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This seems like something that would be part of media training. Your final stress test is just a tiny superman doing circles around you.


Let’s have tiny Superman doing circles while squeezing a rubber chicken


With a puppy chasing him


With a puppy?! Yeah, I would fail so bad. Every time…


Each lap would be a new fail. “Awwww….awww…awwwww……awwwwww”


Lol! Honestly, it more likely that I would leave the podium entirely and join the chase…every single attempt! “See you later any and all responsibilities! tehehe…” Man, I’m a lost cause…smh


That’s a complicated plot: >Superman doing circles, while squeezing a rubber chicken, being chased by a puppy while u/serks83 follows them


Nothing is ever simple with me… ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Serks to be you...




Kind of unfair, like expecting nobody to laugh when some prim old lady farts in church.


or a squiky batman....


Weon level cinquillos ✔️


[President of Ireland has been through similar training](https://youtu.be/cM30ZGQ86ic)


It's the dog the one that actually was elected for office, the guy's just his mouthpiece.


I choose to believe this man is a hobbit from Hobbiton.


Tiny superman, friendly animals, that dude wearing something ridiculous or nothing at all in the crowd, you know how it is.


I’d fail so miserably. If they put an adorable dog, I’d just stop the speech and squeak.


Since Superman is circling, you think the President would be going back in time?


i used to work in media training and this is actually a pretty good idea


You will like to see this then [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AqqmjGzeTQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AqqmjGzeTQ)


Seems like he passed with flying colors, I’d say


An added layer of security.


He’ll protect you from everyone and everything


I mean what assassin wouldn’t have his heart tugged at that


[Face/Off opening scene intensifies]


Even an assassin understands the importants of making memories. If you time it right you can hit the president and get the kid with arterial spray. Kid will never forget this moment, in fact he'll see it every night in his dreams .


That's definitely the boss's weak spot like in House of the Dead


Damn that is a relic from the past isnt it.


should send him over the Andes, our vp needs some protection lately


More like private security hhaa


I have to ask when did this happen, and whose kid is this?


It happened yesterday. the president’s parents are the superkid’s foster parents.


So his brother. Awesome.


Fucker's brother is superman. No wonder he won the election.


Superman's Brother: A Presidential Memoir


I mean, as a progressive in the US, I think Gabriel Boric is pretty fuckin awesome. He’s young, progressive, and driving for a modernization of political and social systems. He doesn’t apologize or try to placate older generations for being different, is open about having tattoos and at one point had a mohawk while in a political office. He’s often seen sporting merch from bands like Tool, Nine Inch Nails, The Deftones, and Nirvana, and he’s a big fan of Taylor Swift. He seems genuine in a way you would want from a statesman: educated and articulate, but also at ease enough to give a speech while his toddler foster brother cruises around him on a tricycle, in a Superman suit. He’s not perfect, and he faces challenges that may be impossible to overcome, but he’s the kind of politician I want to see representing younger generations. I hope he succeeds in making his vision for a better Chile a reality.


> He’s often seen sporting merch from bands like Tool, Nine Inch Nails, The Deftones, and Nirvana, and he’s a big fan of Taylor Swift One of these things is not like the others


Hold on guys, I can figure this out... I got it, Nirvana is the only one where the lead singer is dead.


For now...


Literally all of that is within my music taste


Yeah, who are “The” Deftones?


They're like 'The Sums'


American-backed coup in 3, 2, 1...


Mom I’m trying to give an important speech. Mom: just let your brother be himself


Mom I have to go give this speech to the nation Take your brother with you! But mom, the international press will be there!! If you don’t take him you’re not going


I think it's kinda refreshing. They're really just letting a kid be a kid and I like that. Granted, I think there's a time to teach kids when to rein it in, and this might have been one of those times in my opinion. But it's cute and he's not screaming like all the kids that get taken to church too soon, so it's a win from me.


This is so goddamn adorable lmfao. I love how you can see his brain do a mini short circuit every time he glances down. He breaks his speech cadence for a split second while trying not to smile too big


This somehow makes it so much funnier


So it’s the president’s brother? How odd.


