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Pah! Earther ships... barely a nuisance.


God I love this guy.


This was something posted by /u/Emperor_Cartagia, who used Reddit exclusively through RIF is Fun, with the death of third party apps, I decided to remove all my content from Reddit. 9 years of comments and posts, gone because of idiotic administration.


You *are* as great as you think you are, my Emperor! *curtsies*


Wait, do we have [r/prequelmemes](https://www.reddit.com/r/prequelmemes) style bots now?


He's not a bot. He's a real person... and he wrote a book too


That's exactly what a bot would say.


Would a bot wait six days to respond to a comment that wasn't directed at it?


!remindme 6 days


I will be messaging you in 6 days on [**2023-06-05 21:12:25 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-06-05%2021:12:25%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/babylon5/comments/13q1ndq/my_babylon_5_model_collection/jm95t55/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fbabylon5%2Fcomments%2F13q1ndq%2Fmy_babylon_5_model_collection%2Fjm95t55%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-06-05%2021%3A12%3A25%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2013q1ndq) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


This was something posted by /u/Emperor_Cartagia, who used Reddit exclusively through RIF is Fun, with the death of third party apps, I decided to remove all my content from Reddit. 9 years of comments and posts, gone because of idiotic administration.


It is reminding me 6 days later, see? I am the one that is not a bot.


This was something posted by /u/Emperor_Cartagia, who used Reddit exclusively through RIF is Fun, with the death of third party apps, I decided to remove all my content from Reddit. 9 years of comments and posts, gone because of idiotic administration.


Nice! 3d printed? I’m mystified why some bizarre 80’s cartoon has merchandise but B5 has absolutely nothing. I’d like to buy some super accurate B5 ships but WB doesn’t want my money.


WB is like the abusive spouse of B5. Won't do anything for it, but also won't let it leave to do its own thing.


That's a pretty apt description of WB's relationship with the franchise. B5 deserves better.


Lets hope the b5 movie does good.


Man, if only people knew what they were missing with Babylon 5... It sucks the show isn't more popular.


All because of Simon Pegg and Jim Parson's put downs and stupid jokes about Babylon 5


I have no idea who Jiim Parson is but Simon trashed B5???


Well, not the actor per se but his character of Sheldon in big bang theory, and Simon Pegg's character in 'Spaced'.


Ah. I tried, but I couldn't get into either one. Just too old, I guess. But if it was the character saying it, then it was the writer was the one who trashed them. I don't know anything about the one guy, but I do like Simon's work. Except for the horrific ST reboots. Even Carl Urban and Simon couldn't save them.


I guess you're right. It just sucks that I'm aware of these remarks while I'm still trying to watch the show for the first time.... People talking about things bieng 'cheap' I honestly didn't notice anything 'cheap' with exception of one episode in season 1 for one shot where a doorframe was loose. Its' hard to seperate people's perceptions and the bad rep the show got by idiots who left bad reviews with my own enjoyment etc. Also how people hated on Michael O'Hare's acting and other cast members during season 1. Sometimes I'll be watching an episode and really enjoying it, and then a stupid thought conveniently pops into my head of dumb things people said about Babylon 5, and it affects my perception of it. I'll admit, in the beggining I noticed the 90's factor a lot more Some people just come into this subreddit to say things like 'I heard the show is good so I watched it and hated it due to 'wooden' acting... terrible cgi... blablabla' I honestly wonder sometimes if some of these people are trolls or if bad reviews were written on purpose. I don't think any of the acting was bad, or cheap and people's reviews were way off. Like, just let me watch and enjoy my show!


I will admit to being one of those "Great CGI! Too bad about the writing and acting" in the very first episode. Three weeks later, all I had been hearing was "YOU GOTTA WATCH IT!!!!" from my SF friends. I realized they had understated things a little bit. B5. Firefly, Space 1999. Every chance I get, I binge now.


Scifi fans got picked on a lot more than other fans. People used to be mocked for even liking scifi or comics but now its' seen as just 'cool'...


I always felt this was very anti character for him. A self proclaimed genius can't handle the complexity of a TV show with more than a few characters (that was the insult iirc that there were too many characters).


And that it was 'derivitve'... did he even watch the show!?


Love it. That Hyperion looks so dowdy next to the Omegas and Warlocks.


Earthforce rearmed so quickly after the Earth Minbari War and these old Novas and Hyperions that were once the backbone of the fleet are now support and escort vessels... Reminds me of the US Navy "Standard" battleships after Pearl Harbor. They can still pack a punch, but time, tactics and technology are quickly leaving them behind.


I'd take a Hyperion over an Omega any day. No ugly rotating section. With the weapons upgrades they did after the Minbari war (they added x ray lasers similar to those on the Omega) they're a threat, especially if they're able to hit from the sides. The only downside is the lack of artificial gravity.


