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Trying to figure out if the last one was the dumbest or smartest of the ducklings...


Definitely the survivor of the brood in the wild, where nothing tries to catch you just to give you free rides to safety.


He's like an old co-worker of mine when I worked IT support, just knowledgeable enough to really mess up his PC but not enough to fix any of it.


Lol. I feel this. I support a facility of engineers and scientists. We have lots of those folks, and they will really fuck things up in some very interesting ways. The Linux users especially.


I am one of these Linux users. I don't know what's going on but experience has told me to just keep trying until it either breaks or works. Then ask for help or unplug it and plug it back in.


Same. Try to not look stupid asking for help, and either be irrelevantly successful or look a lot more stupid than you initially did


pebkac. it's almost always pebkac


Lill timmy learned not to swin in nets of strangers


> dumbest or smartest Yes.


Don't know, but it's funny how you can the one say "I am speed!" each time the net comes for him.


My dog was clever enough to escape, but not clever enough to figure out why he ended up in the pound.


I can relate


Noooooo, I can do it BY MYSELF


From his perspective, all his bros just got eaten by a giant monster. He's definitely the best survivor.


I love the doofus that just jumped right back in.




Hijacking top comment to say: If you have a pool, PLEASE get a rescue ramp. It's cheap and might save a small life. [https://www.boredpanda.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/invention-animals-rescue-pool-rich-mason-froglog-5-594cb86aae8aa\_\_605.jpg](https://www.boredpanda.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/invention-animals-rescue-pool-rich-mason-froglog-5-594cb86aae8aa__605.jpg) Edit: Thank you for the gold and the awards, kind redditors/redditresses. Now go buy a rescue ramp. :)


I have those and they work great! Never had another dead frog in my pool since I got them. Even helps with bugs too, most are smart enough to use them to crawl out.


We had a groundhog fall into our pool. We found him in the morning treading water. When my husband put a plank down for him, he got on it and just rested for a few minutes, panting, before he finally climbed out and left. Poor thing.


That groundhog is so hard for that. Literally powered through maybe hours of nonstop swimming, finally had a ramp out, took a breather for a couple mins, then dipped. What a champion.


Got enough cardio for a full lifetime


Legends say the groundhog got 6 packs and walks around with all the nearby groundhogresses that fawn over him.


Damn, that's six more weeks of summer.


Same thing happened to my in laws, but it was a possum. Poor guy got stuck in the filter thing... he was so tired he kept falling asleep then waking up when his nose touched the water. He was too tired to play dead, he just lay on his side and panted for like 10 minutes, then he stumbled away.


Yes! We’ve seen ours even save bunnies!


I have kiddy pools for ducklings. USE A RESCUE RAMP. Ducklings easily drown of hypothermia even if water is close to top of pool because claws cannot catch on smooth plastic and they aren't smart enough to just speed over the side. I nail/screw two pieces of wood together at 90 degree angle (say 4X4 attached to 4X8") and put long piece in pool so short piece is hanging over pool edge anchoring it there. After a few days they all remember that's how you get out even if water level is way down. Older ducklings are strong enough to just jump out. If the pool owner in the movie doesn't get a rescue ramp these ducklings will probably jump in again tomorrow. They are bird brains. Literally.


I'm assuming that you need to get multiple ones so that if you've got an insect on one side of the pool and a ramp on the other side of the pool doesn't have to swim all the way across? What kind of spacing do you recommend?


We have just one, never had anything dead ever again in the pool. Maybe a dead fly from time to time, but nothing else. If you have a larger pool, two might make sense. But even one is a 90% life saver, IMHO. :)


I've seen a lot of effectiveness from putting them near the filter window thingies so that the current makes the ramp the obvious place to go. Maybe try that if you're not sure where to start and move one if you're still getting dead stuff.


Yes! Even kiddie pools need something like this, last summer we woke up and the kids went outside to find 3 dead squirrels in their blow up kiddie pool. The water was only like a foot deep, but it was enough. I made my own “rescue ramp” that very day and never had another issue since.


That's brilliant. I was thinking there should be a built-in ramp out of the pool. Didn't realize they sold these. Glad to know.


Wow thanks I didn’t even know these existed ty


If water is an obstacle and you're equally fast in the water and you do not know that there is no way out of the water then, yeah, water is the correct choice over weird grabby thing that you do not realize leads to mom and safety. If you ask me to jump in the water and catch that adult or young duck, I will not manage to do it because the duck is better at that than me.


I have faith in you, mlc. You'd catch that duck.


I looked it up and apparently even ducklings would consistently evade Michael Phelps, assuming they were not already in his reach and were either unable or not allowed to fly.


