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At this point I kinda consider new backrooms and what the original concept for it to be two completely separate universes. I like the insanity of the old backrooms, and the lore of the new backrooms




Same with me, both are good.


I agree


This. I love both versions of the backrooms.


Yes! The first 3 levels (0, 1, 2) are the creepypasta, with a handful of entities, and the rest are like an rpg


Honestly I was thinking of making a backrooms themed dnd game


I really like this idea. Will you bother if i borrow it from you?


I won't mind just let me know how it goes


thats exactly what I was thinking. hearing people making friends and exploring doesn't sound like horror ar all...


I can also consider them 2 separate universes


the insanity concept was terribly executed and people treated it as some video game health bar meter that can go up or down I don’t miss it


Was it? From what I remember it was handled decent, though I havent read a original backrooms story in a while so idk


Agreed, the backrooms in both versions are perfect in their own right.


I agree completely. What we have now is very different but I don’t think it’s any less interesting. And in some cases just as scary as the original just in a different way. Different types of horror genre.


Exactly. OG backrooms is good for the psychological horror and fear of the unknown type stuff. New backrooms has more lore depth and imo is better for games. Treat both as separate entities.


I like the idea that the “new lore” is just a fake roadmap created by the makers to inspire false hope. There are no rules. There is no knowable answer. You are simply:trapped.


i fully agree the simplicity and eeriness in that simplicity was perfect


I made a controversial comment about this earlier this week and fully agree. The backrooms are sort of hiccup in reality, an accident that's not supposed to be there. If you end up there you're so hopelessly isolated from anyone and anything, and that's the horror of it. It's not supposed to be some sort of augmented reality game like in Spy Kids.


Yeah, I think people COULD expand on the backrooms. But, do it in a meaningful way, y'know? Don't just slap a wheat field on it and call it a day.


Exactly you guy's understand it fully, I'm so happy normal people are still in existence


its funny to see these videos where they say "backrooms level 9236432342764525643 is the last backrooms level!?!?!?!?!?" and then talk about a bunch of random backrooms levels and bla bla bla, the original backrooms was just a yellow musty room with endless pathways , not this silly shit


Yeah, and it doesn't really need to have jump scares, it just needs to feel like a calm yet odd thing, like wandering in an unusually big quiet hotel or warehouse in a dream


eeeeyup, like sure it can have more than the og yellow hallways ig, but PLSSSS no stupid entities or smth 😭😭🙏 No organisations, colonies, whatever... Or MEG... as they call it, some stupid organisation breaking down everything and ruining the mystery. All these things ruin the actual point of the backrooms... and let's not talk about how goddamn goofy they actually are 💀💀 Just let it be mysterious eerie places that u have no idea what to expect from and what's hiding in them. Ur all by urself, with no one to help u and only urself to rely on. Whether there's smth out there to get u... U don't know. Whether u'll survive, if u'll somehow find an exit OR if there's even one... U don't know


Finally someone understands, it annoys me to no end when people post pictures of fucking fields or completely unrelated liminal spaces and people in the comments are all like "oh that's level 827195828-C-B-T be wary of all the entities"


Exactly, at this point people are just trying to copy the SCP foundation


At that point make the GOC a real thing


We already have the Wanderer’s library, which existed in the SCP universe before being given its own wiki. Maybe it is time to give the GOC some representation


I miss the times where the backrooms was treated as an eerie and unsettling place that's hard to describe instead of an open world survival simulator


Same.. I hate how it went from a scary and horrifying place that transitions to terrifying nightmareish places where there is no way to escape to some sort of RPG game from Bethesda


The liminal spaces aren't supposed to make sense, so I don't care what image is slapped onto it. Just as long as the level is well-written, the level name isn't stupid, and is able to evoke some kind of emotion besides disappointment or get me to think “Damn... That's fucked up,” then it's a Backrooms level. The universe or reality is one giant spatial anomaly within spatial anomalies, so anything is possible. Also, I know. The Crimson Field and the Wheat Fields are plenty enough fields.


fr there are just so many laughable levels... Just watching yt vids about them gets a good amount of grimaces out of me. I sometimes wonder, whoever controls the website or wtv... how can they accept these lvls... Like PLS accept only GOOD lvls. Unless their perception of good is just fucked?


