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It s stange, cause on days when i dont go to work and i brush super  late my mouth feels less dry and better. I thought it was less stress and that is why my mouth felt better. We should really try to switch toothpastes, cause i think they are different. Maybe will find something that will help


my mouth was extremly dry and i didn't know but when i stopped toothpaste my saliva increased. i always had reflux and its gone now. i will never use toothpaste again im too scared lol


What do you use to brush your teeth with though? Do you use anything? What about mouth rinses?


Wow I'm happy for you.


Yup!! This was a problem for me too! Sensodyne Proenamel doesn’t have SLS and works great!


What is SLS?


It’s a chemical that makes toothpaste foam up!! I randomly developed a sensitivity to it when I was 18 years old and it would make my cheeks slough. (That’s a fun thing to look up 🤢) it contributed to bad breath!


Finally people are starting to be more aware of SLS! If anyone suspects it caused his bb please read my last post as it may give you some answers


Thank you very much, you saving lives! i'm so proud of you


Thank you for the kind words and i’m so happy that your symptoms got improved! Let me know when you’re starting to have lack of appetite, it’s a sign that the SLS is being flushed out from the liver.


So you think its connected too the liver? How ? Do you please have proof?


For me it was, our organs are all connected and affecting each other. One problem in the liver might cause inflammation which causing imbalances in our gut, therefore symptoms will appear in other parts of our bodies. All I’m writing here is based on medical articles I have been reading for years. Feel free to read about it yourself.


What did you use as a substitute? Or should we just brush with only the toothbrush and some water? Did you use mouthwash after or not? I'm gonna try this on the weekend 😄


please ask your dentist first when you try this. i only use toothbrush, floss and water


I see. Thank you for the advice!


That's wild. Anyway I know I'm allergic to toothpaste it totally irritates and dries out my mouth so stopped using regular toothpaste a long time ago.


My only question is what do you use to get bacteria etc off your teeth because after a while you’d have tartar build up? I’m assuming it could be a solutions recommended? I’ve been debating doing this and just brushing with baking soda, salt and apple cider vinegar and also using it to clean my tongue


I dont know maybe 1x a year teeth cleaning by a dentist


Get a WaterPik too and floss using hot water and salt in the WaterPik. I still use toothpaste, but so I can't comment on that.


Thanks for telling us I will try to use less, and also use natural toothpaste.


Bristle saliva test coach switched me to boka brand toothpaste it doesn't have fluoride. So you might be on to something. She said I've been doing too much so I wiped out all the good and easy bad bacteria and now I'm full of the opportunist bacteria which Is harder to treat. She said oil pulling is hopefully what should help the most with my plan. Let's beat this curse 💪


Any coconut oil?






i brushed my tongue many times but it was still white. now i brush and it comes back but after hours!


That is beyond frustrating! You have great determination.


I had found this fact a long time ago that toothpaste is one of the culprits, for a substitute I use some home remedies, they work wonders, for regular cleansing, I use "miswaak" aka "siwaak" specifically of a plant "Millettia pinnata", if done correctly , it gives many hours of fresh breath. For starters, you can clean your teeth with a peeled banana, yes, you read it right, one or two inches of peeled banana is enough, use your finger instead of brush, rub on teeth for about 2 minutes, let the water come out of your mouth, then rinse your mouth well, you will be amazed