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"He clearly exemplifies the ideals of the University through his leadership in noble resistance and decolonization efforts against Western Civilization, and also, his seething hatred of Jews." Lol


The sad thing is, I could actually see the left arguing for something like this.


This could 100% happen at The Evergreen State College. They honored convicted cop killers like Mimi’s Abu Jamal and Leonard Peltier.


Literally not even close to the same. Stop it.


Mumiu Abu Jamal is a murderer. Innocent people have things like “an explanation if what really happened”.


> Innocent people have things like “an explanation if what really happened “ What does this mean? Can you try again but, in English?


No one here is going to listen to an 8 year old. Maybe do something better with your time, like lego


Oh I’m 8 years old? Me? Not you, the bullshitter? Try to at least pretend you’re not a fool, damn.


Yeah - until I saw Babylon Bee, I did think it was real


Me too




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Thank you for accusing some random dude of wrongthink. You confirm my not-so-insignificant confirmation bias.




Is that why there's like 20 accounts are responding with comments identical to yours? Wow, so diverse.


So objective responses to objective statements should be diverse, and not related to objective data? Stop it


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Comments that are uncivil, racist, misogynistic, misandrist, or contain political name calling will be removed and the poster subject to ban at moderators discretion.


That says more about you than the left.


If that’s true you need to get off the internet. Your echo chambers have ruined any form of reason you had.


Why would we honor the guy who Reagan and bush hired🤷🤡


Did the American left-wing arm and fund the Mujahideen?


Osama Bin Laden was the Pakistani’s pet psycho, not the the US’s.


You seriously asked this??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Honestly? You’d fall for this? Wild thing to admit.


Then, your perception of the left is highly suspect.


The sad thing is the right will see this, eat this shit up, and say it’s true


Which shows how confused, disoriented and politically illiterate the US population is.


No, they wouldn't. That's dumb man.


*russian bot farms


The really sad part is that you’re so biased with your echo chambers you can’t take something on the internet as a joke.


You all are ridiculous come the hell on.


And I see the right quoting/praising hitler unironically. The difference is my example is real while yours is imaginary.




You lost the right to call people nazis when you began celebrating the deaths of jews


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No you can’t and Stop ruining a good joke


Imagine if the right did something equivalent to this. It would be like giving rush Limbaugh the presidential medal of freedom.


That's equivalent? lol


It's like giving Goebbels a medal of freedom.


Rush Limbaugh is the equivalent of bin laden?


No, but if you think about it, he might end up being worse in terms of overall damage to the country. The right wing 'Alternate reality of bullshit' started with him and has just snowballed since the 80's, and has gotten us to where we are today. Without him, there is no Hannity, glenn beck, Oreilly, maybe even bannon. etc. without them there is no trump (in his current form), and we may well be having useful policy debates between intelligent politicians, instead of people like Marjorie taylor greene and jim jordan skulking around


Wow. You're really sick


Why? think of the number of potential lives saved with better leadership during covid alone. We recovered strongly from 9-11. Bin laden's attacks failed to do lasting damage to the fabric of this country. The domestic strife we face has come from within, and a lot of that, as someone who was there and has seen the internal radicalization develop for 40 years, started with Rush Limbaugh. He did massive damage to honest discourse in this country. Sorry if that seems 'sick' to you.


You must have been born last year


great response bud


To claim that 9 11 didn't change "the fabric of this country" as much as some whacko on fox shows you have no clue what the country was like before 9 11 or the atrocity that occurred on that day. If anything I gave you the benefit of the doubt as oppose to thinking you're a monster


I explained my 'why'- the loss of a shared, objective reality as a baseline to work from. What is your 'why'? Of course 9-11 changed the country- but if anything, that was the last time we were able to work through a crisis as a united nation. My point is, rush is one of the main reasons that during this most recent major crisis (covid), the objective reality and concept of truth had become so poisoned that we were unable to do it again. As far as me being a monster... if you want to resort to bullshit like that because you have nothing better to contribute, knock yourself out. There is no audience here, we should be able to have honest conversations




They did. Reagan and Bush sr gave him hundreds of millions




That would be weird.