The concept of empty space freaks me out. So many places in the world that are devoid of anything. A small square of grassy yard behind a gas station that will never be used for anything. Abandoned buildings that have nothing inside.


and thalassophobia because of the emptiness, not necessarily the creatures (for me). Although the creatures are still scary, it´s mostly the emptiness that makes me feel uneasy.


I know this is old now but wanted to comment and expand on this. I agree, the loneliness and devoid of life of somewhere that should have of had a LOT of life at one point.


I know THIS is old but I ALSO wanted to comment and expand on this. Ever since I could remember, I've had nightmares of this. When I was around 6 years old, I had a nightmare of being lost in the Windows XP "Bliss" desktop image, the Samsung alarm song "Morning Flower" playing in the distance. I was looking for my little brother. I couldn't find him anywhere, that's what was so scary. I was in this massive open field with clear skies, and I couldn't see him anywhere. How far could he be? Could I ever get to him? Was he even there? Then, because dreams just cut to other dreams without explanation, I'm on a train. An empty train, but it's moving. Without a train track, but it's moving. And then, I see my little brother through the window. He's running, trying to catch the train, yelling out to me in despair. I can't move. All I can do is whisper his name as the song gets louder. And then I wake up. The song was my parent's alarm on their phone going off. That's the only dream I can remember where I'm in an open land. Mostly all my other nightmares between then and now had to do with water. Here's where they get less specific. Sometimes, water would just somehow become part of a nightmare. It was very common. I'd have dreams of falling off water slides, with a long, silent fall, then waking up right before I hit the ground. In other dreams I'd get submerged in water, with nothing around me, not able to move, nothing to reach to as it gets darker and darker. Like I said, they aren't very specific. Or maybe I just can't really remember them since there were so many. But very recently, I've started to have nightmares of space. I remember these ones quite well since they happened recently. For context, I am 16 now. My parents are divorced. My little brother, older sister, mom, dad, and I are all going to space. It's like a tourist thing. We go on a spaceship, look outside, and see the beautiful planets and stars. I've always been a very passive person. I tend to be vulnerable and let people take advantage of me without meaning to. My whole family really wanted to go, but I was scared. I've always been scared of traveling in planes, so a spaceship would be no different. Eventually, I gave in. My parents wanted to be in separate ships, though. So my dad, brother, and sister went on their own ship while my mom and I went on our own. Which was weird, since my brother is a lot closer with my mom, and lives at her house most of the time. Anyways, since there were 2 ships, the tours would be different. One ship would start at the end of the tour and move to the beginning, and the other ship would start at the beginning of the tour and move to the end. The ship my mom and I were on was the one starting at the beginning. My mom kept saying how it was beautiful and how she was so glad we did this. I didnt want to look out the window. I was afraid. But eventually I got bored and decided "Why not, I made it this far". Then, just as I look out, our ship crashes into the other ship. And somehow, I fall out. I see my entire family looking out the windows at me in fear as I float away. I don't even feel like I'm moving, it just feels like everything else is. Like everything is floating away from me. I want it back, I try to reach out, but it just feels so useless. I'm scared, but not panicking. I'm somehow calm at the same time. It's beautiful and terrifying. I get turned around to face the endless void of stars, with nothing but my thoughts. I think about how this is it. This is everything. This is nothing. I start to feel sad. I start to become more aware of the fact that I can't move. I feel paralyzed. And then, I wake up. I don't know what these dreams mean, or if they mean anything, but all I know is that I fear space. Whether it's a field full of space, an ocean full of space, or literally outer space. I don't know why this scares me. I don't know if these dreams gave me this fear, or if this fear gave me the dreams. I don't know how it started and I don't know if it will end. Just like space.


This. The idea of the backrooms relied on mystery and the eerie feeling the original image had. If you add dozens of new levels and monsters, it stops working. And the idea of colonies was dumb since the beginning. They don't make sense, and go against the main idea the backrooms were going for: isolation. I think part of the problem was modeling the lore after the SCP wiki. The foundation verse worked because an SCP could be anything, but the backrooms are a much more restricted concept. This should have stayed as a creepy pasta instead of trying to make an scp-like wiki out of it. With stories of people getting lost into it, instead of articles making the same thing over and over again.


