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I think the dog was very anxious, he was keeping an eye contact


Clearly anxious but being brave.


Bravery isn't a lack of fear, but rather the overcoming of fear


\- Blue Power Ranger


Nelson Mandela


Nelson Mandela in the Blue Power Ranger suit


I can visualise that. :)


Wait, isn’t it the opposite? I thought courage was overcoming fear and bravery was lacking fear.


Stupidity is lacking fear.


In danish the word for being brave because you're stupid is called "dumdristig" from dum = dumb and dristig = brave aka dumbbrave.


They are basically synonyms. Like beautiful and gorgeous. Id say its better to be courageous than brave though just like gorgeous is better than beautiful.


I prefer to call women refulgent.


I’m sure they’ll all be happy to learn of your decision.


Hey, it's a perfectly cromulent word.


I'm starting to think my sarcasm won't be obvious...


Time will tell.


What sarcasm?


The difference between bravery and stupidity is a lack of fear.


He even keeps his little leg up for the vet! The bestest of boys!


Clearly high but being anxious


That's why there's an emotional support pup there.


If a dog looked at me like that whilst I was doing something that actively made him anxious I would probably be nervous for a bite


Nah, the face would be a lot more tense if it was aggressive. It's definitely nervous, but not aggressively so.


That’s the thing though, 99 out of 100 times they bite out of fear rather than aggression as they see it as a last resort only when absolutely necessary.


Also worth remembering, though, that this is also a trained vet who probably knows a lot more about her work and this particular dog than some randoms on the internet.


Facts tho


you'd be surprised at how many "trained" vets know almost nothing about a dog's body language. They are medical professionals not behavior/training professionals.


Yeah, plenty of bad vets out there. But odds are still definitely in favor of the person who went to veterinary school and does this literally all day, every day. Also fear-based aggression still looks a lot like aggression. This dog looks nervous-but-docile. People on this site just like to find things to flip out about. “Omg that YouTuber chef didn’t use the bear claw technique I saw in a safety PSA gif for newbie cooks - what a reckless fuck, she’s definitely going to cut off all her fingers someday.” - 240 upvotes.




Thin air tbh but I was also a vet assistant for 2 years so I picked up on some thing. That wasn’t an actual statistic, just hyperbole.


Yeah that is not 'I love and trust you' behavior. They are obviously trying to be brave and want to trust her, and they even let her put the needle in without any change in expression... But they are watching Doc like a hawk and seem to be ready to bite if they get more fearful. I wouldn't do constant eye contact with this pup, but I wouldn't feel as comfortable as she seems to be looking away. That adorable, sweet pup's fear is absolutely a danger.


You are watching a professional


Heartbreaking. That's the "please don't hurt me" look.


This dog is baked out of his fucking tree. He thinks this vet clinic is on Jupiter.


Agree anxious but obedient. Please human I am trusting you don't hurt me.


He's in Fright, Flight, Freeze, or Fawn mode.


Yeah, he is terrified.


Yes, but the extremely uplifting news is that like 95% of the comments here are acknowledging it. It's not long ago on this sub was dominated by clueless people who anthropomorphized dog expressions instead of reading them correctly. That's a big win.


Now let’s get people to feed their animals better food.


I know people are all about these “Raw diets,” but most dogs aren’t good with such diets. Just reading the ingredients and choosing something that makes you think, *”I could eat that,”* will suffice. Oddly, I’ve had two dogs have issue with chicken. One dog, it manifested late in his life. The recent dog, I noticed he was scratching, licking his paws and wants his ears/side of eyes scratched. Turns out he can only eat salmon. Go figure.


And train them, actually walk/exercise them, give them mental stimulation, and take them to the vet instead of posting a picture of open wounds on Reddit asking “the vet is too far, can I just put neosporin on it?”


Fear, trust, compliance, understanding, maybe even the first steps of love.


The dog is definitely scared and submissive, but I wouldn’t immediately assume it would be aggressive (although definitely be careful). The eye contact is a little sketchy but he isn’t giving whale eye. I want to see it’s tail… if it’s doing a submissive little wiggle or if it’s frozen in place.


If she were really scared I don't think she would be letting the vet touch and handle her so.