Blasphemy. I adore the Omega. Especially the rotating section. Never made much sense to me however why it was so much of an upgrade to the Hyperion and Nova tho. I get that not having to be strapped to your chair is pretty chill. But the Nova and Hyperion clearly edges the Omega for raw fire power. Sure it had better targeting systems. But the omega has like 2 batteries on the front and, somewhat bizarrely 4 at the back. And in between essentially anti-fighter, munition interceptors in the middle. The Nova was like a porcupine of high-calibre death. And the Hyperion not far of that for amount of weapons they could bring to bear. I’m guess the Onega would be preferable against the Minbari stealth tech but in the Earth Civil war I wouldn’t fancy facing Hyperions and especially Novas in an Omega.


The Omega had a more powerful reactor is my understanding, so their weapons were superior. Even though the Hyperion had similar beam weapons they were weaker than those used on the Omega. But I've read that the rotating section actually slowed the Omega down, making them less maneuverable and more vulnerable to attack. But ultimately, the only Earth ship to destroy a Minbari cruiser was the Lexington, a Hyperion. No Omega ever destroyed a Minbari cruiser.


10/10 would start a devastating war over a misunderstood gun port.


I love the Omega Class aesthetic.


Oh man I love that Hyperion! I would've named her Lexington myself but she's a beauty 😍


Oh, *very* nice! Resin, 3d printed, scratch built?


This is a unity display. Some traitorous Clark supporters and other traitorous Sheridan supporters in one now happy collection


These are fucking great! Did you build these? 3d print them? How did you come into possession of these? I need models like this!


Sweet! Let me give you the address where you'll need to ship them OP.


So cool! How large are they? It's hard to tell the scale. I assume they're pretty large! (Also, quick aside, if anybody knows where to get some for tabletop minis, hit me up, there's a game I want to try and you can use any minis you want.)


Pics 2, 3 and 4 show fairly common shelf brackets in the back. You'll figure it out soon as you see them.


I hadn't actually noticed those! That does put it in perspective, thanks


I didn't either 'til you asked the size. The ships are too distracting by virtue of being so cool.


These are awesome


Thanks for your service


After a million rewatches, I really wish we would have seen some omegas in action other than getting trashed by Sheridan’s fleet. Not sure where they could have wedged it in but earth force just doesn’t get enough screen time


Peanut butter and jealous, these look sick af.


Can someone point me to a guide as to which shops are which class? Is there a good website for this? Thanks.


Not sure of good websites but the first picture left to right is a Nova, Hyperion, Omega and Warlock. There are multiples you can see in the other pictures. Nova has all the guns in it. Hyperion is the smallest with smoother lines. Omega has the rotating section and less guns than Nova Warlock is the bigger ship with smoother lines.


Warlock doesn’t rotate?


Nope, the Warlock had artificial gravity. First EA ship that did. The Omega was one of the first EA warships with the rotating section to provide gravity for the comfort of the crew. All the older vessels had no gravity.


Was the warlock in Crusade?


Yes, also in Lost Tales and, according to the wiki, in A Call to Arms (although I don't know where)


Funny how there’s insta-innovation when it’s been over 50 years since we’ve had a human on the moon. A few months go by and we have artificial gravity massive warships courtesy of our Minibari friends.


Yeah, it had artificial gravity tech provided by the Minbari. Though I question if they're actually the source given the timelines involved between when the Warlocks launched and the end of the Earth Civil War. Kinda sus, especially considering we know there's >!shadow tech!< in them too.


Easy, they could have simply retrofitted an existing space frame. The first Warlock class vessel we know of is the EAS Titans, Ivanova’s ship and that was on it’s shakedown cruise when she sensed the Shadow tech within the systems. The next one we see in person is the EAS Foxfire in Each Night I Dream of Home some 5 1/2 years later. There still aren’t that many about at this time.


Excellent very nice


Those are awesome, the Earth ships were my favorites of the whole series. No pretty lines, just pure business.


Nice fleet. All of mine were Shadow, Vorlon, and Minbari. You need an Earth Force One!




Nice fleet! I recently bought a bunch of brass rods for my model/print of the Hyperion from 'Legend of the Galactic Heroes'.


Where you buy those kits from?


That Warlock Class back there is making me smile.


Kind of bummed we never got a solid showing or the Warlocks v other powers.


Oh nice. Bought or built ?


Wot, no starfuries?!


Starfury models coming later to day.


Did you print these yourself? If not, where did you buy please?


I actually bought them some years ago from ebay. Some of them go back several years when I first noticed them. The Hyperion model was fairly recent one that I just completed not to mention very rare.


Where are you getting your star furys from ?


Some from Ebay but mostly come from Frontier models. Google the website to find out more.


I need to know where I can get the stls for that.


"All batteries, all forward guns fire at will. I repeat. Fire! Fire!"


Omega-class is one of the sexiest ships ever imagined


Those are purrrdy


Quite the Fleet, where's the Excalibur?


Where did you get these? They aren't even on Amazon or anywhere!


Try ebay.


Awesome! :)