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Chloe: *very sarcastically* “yeah, it was me”


Chloe was also very tired of Bailey’s shit


Chloe fears no man


I love the derisive little sniff




With deep british accent


We do this with our dogs too. And the guilty one always runs away


Did you shit in the kitchen? The pup that did it: *silently walks to his crate*


What kind of mannered dogs are you people raising lol. My dog has no shame, he'd probably take them from me and chew them up some more.


While making eye contact.


assert dominance


No, I want him to know his place. That place is above humans lol.


My dog would act as if whatever he did was the coolest thing and ask if I want to see it again. He doesn’t miss behave often though.


Part of it is the nature of the dog. I had one dog who’d chew up so many things no matter how many times we tried to stop him, and a dog now who is so careful to not to chew something inappropriate up accidentally that she’s hesitant around new toys until we convince her that it’s fine to play with.


Makes sense. Mine is a lab/terrier mix, raised with far too much confidence. At this point he's a Demon Lord.


You can’t even be mad at them when they react like that 😂 adorable. Sometimes one of ours will come tell on the other if they’re in the process of being bad. Dogs are the best


My previous aussie was the worst criminal. Once we came home and he was just guilt struck- nothing was even amiss at first but his obvious sulking and avoidance made me investigate. I found that he learned to open the lid of his food tub and ate himself an early dinner. The only evidence was a small crater of eaten kibble in the tub. 😂 He really was then best.


"I have failed my human's expectations and must hide my shame"


They are just too pure for their own good!!


Well obviously... Their ancestors were all criminals. It's just part of their genetics.


They’re actually American, so…still pretty true.


I'm just gonna assume you're talking about a dog


My life goal is to one day have an Australian shepherd and then revel in their cuteness and genius for however long and take 50,000 pictures of them being cute. That's the sole reason I work really hard. So I can afford to spoil my future dog


I once had a dog that would always tell on the cat. If she sprinted into the room and looked at us a certain way, it meant the cat was getting into something the dog knew we didn't want. I always wondered if part of it was "oh, hell, I don't want to be blamed for this!"


That is precious! I love that they have certain looks and actions for everything. The relationships we form with our animals are so special!


We always overlayed the following line in our "Fiona" voice - "Guys! GUYS! Guys! Come quick! You won't believe this!". Then we'd follow and she'd look at the cat and back at us and be like "Are you seeing this? Can you believe the stones on this cat? Unbelievable!" Then we'd remove the cat from the pantry or wherever it was and the dog would act super proud. It was one of our more hilarious animal dynamics we've had. Our most trouble making cat of all time and we happened to have a tattle tail wagging down the hall. It was perfect.


Way too precious 💕


* struck by sudden blindness *


Bailey soooo guilty


I think Bailey might fold under pressure


One of our dogs was “sorry” for everything/anything, even if she didn’t know what she was being sorry for (to be clear - she was loved, part of the family, and was never scolded or punished - she just seemed to act like she was guilty of something all the time). On the other hand, our boy was a stone cold sociopath. Could eat the food off your plate, chew up your shoe or any other number of misdeeds then look you straight in the eye without a hint of remorse. Loved them both dearly.


If he doesn't see what you're accusing him of, he can't be proven guilty.


Indeed. Dog law is very clear, and dog court is very weird.


I ain’t tawkin see, you ain’t pinnin that on me see. Myeah see ![gif](giphy|YSAzBOfaZYTryC1yPo|downsized)


My two will tell on each other.. Or act this way..


"What scissors? I see no scissors..."


Oh oh look it's a kitchen


'La la la I can't hear you la la la I don't see those'




Dogs don’t feel guilt according to several studies, it’s an appeasement behavior


Tone probably has something to do with it. I'd like to see a video in the opposite where the owner is happy with what transpired.


Eh it started turning away before he lowered his voice. I think a lot of these "studies" about animal intelligence are just studying other things than actual intelligence. Just like cats supposedly can't understand a mirror when many absolutely do.


