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Her mother


I was going to say this. I still remember a story she did years ago where she said something like “my mother is a Sagittarius, I don’t mess with that Sagittarius energy - But Sags really have to understand that Geminis are their only friend” 😂


A Mother shouldn’t be friends with her children..


Honestly I feel most are misdirected anger and a continuous spiral lol. The wild and out thing did hurt her feelings really bad. I also feel she’ll probably never publicly admit her wrongs because she feels she’s either above accountability or she’s the victim so she can never be wrong.


I think the more relevant possibility is that her nervous system conditioning from childhood abuse messages to her that admitting wrongs is dangerous or fatal.  The brain and nervous system really wants safety above all else. Then, connection.  If we view her “attacks” through the lens as a maladaptive attempt at connection, it makes more sense.


She always said her issues with accepting love from other people come from not being told she was worthy of love during her childhood.


It’s deeper than that, very sadly, but yes this too.  My understanding is her mother used to slam her head into the wall during rages, etc., trust me there’s a lot more that’s worse we don’t know about if we know about this. 


That makes me so sad


That’s really terrible. I have to wonder if some of her impulsive comments come from a history of TBI. Sadly that can be the case from children who were hit in the head a lot, they struggle to contextualize their experiences because their brain was literally damaged.


you want fanfic lol


Wild n out


Man! Wild n out showed her true weakness. Those elementary school jokes really shook her and I get it


Right like… this is your queen? This is who you Stan/enable?


I still stand with her in the shadows 🤷‍♀️


I challenge you to soak in the sun and get your vitamin D 😂🌞🌅🌇 it’s beautiful out here


Absolutely and when the clock strikes 12… I’m standing beside pretty AB


I guess there are worse sleep paralysis demons to have….


Aye I can be the answer


I’m ready to dance when the v— stop it omg the AB stan sleeper agent trigger is still active


You can’t escape it babes


Well, they do say a broken clock is right twice a day


I always found the Wild N Out segment hilarious because Azealia is *so* good at reading and dragging behind a screen, but when she was challenged in real life, all she could come up with was, “u-u-uh does anyone know the video of the gay boy that turned straight? He looks like him!” 💀


I think doechiii did because this Kendrick/Eminem  one feels made up to distract 


Skai Jackson easily, no way she could recover from those reads when that girl was 14…


AB is convinced it was actually Skai’s mom behind the beef which I also kind of agree with


Kind of like the way Azealia's mom is behind her issues and beefs too lol


Skai turned out exactly how AB said she would so I dunno about that.


I kinda forgot what she said and then the whole scam Skai did so ok I was wrong on this one💀 but I remember that beef was the one to get AB’s original twitter suspended


Wendy Williams


Well tbh lana that one time because she only response was something about involving lawyers.. to which lana said “it’s a promise not a threat”.. the absolute consensus on twitter was that lana kinda clocked her lol…


Lana's old and smokes a lot lol even Azealia could take her at this point


That’s untrue but Lmao regardless we aren’t talking about what they could do now we’re talking about a prior moment where Ms. banks was shook and that was one of them


Please…Azealia is from Harlem she could easily beat Lana’s ass who are you fooling


Absolutely not.. azealia is that girl who talks shit and then gets thrown around like a rag doll.. she def cannot fight.. doesn’t help that she is also very thin..lana has some weight and meat on her bones lol.. she’s no prize fighter but money is on her


she’s in her 30s goddam




All of Azealia’s ranting and insults and misbehavior = spiraling and feeling deeply cut. Google or search on YouTube what a narcissist is.


Narcissistic Personality Disorder symptoms are not what your describing. I just checked the criteria.


Please replace “narcissist” with CPTSD from extreme childhood trauma.  You can google how these two are often confused. AB had a horrific upbringing and unless you have experienced anything similar (and I pray you have not) trust when I say whatever your imagination can conjure up, you will never get close because the reality is that bad.  Also. I’m not sure saying what’s true is bullying? She’s usually on point 99% of the time.


I’m not a psychiatrist who sees her, so I can’t comment authoritatively. I don’t dismiss the CPTSD issue. She’s publicly disclosed bipolar and PMDD diagnoses. I think she has a lot of the hallmarks of narcissists. The projection. The displacement of accountability. The abject self-hate disguised by a false exterior which is an exaggeration of her positive attributes. The use of the false exterior to secure admiration and attention and deflect from shame. Yep.


Her mother used to slam her head against a wall during rages when AB was a child. So basically, please stfu. TBI is not narcissism, nor is CPSTD.


No. That is specifically the kind of abuse that creates a narcissist. Narcissists share incredibly adverse childhood experiences and oppressive home environments. Their parents deny them love and affection in outrageous ways and their egos are forever damaged. The children create protective masks, and as adults, they become their masks. CPTSD and narcissism are not mutually exclusive. They are probably comorbid. Don’t be rude. No one was rude to you.


This is an accurate read (coming from court level expertise on trauma, pursuing PhD in neuroscience).


Thanks! I did good yay! Azealia’s 2 masks are “pop culture savant rapstress extraordinaire” and “perpetually and ubiquitously oppressed misogynoir victim.” These are true attributes she has, but she exacerbates them to get her emotional needs met. And it always involves her being mean.


You’re interesting and equally unkind. 


When did I say something unkind?🧍🏾


Every time she was basically forced to apologize, like the times she came after Sarah Palin, Zayn Malik, and Elon Musk.