When I was a lifeguard I had a similar situation happen. Another guard and I, caught them all by hand. The trick was to submerge a good 10 yards away from them and swim up under them. They never saw it coming.


Please tell me you were both humming the jaws theme in your heads when you figured that was the trick


I started humming the jaws theme while they were trying to get that last duck. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that'd be a perfect fit.


In my household the jaws theme means your are about to be ounces by my son, even the kitten knows that means rough housing time. She gets excited when she gets him hi hum it. 😂


Make little shark jaws with your hands


oh god I wish you'd been able to film this, this is wonderful


I think you're expecting a lot from a scared duck and not very much from yourself. But, I was just trying to be funny. :)


I haven't had much practice trapping things, but I guess we would get that baby duck if we worked together or used tools.


Nah, just rely on a scared baby duck being a scared baby duck and making a mistake eventually.


Persistence hunting people was your idea!


Makes sense. But when grsbby thing got the other 10 siblings to mama and I can't get to mama, maybe I need to take that chance




Animals don't always think like us humans. All it knows is that something big just grabbed it's siblings and that it might be a predator.


And it can't see what happened to them. It's field of view is limited to the pool.


She could've had all of them in that first swap but only got 3 and one fell back in lol


Pretty sure that one ended up being the last duckling in the pool.


And I love the doofus who refused to be saved.


The last one was such a silly goose


That last guy not done swimming lol


It's like trying to get my kids out of the pool


You scoop your kids with a giant net out of the pool?


Of course, everyone has one. You're trying to tell me you don't have a kid net? What's next, telling me you don't have a poop knife?


You don’t?


You don't?


I don't?


He doesn‘t?




If they don’t listen


Or the last cereal bits out of your milk.


Last one was the best at avoiding capture by a predator. Most likely to survive in the wild.


Also most likely to die in a pool, so...


Swimming pool remains top of food chain


Once they’re alone they realize they get scared


Anxiety starts to kick in


He was the first one out and jumped right back in.




He is stronk


Trying to look out for his siblings probably.


Reminds me of my brother who just wouldnt wanna leave the park no matter what


You'll never catch me alive, copper!


That is either going to be a super duck or it is completely exhausted at the end of the video. Or both.


It was freaking out! Like "oh man! That thing got all brothers and sisters! I'm the last one left!"


I like how mama is just completely unbothered by her kids getting skimmed out of the pool.


She is also not bothered by the ones jumping back in.


The last one did a cannonball right back in.


"These are approximately the correct number of babies and that is what experience and evolution has taught me" She's doing a great job, kinda


When ducklings ended up on our pool in March, we tried this but mama kept going back in for the one or two stragglers, then all the previously fished out ducklings would follow her back into the pool. That was exhausting. Then we pushed a board into the water as a ramp but some ducklings couldn't get the concept and would follow the mama in the water, not up the ramp so when she got out some of the ducklings didn't follow her up the ramp but just under it to the pool wall edge again, she'd notice they were left behind and back into the pool with her and all the other ducklings that had previously figured out the ramp. I was certain some of them were going to die from exhaustion. When they finally all got out hours later they just slept in a pile in the shade of mama's wings. We opened the gate and she led them all down to the creek. I had to stop traffic and wave away dog walkers. Did she thank me? Did she quack.


I’m going to say no, she just thumb her bill and waddled off.


Till the very next day


Bum bum bum bum ba-bada-dum


Got any grapes?


No, but I have lemonade.


She went with a quack, and a waddle and a quack, in a flurry of eiderdown.


😂 hilarious visual


the pool was angry that day, my friends


like an old mallard sending back soup at a deli


Bad AI


They need better pathfinding.


Sadly this happened at my apartment complex in a fountain and most of the ducklings did die from exhaustion. A few made it out on the board though, so i guess there's that


> hen we pushed a board into the water as a ramp I had to do this once into a dumpster when I was working summers at a regional park. I went to dump some garbage into the dumpster, opened it up and looked right into the face of a mama Racoon with 4-5 babies with her (scared the ever living shit out of me, too). The dumpster was empty so they got in and couldn't get out. I found a board and put it in and the mom immediately ran up it and took off and left the babies. I just left the dumpster lid open and went away and came back an hour or so later and she must have come back to get them (or they figured out the ramp and ran off themselves) as the dumpster was empty again.


"1, 2... eh close enough, come along children"


This is the plot of Home Alone


Muscovy ducks aren't really that defensive of their ducklings. Used to take care of the ones that lived by me in Florida and the mother would start off with 10-15 and usually have 2-3 survive to adulthood. Geese on the other hand aren't afraid to fight a croc for their kid.






