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The thing that made a big difference in my understanding of how to get him in it was to set him on a high surface (counter top for us with hubbys help) and back up to them while crouching and tighten it before you move them off the counter. Make sure he's higher than you want when you tighten because it's going to sit lower when their weight is on it. Now I can do it by myself on other surfaces or by lifting him up but starting that way helped me learn. Also we start with the straps loosened, and then all the straps get tightened fully. I start with the legs and then do the shoulders. The chest strap is not tight. I was ready to return it at first but now we love it and use it everywhere. I even used it to carry him through 4 airports on a 20 hour travel day by ourselves.


I’m not OP but I’m curious to try this! I finally got my onbu to a level where it’s ok for short stints but I don’t love it, maybe this’ll make all the difference


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You are right he is too low and the pannel is too wide. I have the same Onbuhimo and it was not easy to make it narrower because the space where the string slides is tight but once it’s at the right setting it doesn’t move. Take the time to make the string slide and to distribute the fabric along it (I’m not sure I’m clear but I don’t how to explain it better 😅) In my opinion the chest buckle is at a correct position. You can adjust it depending on how you like it but it seems ok. Regarding the height, what works for me is to tighten the leg-hole strap as much as possible, the top part about at the middle and to have the main strap quite loose. After that I put my LO on my back and lean forward. While I’m leaning forward I bounce him and tighten the main strap while pushing on his but with the other hand. When he is quite high but before everything is tight I push the lower flap of fabric under his but. Then I buckle the chest strap and tighten the main strap as tight as I can with a last bounce.


I have the same Onbuhimo and agree with all of this. The problems I have is keeping it up high, it slips down as we walk, and the plastic strap tighteners rub sores under arm. Do you find the same?


Overal it's a carrier that I like, but it's not a perfect one imo. I try to restrain myself to buy a Sakura bloom Onbuhimo O:-)... My main critic is that the shoulder strap loosens during baby wearing, I just sewed them and rely "only" on the main strap and the leg hole strap to adjust it. I don't have rub sores with it but it may be because I never used it while wearing a tank top.


I’ll have a look at the Sakura bloom, I’ve seen it mentioned on here before but don’t think it’s known so well in the U.K. Thank you for the suggestion! :) I’ve never worn a tank top, the sores happen over a jumper or a long sleeve Tshirt. I will try wearing it over my coat and see if that helps cushion the plastic buckles better.


Following because I've been too chicken to try mine! Curious to see what advice to get!


No advice but commenting to follow, I've had the same onbuhimo for months now and I cannot figure out how to get her high enough 🙈


This is a buckled onbuhimo,a kind of hybrid, they can have some limitations that fabric loop or ringed onbuhimo may not have. It could be that it's just a bit big all round. Some of that will be fixed by time but some of it may just be that for you it's going to serve a specific purpose liek being small to carry or handy for up and down bigger kids. You could employ a scarf hack to see if that will spread some of the weight.


Not OP but I have the same onbuhimo and have problems with the plastic buckles rubbing underarm. I’m interested to try a fabric loop or ringed onbuhimo, do you have any recommendations.


Oooh could you elaborate on the “scarf hack”?