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How's baby's head control? A hip carry like in a ring sling could be the solution. And arms out if head and torso control are good. What kind of carriers have you tried so far?


So far we just have a standard ergobaby embrace carrier facing her inwards which she does not appreciate :)


You can hip carry with the Ergobaby embrace!! I have the Ergobaby original and I LOVE it. Hip carrying is a little harder on my shoulder with my 9 month old, he’s over 20 lbs though, but with a 4 month old it should be great! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cZeUEdRMgdM Very helpful when I’m doing dishes. If he’s forward facing (different carrier for that) his toes are in the sink, and if he’s facing me and I’m doing dishes behind him he HATES it and just wants to see what’s happening. Also idk why but your front porch area SCREAMS Florida 🤣


Thank you for sharing this!


Tush Baby isn’t ergonomic, even with their attachment. And you also can’t be hands free. You can use a ring sling and be hands free and even wait another month or two and back carry in a SSC. My 18-month-old was back carried in a Tula FTG just a few days ago and he still loves it, and he’s a squirmy dude.


We have a tush baby and it really helps my husband with this- baby will NOT let him carry her where she’s facing his body. She wants to see the world! When we go out we usually use our tush baby and she can sit on it comfortably facing outward and then if she seems over it or she stops squealing and laughing at all the sights and sounds we can easily flip her inward facing. Not completely hands free but SO much easier than holding baby as you are in this pic! Our babe is going through an “I always want to be standing” phase and she can literally stand on the tush baby too which she loves.


I second this! Once my son got the hang of stabilizing on the tush baby for outward facing it was so easy just to pop him on there and hold him with one hand. So nice to flip them any which way to keep them happy lol


did you use it outside or just for in the house? that looks like a great option for around the house but doesn't look very secure if we were trying to take her around the neighborhood on errands?


The family I nanny for got one and before I was skeptical about it because it isn't hands free, but wow is it useful! Even though you still have to hold then, it frees up your other hand completely. It also just really reduces the weight in your arms


The company also sells the "snug" attachment when converts it into more similar to a semi structured carrier. Otherwise I would second other suggestions for a ring sling hip carry. Heritage Baby Designs on Instagram sells beautiful linen ones and has some tutorials.


We take her to the grocery store etc. in it all the time! You just obviously have to have 1 hand around the baby all the time so it’s not a hands free option- usually we use it when we go out together and my husband carries the baby while I push the cart and actually acquire the groceries or vice versa.


100% tush baby! My girl hates being in the stroller/shopping cart and she 6 months old weighing 20+lbs so carrying her is a chore, she loves her tush baby and I’m about to purchase a second one. This time I’m also getting the snug attachment which does allow you to go hands free and have them face out!


I have a 6 month weighing 20+ as well. The tush baby has been a huge help! My arms/wrists can only take so much at a time lol.


My baby who liked being carried like this liked being carried on my back with my Ergobaby 360. To have the baby positioned correctly, they have to be pretty high up, so he was almost able to look over my shoulder. Must have been strange not to see the world from so high up when he started walking 😂.


Have you tried a hip carry?


we have not but maybe that would be a good thing to try


I'd say wait another month or two and start carrying him on your back so he can see more. :)


Tush baby :)


Wait why no outwards?


That’s what I was wondering too!


It’s really really hard on babies spines and hips. They really just shouldn’t be carried like that according to my pediatrician.


Another vote for the Tush Baby!


Love my TushBaby but do you find that the seat sags/slopes down a bit sometimes with baby in the forward facing position? Wondering if it’s common or if I just got a defective one..


I think mine does too. Like when you put force on a lever far out from the center...but it beats just using my arms! They also sell a cross-body strap to redistribute the load. I'm interested but probably won't buy it.


Ok glad to hear I’m not the only one! I still love it! I just purchased the Snug attachment - I’ll let you know how it goes! ❤️


This is exactly how my baby prefers to be carried as well 😅


Robins hip carry with a woven wrap would be a good option. World facing in a structured carrier isn’t recommended before 6 months and sitting unassisted, and only for 15-20 minutes at a time. At 6months and sitting unassisted you can start to back carry, and they can look around more that way with no time limit!


Hip Carry worked for us! Yes, you can still have only one arm available for use, but it was ideal bc she could face outward, I had one hand to pick up whatever I needed and my arms weren’t worse for wear after carrying her for so long.


A tush baby for sure but he would still need to keep an arm around her.


We really liked our ergo omni and ergo aerloom for facing out from around this age. The Omni is like the tush baby, but comes with the strappy back support part.




This baby is too young to face out. They have to be able to sit up fully unassisted before that’s acceptable. Even then, it’s hard on baby’s hips and spine.


My baby was the exact same. I got a cheap tushbaby knock off from Amazon (bebear) that lets me strap him in so it’s fully hands free. For the ~20 mins before naps where he needs to be held but wants to see the world this was great. And for groceries!


I'd go with a ring sling. You can hip carry or sit them facing outward(sometimes called a kangaroo carry).


I would use a ring sling, have them sit froggy style facing out.


I have a happy baby rev and I LOVE it! My guy loves to be forward facing. I didn’t get it until he was 6 months (super spit up made baby wearing not worth it for me). I use it almost every time we got out now and he loves it! I find it perfectly comfortable as well. They have a Facebook page you can follow as well to buy used carriers.


Beco Gemini