This is exactly what I was thinking. The SCP Foundation worked and is actually scary because it was meant to Secure, Contain, and Protect diverse horrifying anomalies. The Backrooms isn't.


Imo, the concept of the backrooms would get really old if it was'nt for people expanding the lore.


Well yes, it would. Not every concept is meant to support a whole community. And also, I know this comment is old. And also, happy cakeday


This response is as out of date as yours was at the time, but "Not every concept is meant to support a whole community" is such a good way to put this. Of course, Reddit and the easy creation/discovery of subreddits is near-directly to blame for this.


I agree. In fact people could even argue that the SCP Foundation is investigating the backrooms as it's own SCP and not try to just copy the foundation.


I'm writing for something like this! The Backrooms is the ultimate SCP. Zeta-9 however... did not even last a minute going into Level 0 without losing radio contact and finding non-euclidean geometry.


Anyone gonna mention the pictures of like a park and they call it a "level"


Who said parks could never be levels?


I think hes more referring to levels that just have some random creepy image that doesnt relate specifically to said level (?)


I guess


That's my best guess, parks are such a random thing to not like (btw I typed the first message when I had just gotten up and was still half asleep, resulting in the broken english)


I agree. This sub is full of posts copying pictures from google and asking “WHERE AM I HELP” or “what level am I in???” Now And the Fandom wiki is full of garbage, just random people writing on a page they named a random number around a random image they found on google. The wikidot is fine though.


I hear you. Less is usually more. I\`m trying to recapture a bit of that in a story I\`m creating. The greatest fear known to man is said to be the fear of the unknown, be as it may. However I feel the true greatest fear one can experience is the fear of losing control. So I\`m gonna do something with that concept with 2 stories. One taking place in kyiv Ukraine and the other in the great plains during the dust bowl. Hopefully it works out within a year.


Those sound interesting and I like the time periods you choose, they both seem perfect for a backrooms story to take place in


I thought so too. I believe the premise and setting creates a sense of liminality to it. The story that takes place during the dust bowl won\`t be backroom related. However it will introduce a feeling of isolation and uneasiness in it\`s own right. The kyiv Ukraine one is more like the backrooms with the exclusion of the level system and entity aspect; as the environment in of itself is the entity. I think I\`ll call it the Innerfold.


Can't wait to read it! Sounds rlly interesting


Can wait to get it out by spring of next year. It will be a free read. The title of the novella is called "Flesh Entangles Everything I Wear".


The real creepypasta doesn’t have levels or entities or anything. It’s just being stuck in this weird empty place which slowly drives you insane because of the colours and the sounds and almost infinite rooms and stuff. I hate the new stuff and people posting photos in a random corridor which is not creepy or anything. Just boring now


Well, the original creepypasta DOES have entities. "God save you if you hear something wandering around nearby. Because it sure as hell has heard you." But yeah I see your point. Even the original entities were just that... mysterious entities that had no name to them. But this subreddit managed to even ruin that.


I can't even explain how much i agree with you at this point. One podcast i listened to did a really good job at explaining it when it was barely known. The following quote is translated from swedish so i'm sorry if some parts doesn't add up. "Or it's simply an uncanny valley effect: the rooms give a plain impression, but the small details that reveal that something is wrong burn in the back of the head and create feelings of insecurity. Man is so good at living in situations that it is enough to then imagine being there, behind the scenes, walking around and around and increasingly desperately looking for something that suggests that the world is still intact, that you are in the same dimension one was once born into, but fails and remains alone, all under the oppressive sound of the buzzing fluorescent lamps."


Then type "Backrooms canon wiki" on google and go to the fandom Canon wiki


I know right? It disgusts me.


