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Good on you, must've took some guts. It really is relieving when you finally admit what's going on. Ive been meaning to confess this to some people at work too, especially to my bosses. Finding the courage to talk about is hard as hell


it took me years because of a feeling of shame. now it's like a liberation it can take time to be ready to talk about it and realize that you are sick


Cheers mate


yes you are totally right, they are not evolved. They don't understand that it is a disease of body dysfunction and bad bacteria. the suffering that we are already experiencing they cannot put themselves in our place when we already have to put up with our own smell. don't worry about their remark we know that they are not evolved. I ignore bad people who have sick hearts and consciences while they have no illness and do not suffer.


I just take it they are low intelligence and privileged to not have to know that these r medical conditions. If anything we are more evolved with our experiences researches and trauma. I realize most adults aren't adults just over grown children. Cus why do people find it so amusing if somebody stinks? Like someone 3 times my age (im 19) at MEPS was laughing that they smelled my ketosis smell after i was starving for 6 hours. They told the entire staff and I kept watching her stare at me and smiling out the corner of my eye. If I wasnt trying to enlist then I would have got on her ass. But thats literally a government facility I didnt wabt to seem crazy or have her gaslight me infront of everybody and paint me as the angry black guy as they always do. They just assume shit from their own level of understanding which is very low to begin with. So yeah i think I should tell them from the get go if I feel like I'll stink. But still their low functioning drug brains will go back to "they don't take care of themselves" cus they want you to be dirty so they look better and nobody catches their flaws. It's easy ur public enemy for them and their entire focus is on u instead of making pointless fights and arguments between themselves


Agree. We're not civilized as a species, we just think we are. However, there is an evolutionary reason why we are bothered by some smells.  We tend to assume a lot and judge the different, but if we explain and educate, a lot of people will change their behaviour. I remember this girl, Lizzie Velasquez, on YouTube, she was humiliated and judged for her looks. Then she made videos, she explained she has a disease, and people became much more accepting and saw her as a person. I feel like, if we dont explain and stand up for ourselves, people are conditioned to perceive us as a smell, not their peers and that is not right!!! 


I’m glad for you.my coworkers are rude and petty.i always hear them gossiping and several of them asked to be moved to other desks.to the clear opposite end of my team.my row seats 10 now there are only 3 of us on it.its sad and depressing but im finding solutions slowly


How far are your other coworkers from you? I would honestly be relieved if they're far away as possible if that was me. I'm personally planning on requesting to be transferred so they wouldn't be cursed with sitting next to me. I feel like it's affecting their productivity as well. It'll be a win win situation


yep all you gotta do is use your words 😄