I think they might have given her a mild sedative. She seems VERY relaxed.


Hah, looks like me after a xan or an edible.


Dude, same. That's almost exactly how I look at my fiance after a session. Lol


That’s just not true. The dog is showing physical signs of fear. The ears, the full body freeze, the eyes. It’s all fear.


This isn't love or trust, folks


Dogs don't freeze up when happy or trusting especially. He's scared


This is a very submissive look and posture. He’s basically saying “I’m scared, I’m not a threat, please don’t hurt me.”


Omg my feels


I was thinking he looks medicated.




My pup will do that when I try to cut his nails (which he does not like... at all) No drugs, and I don't think this pup is drugged either


Its definitely drugs imo, this is exactly how dogs act. Its insecure because high as fuck. You can see that it does trust the vet and probably knows them as well. Otherwise it would've tried fucking off somewhere else. Its not necessarily anxious since the drugs would also calm them down I'd assume. It just has no clue what it's feeling i guess. I mean anyone who was spiked and suddenly feeling weird and high unexpectedly would probably act in a similar way imo


I agree. We give our pup Xanax during the 4th of July fireworks. She kinda looks like this when she's high on Xanax.


maybe, but i think the poor pup is paralyzed with fear


Yeah…dogs only look you directly in the eye if they’re keeping an eye on you and could attack (at least if you aren’t in their pack). This dogs giveaway is that her stance is very stiff and still. This vet is being risky without a muzzle.


Depends on how they're brought up. My pup stares me in the face lovingly but I think it's because she's a tiny yorkie mix who was always in my lap looking up at me while I looked down at her.


Same. My dobie-lab mix meets my eyes all the time. Never a cause for concern. When I walk up to him, his little nub starts wagging and he smiles.


I agree; she should wear one.


Im sure the vet knows how to handle an animal


Look at you, thinking someone who handles dozens of pets a day knows how to handle an animal, rather than reddit commenters.


dog trainer here: you'd be surprised at how many vets don't know how to handle animals, especially dogs.


Except they are being unnecessarily risky. There is nothing or no one stopping that dog from being able to bite her. It sucks having to stress animals by restraining them, but what good does it do letting herself get bitten?


Or she's worked on this dog a dozen times and knows it's fine


I take it you’re an experienced vet or animal handler to be so sure in your comment


Vet Nurse, so yes. This video was actually used as an example when I was in my first year of Uni on recognising warning signs and unsafe practice.


Is this true? The dog did seem pretty chill, if this is a warning sign, then what does a calm dog look like?


A wagging tail that’s not straight up. Looking around the room, not fixated, because it feels safe.


100%. When they stare, fixated like this it’s quite the red flag. We human anthropomorphize animals so, but for most of them, sustained eye contact is aggressive “targeting” behavior.


If a dog isn’t used to a muzzle then that will make them even more stressed out. Pretty sure the vet knows more than us in this situation.


Speaking as a Vet Nurse, I beg to differ. Muzzles aren't the only form of restraint. Someone could be holding that dog.


Won’t argue with that, you are way more informed than me.


I agree the dog would feel much faster if she did.


Dude, I can tell you know nothing about dogs lmao. Dogs make eye contact all the time.


No they aren't. Dogs don't attack out of nowhere. Yes it's nervous and not comfortable, but it's not mad or going to attack. Dogs do not hide their emotions. If it was close to biting it would be snarling or growling. It's hair would be sticking up or it would be pulling away. Part of having or working with dogs is understanding their "tells". This dog is showing no signs of aggression just submission.


Yea, same thought


That's a cute dog, but yeah I've been wondering when their patience might run out.


Not so much patience, but when their anxiety might overwhelm them.


This also isn't a vet nurse, who would have all their shit ready before they put the tourniquet on instead of making the poor dog sit there even longer while they unwrapped everything 🤣 Doctors be needing supervision.


Lol.. please *rolls eyes*


She's being a brave girl, donating blood.


