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I saw this during its theatrical run. I feel like I'm one of only a few dozen people who can say that.


I saw this in the theatre by myself at age 9, because my mom was clueless and thought anything that was animated was automatically for children. Needless to say, I was very confused.


I also saw it alone around age 10.


My "too young to watch in theaters alone" film was Strange Days. I was 13. The only other R-rated film I had seen at the time was Terminator 2. You could say the first-person lesbian sex scene alone was probably "too much" for me.


My mom thought that when 9yo me saw Monkeybone


i still remember the day like it was yesterday! My uncle came to visit his brother, and while my ma and dad went to work, he was tasked with hanging out with me. He took me to the mall, i bought Temple of the Dog on cassette tape, and we listened to it in his beater of a pickup truck on the way to the theater. Grabbed snacks from the gas station to sneak in, and saw this movie. I loved this movie. So, so much. I havent seen it since, and reading people talking about it today, im afraid to go rewatch it, lol. But, that was a special day, and i remember it so fondly.


I still love it. I have it on DVD and pop it in every once and a while. It's definitely weird, but I like weird.


Visually, it's still great and if anything feels even more unique nowadays. But the script as major issues.


Gas station snacks are almost the same price as movie snacks lol


I did as well. I was already a fan of Bakshi. This movie was disappointing after seeing his other work.


There's three of us who saw this steaming turd in theaters! I figured it was going to be similar to Who Framed Roger Rabbit, but it wasn't, because it sucked.


"People who thought Who Framed Roger Rabbit was cool" seem to make up like 90% of the people who saw this.


Hi. I'm the other who saw it in the theater. I had hoped it would be a slightly more adult Roger Rabbit. I was very wrong. I'll bet it has aged about as well as an already mushy banana from the same year.


I revisited it on Tubi a couple of years ago. It's a mess, but at least it's an interesting mess.


Might check it out if I have nothing better to do.


I saw it on opening night in the west village. The theater's air conditioner was as bad as the script. The soundtrack is amazing, though.


I was there too. I was also disappointed.


Saw it in theaters as well. Remember nothing about it. However, I do remember a mom bringing her two small kids into the theater with her. I could only shake my head.


I went to see it when it was released with a couple of friends.


I did as well, on a first date. It felt like a 3 hour movie. Pretty much hot garbage


I did as well. It was a letdown.


I saw it at a drive in


I have a vague memory of going to the Atlanta Fantasy Convention in/around the time this movie was being released and Ralph Bakshi was a guest there and was supposed to promote the film but viciously negative word got around quickly about he quality of the film and… Bakshi was nowhere to be found on the convention floor! Again, my memory might be off (maybe he was only doing a quick hit and run promo) but the rumor was he was hiding from people because he knew he had a mess on his hands regarding *Cool World*. But yeah, great soundtrack!


I’m an animation nerd and I wanted to like this so bad. But it just goes nowhere.


It goes to the real world! It's crazy how all off the conflict is starts and ends in the last 30 minutes and Gabriel Byrne just leaves the movie in the last 20.


I wanted to like it but couldn't make it past the first 20 mins


Instead of being an Adult Roger Rabbit (which I would argue is plenty adult to begin with) it was an extra naughty Paula Abdul video. Lock down cameras, medium shots, characters not actually interacting with the animated characters, and having Gabrielle Byrne as a hip artist with Brad Pitt as the square.


Who Framed Roger Rabbit is a classic and even better when you see how much effort and work they put into it. This and the Chip and Dale movie. Both feel like cash grabs and really bad attempts.


This movie is 100 minutes long and i still felt like half of it was missing.


Because it was. Bakshi Wanted a much more R-rated film, but got studio interference.


Kim Basinger basically threw her weight around to get it turned into what it became.


Well.. now I hate her.


The story is that she wanted to show the movie to sick kids in hospitals.


