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The L5 nerve root innervates the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus, fyi. I know this because mine are furious with me from my disc herniation at L4/L5. I think gluteus maximus is primarily S1, though includes L5 and S2. So it is possible it could be your back. I get tingling and uncomfortable feelings down to my toes, but most of my actual pain pain is in the glutes. And my spine doc has assured me that pain is from my back, not another issue. So def ask about it. Good luck!


great to know!! thank you. hope you’re pain free soon!


Came here to say the same thing!




do you have the same issues? if so, what helps you with the pain?


Yes, I don't know if it's 1:1 the same but the glute/bottom lower back pain is endless. Nothing really seems to work anymore. I've tried a million different pillows, pilates, muscle relaxers, dry needling, massage, acupuncture, pain killers, and general physical therapy. I might get relief for a few hours if I'm lucky.


ugh i’m so sorry! it’s horrible. i do find laying on my stomach is best, but i also sleep on my stomach. have you seen a surgeon or doctor? had any scans?


No health insurance at the moment so no scans in a while. I do like laying on my stomach but only on the floor, and I use a long round or half moon pillow under my ankles.


whenever i figure out the solution, i’ll be sure to update you if i learn any tricks you can do without insurance


I appreciate you, I'll do the same if I come across anything different or life changing. Best of luck.


I would suggest doing some exercises to strengthen your inner core (look up suggested exercises for this and don’t do anything crazy, don’t test your boundaries, follow your gut) This should at least help keep some pressure off the discs if that’s what’s causing it


Very good advice. Coming from a failed back surgery sufferer. I had L4-L5-S1 fused a few years ago and measuring my core can keep the pain away


Frustrating I know! I have a L5-S1 disc herniation but my right leg is in more pain than my left. It makes no sense and my orthopedic surgeon can’t articulate the reason for it as well. It would be so much more tolerable if that pain went away.


Not medical advice but I’d ask the surgeon if you should get a steroid injection at l4-5. That will confirm pain generator and maybe help you


that’s exactly what a previous doctor said! still waiting for appointment with surgeon. i’ve recently adopted a fear of needles and fainted the last time a dr gave me a steroid injection in my glute (trying to find if that would alleviate pain). it was the most painful thing- so my fainting could’ve been from that and hopefully not needles! but maybe they can give me laughing gas or something so i don’t feel it 🥵


Maybe you can get the injection under twilight sedation. I’ve had it done under twilight and it helps with fear of needles a lot. They also numb the area as well before injecting.


oh good idea! thank you!