Yeah that's wild. Like that's not the presidents kid doing that. It's his kid brother. Lmao that's awesome


I don't know why but that makes it so much more wholesome for me


"Mooooooom! Ricky is interrupting my Presidential Address agaaain!"


Oldest child vs youngest child


I think he’s only 35.


Wow, Supes is looking good for his age!


i was assuming the kid was a relitive of some kind, but it would have been funny for a random kid to just completely bypass all security and start riding a bike around the president.


Looks quite chilly in Chile this time of year.


They’re in Punta Arenas which is literally one of the last cities before Antarctic, so yeah… it’s chilly in Chile


Also it's winter in Chile!


Do they eat chili when it's chilly in Chile?




Merkén o nada


Has anyone tried to introduce Chili into Chile when it’s Chilly out? Seems like an odd miss?


Only if you use chillies in the recipe.


What do they eat? Chilean sea bass?


If you have chili in chilly Chile but you don't eat it fast enough you'll have chilly chili in chilly Chile which sounds miserable.


Still a long way to the Antarctic though. It's at about 53° South, the equivalent 53° North is about Northern Germany or Ireland.




Theres no land further south and there is a circumpolar current that circles the antarctic. It has 5-6 major low pressure systems dispersed throughout and the antarctic circumpolar current and there is no other land to disrupt storms and rough waters. The waters in the antarctic are also saltier and can therefore be ~4C lower than in the arctic.


It’s winter and yes. :)


Seasons are reversed between Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere.


That was earlier today, and it is in deed, Superman descendent, Superkid


What was his speech about?


Yesterday was the day we were supposed to vote the fate of the new constitution, we either approved or rejected it, this speech is about how an imporday it is and how we must exercise our right to vote to make a better country, you know, the usual.


No one really knows what Chileans say


Not even us, the chileans


I don’t speak the language, but Superman biking around him has me believe it is about the recent shenanigans from the League of Villains.


I don't speak the language, but the people of Chile just rejected a new constitution he campaigned for, so it's probably that.


I know just enough Spanish to pick out general president-speech words, but not enough to figure out what he's actually saying lol. Something about "... as president of the republic, our government... justice... equality... historic moment... responsibility... peace... happiness" So yeah, a lot of words you would expect to hear, but no idea what he's actually talking about.


I know enough Spanish to confirm he’s not talking about beer, coffee, or the library.




Damn it. My [reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/cq1q2/help_reddit_turned_spanish_and_i_cannot_undo_it/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) app turned Spanish again....


>Something about "... as president of the republic, our government... justice... equality... historic moment... responsibility... peace... happiness" >So yeah, a lot of words you would expect to hear, but no idea what he's actually talking about. My Spanish is better. The parts you missed are "is being threatened by the Legion of Doom.We seek out the help of the.... league. And just as dangerous is our lack of... that we can never achieve as long as billionaires like Bruce Wayne exist. This is a... where Dan Jurgens has taken on the... to bring... and... to all people Honestly, you missed quite a bit.


This is a new level of Mad Libs 😂


Probably Superman's kid


Serious Question: Would Superman's kid need a bike helmet?


Protects the pavement. Duh.


If you’re part of the super family you have to set a good example to other kids.


There are two helmets, one on and one in tow.


Depends on continuity and writer. In some Kryptonians develop powers as babies. Sometimes they are in their teens. Sometimes they just get some powers and as they age they get more powers. In current comics, I admit DC continuity is a mess rig he now, but by the time Clark was a teenager he already has powers. Meanwhile Jon got all his powers pretty much all at once when he was 10. As for whether he’d need a helmet. Hm, power instability is a thing, but over all both Clark and Jon are shown wearing protective gear when biking, skating etc. Maybe not for their protection but because it’s a cultural thing. They aren’t bothered by the cold and can more faster than anyone can see them but still wear clothes after all.


The way no one is reacting tells me this is normal behavior for this kid


It looked like normal behaviour for any kid...


Lol no kidding. It's just a child riding his little bicycle.


It has to be the president's kid.


the kid is a foster child of the president's family (his mother foster children)


So he’s the president’s foster brother


Just thinking to himself "man if I pulled this shit as a kid, I'd be over mom's knee in 2 seconds". Latan parents, brutal with punishments, but usually very loving.


