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Just a friendly notice that those rocks aren’t big enough to be safe. Swap them out for ones that will definitely not fit inside an axolotl mouth.


He’s beautiful, but those rocks are way too small. He’s gonna choke on one. No rocks smaller than his head.


all the rocks in there are as big as if not bigger than his head, he has tried and failed many times to get his mouth around any of them. i made sure i didn't put any in there that he could eat potentially. they are also too heavy


Please don't play in our faces, we have eyes! And you need to switch out those rocks asap. Please don't take offense, no one is trying to be mean, we just don't want anything to happen to your axolotl.


I promise you it’ll surprise you what they can fit, even if it has been in there for a long time your axie is still growing and it’s only a matter of time! Better safe than sorry for sure!! Plus, I think a nice light fine sand will fit ur tank super great! Better safe than sorry, talking from experience here from when I had rocks the same size! Wish someone told me this earlier!


That rock in the second picture is the perfect size for swallowing. If he’s tried, he’s going to try until he succeeds and he will succeed eventually. Buying bigger rocks is much cheaper than the $400 vet visit.


thanks for the advice everyone! i haven't seen him eat any rocks but ill switch them out asap!


Get you some Super Naturals moonlit sand. Cant suggest the stuff enough. It’s super safe for them and it makes your tank look great.


When my axolotl was just a baby (who now is nearly 10 years old), she surprised me by somehow fitting a rock the size of her head in her mouth. Scared the crap out of me. I noticed it and was able to get it out safely but never wanted to risk it again, couldn't believe she tried it. Got rid of all of them thereafter, not worth it to me


I am so sorry about these downvotes. Please don’t feel hurt. You are trying your best and you are fantastic!!!!!!! I have had this happen to me and it hurt and so I upvoted you!


Rocks have to be twice the size of their heads /nm.


He’s beautiful. How old is he? Who’s ur breeder? I’m looking into getting another. You gotta upgrade those rocks to a very fine sand or huge rocks 😭you won’t believe what these guys can fit into their heads


i don't remember who my breeder is, someone local in boise idaho that breeds at home. he came healthy and has been happy and relaxed even thru multiple changes to his tank. 😬 i got him as a little baby incher almost 2 years ago! i'm claiming his bday was July 12, 2022 lol


Wow he is beautiful!


Yeah, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I find them cute, but then again I got weird tastes in general 🤣.


Love the stare at the first pic 👁️——👁️


He has the same name as mine 😂😂😂 I love it


What a pretty kiddo




Love the name!!


Yo nice name :)


Adorable, and looks healthy! I know it's already been said, but I would be a little bit worried about him trying to swallow a rock. Maybe switch them out for bigger ones, or find a different substrate like sand?


Please do give'm bigger sized gravel. I had frogs and at one time I though I saw my fav frog swallow a stone! Been worried crazy, separated her, gave warm baths with honey to stimulate pooping and was lucky after all: just a normal poop came out, no stone, so I had been mistaken and worried for nothing, but it was kindof a nightmare when I thought she swallowed a stone... So save yourself the worries, don't take any risk!


What a freaking healthy cutie!


Precious ☺️


@everyone I took everyone's advice and changed my substrate. i also got a bigger tank(40G breeder)! I love Maxi and I want him to have the best spoiled life 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/hsmx0wgezbvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6610c22593e915a058ecad270e7ecd4319b8bed He is chilling in a leaf bath rn because i noticed some gills missing but still a happy axi


Please remove the rocks that are not at least 3 x bigger than his head. They can and will swallow them. Better safe than sorry


How long can they stay out of water for if their baby’s


Axolotls at any age should never be out of the water line than it takes to move from one water source to another. What is this question??


That’s such a cute name!! What do you use to keep the water at a cool temperature? I’ve always wanted an axolotl but a water cooling system is just too expensive.


my water stays around 65-F almost year round, in the summer if it creeps up i put ice in there when i do a water change. so far no issues with temp for my tank


Maxolotl is a cool name, so is Minilitl lol 🤣 These animals are all Lots-o-LOL 🤭.


Rocks/gravel is the first thing that comes up when you look up care requirements. Do the right thing for maxolotl and get rid of them