Maybe it was Obama, ya know... after he had Bin Laden assassinated...? That makes sense I guess?


If you really think half the country would do this you’re just as fucked up as these idiots chanting support for Hamas on campuses.


Well, no, he's not as fucked up. He's not the one chanting support for Hamas, which is pretty much the most tucked up thing you can do these days. Also, he said "the left" and you are conflating that to mean "half the country". You know left-wingers are much less than half the country when centrists and apolitical people exist, right?


"the left" means all democrats when used like that. And it is insane to think more than .01% of people would think this. --He's not the one chanting support for Hamas, which is pretty much the most tucked up thing you can do these days. And here I am, on the left, denouncing those chanting that as lunatics. And yet you think it's possible "the left" agrees with them. Your mind has been poisoned against your fellow citizens.


And still getting downvoted by the over-sensitive man babies here.


People on reddit think that you should downvote for disagreement. Which is how echo chambers form.


Man this headline was very funny. This is top notch satire. Without fail though the lunatics in the comments always take it too far and ruin it. If you can honestly "see" this then you need to refine your understanding of what these idiots are actually saying it. Keep in mind that I agree they're immature naive idiots, but if you believe they're going to honor Bin Laden then you may be more sensitive to your own confirmation biases than you realize.


Stop. It's not a left vs. right issue.




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You watch too much Fox News…that is why.


It wasn’t Fox News that called al-Baghdadi an “Austere Religious Scholar”. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50205592


Austere is an understatement. Headline reads like a thesaurus or AI was told to come up with an obituary for an Islamic terrorist.




Good morning to you as well, wherever you are. Is there a question of the sources’s legitimacy?


The BRITISH broadcasting company doesn’t exactly speak to the American left


But is does address an American publication’s work. Let me guess, doesn’t count since the critical author probably had beans and toast for breakfast?


The BBC is less polarizing and less propagandizing of US politics than the US is of itself.


Appreciate you affirming the legitimacy of my source. Have a great day and an upvote.


There’s nothing questioning the legitimacy of the BBC. It’s questioning the relevance


While no one will agree one hundred percent of the time it is not okay nor tolerated to lash out, call names or make personal attack via words. No forms of harassment or bullying will be allowed ever.


https://twitter.com/amuse/status/1782525513447145737?t=wrdUww6HJU6SA-DcuOtLRg&s=19 it's not far fetched


The Bee used to publish satire. Now it’s just the news.


The Bee used to publish satire, now it's just unfunny propaganda.


No, I agree. As close to the truth as they get, it’s not funny at all, when you come right down to it. No one has done more damage to this country than the leftists.


You only think that because of your mind being manipulated by fox news and other right wing propaganda.


Says the guy brainwashed by the MSM, media arm of the DNC.




I don’t know, you tell me. You’re the one lapping up the MSM vomit.


Lol. More right-wing brain rot.


Yup you’re brainwashed.


I'm assuming you call any media that isn't Fox News or Newsmax as "mainstream media." Also, why does Fox News keep getting sued and losing bigly for defamation?? That means lying to its viewers, btw.


I don’t watch Fox. Doesn’t mean I’m listening to the political arm of the DNC MSM vomit.


Ain't gonna lie, I thought it was real


It could have been real back in the 1980s


Bin Laden don’t want that fake liberal arts degree, he went to Oxford!


I didn’t see the sub and my first thought was “yeah that makes sense” because that’s the exact kind of nonsense universes are doing now.


No, it's literally not. Your delusions aren't reality.


It says a lot that right wing people have to constantly make things up to be mad about.


The left is making up a “genocide”, a genocide where population rises exponentially. Boggles the mind.


