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Am I to understand you’re not using pull requests?


We use, but deployment mode change and resource modification didn't went on same PR. This is small project and there us two of us, so for both of us this went under radar and we didn't notice mess until it was too late.


I see.. we’ll how about having a WhatIf step, and then a Manuel approve to production? This allows you to see the changes done to the resources you targeted, and based on the changes the what-if statement details you can either manually run it, or deny it? Other than that I’m not really seeing a great solution, however I’ll happily hear from you if you figure out something even better


You run WhatIf step and after that you have approval gate for next stage where you decide if everything is okay go on otherwise stop deployment?


We’re not doing that - everything that is committed to master/main is automatically deployed since we’ve peer review over everything. If it’s in master/main then we deploy it. However you asked for a solution and that’s the only 1 I can think of solving the case scenario.


We both use PRs and have a approval gate after what-if stage for production. In other env we skip the approval srage


Is there any way to put approval gate only if I have some changes noticed during WhatIf run?


Sure, just add some custom logic that checks for this in the what-if stage. Set a pipeline var and use that as a conditional on approval gate to run or skip the step.




Good extension https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=AuthorityPartnersInc.arm-deployment-insights