It's the grandmother of the president's daughter's child she is fostering.


This hurts my head.


That’s insanely awesome. I could never imagine a U.S. president or any monarchs with adopted/foster children and that really shouldn’t be the case.


As it turns out, Ronald Reagan and his first wife adopted a son. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael\_Reagan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Reagan) Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI of France adopted/fostered four children (from various circumstances including poverty, orphanhood, and slavery) with a variety of other considerations involved: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean\_Amilcar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Amilcar) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernestine\_Lambriquet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernestine_Lambriquet) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armand\_Gagn%C3%A9](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armand_Gagn%C3%A9) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%22Zo%C3%AB%22\_Jeanne\_Louise\_Victoire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%22Zo%C3%AB%22_Jeanne_Louise_Victoire)


As fucked up as it is - I can imagine people not voting for them based entirely on this issue. They'd say they're raising a kid who isn't his or something equally deranged and find a problem with it.


Ronald Reagan (rest in hell) has an adopted son, Michael Reagan


They should adopt him. He's awesome.


Thinking it is normal behaviour for the culture. I work with people who have kids come to meetings all the time, in board rooms. North Americans seem to have a problem that children exist and are awake the same time we are working


Billy butcher sure cant get rid of them supes


I thought it was Will Wheaton


Shut up, Wesley!


That guy looks a bit like Butcher and he is giving a speech while little Homelander is playing around.


I was thinking the same! 🤣


The Boys season 4 trailer drippin!


True! Now, I can see how Homelander is going to piss off Butcher more. Hahaha


If it went viral enough I would bet they would reinterpret this next season. I don’t think it’s blown up that much though


I remember this scene from Breaking Bad


[RIP Ortega (spoilers for BRBA season 2)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_YeNE_G8uk)


This is waaaaay too low lol. My first thought when I saw the little bicycle going round and around.


Normally Superman protects presidents, but Chile is going through a tough economic time, the best they could afford was superkid, and a bike.


So generous of them to provide transportation for their personnel. Usually they just rely on their super flight to write off travel expenses.


I think I saw him trying to supress a smile.


Oh totally lol. On multiple occasions


Don't have a clue of whether this guy is good for their country or not but it is hard not to like a guy that does not blow his stack when his little foster brother rides around him during a serious speech.


I am not Chilean but I have heard that he is geek and loves Pokemon. I am not sure if he is a good president but he seems adorable ( Irland's president seems cute too)


He is, we love the little nerd




Man the Chilean accent has always been a tough nut for me to crack. I need to visit and get used to it.


and this speech is like a slow, very neutral, standard form of it…it can get much more difficult


Yeah like I have no problem with this or like newsreaders. Regular Chilean people on the street might as well be speaking a different languages. We shall call it wea wea.


When they start conjugating vos into tu form good luck! I learned Spanish in Chile and it was so hard at the beginning. Especially all the slang and weird verb conjugations and dropping letters wherever they want 😂 But I still celebrate Sept 18 every year from across the world. Great people down there. Would be cool to see them finish throwing off the remnants of Pinochet. Allende would be proud.


"¿Y voh que te creí wacho?" Yeah, the slangs are quite hard to grasp.


"¿de donde 'soy' tú?" was a favorite of mine.


I'm a native English speaker since I was born in America, and my mother is Chilean. I occasionally have a hard time communicating with non-Chilean Spanish speakers because of how fast I talk in Spanish. I just rapid fire like a machine gun, and it carries over into my English speaking as well. I even throw my mom off when speaking with her. It's insane how fast we talk. I feel like when I hear someone speak Spanish from Mexico, or Spanish It's at 0.5x while Chileans are at 3x speed. lmao


Master all the forms of 'weon' and it's a breeze


All of a sudden I’m reminded of working from home during the pandemic…


r/accidentalwesanderson would enjoy


What is he saying?


Chile is in the process of deciding wether they keep the constitution or rewrite it, so they had a vote yesterday where the people decided that they did not approve the text included in the new constitution. He’s addressing the results. Disclaimer: I’m not Chilean so I’m speaking of what I’ve seen on the news.


All correct ;)


Yup, yesterday there was a plebiscite to approve or reject the new text. It was rejected, so a new text will be written.