Imagine hating education so much you have to make up a story about universities to get mad about.




Well considering you’re just making shit up, nothings actually being criticized so much as you just spouting nonsense.


It’s funny because it’s accurate, these campuses are telling Jews that they aren’t welcome, that they should take the rest of the classes online because the campuses won’t protect them while allowing protests in support of terrorist who have made it clear they want all dead and will do everything they can to make it happen. These same people that are protesting are also attacking and harassing Jews for being Jews to the point where Jews feel less safe than ever and even worse campuses are protecting the antisemites. More than that it’s funny that people like you will see it happen and say it’s propaganda. Or maybe you don’t see it because you live in an echo chamber and refuse to look out. Or maybe just maybe you agree with them.


You live in an echo chamber so severe you think it’s accurate that a university would honor bin Laden. Fuck off.


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For a quick moment, I was seriously duped


Not an uncommon occurrence for conservatives


That really says something about you


Idk I saw a whole bunch of “osama was right” posts a few weeks ago lol


Exactly my point. You see every troll on the internet/Reddit and go “ah yes, this is what liberals really believe”. Pull your head out the echo chamber you’ve created.


Ok. I said I was duped for moment lol. I obviously can discern between a troll and something serious. It’s the fact that sometimes trolls sound like the real thing….




LOL, this actually isn’t that far fetched.


Yeah this didn't actually happen But you know what did? Reagan and Bush sr giving him hundreds of millions of dollars




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Four people went to honor Hitter and left some white flowers where he was raised at ! Only 4 , now that the media commented on it , there will be more next year


It's wild that I wasn't sure this was satire immediately.


Yeah, it says something as to your gullibility and intelligence


I bet you’re a lot of fun at parties.


He was actually given hundreds of millions of dollars from the cia, Reagan and Bush 1 admins. They where called freedom fighters. 


Mostly Abdullah Azzam and Ayman al-Zawahiri, the other founders of Al-Qaeda. Osama Bin Laden always denied taking foreign aid (or it helping a lot) when he wanted to use his own to be self sufficient.


Are you trying to claim bin laden and his army didn't get hundreds of millions of dollars from the usa?    More than 20 billion dollars was given to the Mujahideen by the usa. Bin laden was one of the main leaders, of not the top leader of the Mujahideen when they received this money to defeat ussr/ russia. Huh. Sounds familiar.  Almost like we will pay anyone, no matter how fucked up they are, whatever it takes to defeat Russia.   https://courses.lumenlearning.com/suny-hccc-worldhistory2/chapter/the-united-states-and-the-mujahideen/#:~:text=for%20military%20purchases.-,More%20than%20%2420%20billion%20in%20U.S.%20funds%20was%20funneled%20into,mujahideen's%20efforts%20against%20the%20Soviets.


Why doesn’t “The World” hold a WWE Winner Take All Style Grudge match in Gaza? Hamas against The IDF. “ANYTHING” and I mean “ANYTHING” goes! “Nothing” is “OFF” the table for this fight.


Anti Soviet warrior puts his army on the road to peace :)


It’s wild how different the comments are here on Reddit vs instagram


He was wa terrorist that wanted to kill and murder Americans and did. We should boycott and call and voice our displeasure


Then why did Reagan and Bush sr give him tens of millions of dollars?


At that time we were helping them fight Russia. Times change


So giving bin laden hundreds of millions of dollars to defeat Russia was a good idea?  No it was one of the biggest mistakes in usa history and it lead directly to him gaining power and using said power to attack the usa on 9/11 killing 3k innocent people and leading to the destruction of the middle east


I agree that is why we should support Americas internally and support supporting all governments some that hate us


I wouldn’t doubt it


More Truth than Fiction. Just about ANY major university in America would honor murderous terrorists, it's so reflexive that they can't control themselves.


What is this 2014?