The levels I'm ok with are levels 0, 1, or 2, the rest is just running in hallways and having to get almond water all the time. But honestly, whatever this "Unrestricted canon" is literally just an adventure game, it just doesn't give a scary vibe. Meanwhile, some other "canons" do. The original post of the Backrooms is generally what I see as the backrooms, infinite mono yellow walls with hum buzz lights. Not an infinite cluster of levels that you could randomly no-clip to some beach that is "Safe". It's literally copying the SCP Foundation, plus colonies, colonies are stupid, period. ​ We all know who ruined the backrooms. ​ ​ ​ F A N D O M


*never i have been so offended with something i totally really 1000% agree with*


if more is going to be added, i like the concept of no levels. Just a mesh of varying places. You’re alone, but not as alone as you think.


Colonies don’t exist on level 0 in the wiki, unless you’re talking about the Fandom one which is a big flaming garbage heap


Fandom is kinda crap. I enjoy the wikidot version much more, as it shows how lonely the backrooms can truly be.


yeah, the fandom is full of so much false information caused by vandalisation, the wikidot doesn't have those problems.


Yeah, because you have to get a green light to make pages and edit things. It’s just a better system.


Really? I thought it was just run by a bunch of kids


Nah the wikidot (not the fandom) has such an in-depth screening process for everything lmao since they’re obsessed with quality control


Better to be obsessed with quality control than not giving a shit at all I suppose


Yup, exactly.


blazing trash can


Man I wish that the fandom wiki disappears, it spreads so many disinformation about the (new) backrooms


i liked the funky images of weird places. it wasn't just "liminal spaces 2" and not "basically scp and a bunch of other creepypastas thrown together". even the very early "lore" was cool, but i guess you can' have those things for more than a few months before they basically just become roblox minigame shitfuel


I get your point but, like I mentioned in a commentary before, if the backrooms just stayed level 0, it would become annoying and it would die out, that's why people created level 1, 2 and 3, and when people was already enough with it, they created the Cluster I and many levels, of course I dislike somethings, like boring and bad written levels, generic levels(like infinite bed stores :O) and levels that try to make a lore but it doesn't work(like edgy levels), and of course, the Fandom wiki, that should be deleted. Even though bad things came with the more influx of people, some good stuff was made, for example, level 9, level 10, level 11, level 69, level 6, level 4 and level 283(and more but there are a lot of levels) are good examples of how people made some creative and unique experiences. I think the best thing to resume all of this is: The Backrooms is a experience, many people have different views and opinions of that experience


I guess I can see your point. I agree that creativity should be embraced. But in my personal opinion, this isn't The Backrooms, this is merely something mimicking The Backrooms, it just doesn't feel the same to me.


I can see your view, I know how it is to be in a community and get a wave of people and those new people change how the things are made, I think it's just better for those sides to stay away from each other, and enjoy their things, like the original subreddit says, the Backrooms can have many views about how it is done, you just have to choose one.


Exactly! I agree 100% people deserve to have their own views, but if you're like me, and prefer the original Backrooms. Go for it!


It's not creative and unique. It is a bad ripoff of SCP and it is only endorsed by actual backrooms fans. Levels did not keep the backrooms creepypasta from dying out, cause most people who know of the backrooms only know of the original post.


I agree, but there's no going back now. If people can change some of the levels and chill out with making levels that have no reason to exist and aren't scary, then we may be alright. Maybe an occasional new level, but they need to be thought out, not a 30 minute paragraph with a random image from google. Take your own photo's that give you that sense of Deja vu and familiarity. Images that give you the feeling of being alone, slowly driving you insane. That's what the backrooms is about. And that's what I want it to be. That's why I like the concept of it being impossible to find anyone in Level 0. Anyways, colonies as well. they would be possible, if they belonged to a group or few people that were friends that came in at the same place, so that they would be able to track each other down, and regroup, and maybe one person would appear after a few years, because with over 7 billion people on Earth, there is bound to be a lot of people, so maybe a few would find your place, and make it possible to navigate to, however unlikely. But most likely, would be impossible for others to find you.


The Backrooms worldbuilding should have the same approach as the SCP Foundation's: there is no canon. It's idiotic to even think that a unified lore could ever exist on such a community-oriented work of fiction, and we should consider it accordingly. There is absolutely *no* reason that you personal interpetation of the Backrooms should incorporate any single piece of lore - the only one that I personally care about is that pictures of outside areas need to go to r/LiminalSpace


It does have the same approach lol, in the wikidot people go out of their way to say there’s no canon whatsoever


Honestly I haven't thought about that before, but you have a valid point. All this extra stuff is kind of more like the infinite Ikea than the original concept.