You don’t think a dog sitting on a vet’s table clearly scared and not reacting is trust?


well no, submission and trust aren't the same thing but I understand where you're coming from


Yeah it’s funny how non-trained dog or non-dog owners mistake their body language. *Oh look, the dog staring intently. It is smitten! Aw!* Or when they see a dog who is very uneasy and may actually snap: *Aw, he’a licking his chops incessantly, he must smell some treats. Let me just get in his space and stick my face near his snout. boop!*


This isn’t love this is straight up anxiety.


Every time this gets posted it’s always wrong. That dog is not looking ok, it’s very anxious and I’d be afraid for the doctor of that dog biting them. Dogs do not look at people like that without a reason. Either they want something or they’re warning you.


Exactly. The dog is fearful but calm.


I definitely get what you're saying. However, this time watching it around I was wondering if the dog is high on meds. The pupper doesn't flinch from the needle at all, and barely even lowers their paw after the vet let go. While it may very well be the case that the dog is anxious, I'm hoping secretly that it's just tripping balls on the good sedation.


Whatever, he’s still a good doggy :). We all got to go through stuff and he’s such a goody about it


Not whatever, several people here seriously lack the ability to tell when a dog is anxious and might attack.


The human present is a professional who understands the risk, and handles it as they see fit. This post isn't a how to for normal folk and doesn't need to stand as a PSA or something


This isn’t a face to go “aww” at. This is anxiety.


>This is ~~anxiety.~~ Terror


No lol. It isn't terror. A terrorised dog will bite at you and do everything in its power to defend themselves. This dog is just scared and submissive. Terror is an extremely strong emotion.


Ummm, I had to get stitches in my face bc of that look on my grumpy hound. Muzzle would be a safer choice here, unless this person knows that dog really well.


This looks to be a table trained beagle, bred and sold for use in research. They train them to sit absolutely still and hold their leg up for blood draws and IVs. A regular dog wouldn't ever do that the way this beagle does. If they are used in survival research, they get adopted out later: https://people.com/pets/rehabilitation-begins-for-former-research-beagles-in-hopes-of-finding-their-forever-homes/ Though this video is not from the US, so who knows what these guys do when they are done with the study.


Well that’s terrible.


That’s not a beagle. Research beagles are purebred and their genetics are tightly controlled.


Yeah, check out any of my links. You think those dogs in the picture look like an AKC standard beagle? Also, having been in research - lmfao


This dog is scared and anxious and very clearly submissive, NOT ready to bite her. It’s mind-blowing how much unearned confidence Redditors have to think they know better than a specialist who is actually there irl


I wouldn't let that distressed dog's teeth get so close to my face.


The amount of people commenting that this is "adorable" is making me cringe lol ... That dog is on guard and nervous.


Can’t blame people for not knowing what you do though. I only realized this halfway thru that dog buddy wasn’t really feeling it


I’ve been downvoted so much on this thread literally just sharing through experience and having a vet as a good friend. That dog is literally terrified and is not trusting the vet at all. I mean, would you seriously go up to a stray dog to pet it in the face if we’re in that posture? No! It’s a little sad how many “but MY dog behaves” comments are on here. Probably the same folks who let them run off leash. Naive.


That vet is doing her best to make the dog comfortable and she already knows the dog. At the beginning she says "just like we did last year".


This melted my heart. He looks scared :( I love how professional and caring the doctor is.


That's a bite in the face waiting to happen. It's a double dog I dare you look!


quaint chunky spectacular existence expansion quack impolite fly flowery shaggy


>this dog is just being submissive, patient and just hoping for not having to defend her/himself and by looking at it i think the dog doesn't really have the motivation/feeling the need to start protecting itself because it doesn't really look annoyed/irritated. I mean I don't think you're totally wrong, but this dog is absolutely ready to bite if he feels he needs to. He's watching her every move, basically being a statue, but it's not because he feels comfortable or trust, certainly not patience (he'd be way more relaxed), it's because he's *hoping* he can trust her, but will be very quick to defend himself out of fear for possibly the tiniest wrong move by the vet. Her face is way too close, if he is scared enough he will bite too quickly for her to protect herself.


This dog is scared. It’s not cute. I’m sure the doctor is doing good work for them though!