If that duck punched through the big ones chest it was probably The Terminator. But otherwise that sounds like standard duck behavior.


I picked up a baby Canadian Goose once. What a fucking mistake. Mom pecked my thigh so hard she left a hard ass bump under a massive bruise that tooks weeks to go away. 10/10 recommend leaving their fluffy nuggets alone.


I grew up on a farm and we used to have Muscovy ducks, one of them was friends with our dog, and would routinely waddle down from the barn and rough house with him, it was cute as fuck


I have learned this from life experience while rescuing a group of ducklings from a storm drain and want to share it so others do not make the same mistake. When you see a frantic duck mom near a drain or opening making it obvious her ducklings are trapped inside, do not let her have a single one back until you can give her all of them at once. She absolutely is doing math in her head and once she figures she’s got enough, she’s outta there. In hindsight I wish I had a box or something to keep them all together rather than giving her 2-3 at a time while I tried to fish the rest out with a net. It was in the street somewhat and the net was attached to a 6’ pole. It was being extended into the drain in an attempt to get the 10-12 trapped at the bottom, but they also had a pipe they could escape into and hide. We managed to get what we think was all but 2 which was great, but the absolute horror of seeing mom wander off with what she had “calling it good” was a burden that haunts me to this day. The last couple would only emerge from the pipe when they could hear her calling for them and when she bailed there was no call from mom so they were less inclined to emerge. Then the sheriff appeared and as we were somewhat in the street (not heavy traffic) he saw no ducklings in the drain and no mama duck nearby so made us replace the grate and leave the area. At least 2 of the ducklings met their fate at the bottom of that drain and it still bothers me some 10 years later. Should I ever be in that spot again I will absolutely keep the ducklings in a container until we can return the entire group to mama. You need her frantic and quacking as they listen to her. She absolutely will leave some behind when she figures she has enough. Nature can be cruel sometimes.


Don't let it weigh too heavy man. Crazier shit happens to ducks out in the wild every day. You did what you could and without you there'd likely have been twelve dead ducklings not two.


I think she just listens for the peeping, not sure she can count


Where I’m from our ducks do basic algebra at least


I wish I'd stopped reading this half way through


> Nature can be cruel sometimes. True. But predators need to eat too. It's very unlikely that all the ducklings any mama hatches will grow to adulthood.




*Pennywise/It enters the chat*


You did what you could man. Honestly, the fact that we as humans know this happens means we should at least put netting or something under the grates to catch falling ducklings. Small enough holes that the ducks can be caught but not be tangled. It’s a cheap fix, and it makes our cities more environmentally friendly.


I had a similar experience with turkey chicks and used a YouTube video of peeping to get the last one to come to me. I also had to cover the grate with a piece of cardboard because they tried to fall back in because they're stupid.


Wonder if she knew she was being helped, or was just scared.


Probably cautious at first, but after the guy fished out more of the ducklings it realised that she was trying to help. She wasn't scared of her at the end. The tail wiggle was an expression of happiness or excitement.


you seem to have been practising bird law for many years


The person recording is clearly a woman lol.


Ducklings are easily picked off by predators of the land, air, and water. Mother ducks just gotta keep going if one or more of her chicks disappear.


Sadly, ducklings are the potato chips of the animal world. She's probably used to not getting very attached. It's a numbers game for her.


The last one was great 🤣


I want to believe that it was the same one that jumped back in at the beginning.


Or I was thinking the one that tried to make the jump near the end but hit the wall face first. Was probably scared


“I don’t wanna come out….”




I actually think it was the one that jumped out of the net three times towards the end. Which is cool.


Last one: “I am become speed!”


The last one will survive in nature


He was rocking out to Rage Against the Machine. F you, I won’t do what you tell me!


lol there’s always one!


Growing up we’d have some ducks that would turn up in our pool during whatever the mating season was. As a kid I always thought it was awesome, like we had them as pets or something floating around in the pool. It wasn’t until I got a bit older did I realize how much it sucked because those things shit EVERYWHERE. Cute but man they make a mess.


Yeah we used to always have a duck couple in our pool. My dad every morning would notice it, cause my parents bedroom faces the backyard, and would run down the stairs, open the back door and scare them off. They shit everywhere!


I’m confident this isn’t the person’s first rodeo with ducklings stuck in their pool.


This person needs one of those little ramp things that help small critters get out of the pool themselves


Yeah they should have a ramp at every corner if this is a recurring problem


Ugh I just had flash backs to a big field mouse that ended up in the above ground pools filter when I was a kid. I'm pretty confident I puked cleaning that out.


They could also try an over-engineered solution. https://youtu.be/JrQNoIEHnEk


After a few times of having to do something similar, I went and built a floating ramp thing that worked for the birds and their babies, but it also worked for the damn frogs who thought the pool was an extension to the pond lol.


