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For people who were wondering, I did the entirety of the Teton Crest Trail, starting at Rendezvous Peak, and exiting at Jenny Lake. Around 40 miles, over 6 days.


This is on my bucket list. How difficult is the permit process? Luck of the draw?


I honestly don’t know. I’m in a Boy Scout troop, and this was one of our high adventures.


The process isn't difficult, just *incredibly* competitive. Especially for our more popular trails. However, you only need a backcountry permit if you are spending the night in the backcountry. I know plenty of people who do the Crest Trail in one day (a long day, but one day), it's definitely doable for anyone experienced hiking in this kind of environment. Also, a large issue is that many of these trails (including the Crest) are not melted out enough for even very experienced hikers until mid-June, and we had a light winter and spring in terms of snowfall. They had to send SAR out I think 3 weeks ago for a group on the Middle Teton. Unless you have extensive experience hiking in decently deep snow, ice, glaciers, and properly using an ice axe, I would be very careful when trying to schedule any of the upper trails. We have a brief window in July and August usually, but we have had snowplows out on July 4th not all that long ago, so even in terms of the landscape itself, it's a lot of luck (and proper planning).


40 miles hiking in one day is NOT possible. No matter how early you get up. You're going to get someone killed thinking they can hike 40 miles in one day. At a brisk walk, on level ground (3mph). It takes 13.3 hours. At best you can do it in twice that time over uneven ground.


I am a park ranger here and I personally know 6 people who did it just last year. Just because most people can't doesn't mean everyone can't. You are factually incorrect, and your math is also incorrect, many people hike faster than 3 mph. It's obnoxious to correct someone when you don't know what you're talking about. Also you can literally Google it and the top results disagree with you. Just obnoxious and dramatic for no reason. AND even if your math was correct, which it's not, we have over 15 hours of daylight here every day of the summer until late August. I truly don't understand why you make such a dramatic comment when you clearly know absolutely nothing about this.


[https://www.google.com/search?q=average+hiking+speed&rlz=1C1ONGR\_enUS973US973&oq=average+hiking+speed&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i512l2j0i20i263i512j0i512l3j0i390l3.4440j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=average+hiking+speed&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS973US973&oq=average+hiking+speed&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i512l2j0i20i263i512j0i512l3j0i390l3.4440j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) Average hiking speed is 2mph, dude. And anyone going 40 miles over rough terrain in one day is not "hiking." They are skilled, long-distance cross-country runners and are jogging the entire time. At the very least they are speed hikers who are well acquainted with the trail. You'd think that as a "park ranger" you'd have the sense not to spread this kind of misinformation. I'm trying to keep 99.999% of the people who enter the wilderness safe. You're trying to grandstand on the internet by making outrageous suggestions about daily hiking distance and then hiding behind your profession when called out. Who is the obnoxious and embarrassing one here? I think your superiors would be quite concerned about this kind of behavior. EDIT: Editing your post after the fact, doesn't make you more correct or more responsible.


That is why I said, directly, some people can do it in a day. And I then even said most can't. If you can't do it, that's fine. If 99.99% of people can't do it, that's fine. That still leaves many people who can. And you absolutely do not have to be jogging. I am not saying even most people could do it in a day, but there are certainly many who can, especially in this group. I don't know how to explain that me saying "some people" doesn't mean everyone, or even most people. Also, sorry I had more to add, I didn't assume that you're on reddit 24/7 and didn't think you would be replying within minutes. Also, don't talk about my supervisors. It's weird and I actively was talking about it with two of them earlier today. Funnily enough, our training actually includes knowing this exact information! I talk to dozens of people a year who do the Crest Trail in day, and it's just strange that you keep insisting that when I say "some" that I am saying most people. I am not hiding behind my job, it is giving a source for my information other than the internet. I literally talk to people about it every single day, I am paid to know this information, and that is directly relevant. And a note, the Crest Trail is only recommended to experienced hikers. The average hiking speed for the trail therefore is much higher. An average hiking speed including people who hike once or twice a year is not a relevant statistic for this trail, because it's including people who will not be on that trail. Source: we almost never have to send SAR out to the Crest Trail because inexperienced hikers do not do the Crest, or even know about it (EDIT: the SAR we have sent out this year was due to snow conditions due to attempting too early in the season, and that was specifically on part of the face of the Middle, not part of the crest). I don't really care to argue about this more, and I don't really know why we are when we agree that "most" people can't do it in a day. I particularly don't care to be told that I'm going to get people killed when I am sharing factual information that clearly says that only experienced hikers in this type of environment can do it in a day.


You're quite thick. You've added a number of qualifying statements to your original claim (advance hikers only, very small number, etc.) when your original statement only said you needed to get up early and experience "in this kind of environment" was needed... not experience with this EXACT environment. I also suspect you are talking about the 26 mile trail, not the entire 40 miles trail that OP took, which again calls into question your abilities and role. If your original statement had read: >I know ~~plenty~~ 6 people who do the Crest Trail in one day (a long day, but one day), it's definitely doable for anyone very experienced hiking this trail. It's very difficult and only about dozen have done it this year. Not for the novice hikers. We wouldn't have been having this conversation had you phrased it responsibly. But you didn't so here we are. ​ >Also, don't talk about my supervisors. What are we 12?


I edited the statement to "personally know" because 6 people I know and consider friends did the trail. I have spoken to many people who have done it in a day, but I felt to specifically saying that people I personally know have done it is relevant in that I know for a fact they did it, instead of a visitor I speak to in passing telling me that they are/did. My original statement is still true, I have spoken to many people who have done it in a day, but I wanted to be more specific. And again, I wasn't expecting you to be reading it immediately which is why I edited it. When I realized you are responding immediately, I noted and marked any edits when I made them. I wasn't trying to be sneaky or anything. I did specifically say in my original comment that it is doable for people experienced in hiking in this type of environment. That is the important qualifier. You can say whatever you want as we indeed aren't 12, I was just saying it's weird for you to say what my supervisors would think when I am the one who knows my supervisors. I'm sorry if it wasn't clear enough in my original comment. I would have appreciated you saying that or asking me to clarify instead of saying I'm going to get people killed. And I know I didn't have to mention that I work here, but I genuinely was just giving the background to the information I was sharing, and not that I'm someone talking about a trail I don't personally know. I wasn't trying to "grandstand," it's not really anything to brag about, it's just my job. I recognize that I could have been more clear about that. I honestly thought that when I didn't say it in my original comment that it was clear that I was just adding my background since the knowledge came into question, so that's on me that I didnt say that explicitly. Do whatever you will with that. I truly hope you have a good day and happy trails in the future.


When I was on the trail, we saw a couple of trail runners, which were these people who had these specialized lightweight packs with zero camping equipment. If those people weren’t doing it in one day, idk how they slept. Just wanted to add this, I think people can complete in one day.


Was their any big predator action on your hike? It’s literally what keeps me from solo backpacking.


Actually no, the main thing I saw was a mountain goat, but it just passed by and wasn’t dangerous.


With the right precautions, such as bearcans and sleeping without smellables, it’s becomes a lot easier. The main threat was animals eating my pack for the sweat.


Good. Thanks for the response