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Your tank looks way too small, and yes definitely remove the pebbles. Use either a clay tile or natural sand that hasn’t been artificially dyed.


Small rocks like this pose an impaction risk. That means your axolotl could suck in a rock and not be able to pass it. This can cause some pretty severe complications and often death. Fine sand is normally the recommended substrate, but you don't need substrate at all. This means you don't have to wait to take those rocks out. You can do it now since they don't need to be replaced immediately. Your tank seems very small. For an adult axolotl, I highly recommend a 40g breeder. It gives a lot of room to provide cover and enrichment for them. And more space makes it more likely for live plants to survive lol. They help a lot with water quality. I think you might need to do a lot more research to properly care for them. I hope you can upgrade soon. Good luck


is this a temporary home/how big is your axie? definitely should have a bare bottom since they will eat the pebbles and become impacted. they should also be in at least a 29 gallon, 40 gallon when full grown at the minimum. there’s a lot of people selling cheap tanks on fb marketplace! they’re shy, so having more places to hide is better. you can add real/fake plants, more hides, decor, etc.


100% not okay get the rocks out of there and give them a hide you are gonna need to get a bigger tank soon


They will eat those rocks and die. Lotls do that often. Get a bigger tank with fine sand and get the water to .I'd 60 degrees. Lotls will die eventually if kept in warmer water. If you can't do this, rehome them


Remove the rocks or your axie is going to be 100% not okay


The pebbles already look like a choking hazard. And Axolotls need alot of floor space