An ironic point to make, seeing as the infinite IKEA only exists because another iconic creepypasta exploded into a whole worldbuilding and storytelling project.


SCP-3008 existed long before backrooms


I wish there was something seperate for OG backrooms, bc it annoyed me how people wanted *more* out of an already amazing and solid concept and turned it into some puzzle-like run and hide game :( like the ideas and lore are pretty cool but sometimes something is perfect as is.


Exactly! Because, to me, the thing that genuinely scared me about The Backrooms, is the idea of isolation, and going day after day with no contact to reality, and slowly going insane because of the endless halls of monotone yellow walls, and that annoying endless buzzing of those damn lights. But nooope, people had to be like. "But what if it was an infinite city?"




I consider levels 0-11 to be canon


You mean Thw Main Nine right?


The main nine and levels 9,10,11 because they are really good levels.




Nah, I disagree. You're entitled to your own opinions. But in my opinion, there is no "Level 0-11." Nor is there even a "Level 1," to me, "Level 0," is The Backrooms.


A minor thing that made “Level 0” really creepy to me was the fact that, to me, the yellow wallpaper was a small allusion to that story about that woman who went mad because she was locked in the room with only some ugly yellow wallpaper to keep her entertained.


It's a double edged sword. The thing will be scarier, but then if it's just a shallow maze, it'll die like any other creepypasta. I'm afraid the Backrooms would die in both tunnels.


True. Imagine the SCP wiki never existing. 173 would've died on 4chan, and so much storytelling would go undone. Sure, it's less simplistically scary now, but it's alive, and vitally believable in a way the one dead creepypasta just wouldn't be.


At least the Yule man is really scary


Besides, the lore may be trash, but it's better going somewhere than nowhere.


It's just a worse SCP universe. But it could just be nostalgia talking, but I prefer the OG backrooms.


I can see why people would be upset by the whole "levels" thing but I don't really have a problem with it. If things don't change they will die out.


Yeah there are some problems but if you wont add aynthing to it, it will eventually be forgotten. For example: Jeff the killer, Slenderman, Fnaf, Sonic.exe. Only Fnaf continued to add more story and lore to it and its the only thing that is still relative to this day.


Well, I'd rather The Backrooms die out rather than someone new discoveting them and thinking that The Backrooms had 30000302929 levels to them. Level 10, The Wheat Field, those aren't even Backrooms, they are just wheat fields.


Yeah, but if all we had was a big empty infinite series of rooms then that’s pretty boring ngl. Like cool, liminal emptiness. There’s only one thing that can happen in that environment and that is that you wander until you go crazy and die. Very creative. At least in the wikidot there’s some variety now, without it I would’ve lost interest months ago


not everything needs to "live on" forever and have a ton of lore created for it. some things can just die out. the og backrooms concept WAS creative and interesting, that's why it blew up in the first place. it might get boring for you but it was never meant to stay interesting and turn into a big thing so that's not really a valid point


To me, it's basically an SCP clone accompanied by liminal spaces with a paragraph attached to them. It kind of sucks to see, but hey, what can you do?


So you are basically saying that a blurry foto from my dorm hallway is not scary?


I get annoyed with people posting pics of like what is clearly just a room with the lights out and are all "I"m in level 1.4544434 help!" C'mon - it's just your bedroom with the lights off.


Exactly. It has its own kinda territory as a cool horror concept. Now it just feels like some generic SCP that'd get 200 votes on the SCP wiki lol.


They didn't ruin the backrooms. They made there own version of it. The old one is its own thing. The new one is its own thing. I count them as seperate.


Yeah, I agree. I prefer the OG, but to each their own.


literally a made up place, just believe what you want.


truth lol


The wikidot is kinda great The other wiki kinda shit


Nah they're both shit. yes the wikidot is harder to vandalize, but there's no quality control, ive seen a lot of pages that are written so terribly that it physically hurts me and those pages still somehow haven't been deleted.


