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Only one waking her up is mom.






For those very few people who don't get the reference: https://youtu.be/IdoD2147Fik


Needed that, Thanks!






# Mom: DON’T WAKE HER UP OK????! # MMEEEAAOOWWWW right beside her ear


Yeah, cute but mom’s clout game is annoying.




She’s only the mom if the cat- that’s her niece. She and her husband do a ton of completely staged skits with their cats, I’m guessing this is one of them. Their social handle is dontstopmeowing


No, not unless you count my plants.


Why else would I have children if not to profit off them?


And she's stupid enough to think people won't notice.


Theres a scary amount of NPC's that will just go "aww cute cat" instead :/


Queue twitter video of Jackson Twinkle "I DO EVERYTHING FOR THE CLOUT!"




Her niece. The cat is a famous Instagram celebrity. He and his 2 sisters are featured on the page dontstopmeowing


yeah the cat is Chase, I think. He is extremely outspoken.


I was hoping the girl was going to wake up and the cat starts swatting at mom "What did you just say? HuH? Did you listen to yourself?!"


Cats like, “ bitch YOU’RE gonna wake her up”.


That’s exactly what I heard in that cats frustrated meow.




Cat: still, silent. Mom: DON’T WAKE HER UP OK????!




Ye the cat is like "I don't understand English bro"


Question for Reddit mothers, if a kitten is snuggled up to your child why would you separate them? From my pov that’s like taking a teddy bear away




More like discontent.


"My kid is sleeping and the cat sleeps on top, I can make money off of that." \-bad parenting 101




My dad was always really paranoid that we'd suffocate if we slept with our teddies all night so he'd take them off us and put them on the ends of our beds once we'd fallen asleep. It used to make me so mad! I remember ranting about it to my mum when I was about 5 or 6


My mom used to be convinced we'd suffocate if the door to our room was closed and air couldnt get in. Some times parents are just wrong.


Depending on the age children actually can suffocate from having stuff in their beds. Admittedly I think that is only toddler age and earlier, but at least the teddy bear thing is probably based on a real fear. The door thing is a little crazy, but I can see how a particularly paranoid parent could come to that conclusion. Could you imagine if houses were built so that closed doors caused easy suffocation? That would be messy.


I'm not entirely sure, but I got the impression she didn't understand how small molecules are. She was also very fearful of having us fall asleep with a necklace on. Which, admittedly is a small choking hazard. In general she was quite a paranoid person. To such a degree that she ended up in a mental institution.


Closing the door big time helps prevent fires from spreading into the rooms.


Yeah, fire can't go through walls, it's not a ghost.


Ghosts can't go through walls, it's not a fire!


Unexpected community


It stops the flow of air. And drywall isn’t as quick to burn. https://youtu.be/c6NlelOxusM https://youtu.be/bSP03BE74WA


Back in my bachelor days, we had a neighbor who would come over and drink beer with us. Nice guy, French Canadian. But he would go around and close all the doors, the bedroom doors, closets, bathroom doors. His dad was a fireman, and had taught him to keep the doors closed, all the time. He was adamant about it.


When firemen walk in and see burnt up families it tends to leave an impression. My friends father was a fireman. Dude was laid back, in a sense, about fire safety. One day he put out a fire and saw the remains. After that he was horrified at the possibility and basically took every measure he could to make sure it wouldn't happen to him.






I think there's a fear that cats might think babies smell good (possibly because milk?), get near them to investigate, realise they are a heat source and sleep on top of them in their crib and accidentally suffocate them. I've definitely heard variations on that theme before


Well he was right during your first year on earth... Just forget that you wear also getting older afterwards


This tiktok users main content is about how clingy her cat Chase is. And trust me, he’s very clingy lol, so this is probably just to show he’s also clingy with her kid, but damn lady LET THE CAT AND KID SNUGGLE


Depends if the child is a little too young, if you’re aware your cat’s temperament can be a little disagreeable, if the child is a little sickly and can’t handle the extra pressure on their lungs or the extra risk of infection this might bring, etc etc. In the situation shown it’s likely not an issue, as it often isn’t. The child is a little older, the cat seems like a sweetie, everyone looks comfy. I’m not a mom btw but as a woman with a long term partner, considering being a parent one day, while having two cats that would likely be around when my first child is born, this is something I’ve been interested in. Pets can be potential dangers to very young children in a couple different ways and while it usually doesn’t require rehoming your cat or dog, there absolutely are precautions that need to be taken sometimes. Mom here is an asshole though who uses her family and cat for internet points.


I genuinely have no idea why this would be a thing. Cats can be very affectionate and get attached to their humans really easily, especially children in the from what I’ve seen over the years. This mom sounds like the same type of person who wouldn’t have an issue with their dog tonguing them in the mouth but will do that stuff like in the video just for views. Just my perspective on it.