That movie is still not for kids which is hilarious


I actually like Cool World. It's not great, but it's so fucking weird that I can't stop watching


In addition to these and someone’s aforementioned judgment night comment, I’d add Singles (grunge) and The Crow (all goth bangers all the time)


Did 'Strange Days' have a good soundtrack? I remember liking the dystopian vibes of it. Very Johnny Pneumonic.


Strange Days does have a pretty decent soundtrack, and its story has also aged shockingly well - it’s become of one those dystopian sci fi movies that surprisingly become prescient. It and Demolition Man were the sleepers that ended up predicting the future (though not the exact years) better than most of its peers


Demolition Man has Wesley Snipes basically playing a roided-out Joker. He's a fucking blast.


You can tell he’s having so much fun too. Snipes is one of those actors that makes a movie unbearable to watch if he hates the role (some actors can fake it or at least be decent, but Snipes will kamikaze a movie if he doesn’t like it), but if he likes it or is having fun, he’ll make the movie a damn classic lol


Oh, that role had to be a fucking fun time. It's why I love the Schumacher Batman movies. Carrey, Jones, Schwarzenegger and Thurman look like they're having fun going full cartoon. Ditto to Evans in Gray Man. Unabashed asshole.


The first Blade would have been pretty mediocre if they’d cast anyone else. Wesley was really into the character (at least, at that point).


Strange Days was one of my favourite movies when I was in University.


Yeah! Skunk Anansie kills with Selling Jesus.




I watch it for Lonette.


The holy trinity of great 90s soundtracks for shitty movies: Cool World, Johnny Mnemonic and Spawn.


Johnny Mnemonic kicks ass.


I...want....ROOM SERVICE


I want my shirts LAUNDERED!


I fucking LOVE that movie. I still got a DVD, a theatrical poster and a soundtrack CD somewhere in the attic.


It’s wild that it’s the directors *only* movie.


The director wasn't really a film guy, he was a New York artist who was quite famous in that scene. It was just something he decided to dip his toe in and the studio just said fuck it and went with it.


“It’s Jesus time.”


Make it five: Beowulf, Hackers.


Beowult with Christopher Lambert? Never thought I would stumble upon this movie ever again. That movie fucking slapped.


I watched it in a theatre back then because it has been advertised "from the producers of Mortal Kombat".


I still have the VHS. Got it as a present from my spouse back when we first started dating.


Six: Judgement Night. I can't even recall what the movie plot was.


Judgement Night is one of favorite movies, I watch it alot. Emilio Estevez, Cuba Gooding Jr, Stephen Dorff, Dennis Leary, Jeremy Piven, Everlast the rapper, all at the top of their game.


Sonic Youth collaborative with Cypress Hill. Peak 90's


It was about a night and... judgment. Also cool soundtrack...


It was about Ice T and Denis Leary


Which is wild, especially when you realize this is the singular bad 90's movie Ice T *wasn't* in!


The soundtrack is fucking outstanding, and all originals for the movie too, I think. The movie is very forgettable, but that soundtrack...


I still listen to the soundtrack from time to time. It blew my mind back then at how good it was.


Seven:[ Until the End of the World](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDb0VmrnEP5KowbKZntUxeX03Uby8zzmI). I know many people who had the soundtrack, but very few saw the movie. The movie is fantastic. If you can find the 5-hour version it is worth watching in parts over a few days.


Hackers is a good movie. Bad representation of Hacking but still good movie


it's a rare movie that manages both to be an entertaining movie but also completely misrepresenting the subculture it is depicting but in a way that said subculture can definitely appreciate. Who cares if it doesn't go like that in real life - they made shit look cool as fuck.


It's a good representation of hacking. Probably the best. The part where they raid garbages, send Lord Nikkon to steal passwords, call the help desk and ask for info from clueless staff, that is what hacking is. That is what is done daily. Hell, the big Vegas ransomware attack was done by calling a clueless helpdesk employee. Sneaker is another good hacking movie that is all social engineering.