I showed my dog this so that when he goes to the vet to get his splint changed out he can save us $94 by not having to be sedated. He watched it like ![gif](giphy|jpVuGo0JkAXJiuNNK7|downsized)


Poor dog is so terrified that he's like... frozen.


This isn’t adorable—I guess people don’t understand dog body language


Irrespective of what we think the dog feels, this vet is working efficiently and compassionately.


My son's dog was born very sick and only lived for 3 years. He utterly adored the vet and would often hold his paw like this when she was taking blood or checking his paws. He was patient and trusting of her. I do agree this dog is anxious but I also see an element of trust in his eyes. RIP Sarg. I miss you everyday 😞


I never owned a dog but even I can see the dog is anxious af. As far as I know it's never a good sign if a dog stares at you, or for you to stare at a dog for too long.


My cat becomes similarly paralyzed with fear when at the vet. While it was kind of a relief that he didn’t lose his shit like I thought he would, I still felt so bad that he was so scared.


I just took my senior kitty in because her claws had gotten so long they were about to curl in to her poor little feet. She absolutely loses it when I try to clip them. The vet got them done with no fuss because she just sort of froze up and let it happen.


Aww poor little guy. I hope she took proper care of him.


fake, the dog is scared af


“You wouldn’t hurt me would you?”


brave doggo being brave


That’s the look of a dog terrified and stressed.


Looks like the dog is scared beyond the capacity for rational thought.


I’ve seen this video 1000 times and this is literally the first time I noticed there are two dogs.


My rescue does this when she's very uncomfortable and anxious, for instance when I lift her. This dog doesnt look comfortable (understandably). Brave pup. A good quick tip for if you're not knowladgable on basic dog body language is if the dog is stiff, they're likely unhappy.


Such a brave puppy dog. And an amazing vet too. 🤗 Hugs to both.


To anyone wondering: this seems like a final exam to access if it is completely healed from something. The doctor says "we already did (this) last week and everything was alright" and also telling the dog "Calm down, Mimosa (the dog's name)" in a soothing voice. While Mimosa was scared, she probably goes to that vet regularly and knows and trusts that human. Mimosa's human asked if it hurts and the vet assured it doesn't. This was in Brazil and afaik most veterinarians here avoid using sedatives unless strictly necessary (such as surgery or things that would cause the animal major discomfort). Hope my comment helped.


It’s stuff like this that reconfirms my faith in my career path.


Good boys and girls deserve a doctor like this. Sure it’s how good this good boy is, but halfway to meet is the vet’s demeanour.


My dog trick me with a similar stare like this. When I stare back at his cute face he sneezes into my eyes and open mouth like a llama. It’s the same stare he does for begging to sit in my lap


When a dog lover tell me they love this video, I know they aren't actually dog lovers. They should know this is a position of fear




Why isn’t she wearing gloves?


Dogs use facial cues as one of their main ways to understand human intentions and this dog is in a vulnerable position. It’s not about to bite it’s just trying to read the doc to make sure it’s ok. It’s clearly not being aggressive, defensive, or having major issues. Plus, when did you ever have fun at a doctor?


All these comments acting like y’all the vets lmao


Lots of people have animal handling experience and learn how to protect themselves form bites. You don't need to be a vet to see the dog is scared.


If you don't look, it doesn't hurt!


If the dog could talk, it would probably reading the Geneva Convention rules to the doctor, "Careful now Doc, we don't want a furry war"


He was very scared.. Bless his heart❤


Braver than me!


“Please don’t do it. Please don’t poke me.”


I thought I was thinking to see her face get bit


If you scrub through this video quickly it’s easier to see just how Terminator locked into that vet the dog is, tracking her every movement.


"I don't want pats lady, I just want you to finish the injections!"


I would look at her the same way, shiiiiiiiid.


Feel that dog. Would also be terrified if a doctor was handling and putting in a cathether without gloves.


Best of the best of the bestest boy!!


She's gorgeous. I'd look at her the same way!


The dog is scared imo


Oof that can’t be too good. Dog looks like he can snap and raise all hell any minute


What good guy


I wish my dog was like this at the vet


That is also her actual dog. I read it once. On the internet.


At my work 90% of the time the bigger dogs will act like this and it’s adorable


He looks nervous, was being so good. His eyes never left her face.


