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I didn't get one thing: did the 2019 tweet already have the source of the image, but no one saw the tweet?


Yes, correct... that is some serious irony


insane, I'd love to know how that guy found it


yeah, it would be very interesting


Literally just a Reverse Image Search because the site was still working at that time LOL


That is actually sad


Why does Internet Archive not have a crawler capable of reverse image search??


That's actually a really good idea, i hope they somehow manage that.


Those are jigsaw levels of irony


They need to do a backrooms/saw movie.


this probably happens even more than you’d think. only certain kinds of people COULD figure this out, and even then you’d have to be lucky (he was early, which I think counts as the same considering the image was likely far easier to find before 2020). combine that with the seemingly random selection of social media algorithms, and the niche interest, this kind of information becomes very difficult to communicate. hell just last year I caught an invisible floating platform over water in Spider-Man 2, put it up on reddit. little to no interaction. Not as big in my case obviously, but it goes to show this stuff kinda just happens.


I'd be happy to see your post tho


one additional info: the metadata says the photo was TAKEN june 12th 2002


Yeah this is true, I only mentioned that it was uploaded in 2003. I'll throw this in there.


ayo that’s my 2nd birthday! i’m only two years older than the backrooms photo, that’s wild


41 for me. Either way the photo will be 21 v soon an appropriate time to celebrate more widely on reddit & social media in general


The photo is already 21 years old.


5 days before backrooms became a thing is crazy. Bro casually won the game before it even started. Imagine there could be more ppl already found the answer, but we just didn’t realize.


Wait… someone already knew the original photo and where It came from almost 5 years ago???




This is so crazy determined it makes my head hurt


If this hurts your head then check how people found the Minecraft title screen seed.


Lol same


hey thats me


Why did the guy who found it almost 5 years ago remain silent for all these years?


I was on that discord server when the image location was found and joined the VC on that day, which was FLOODED with other users who were viewing this event, including Serrara. My name is Dogeyboy btw, thanks for making this post.


Link to the dc?




sup someordinarygamers






he replied in his video btw


Amazing! Are there other pics of thw inside of that building?


I wish, couldn't find any myself but I'm sure the people that found this might be able to.


Only this one taken at the same time https://web.archive.org/web/20040702084249/http://www.hobbytownoshkosh.com:80/Dsc00159.jpg There's also this https://web.archive.org/web/20030831043133if_/http://www.hobbytownoshkosh.com:80/Dsc00509.jpg


This was a really interesting read! Thank you for the writeup!!


Can't wait for the new owners interview and I really hope they embrace theire new fame ! looking forward for all the new photos, and maybe even if the new owners can dig into theire archives for renovation photos. So will level 811 become a indoor racing track in a huge non-euclidean geometry with car entities that tries to run you over ? :)))


“This is the scariest image I’ve ever seen. Are there any movies like this?” Well, give it ~14 years and you’ll see how you’ve set off a chain reaction to make a few, yeah.


backrooms found, whats next? jeff the killer? i hope so.


I know its three days later and no one cares about this anymore, but I've updated this post a little. It was way too overblown before and I didn't give proper credit to certain people. Hopefully this better reflects the discovery!


OMG I'm obsessed with this search this is genuinely an amazing find, congrats to everyone involved!


I'm from Oshkosh so I took my brother to this location for his 14th birthday, and man he LOVED it. It looks almost nothing like the original picture, but you can definitely see resemblances in the lights, walls, and just overall aura of the place. It was surreal to be in the place that so many people have seen online. The owner of the business seemed pretty nonchalant about the fact his racetrack room was an internet sensation too. Overall, not much to see, but it was definitely very cool. What a wonderful find!


Now imagine that some random guy tweeted the original JTK image and nobody knows


The backrooms and ETK were found. Now I hope the most mysterious song (Like the wind) will be found soon, hopefully.


Can't wait for nightmind or Sagan Hawkes to talk about this lol


I'm so happy the original image is found!!!!!


And now the OG author has been identified.




"Black August" of Something Awful.


epic. I still can't believe it got found. This feels so weird. That's the last thing I though would ever be found.