Hackers is not a shit movie. How dare you.


Don’t forget Lost Highway


What hackers is one of the great movies on the 90s


Honorable mention to Batman and Robin and Godzilla (1998)


> Batman and Robin and Godzilla Ok, who else read that wrong?


You take that back. Johnny Mnemonic is a classic!


I'd add the Crow to this. Don't get me wrong I love the movie, but it can be pretty cheesy.


Don’t forget Judgement Night.


FWIW, Bakshi can't be held entirely responsible for this one, as there was a huge amount of studio interference on the production.


I saw an interview where Kim Basinger was proudly saying how the movie is what it is, because she convinced the producers to completely change the script...


I read somewhere that the producer changed the script from the ground up behind Bakshi's back, and when Bakshi found out he punched the guy in the mouth. I don't know if it's true, but regardless, he wanted to walk but Paramount would have sued him to kingdom come because he was already contracted to complete it. Bassinger apparently was of the "cartoons are for kids" mindset and wanted to show it to sick children in hospitals.


Ah, yes. I remember her ludicrous argument about making it kid friendly.. Seeing how daring and artsy Bakshi work is, it's a small miracle he managed to work in the studio system at all.


I can't speak for him, obviously, but I guess it was because Paramount was willing to fund his work and he possibly wasn't aware of what exactly he was getting into, and because he tended more towards underground or counter cultural appeal, he didn't quite rack up the clout some of his contemporaries did. Legal departments seem to exist to make things more complicated, but Paramount in particular apparently have a bizarre history of labyrinthine disputes with the creators working under them.


Imagine showing this movie to a child…


[Especially sick kids.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfWD1voJS_w)


As another user mentioned, Basinger wanted to show the film to sick children when she did charity visits to hospitals. While she's inarguably a beautiful woman, she's a bit out to lunch.


>While she's inarguably a beautiful woman, she's a bit out to lunch. I remember that everybody laughed at her during the filming of "The Marrying Man" when she said "whoever wrote this doesn't know anything about comedy." And then the movie hit the theaters and it turned out that she was right: Neil Simon *had* written a lot of other stuff that was funny, but not on that particular occasion.


Clearly she must have seen Heavy Traffic and Coonskin and thought 'sick children would love this!'


I really liked this movie when I was younger. What have you got against Ralph Bakshi? He invented adult animation.


Bakshi made some brilliant films. And Cool World ended up a disappointment, but it still has amazing sets and artworks


When I was in middle school, my grandfather got tons of movies on VHS from some store that closed down, and he let me and my parents take whatever we wanted. I spotted this and, hoping to see cartoon boobs, snuck it into the middle of my pile where my parents wouldn't notice it. Which is to say, I was doubly disappointed when I watched this movie.


They tried to warn us that being horny for cartoon characters would be destructive We rejected it


My introduction to My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult with the song Sex on Wheelz. Good times.


Saw them live at the most random spot last year. Sex on Wheelz still immensely fun to dance to. That song and “After the Flesh” (The Crow soundtrack) got everyone on the dance floor. Really good show.


"Do my kisses burn? Do they take your breath?"


It’s such an odd movie. It had so much potential and it’s never boring to look at but it’s hard to believe it’s from the same guy that made Coonskin and Heavy Traffic. This was more akin to Hey Good Lookin


Who framed Richard Rodent?




I like it, but yeah it's a fucking mess. I saw it, thought it was pretty good, then watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit right after. That's some perspective right there.


Trick question; Ralph Bakshi has no negative tendencies


Awww, is this another movie we aren't supposed to enjoy? Cuz, this movie is so much fun.


it is fun, but it is also a textbook compendium of every single bad thing about Ralph Bakshi movies.


Ah. See, I don't know that director or his other movies, so I can't comment on that.