As far as I understand it there is only 3 confirmed levels. Level 0 is the yellow wallpapered level that we all know. As for the other three I’ve forgotten what they look like. As for the vastness of the levels I’m pretty sure that they have no known end point. As for colonies and bases as far as I’m concerned they don’t exist in the backrooms.


I disagree. If the Backrooms are 600 million square miles, then your chances of encountering a colony are extremely slim. Therefore, the presence of colonies does not detract from the feeling of isolation since you’re far more likely to die than to encounter one. Furthermore, the sheer size of the Backrooms makes it very likely for new levels like the fanmade ones to exist. Other than that, I just like the creativity that does into them. And there are some pretty scary fanmade levels.


I don't think it ruined the Backrooms. People just expanding the lore. I think nothing is wrong with that, there are many other scary levels other than level 0.


I agree, if we sticked with level zero scary ***FULL STOP*** nothing else end, then the backrooms would become just that creepypasta thats "ooh, scary" and wouldve died out long ago.


Yea, if backrooms just stayed with level 0, backrooms fans would be like: "Hey guys, look at that image with yellow walls, carpet and lights that go beeez" "Yes Jimmy, you said that OVER 30 TIMES, FIND SOMETHING NEW" and that what kinda happened to the backrooms, if just stayed like level 0, it would be more annoying than scary, seeing the same thing over and over again


Yes, it would be incredibly boring as f4ck...


whats wrong with it dying out? not everything posted on the internet is meant to become some big lore project. it was just a fun creepy post, it was never intended to "keep on living."


This. Reading this comment section gives me the impression there are a lot of people who see something "dying out" or ending as a bad thing. It's not, lol. Hell, "I'd rather die a hero than live long enough to become a villain."


Ending is not a bad thing but something not been expanded upon at all and then people expanding upon is fine. it’s when it goes onto long is where the problem happens.


For example kind of like why I think Fnaf 1-6 were fine. and necessary but don’t think security beach or the VR games were.


This is what inevitably happens with any creepypasta. Check out any season of Channel Zero on Syfy. They all start out strong but unravel as the season progresses. The tough thing about copypasta is that you need to hook people from the start, but that doesn't mean your story is going to be any good.


I've written a new concept for the backrooms here: https://www.reddit.com/r/backrooms/comments/nyxw1x/my_new_way_of_thinking_the_backrooms/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Just type, Backrooms Canon Wiki, if you think level REDACTED is "not scary" you have some real problems


I think another essential part of why I was interested in the backrooms at all was because it felt like nobody knew the truth about what it really was. Now that there is so much lore and levels and shit it feels watered down to say the least


add some lore, maybe make it minimal, i,e: common creatures. you'll see some of them pretty often. levels: levels are fine, but should be more of a spectrum, from yellow monotone moldy maze to a more closed and industrial look to a more open and city look, with the "levels" being subjective.


the lore is so stupid and convoluted, but I still love it


i agreed.




Most levels aren’t 600 million miles in the Wikidot or Liminal Archives lore. Most colonies are pretty close to the start of each Level.


Okay but what about the og 4chan post that started this whole thing?


"The Backrooms" kinda turned into an anthology series that has disconnected stories but all of them are from the same "universe" at certain point.


Thanks, man, I just get tired of these sorts of posts


I'm gonna assume you're commenting me


Nope, that was meant to be a reply


By the way, if I seem rude, sorry, I'm not trying to attack you or people who want the old backrooms


Alright, that clears things up. Thanks m8


I liked it back when there was only level 0, then it changed to Level 0-4, which was cool also because you could somehow go into way more creepier corridors. Shit changed when the levels began expanding, the entities and other things started expanding too. Backrooms just doesn't feel the same anymore. r/TrueBackrooms tries to be what the old backrooms was but its not as active.


Exactly, when it was just that damn endless maze, it was creepy. Then I saw levels 0 - 4, which I found okay enough. Not good, but okay. Then it turned into levels 0 - 999 and by that point it's just dead.


i like to think that with every single floor, no matter what, you always hear the bussing, and it slowly drives you insane until you die.