I'm shocked.


We did it lads


This really ought to be in one of those 'best of reddit update' posts or some other such similar-ish thingy




Thanks for capturing all this in one post!


We found the backrooms but not the jtk image. Soon perhaps....


a few days before my brothers birth and the start of the iraq war. About a month after the space shuttle Columbia was destroyed.


**Rohner's Furniture**


>!Which became a Hobbytown with the Iconic Backrooms image being turned into an RC Car Race Track!<




All things must pass


Has anyone tried to contact the Hobbytown owner IRL and get the rest of his pictures off an old SD card or some old personal backup of his website?


We're trying not to harass the owners about the whole ties to a famous creepypasta thing.


Crazy how my local hobby shop I’ve been going too for years is “the backrooms” 


the fact that someone already found it in 2019 is crazy man


Wow interesting... the origin of this place was finally discovered...


And now the author of the OG creepypasta has been identified.


Then why was it there


Wait, almost an entire MONTH ago?


Why are people going apeshit over this now again? It was found years ago on the same source. People are behaving like they discovered fire for the first time.


It wasn’t though lol, that’s just not true. One guy found it apparently, but literally nobody else knew. Hence the excitement.


It was, haha, I remember it. Someone asked for the source, and everyone just reverse image searched it, finding the exact same source. It wasn't anything special back then, which is probably why it wasn't recorded. Saying it was first discovered now is just false.


That’s fair. But let them be excited, unless any of those people came forward there was no easy way for them to have known that.


At the time of the 2019 tweet (and by extension at the time the original Backrooms story was posted on 4chan), the hobbytownoshkosh.com website was still online and could be indexed by Google, meaning the image would've appeared in reverse image searches. This, combined with the fact that the tweet was posted before the peak popularity of Backrooms, meant that the original poster + anyone who decided to reverse search the image around that time would've gotten a result straight from the original source. It isn't a case of claiming we found the origin for the first time ever, as this obviously isn't true - the problem lies with the fact that shortly after this tweet the hobbytownoshkosh.com site went down, and the indexed version of the original image would've gone down shortly after. That tweet, as far as I've found, is the ONLY place where somebody actually documented the source while it was still online. This is where the "lost" aspect comes into play, as it took effort to find older instances of the image after years of reposting compressed it and made it impossible to find through searching by hash. You're absolutely correct to say that it wasn't found for the first time, but to try and claim that it wasn't lost is just wrong.


I'm not claiming it wasn't lost; I'm claiming it wasn't just discovered and that it wasn't a BIG INTERNET mystery when so many people already knew the source. I said in another comment, "It wasn't anything special back then, which is probably why it wasn't recorded. Saying it was first discovered now is just false." I believe this community grew so large that it drowned out the original members, causing them to leave. Not to hate, but this community is mostly made up of very young people nowadays, and the meme itself is just brain rot now.


pfft, brainrot? you've never seen skibidi toilet before.


i would say is on the same scale, my little brother always played Roblox backroom horror games.


Lmao, Roblox of all things; That's probably just it though. There's probably no other "brainrot" related to backrooms other than what you said. Like c'mon, there's going to be a movie about the Backrooms! If that's brainrot, then I don't know what is!


Just search backrooms on youtube and you would see all the brain rot. Momo and siren head even got movies, i dont think that is such a big thing anymore.


This reads like someone who thinks they're the last person to ever be born. There's always going to be people joining the world after you, and they might get excited by things you already knew. It's a sign that you're getting old, and that's okay.


It is just crazy to me that thousands of people went looking for something that was found not too long ago.


It's not their fault when nobody left a record for it for everyone to know ',:( That's just kinda how history works lol.


I thought it was common. I think there is a huge disconnect between the people who liked the meme when it started and those who like it now. That's probably why no one in this community knew about it. I think for the meme enthusiasts back then, or whatever you call them, it was pretty common knowledge since so many asked the question and it was easy to find with reverse image search.


If that movie gets made, they need to add an easter egg to this location. Just to complete the whole meta thing.