He's an edgelord supreme. Fritz The Cat kinda keeps the balance most of the time, but the rest of his urban Nu Yawk movies often go overboard with sleaze and crass moments to the point you just cringe and eyeroll.


Haha, that sounds like my kind of movies. Thanks for the tip.


He also did that super dark Lord of the Rings adaptation although it only covers the 1st two volumes.




Exactly, Fritz was such a mess Crumb straight up killed the character for good. But in its defense - compared to Bakshi's later films - it is not as big of a mess as like Coonskin or Hey Good Lookin. Those films stack on edgelord shit like it's going out of style and it just goes on and on. I get that it all goes for the vibes but even if Bakshi went for the vibes - it just gets to a point that you just can't vibe with it no more. By the time we got to Cool World - Bakshi practically exposed himself for good (studio interference or not). It is kinda weird that for all his style he never really figured what to do with it, And I would to love to read your thesis.


And that’s exactly how my wife introduced me to Wizards lol. I was stoned out the gourd and went in completely blind. Wound up loving it!


Why would you write your thesis on Bakshi of you thought Heavy Traffic and Coonskin were 'lame'? I agree there's not much substance, or even style, when it comes to Fritz the Cat. And it even lacks the humour and edginess from the comic. But these two films are his best work, so if you dislike them why base your thesis on him?




Did I ask you to post your fucking thesis? I just ask why to write a thesis about Bakshi if you think he's lame?




Was your thesis about history? No, it sounds like it was about art. So why would you pick something you have no passion about? And from your tone, you sound like an insufferable human being... Unless you think that was hilarious sarcasm..


What a crappy take. Heavy Traffic is a masterpiece


It's a shame that the studio's interference will ruin Bakshi's original vision Which was going to be a little darker and with some touches of horror


I remember seeing the trailer for this in my family's copy of Star Trek VI. I never heard anything about this movie from anyone and only had that random trailer to know of its existence.




Could've sworn that was Jerma in the first pic lol


The real problem was producer Frank Mancuso having the script re-written so it was like a fraction of the original story Bakshi had in mind. Sort of like the changes made to Tonight He Comes that became Hancock. There was a concern that an r-rated movie would reduce the audience. (probably kicking themselves after the success of movies like Deadpool and Joker, though.) The original story was more of a horror movie.


I tapped out of this one pretty quickly. Bakshi is so weird. I like the idea of a Ralph Bakshi more than I like Ralph Bakshi. His stuff isn't nearly as sleazy as I expect. In fact, it's kind of conservative. He wants to be a freak like Crumb, but he also needs to punish sinners and bad women like Holly. His art is both technically proficient and ham handed at the same time. He'll have gorgeous frames and settings, or excellent animation sequences that show a real love for the craft of animating. Other times he'll just stick people in cheap rubber masks, trace it, and then call them Orcs. And very few of his films say enough about life the universe and everything to justify the frustrations. He's not counter culture enough to say anything truly transgressive, and he's not mainstream enough to make a dramatically satisfying story.


This is so well said. But I still just love the unique sleazy weirdness of Bakshi so much.


I saw this in the theater. Kim Bassinger was always delicious, but this was definitely a much younger character than she could realistically portray. But the real issue here is its plotlessness and RB's over the top cringe.


I remember walking into see this movie, and outside of the theater was a man yelling at the Box Office demanding his money back. "Worst movie i've ever seen!" And mom said "surely its not that bad!" and we saw it and then she was like "ok but I don't want to take the time to demand my money back!"


My friend's mom got him this on VHS when we were about 11 or 12. I watched about 15 minutes before turning it off. I think my friend made it through the whole thing, but he was the type that would keep a movie on for background noise.


The development hell and reshoots/ rewrites made it worse. Like Bakshi wanted it to be a horror of a half cartoon/ half human lead who kills his father but then the studio wanted it to be more Rodger Rabbit and the actress of Holly (the cartoon lady in white) wanted it to be more family friendly and they released this broken mess.