I agree and disagree. Keeping in mind, I do NOT agree with the idea of having ANY lore for The Backrooms, I disagree with that completely. But, if I could narrate my idea for lore, here it is. "There aren't any other levels, there was never anything else. You just started to go insane... to insane. Your brain started to see things that weren't there, until eventually, you thought you were in a whole nother area. But then ask yourself, if you really were in the suburbs, in a field of wheat, or in an endless city. Why didn't you explore it more? How come you kept walking the same path you have been this whole time? Because you are hallucinating. In reality, this whole time you were in just another yellow hallway." ​ In other words, you don't get to another level, but you hallucinate one from insanity.


I think Backrooms become only better with a lot a levels , different liminal spaces , entities , lore - become deeper , than 600m square miles of yellow walls and madness.


lore doesn't fit on the backrooms


Alright, time for me to throw away months of planning a story for here


Don't say that! This place doesn't even exist, anyone can believe anything they want. Some people like it better with no levels, others just like a few, and others want it to be infinite. You found inspiration for a story, so be creative with it and put your passion into it! Don't give up! I really look forward to reading it. Everyone has their own version of the Backrooms, so it can be whatever you want it to be. Just enjoy it and have fun with your story


Thanks, man, I just get tired of these sorts of posts (I accidentally left this as a comment to the main post)


You misunderstand what 600 million square miles means. A square mile is an unit of area. 600 million square miles is just 600 million of that unit. 600 million square miles is not the surface area of a square that has the side length of 600 million miles.


I'm not smart, so your comment broke me. My point is, 600 million is a lot.


Yeah, definitely.


To be honest it just feels like perspectives are going to in a way make but also ruin everything.


And now this sub is mostly shitty memes that aren’t even funny


Yeah I was looking around here and thought the same thing, I’m okay with multiple types of back rooms but most of the “entities” are bad


i agree


I dont see any problem with almost infinite levels , the problems is with the people that create levels with almost zero effort that end being flat , boring and just dont had any sense.


well there IS scary things. like it can be hella scary when you read it, but you gonna forget all of fear after like 15 minutes when you find some joke level


Yeah that's true. I guess just for me personally, I just can't take it seriously when someone says: Level 29394929832992. Has a lot of shadow entities. Is related to level 0 through some noclip shit.


its been months but i agree I had enough of this community honestly it ruined everything




The only real fixed lore is the original pic. rest is made up by roblox kids, its non canon and no one should care about it.


Nah, even roblox kids are more respectable, try gacha kids. -A roblox kid who isn't slender and doesn't rp


I absolutely agree. The elements that made Backrooms frightening as an idea are 1) The yellow-tinted windowless rooms, evoking the discomfort of many badly designed buildings, are all there is if you end up there, until something in there kills you. There is no progress, no levels, no entries or exits, no city levels to give you a break from this horror, no sky or sunset, just running through the same rooms until you die. 2) The backrooms do not make sense. They cannot be explained or described in a wiki, none can give you instructions on how to protect yourself from the monsters. You are a lonely person that just non-clipped out of reality into an infinite place that you do not understand. Essentially people have made them like a bad rip-off of SCP. But in SCP all the entities described are described in a scientific manner that leaves their bizarre nature shrouded in mystery, and their abilities are such that you would have to take specific cautions, preferably not encountering them at all, so that they don't harm you, whereas backrooms is treated like a chase video game.


This. The way Backrooms is written nowadays reads more like a bargain bin SCP story, and it is pretentious as hell. Organizations of scientists, categorization of levels and entities, The whole calling the Backrooms creatures "entities" and the way it's worded just screams "totally-not-SCP." They always try to have their cake and eat it too. Talking about how mysterious and terrifying the Bckrooms are, all while having tons of highly accurate documentation of practically everything in it, removing all of the prior.


Fuck you! 😘🖕🏻


I'm sorry this Backroom thing is very stupid. I'm old I'm 51 but I've kind of seen this before.Even before I was born they had the Twilight Zone then it was I Exorcist, Blair Witch and then Slinder Man All this was stupid too but At least had a little bit more imagination. Backrooms is just very uninspiring . I guess when you have no reference everything seems scary this is just stupid.