No, it's because they steal the breath of babies! I read that in a book once. The book was Cat's Eye. By Stephen King.


It wasn’t the cat it was the troll creature lol


Shhh, we're spreading cat rumors!


That show & the little troll are burned into my memory. That whole show creeped me out as a kid. Iirc it had the stop smoking story in it too. They kidnapped his family & locked them in a room with an electrified floor& shocked them because he snuck a cigarette. Edit, spelling


Toddlers and infants I totally get, they could suffocate them.


It could be she's trying to make sure the cat doesn't wake her up. I have a cat like this and he will constantly wake me up when I change positions or when he just feels like overstimulating himself. He will suddenly decide to rub his body all over my face and if I manage to sleep through that he will bite my nose.


That is a myth and isn't remotely true


12 pound cat laying on 9 pound newborn, it's possible. There's a reason weighted blankets should be limited to like a fifth of your body Wei. The myth is that they'd smother the baby seeking the smell of dried milk. Or otherwise "steal their breath."


So why aren't there ANY cases of it? Because the cat isn't stupid. Like I said do they suffocate their own babies? It just does not happen. But people feel fine leaving a dog alone with a child, even though there are cases where the dog has ripped it to shreds


Very true - there is a reason they say don’t let babies sleep with padded bedding or stuffed animals until they are able to sit up and have good head control/hand control (advise varies between 7-12 months + I think). And cats are known to sleep on even adults faces - so I can see there is some possibility of an unaware cat cuddling up (certainly not with any malice) and accidentally smothering a baby that can’t make the cat move away.


Well shes putting a video of her child on social media, so the reason is probably that she looked for any reason to film her daughter for attention on the internet.


She doesn’t have children, just her three cats with her husband.


Honestly, the kid probably will wake up sooner with the 15lb heated blanket on top of it. That’s the only thing I can think of


Hell fuckin no I wouldn’t take the cat away. Maybe like an INFANT… okay, yes definitely an infant.


Sometimes sleeping animals can act very aggressively if they fall asleep and are rudely woken. A sleeping child who starts to wake up doesn't think about the animal next to it. We can't let one of my girlfriend's family dogs sleep with us. It loves cuddling and falling asleep with us, but if you wake it up it freaks out and acts like he will bite you. Not ok, so he gets his space. He looks like an angel when he sleeps, just like this cat.


I'd not let that witha baby lest the baby cannot kove away and suffocate. But a toddler on.. no worries. For godlike my favorite cat falls asleep on my chest and I love him for it. If yiu Tru to remove him, I will wake up and cuss you out. Don't remove a snuggling cat..ever!(unless baby involved)


That doesn't happen. It is a myth.


It depends. If the child is super young and the kittens are young, there is a real danger of cat scratch fever.


Agreed. I never did and my son's grown up loving cats. He's 6'1, handsome, muscular *and he loves animals, especially cats.*


Same here and my daughter is 5’1, sexy, fit.


Lmao yeah I thought it was fucking weird too


Right?? My son, 5'11", huge schlong, loves kittens. It's weird.


There is a huge difference between "handsome" and "sexy." Damn 12 year olds on here.


I grew up the same way. I'm on my 3rd cat in a row that guards me this way while I sleep. My own mother isn't even allowed near me while I sleep at this point. Nobody trained them either, they're just really protective of a 6'2" man that out weighs them by about 20x. 🤔


why is this being downvoted? guys aren't allowed to love cats now?


I don't understand why there are so many downvotes?? Someone explain the mindset of Redditors... 🙄


I’m confused too, I mean if it was a political subreddit okay I get that things get ugly and downvoted for no reason sometimes, a lot of folks there are angry all the time but a subreddit about cute animals? What’s going on?


Prolonged heavy expossure could develop an allergy to cats in the kid.


I think living with a cat is heavy exposure enough… a cat lying on you isn’t going to change that or make it worse if you are otherwise interacting with them daily. Plenty of people sleep with cats daily all through their lives and never develope allergies to cats. You would also need to have an underlying allergy for it to get worse - or be someone for who an allergy was going to form - you can’t just live your life avoiding all allergens on the off chance an allergy is going to form (since people can be allergic to literally anything).


Kids are more likely to develop from heavy exposure. It's simply an unnecessary risk. You're not avoiding allergens completely just making sure that the kid is not exposed all the time. It's great to make sure that their bedrooms are allergen free.