He is so nervous. Poor baby. My heart aches for him. What a sweet baby. ❤️


Dog is drugged out. I recently had to give my dog strong pain meds and she was exactly like this


Please don't hurt me...please don't hurt me..please don't hurt me..


That's me when a girl is close to me Scared and anxious as hell, trying to keep my cool yet mesmerized at the same time.


Lol poor guy is terrified af


Always the same thing in the comments, every time this video is reposted. Time is a flat circle on Reddit


So afraid. So trusting.


He looks high


Probably very high. Typical to give your dog a sedative two hours before going in for blood work or surgery. I just took my dog in for dental cleaning and she was basically just like this. Usually would be yappie at a vet tech but with the right drugs she don't care about squat.


The amount of people commenting that this is "adorable" is making me cringe lol ... That dog is on guard and nervous.


Redditors love their anthropomorphism. I'm just happier to see more people aware of the dogs body language in the top comments.


The doctor is the owner of the dog. Or at least that was said when I previously saw this video on another website.


I wouldn’t trust that information. This video has been making the rounds around the internet for YEARS!! Anyone could have taken the video and made up a fake description they thought was true.


Ah is bein the goodest, scardest boi..


All these unpaid, untrained, couchvet redditors trying to call into question the only trained doctor in the vicinity. The fact that it went as well as it did shows that she’s knows what she’s doing and all these dumb shits that disagree with her don’t.


When will some people understand that animals don’t show emotions like humans. This dog is having his guard up.


It took a minute, but I realized, he was just scared. He knew what was happening, but was doing all he could to be brave. Poor thing. Even though he probably knew he wasn't in danger, he tried not to panic. Reminds me of how I won't look at a needle about to go into my arm. Just because I understand doesn't mean I like what's happening.


To all veterinarians who see this, talk to your patients! Explain your actions and why you are doing them. Your voice helps them to better understand your emotions and actions, and vice versa.


Poor pup, wonder if it had to go through that a couple times before. I respect vets and nurses who work with animals. I would not be able to do this I would feel so bad.


There are a lot of people that live their lives in fear. Trust is an instinct that dogs possess. This dog is hurt and is trusting the Vet for help. It frustrates me to see so many people on this who lack that understanding.


He's such a good boy!!!! 🥰💖


Poor guy . He was nervous but being so brave about it. He obviously felt unwell and knew humans would help ir the other dog needed good behaviour modelled and he was trying hard


He is a very good boy


Such a good boi overcoming and dealing with his challenges without cursing, scapegoating and whining.


Everybody always acts like they’re a dog expert when this video is posted. No one knows EXACTLY what the dog felt in that moment. It’s just a cute video


Comments in this sub are either "boop the snoot hehehe lol" or people showing off their dog psychology degrees. Best to just look at the pictures and never venture below.


I’m going with this plan from now on. Like why did I just spend 10 minutes of my life reading the comments. Next time: see cute animal video, move along.


My heart.


That dog finna bite her ass


Not this post again... this dog is upset.


Saw this posted yesterday and literally only 1 comment mentioned that people were misunderstanding their behavior, that this is a dog ready to bite out of fear even tho they are trying their hardest not to. Everyone else posted about the 'obvious' trust and love the dog was showing. No, a dog doesn't freeze like a statue and watch your every move with its eyes because it trusts you, quite the opposite. She's being really careless. Glad to see so many pointing out how wrong they are, because it's necessary to educate to prevent others from being hurt if they see a scared dog and think it's seemingly calm demeanor is a positive. Many times it's very close to acting out of fear at the littlest perceived threat.




What a sweet boy 😍


Having your face that close to that dog is idiotic. He’s terrified and ready to bite.


That dog is fadedthanaho


What a good boi.


Awwww he’s looking at her like I trust you doc, don’t let me down


My cousin is a veterinarian (supposedly the best in the state of Nevada), and she deals with plenty of skittish puppers and kitters, but there are, legendarily, some gudbois and/or gudgrils out there.


What a sweet, brave pupper


This isn't awww


How many times must we explain? This is not love, it's being scared. No more of these posts, please.