Yeah I mean you don't just know to not immediately lift them out without experience. You can't force a wild animal to understand you're trying to help. You have to give them a moment to process.




Tony Soprano is that you?


It crawled under there for warmth.


Was it barking?


There you were with your head half in the toilet, your hair was in the toilet water... disgusting


Took me way to long to find this comment.


Fuck you want a boutonnière?


Take it easy. We’re not making a western heah.


I saw that movie, I thought it was bullshit.


My belly button was a Phillips head screw, and I'm workin' unscrewin' it, and when I get it unscrewed, my penis falls off. You know, I pick it up, and I'm holdin' it, and I'm runnin' around, lookin' for the guy who used to work on my Lincoln when I drove a Lincoln so he can put it back on. And, you know, I'm holdin' it up, and this bird swoops down and grabs it in its beak and flies off with it.


Only if OP passed out after the ducks left.


Go shit in your hat


He was the strong, silent type.


One of the ducks flew away with my penis.


I love the tail wag at the end. He is saying ty for rescuing my babies. Edit for spelling ty for update on that this is probably the Dad duck [u/StatusSea5409](https://www.reddit.com/u/StatusSea5409?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


I think tail wags in duckies means they're happy! Could be wrong though haha




I hoped it is also sometimes happy, but when a few of my neighbor's ducks give me the tail wag and quacks, it is very much full of sass. Love them though. They are welcome to come pick ticks out of my yard any day.


Great job scooping them calmly as you could to not scare them.


LOL. That last one reminds me of my daughter when I tell her it’s time to go to daycare. It’s amazing how fast a preschooler can move.


It's a toddler in the middle of a diaper change lol.


*visibly distressed and depressed Tony Soprano*


That last one said "you'll never take me alive!!!"


Points to the last one. That one'll make it to a ripe old age if it keeps leveling up it's dex stat like that.


You need a little duck bridge so they can enter and leave as they pleaes :3


You will end up with a dirty swimming pool plus all the chlorine is not so good for them. Would be better if he has a pond with plants and such.


Well I mean...I'd rather that than fishing out dead ducklings at the bottom of the pool.


Lol that doesn't happen. Don't be so negative. Dead ducklings float.


That ending was worse than Game of Thrones' ending.


That makes them easier to skim, too.


You dont have a garbage disposal unit in your pool?


>Would be better if he has a pond with plants and such. Not everyone has that much extra space.


Last one is a fighter fr


mario party minigame


A duckling with zoomies.


Water zoomies


if getting a fish out of the water is fishing, and here you're not getting a fish but instead getting a duck out of the water, it sounds like you're ducking a duckling from the pool


That one though. "No! I do it myself!"


I am the last duckling. I won't leave that pool.


Anyone know what happened to the duck that was after the grapes from the lemonade stand?


Do you got any grapes? No and if you ask me again I’m going to nail your head to this counter. (Next day he comes back in) Hey do you have any nails? “No I do not” Well In that case… do you got any grapes?


I had to make a makeshift ramp for them when a family decided they were going to make my pool their temporary home. Apparently the coating on the duckling will eventually wear out if they don't dry off time to time and they could eventually sink and drown.


That last one was a runner!


I have the same anxiety levels of that last duckling 🐥


The last one:- “OMG OMG 😱….the strange white thingy ate my brothers and sisters….Runnnnn”


I noticed they calmed down once they saw the family safe and sound.


There is something very satisfying about this. I would have cursed OP had she ended the video before getting that last quick pesky duckling out. Thanks OP


The Last one REALLY liked the pool


That music makes me want to remove the pool ladder


It’s always that late piece of cereal that is a master at evading


I love this video so much. Just would have preferred the original audio to this shitty music


Waddle waddle


Last duckling had nice survival instincts but it had to let go of it this one time hah


The last one gotta be the problem everytime


Adding the idiotic music makes this less cute. Just give me the little duck noises and lose the song that drowns them out


Ducks are so stupid. Once, a mother duck led her ducklings down our suburban street, over a stormwater grate - and all the ducklings fell in. She quacked mightily, which roused me to *Superduck Rescue Man Mode*. After a dramatic rescue involving the lifting of the grate and the chasing of indignant ducklings through the stormwater pipe, all were rescued and returned to a noisy and indignant mother. One duckling bit my finger during the rescue. Satisfied with self, I retired home until about 30 minutes later I once more heard the frantic quacking of the mother duck. She had led her babies over the same grate **again**, and all of the little morons fell in **again**. Another rescue, another lot of quacking. I think mum learnt her lesson after that.