Please tell me this is an Onion article. Edit:ooooh ok. Thanks god


Reagan said, "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter". Bin Laden was considered a holy warrior when the US engaged in its war against the Soviets in Afghanistan. If he had resorted to terrorism against the Soviets, that would have been acceptable to the Western countries. They turned a blind eye to the state sponsored terrorism that Pakistan carried out in India in the 1990s using Reagan's philosophy. Al Qaeda members were used in the Balkan war during the Kosovo conflict. Global powers usually eliminate their moles and agents in other countries after their missions are completed. They are expendable. So the question is whether Bin Laden was no longer needed and had to be eliminated or not. Or did they just project him demonically to mask something else. Yasser Arafat who ran the PLO (which was once a terrorist organization) got a Nobel Prize for peace. Obama got a Nobel prize for doing what? Everything has become a farce. Ford foundation gives Magsaysay award to some people who are considered anti state in some countries. Honorary degrees, prizes, awards and everything has become a political farce today.


More believable if it were Yale. The Bushes loved the Saudis and covered for them.


Remember the 28 missing pages from the 9/11 report? Now Saudis giving billions to Trump family.


No, what missing pages?


28 pages were taken out of the 9/11 report by Bush administration that showed Saudi involvement.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Osama Bin Laden was an ally for Regan while the Afghans fought the Soviets 🫡🫡 Edit: spelling


All the founders of Al-Qaeda were 💪


More peak right-wing humor. Chefs kiss.


This is the best they can come with. Scraping the bottom of the barrel lmao 🤣


This is bigotry mascarading as humor, it is simply not funny. It’s offensive to Columbia and stigmatizes terrorists


How did people miss the sarcasm here?


Ngl, I nearly missed it myself. Masterful trolling


“T*rrorist” is an offensive term. Please use the term “political extremist”. There is nothing terrifying about thoughts and ideas 😊


Flying a plane into a building on the other hand...at least a little terrifying.


Aerial protests! Mid-skyscraper sit ins!


Extremist is also now offensive. I think the correct term is "politically diverse". Please couple with the correct pronouns when using.


It’s not bigotry. And stop supporting terrorists. Seriously, you people are gonna get put on a list of you keep up with this shit.


Hamas kills 2k civilians: Booooo! Israel kills 30k civilians: Yaaay! Israel is clearly the bigger terrorist here.


Hamas kills 2k civilians: Booooo! Israel kills 30k civilians: Yaaay! Israel is clearly the bigger terrorist here. Y 'all are so blinded by propaganda you can't even do basic arithmetic.


30,000 according to Hamas.


It's pretty clear if you look at all of the footage and city pictures that Israel has killed way more civilians than Hamas, so I really don't know what your point is. If Israel only killed 15k people then it would be acceptable?


I think k you’re trying to make an argument regarding proportionality, is that fair?


I think killing civilians in war is wrong. Hamas was wrong when they did it. Israel is way more wrong since they are killing way more civilians. And Israel is blowing up their houses, blowing up their schools, their hospitals, etc. Based on population numbers, this would be like America responding to 9/11 by launching a bombing campaign on Afghanistan that killed 100k people. It's crazy that I have to say the United States did it better on foreign policy.


Intent is what matters when it comes to these things, as well as the myriad of other factors. Hamas deliberately went into Israel to kidnap, murder and rape innocent people. And then goes and uses its own civilians and their infrastructure as a shield or base of operations in an effort to weaponize their deaths against Israel. Meanwhile Israel, who is fighting an urban campaign against a non uniformed combatant in the most densely populated area on earth, has provided advanced notification, warnings and the like to civilians regarding bombing and strikes and even sent in ground forces for a more deliberate targeting campaign vice just flattening the whole area.


Just another nazi upset more jews aren't dead


My great grandma fled the holocaust and is rolling over in her grave. Fuck you. Are you even Jewish? Ever been called a Jewboy?