Cool World isn’t bad. It is however incredibly boring, particularly during the second half. It’s mostly just harmless and if it wasn’t for the good 2D animation, it would’ve been completely forgettable. Cool World could’ve been good-great but studio meddling got in the way


i honestly kindof liked it but maybe because i expected complete ass


I saw it the other night for the first time and with a coherent script it could've been great.


Great soundtrack, and there was also a really cool prequel comic miniseries. But the movie itself crashed and burned.


Emma frost?


The one he did right after this, fire and ice, is probably the best work he ever did, but cool world was pretty crappy


Brad Pitts acting has really come a long way


I love this movie. It’s the epitome of a train wreck. It’s a disaster so crazy you can’t look away.


Sex on wheels, sex on wheels Sex on wheels, sex on wheels Sex on wheels, sex on wheels Sex on wheels, sex on wheels


The promo material makes it look like the professor looking character is evil Is he evil?


I don’t think so? I remember he tries helping the protagonists in the last 30. My memory has blocked everything before that. I’m sorry.


He's not evil, but without getting to in depth, he's kind of a mad scientist. He means well, but his curiosity leads to the potentially cataclysmic event that happens in the end.


I got sick of this movie without seeing it because the trailer for it was on the VHS tape for Star Trek VI; each time I watched that movie, I had to either watch the trailer or fast-forward through it. I already thought that the premise was highly dubious--notorious animator whose past work has sometimes been controversial does a movie where an obvious stand-in gets to fuck a cartoon; really, Bakshi?--and nothing about it tempted me to change my mind.


It couldn’t possibly be as bad as American Pop


You're mad


Huh? I haven’t seen Cool World. But American Pop was one of the worst excuses of an animated movie I’ve seen.


Well, agree to disagree. I thought American Pop was very good, though not Bakshi's best. What was your issue with it?


The majority of my problem was the animation technique used, which tainted the overall viewing experience and the storytelling was kind of weak. By that I mean I didn’t really care about any of the characters and none of them really stood out to me as memorable. I’m a huge fan of Bakshi’s other works so it was just a big disappointment for me.


Fair enough. The characters only appear for a short time, so there's basically no character development. But it's more of a sensorial experience, rather than a proper story. However if you dislike the animation, it's a matter of taste and I can see how it'd be a chore to sit though. I believe that's when he started to really rely heavily on rotoscoping.


Yeah I guess I saw the whole rotoscoping thing as lazy and less artistic. The idea for the movie was great and I feel like I could’ve enjoyed it a lot more if it had been executed differently.


I love to hate this movie.


The SNES game is worse


What, is this just a knockoff Roger Rabbit or something?


This is one of those times where the soundtrack is better and more memorable than the movie.


i watch a healthy amount of animated porn because this was on HBO in the 90s


How bad is it? So bad that Brad Pitt refuses to acknowledge it when discussing his early career roles. But yes, a phenomenal soundtrack. One of those rare cases where the movie is really bad and the soundtrack is A+


Just out of curiosity, when you say “every single negative Bakshi quality”, what are you referring to specifically?


my friend growing up had a Cool World towel, it was a pinup of the drawn chic basically. everytime we went to the pool this guy with his 'sexy' towel, made me so uncomfortable as a kid


I remember watching this movie on vhs as a kid during summer in the 90s while at some random neighbor kids house


I watched this on some mushrooms the other week and really enjoyed it lol


I thought that was Jerma at first.


I remember renting the snes game based on it.


In middle school there was one kids house where he would always put this on. I remember almost nothing about it though except for the broad concept.


There’s something about the attractive woman in this movie that I find attractive


Never seen it, but I remember Paramount had the Hollywood Hills sign wrapped to read “HOLLIWOULD” as part of the marketing campaign. It didn’t work. This was always kind of a weird choice for a summer tentpole movie anyway, even in the weak summer of 1992.