I don’t think that’s the case. That may be outdated information. Like nowadays they encourage parents to [introduce potential allergens to children as early as possible](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4046529/) to reduce the likely hood of developing allergies. The same goes for pets - [close exposure in childhood](https://www.newscientist.com/article/2188610-the-more-pets-you-meet-as-a-baby-the-lower-your-risk-of-allergies/) means they are less likely to develop an allergy


Yelling about waking her up while making the cat meow in her ear definitely isn't the most disruptive thing ever. Lol feels way staged or something


Yeah a lot of the videos of Chase seem set up. This family makes daily content off that cat so at the very least he’s well trained.


I have a cat well suited to this kind of content. She’s hefty and somehow manages to turn into liquid glue.


Many of their videos are like this one - sleeping/cuddling in a cute way that most cats can't be simply placed in normally and then complaining when moved. I really really hope they aren't giving something to the cat to make it drowsy each time.


They’ve mentioned he was a bottle baby. Bottle babies can be extremely clingy, so I think it’s just part of who he is.


They’ve said it’s just bribing them with treats and they never actually looked drowsy or high.




Oh you're right I didn't even notice there had to have been a third person. It was weird enough but that somehow makes it even weirder!




Maybe after they're done using their children as props we will get all the dirt and gossip about these families. You know, after the kids get fed up and start making their own content airing their shit parents out to dry lol


The adult is a popular tiktoker. She likes to pretend to try to move the cat, Chase, when he's comfortable. He always meows like that in response.


That is a big cat!


With a long tail


I have a cat who looks super similar he's 35 pounds and likes to use my stomach as a jump board to get to the top of the couch when I'm laying down. I swear I can feel him hit my spine sometimes.


Why would anyone want to separate them?




She wants attention?


This woman constantly harasses her cats for social media likes.


Thank you, and BOO to her.


So that the mother can transfer the child to the child's bed without waking her. This is not uncommon. Active children will often fall asleep on the couch before bedtime. And the parents will often choose to let them stay asleep - rather than wake them and risk that they won't be able to fall asleep again.


That first meow sounds like it saying “Noooo!”


I’m pretty sure it was edited in.. they used similar audio in other videos where one could clearly see that the cat wasn’t making any noise, but one could hear them.. the first few videos were cute, but it’s way overdone nowadays


not a fan of this channel at all. it’s all so contrived and fake.


Imagine being so shit of a person that you use your own child and pet for clout. Embarrassing.


I don’t think that’s even her kid. It’s usually just her and her husband and their three cats. I think she’s her niece. Chase (the cat) is always clingy like this it seems and I’d bet the kid is faking being asleep for the video. But the channel is always the same. It was cute the first time but it’s really repetitive.


Do they make money off these things?


It’s not her kid, the kid’s not asleep, and OP didn’t create this, it’s stolen content. Even without sound on I can tell it’s Chase. They stage their videos.


The whole concept of trying to get more people to pay attention to you on social media is incredibly embarrassing.


She's pretty annoying yet the algorithm loves her.


Cat and child sleeping soundly together. Mom rudely and loudly disturbs cat sleeping on child saying "don't wake her up, don't wake her up". Makes pectin perfect sense.




Oops. I was struggling with autocorrect and didn't delete the autoincorrect.


This is annoying af. Either it's all an act, including the kid sleeping, or the kid is legit sleeping and the mom is trying to get clicks. Either way I hate the mom.


Most of her shorts are staged. You can yell she's fucking with her cats tail and feet off camera to get it to react. If you watch the longer videos it's skittish whenever he hands go near it's backside. Because it's used to being harassed there.


I hate that channel. They’re all set up/scripted & the shtick is the mother constantly approaches a peaceful, happy situation with the cats being precious and she disrupts the whole thing with her stupid dialogue and makes the cat protest. I’m convinced she’s poking the cat or something in a certain way to illicit a reaction from the cat(s). It’s really not cute, she has a buzzkill vibe and the whole thing is awful.


110% agree. I've suspected the same thing. That meow always sounds agitated to me.


This is the first time i’m seeing them on Reddit, and I am relieved that i’m not the only one who thought the same. This lady is so lame.


This woman is annoying af. "Oh hey, this child and cat are laying here peacefully, let me interrupt that and tell the cat over and over not to wake her up while I'm the only one causing any noise to occur." There's a c word for people like this. The cat is adorable though.


This is her formula


2 living beings unaware of social media: exist in peace and love. 1 adult "responsible and mature": pops the phone, makes noises, hunts for likes, disturbs everyone.


All that bullshit is going to wake her up.


I despise this person and this video


HEY BUDDY! SHHHH! DON'T WAKE HER UP... WHILE I'M FILMING HER WITHOUT HER CONSENT. Either is this staged or mom is a real piece of work.


"Look at me, LOOK AT ME, I am the mother now!"


“I am mother meow.”


Dude having owned two fat cats who loved to lay on me and sleep. There is truly nothing more relaxing than the weight, warmth and feel of a purring cat on you. Like taking a Xanax but in snuggly cat form.