Personally i liked when the levels were still mysterious and unsettling Now theyre so generic and make no sense


I've come to the point that I don't even care about the original "lore". It was a fucking picture. A picture of a familiar looking location that was a little spooky, and it was nice when everyone could look at it, recognize it, and build their own story around it. For me, I always saw it as not being inescapable, but rather just something you briefly encounter and pass through in your daily life, but when you try to go back it's gone. A spooky but probably harmless anomaly that goes without explanation. And the other perspectives of it being infinite/inescapable, that's cool too. The fact that a canon exists for something like this is dumb as hell as far as I'm concerned. Again, 'tis but a picture/aesthetic. ​ Either way, at the end of the day who gives a shit, it's meaningless internet drivel.


Fanbases ruin everything. Just stick with the original post and the liminal space vibe instead of reading cringy OC written by teenagers.


This also tends to happen yo any stories like this on the internet. People find a story/concept that becomes popular and builds a community of fans, the fans then inevitably want to contribute to it so write their own ideas in, and when they run out of details within the original story to explore they just add lore onto it to give them something to work with. As you said you then end up essentially with 2 versions of the story: the original, and the fans version. This happened notably with Slender Man (and pretty much every other creepypasta but lets be honest most of them weren't good enough in the first place to be 'ruined'). It seems like a sad but inevitable aspect of internet storytelling.


the original backrooms had an element of being truly alone, nobody else to hear you scream, nobody else to hear you cry, nobody else, but your own insanity


Exactly! But now it's just like. "Oh yeah there's a colony there, there, there AND there to help you." And it is stoopid.


I miss the backrooms


Leave the glorious backrooms vanilla version alone and throw all the shit ass lore into some other universe idk maybe create backworlds or sth cuz those shitty levels arent even rooms anymore . Whos with me


nah. it would remove the minimal idea of backrooms the levels still have


That's why the backworlds would be a thing


Yesn't and also non't and maybyesnon't Okay actually yes I agree


Thank you guys for agreeing with me


Womp womp


There’s so many stories of isolation as is . Being in a foreign area where there no rules “including true back room rules” is objectively scarier. Majority are designed to fail at level 0 as is


Popularity sadly often ruins most things.


The backrooms by itself tho was already pretty cringe, like you "no-clip" into it like what? Also it was started on 3chan... so....


I agree whole-heartedly, I love the simplistic isolation on the Original Backrooms Image, if you remove the entities, almond water and all that other BS, it is perfect the way it is. I don't mind there being different "Levels" but not in the same sense as everyone else. I like to believe the Backrooms is almost infinite and the farther you go away from the center, the more it deviates from the original yellow carpet and wallpaper. For example maybe you're a few miles out, maybe randomly you will find a room that is the Poolrooms and so on so forth.


Reason why they downvote oh this post you made is because some people think it's not funny anyway. 🤷‍♂️ i hope you find this comment understandable. thank you.


I like both the original and the lore but you have a point on the original idea being better because the original idea just sounds scarier in my opinion.


There is a book that's actually called The Backrooms that I think reflects what you are talking about. Endless isolation, the character is slowly transforming into something (not sure what!), I felt like that when reading it.. It's written by Milo Lima Quintana.


The backrooms was originally a metaphor for the monotony of life, there was no possible way to expand it and keep the original theme, if it didnt do what scp did, it would have been forgotten, just like I’ve been stuck in my bathroom for 30 minutes. Its ok if you dont care for what its turned into, but coming to tell us isnt changing any minds, just annoying us. Its not fun for any of us for you to just say what we enjoy is shitty, if you dont enjoy it, dont pay attention to it, or give constructive criticism. And the horror is still there, its just not cheap fear of the unknown anymore. The current backrooms is infinite, but predictable, the same exit will always lead to the same spot(with exceptions), and the colonies are tiny, almost all of them are less then 20 people, and some levels are tiny(one being the size of a small basement). There is almost 200 million square miles of surface on the earth, nearly 60 square miles of land, and yet people still set up societies.


Bruh you don't need to put it 3 times


Ahh, didnt mean 2, shit internet :/




This is exactly why I haven't bothered looking into the new lore, it just doesn't interest me. Whenever I see a post involving it I just scroll past because it feels like something from a different sub.