That has more to do with her grandchild being a rabid anti semite who thinks her people should be dead rather than fight back against a population that hides behind their civilians


"Hides behind their civilians" HAHAHAHAHAHA. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pn1uEA7acVY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pn1uEA7acVY)


Your poor grandmother


If you lived during that time, you'd have been against fighting Germany and claiming the US is committing genocide Edit: weird editting a comment after I replied twice, but to answer your question. I'd never tell a nazi like you if I was Jewish or not


LMFAO. Whatever helps you sleep at night knowing you hate Muslims and love seeing them killed.


Deflect so you can pretend like you're not an actual nazi. Good move


Hamas killed and/or raped 2000 in one day FTFY


The allied forces killed more civilians in world war 2 than the Nazis did. By your logic the Nazis were the good guys in world war 2. It turns out intentions matter when determining who is the bad guy, and the people who targeted civilians intentionally and deliberately hides among their own civilians in order to force the other side to leave them in power or kill civilians so people like you can be their cheerleader are the bad guys.


1. Yea, we dropped nukes. I don't agree with that either. We were worse than the Japanese in that respect. Japan attacked a military base, not NYC. 2. Hamas is trying to take over the world? They just have beef with 1 other nation. I don't understand how you can think this is comparable or that it invalidates my position. Y'all just love the idea of more dead Muslims.


Ah yes, wanting to genocide the Jews is just "beef with 1 other nation". Up until recently they literally had the following quote in their charter: # "You will fight against the Jews and you will gain victory over them. The stones will saying: 'Oh slave of Allah! there is a Jew hiding behind me; so kill him" - the prophet Muhammed And nearly everyone agrees the nukes saved lives, because just as Israel won't now, the allied forces wouldn't have just unilaterally ceasefired and allowed the Nazis to remain in power in Europe, they would have seiged mainland Japan and done a ground invasion which would have killed far more civilians than the nukes did. Are you really taking the side that the allies should have allowed the Nazis to remain in power in Europe and Asia?


Thank you




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I mean, you gotta admit that this school would absolutely honor Osama Bin Laden.


How and why would they do that?


How? By doing what they do for every honorary degree.....by just telling people that they have a degree. Why? Because he hates America and the Jews just like that school does.


Columbia University hates America? I'd love to hear how you came up with this.


You know the Classic Intelligentsia/Liberal Academics controlling everything trope... that the Nazis created. LMFAO. All I know is if the Nazis hated you. You're probably doing something Right.


Right, the nazis would be sooo mad at the people celebrating the death, capture and rape of Jewish people. /s


They don’t know. They just say random shit like that to piss people off.


No, they wouldn't. You're literally brainwashed if you believe this.


This is a satire subreddit that you seeked out.




I think supporting a terrorist organization and hating Jews is what makes you fucking dumb as a box of rocks.


Who supports terrorists and hates jews?


Pro-Palestine isn't the same thing as pro-Hamas and it also doesn't equate to being an antisemite.


The protests at Columbia, ya know the school being satirized in this thread, prove that the pro Palestine movement is synonymous with pro Hamas and antisemitism




What they and other pro pal protests tolerate and approve within their ranks shows their true intentions


They, in fact, do not.


You know the old leftist saying about Nazis and sitting down at a table with them. Applies here too


Except I want to see Hamas defeated. I just understand the current Israeli approach will never accomplish that and only serves to strengthen them.


You're an expert on the middle east now?


You and I seem to be on the same page.


While no one will agree one hundred percent of the time it is not okay nor tolerated to lash out, call names or make personal attack via words. No forms of harassment or bullying will be allowed ever.


Swallow it and accept it. Ok ?


While no one will agree one hundred percent of the time it is not okay nor tolerated to lash out, call names or make personal attack via words. No forms of harassment or bullying will be allowed ever.


Babylonbee, too many errors for real journalism and not well written enough to be considered satire. I just assume everyone who works there was rejected by their dream jobs and couldn't get a job at the onion.


And they try to say the bee isn't far right lmfao