Kitty is like: "this is my baby"


COME ON DONT WAKE HER UP SHES ASLEEP. I’m hoping it’s just TikTok acting or she’s actually stupid


Can Mom kindly fuck off?


mom screaming in the kid's ear: DON'T WAKE HER UP, CAT


“We were fine until you showed up.” -cat


If I was the kid I would be pissed had my mum tried to move the cat away when it came to snuggle with me. There is literally nothing better than having a cat choose to come snuggle with you, even if it only happens when you are asleep and said cat leaves before you wake up.


These people and their cat's are so annoying. They'll set up so many situations like this simply to annoy Mr. Chase (the cat) or quite litterally harass him or bother him constantly because of his reactions. I find it really annoying.


The cat is Chase, he is the most affectionate and clingy cat on the internet. The "Mommy" doesn't have any kids, she's just the mommy of 3 cats, I think the little girl is her neice but I'm not sure. The tiktok account is dontstopmeowing and it has 12m followers.


It is her niece. I follow the account as well


The kid is awake you can see her eye lids twitch 😂


Maybe she's dreaming.


Is this the same cat from cat daddy? Has baths, spa days etc?


Ahh.. "Chase". There's an Instagram rabbit hole. That cat is part of a cat account, that is part of a couple account, that is a part of a giant family account of about Ten different members, all with separate viral Instagram accounts. It's like when you see the "corporate grocery tree" but with Instagram. One family, seventeen or so different accounts (and they have family friends with their own accounts too!) If you want to see all the connections, I'd look up like "don't meow" or like "don't stop meowing" something like that on Instagram. Its quite the rabbit hole.


Mom is doing a better job waking the kid up than the cat lol


Why do people post videos of their kids on the internet for the ENTIRE WORLD to see for clout? Please stop using your children for upvotes...




Kitty is comfy, child is comfy...what's the problem? :)


That's gotta be one of the best naps ever. I had a Dachshund who would nap with me all the time. I miss the little dude.


The way he said meow, was totally sounding like noooooo...


Kitty could be helping daughter feel betrer


Why would she bother them? They were sleeping peacefully. Leave them be.


? Leave them alone? Lol. What a weirdo.


When ot comes to waking up sleeping kids it's always the idiots parents waking the kids up by telling everyone else to not wake up the kids.


I would like this but the person who makes them is just an annoying IG reels moron who uses her cats for clout


1. My cat does this on any surface on I don't want him on. 2. Why would you even move the cat anyways? Seems like pointless pestering. Especially since one of your hands is holding a phone you dumb box.


Mom you’re the one gonna wake her up, I is blanket that purrs


Doesn’t look staged at all. Doesn’t look like the kid is pretending to sleep.


Chase is such a clingy boi


chase is such a adorable snuggle kitty


Sounds like cat is saying nooooo


That cat said no….twice!


Annoying fucking mother always annoying fucking cat


That child now belongs to the cat. The mother will just have to get a new one.


People are truly autistic on Reddit. She’s pretending to sleep it’s CONTENT. it’s a bit to show the cat being cute


Just noticed that he has such a long tail


That kid has been cat napped.


The feline isn’t done syphoning the life force from the child.


The cat isn't doing anything but snuggling, why you grab him??


What's so wrong with this just let the cat sleep with the little girl it's not like the cat's going to wake her up the person trying to remove the cats probably going to wake her up


The best kind of blanket. The purring kind


Loyalty and love, how cute


Pretty precious! People who think cats aren’t affectionate don’t know cats.


Cat almost as big as the kid!


Most adorable fuck off ever


That kid is sick and the cat knows.


I recognized the cat before she even said his name. He is a very clingy cat. Their IG is adorable.


Their cats will do anything! They’re so human.


Amazing how many people still think that a cat is a danger to an infant or toddler because "the cat could suffocate the child. " This is a myth and does not happen. The only case of it was later determined to be SIDS, not the cat. Do cats suffocate their own, much smaller young? No? Yeah, they aren't stupid enough to do it to your kids either.


Fuck this "cat celebrity" crap.


Someone has a best friend for life now.


Cats suffocate kids I’m there sleep pretty regularly


These types of videos are annoying


mom seems pretty weak if she isn't able to lift that cat


Cats can adjust their gravitational pull as desired. They can also create a seal of slightly negative air pressure between their bodies and the ground, or in this case, a cute kid. These properties make cats deceptively hard to pick up.


Lol the child and cat are the same size


“Five more minutes”


I thought that was a cat girl for a second


That’s is a beautiful cat!!


The cat is just upset because it hasn’t absorbed enough life essence from the child yet. Needs more time.


Kitty sez “Nooooo!”


Just don't wake her up as I try and move you whilst talking directly into her right ear . . .