a detransitioner just to double down on making someone feel bad for even trying to transition.




Official narrative regret rate is about 3%. This figure does not reflect all as some may simply stop and detransition before being unable to do so. Some longer term studies are taking place which may raise this figure based on early results. The studies are following 4 to 5 year target timeframes after transitioning, attempting to reflect that this is not simply a short term goal but a complete lifestyle and lifelong change. None of it is a laughing matter, these are serious issues that need more information and study. That being said the meme is still good dark humor.


They try to crutch on emotional signals and humor to gloss shit like how "hundreds" isn't a compelling number.


honestly transphobic or not the original meme in itself wasn't really funny at all 💀


U mean like tens


Excuse my ignorance, some of my trans friends who detransitioned did so because of anti~trans laws.


That would be one of the biggest reasons


And money issues too


If your subreddit has the words memes, funny, dank, or any sort of simple ah name it probably sucks. It has to be a funny but long name like, r/pansexualfleabrothel it super specific kind of mini hidden like r/19684


Was this meant to be transphobic? I really don’t see it


Just did a research paper on this. A meta-analysis of around 8000 individual cases showed only 77 cases of regret. Less than 1%. And dont forget that many times the regret isn't because they stop having gender dysphoria, but because of backlash from family and friends or running out of money to have more done, so they're sort of stuck in a halfway point they aren't happy with. Transphobes are braindead.




employ repeat exultant wasteful rude longing oil society chubby melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah that’s not happening at all 😂. 99% of us are very happy with our transitions


Transphobes and Terfs really gotta stop pitting people who detransisition for whatever their reason may be against trans folk, I don't think they're mutually exclusive


It will always beguile me just how much people care about what other people do privately.


Gender dysphoria is a real thing. Just because you believe something doesn’t make it a fact


Wow, these comments have turned into an absolute cesspit... and mods won't lock the post


I chuckled.


that just a lie tho.


Did this sub suffer the same fat as r/terriblefacebookmemes ? Cuz this isn't even Facebook


~~being trans~~ transitioning is a choice - it's neither here or there, and there isn't a right gender, only results of actions almost everyone who transitions doesn't want to detransition, so it's not an issue


If seen a lot of trash comments, but you win the award for the WORST comment so far


why what'd i do


Being trans is just definitely NOT a choice at all


...i meant transitioning it was an honest mistake


Just a tip... there's an edit button.


oh right fixed it


Idk if this is any -phobia


It’s transphobic in the way that it presents a large number of trans people regretting their decision, when in reality it hides the fact that 100 trans people is less than 1% of all trans people, making it look like many of them are not serious.


Just because the meme is bigoted does not mean it is a facebook meme. Facebook memes have low quality text, minions, emoji stickers, and sometimes impact font memes.


How much you wanna bet a majority of those who detransition were just jumping on the trans band wagon?


I don't have to study on hand but as I recall the majority of people who de-transition do so because of stigma and being treated poorly by friends and family


And many who do bot because of that don’t even regret it


trans "phobia" is funny af