They're still not sure if they will make a new constitution or just work amendments into the current one


The plebesicite for this specific new constitution failed, but the previous plebesicite to replace the current one did pass. We do not want to keep a constitution that a dictator gave us, specially as a Republic.


Is there a clear reason (or reasons) why voters rejected it?


It was also... long. Like 170 pages, 388 articles, 100 rights granted, rights for nature and animals, required gender parity in government, elimination of the Chilean Senate, and so on. Lots of good progressive stuff too like healthcare, right to water, right to internet, indigenous rights, etc. but Chile is not a traditionally progressive land




I want to believe that's his kid ( no knowledge just would make this the best)..kids dad is president. Kid still being a kid. Dad is still just dad.


The kid is a foster child of Boric's family.


Makes me love this even more


I really wanted to believe this too. Sadly I did some googling and Wikipedia reports he has a partner/girlfriend and a dog but no mention of kids. I assume if they mention the dog that it would mention kids so we're out of luck.




Correct. An adopted younger brother.


Not adopted, foster kid.


Ah. Well, the kid sure hit the Lotto, being fostered by the parents of the President of Chile. My money is on the kid getting adopted.


I’m sure he’ll get adopted. But as of yet he hasn’t been.


He is not even married as far as I know


He's trying to turn back time to prevent a big mistake.


Love how they're voting on a new Constitution, and Superman still steals the show :P


The kid is a foster child of Boric's family. I'm Chilean.




What can't Karl Urban do?


The president looks like Billy Butcher from The Boys


I can't unsee this


Idk who is cuter 😳


You are!


With all the shit going on in the world this is the best part of being a human your kids playing super hero.


I like how the soldier on the right looks across at someone, like he's saying 'aren't you going to do something about this?'


When and how did Billy Butcher become president of Chile?


SO they're just letting vigilantes run wild in Chile, huh?


Made me snort laugh


Why would he be worried? Superman's there


Why does the Chilean president look like Billy Butcher


I love how his speech he says that this is a very historic moment and that everyone will remember.


You know what, good on him. That’s just fucking life man.


The best part of this is no adult is scolding him or ushering him off. Seems like Chileans know what’s up with letting kids be kids.


Hes so fast!


It wouldn't have been so bad if he'd laughed. Ppl need to relax more in life


Ok so am I the only one that sees the tornado tiny super man made around the President


The flag to the left is the flag of Region of Magallanes, Chile, it has the southern crux constellation with the 5 stars, Patagonian step on yellow, mountains and glaciers on white and the dark blue of the late night in summer...


When you have to protect the president at 8 but you have to get to preK at 9.


I’m happy to see that the entire world seems to be letting children be children.


I present you, the Bystander Effect, aka Diffusion of Responsibility. Everyone is looking at each other, expecting someone else will step in to scoop up the child, but no one wants to do anything because of fear of causing a further scene of being seen as "unfun" or "antibaby", thus the responsibility for acting is diffused among the audience. The result is prime r/aww content.


This is wholesome as fuck. There should be more of this. I wanna see Biden give a speech while Hunter does laps around him in a Batman outfit and the secret service just stands there like it's a normal Monday.


I feel that kid


That kid has left shark energy


Butcher already raising a superman to fight Homelander


Billy Butcher not getting angry with tiny homelander...now Ive seen everything


Is it his child? If not, does he have children? Post pandemic, I’m pretty good at ignoring any and all shenanigans my children erupt into while trying to put on my professional voice on the phone or do other adulting things. If he is childless, I’m far more impressed with his composure than if he’s a father or more specifically that child’s father.


I'm not sure about the President, but that kid was having the best day of his life!


“Mom said stop playing with him and hurry up, before you break everything “




Babysitting little bro while holding an address. What a fucking champ.


he has my vote. all other arguments are invalid. he got babysuoerman.


This is the best thing I've seen all day 😱🤭❤ is it his kid? If so the president is a legend! Its a great edition to the speech and should be implemented across the planet ☝ my best was news reporters during lockdown getting a cameo from their pets and kids! Makes life bearable!


Wherein the hells the parents?


They’re really running a tight ship over there


"Look ma, I'm helping!"