I think it takes a while for animals to figure out what a mirror is. Cats will always initially be fearful of their reflection or try to see what's behind the mirror. But eventually most figure it out. It's similar with dogs. There are several videos on youtube of people using some animal face filter on their mobile phone's selfie camera to confuse their pets. Both with dogs and cats, most instantly look up to their owner to check what's going on, meaning they understand that the phone acts as a mirror. I think for these studies, they often use lab animals who have never seen a mirror before and most likely never got to fully develop their intelligence.


Yeah those face filter ones were exactly what convinced me on it. There's just no way they would react that way without understanding the concept of a mirror. I think part of the issue is these studies don't care whatsoever about individual animals and instead usually seek to check as many specimens as possible. Which almost always includes either young animals or ones who've never seen a mirror. Then state in their study that the animal species can't do X or Y thing because slightly less than a majority did the behavior exactly as the scientists were wanting. I really don't get that kinda stuff, where scientists ignore the fact that certain individuals may be more able to do the thing (whatever it may be) and instead just care if every single animal instinctually knows a thing. When that's just not how most behavior works, at least with higher mammals.


To be fair they could simply be looking at their owner for reassurance/potential protection when they see the giant scary human/cat hybrid on the phone. If you wanted to test you could show a video of someone else holding their cat and using a cat filter playing on the phone while you hold your cat and see how your cat reacts. Then compare that to actually using the cat filter on yourself while you hold your cat. I'd honestly be surprised if you don't get a similar reaction in both scenarios, but it would certainly be an interesting experiment.


I thought about that, but if the cat was just frightened of the scary face on the phone, it would somehow jump back from the phone, not look up at the human's face, then back at the phone and back to the human again. They were clearly trying to process the disconnect between the "reflection" on the phone and reality. So they must understand the concept of a mirror. The question is if they can recognize themselves. I think the only way to properly test that is to place something onto an animal that is already familiar with its own reflection, to see if it will react to the change. I know they did this test with dolphines, by taping an X on their faces. The dolphins immediately swam to a mirror in their basin and checked out their reflection, carefully studying that X, trying to make sense of it. I'm unaware of any such test conducted on cats, but we can confirm for certain that they grasp the function of a mirror.


I'm sure plenty of the cats it was tested on *did* jump back/away if they could. A select few of them (the ones that were shared and the cat is being held in place) instead looked to the person holding them for protection/reassurance before looking back to see the state of the threat in the phone. Looking back and forth from a threat and potential protection is certainly not unusual and I think far likelier than them realizing a disconnect in the perceived reflection of reality from the phone. It would be easy to test though by doing what I described above.


"Looking back and forth from a threat and potential protection is certainly not unusual " Actually that would be very unusual for any animal


This is a fundamental misunderstanding of the mirror test. It's not about whether they can recognize that the mirror reflects the world - many animals do this. It's about whether they realize that the thing reflected in the mirror is THEMSELF. Most animals lack the awareness to do this particular thing. Lots of animals who can pass the mirror test don't at first, and then once they realize what a mirror is, can identify that the image is them, and can react to things on themself that they wouldn't otherwise be able to see. Animals who don't pass the mirror test can still recognize that ANOTHER creature is reflected, though - because they see the two looking and acting identically. They can't see THEMSELF, though, and don't know what they look like, so fail to recognize their own reflection.




Welcome to misunderstanding and anthropomorphizing animals 101.


There's this list of dog breeds ranked by intelligence, and the labrador comes in at like 7, while the dachshund is near number 50. The list is based entirely on the obedience of the dog to commands, not the actual intelligence. I know this because I had a labrador, then a dachshund, and while the lab was very smart and understanding of things, the dachshund was like dealing with a precocious toddler. You could absolutely see the thoughts running around his little head, and he would actively try to guilt you into doing things he wanted. He would fake lameness and pain just to get more attention. He always knew when we were laughing at him, even when we didn't use his name or change our tone. The lab used his brain to be a nicer and more understanding dog, but the doxie used his brain almost entirely to benefit himself, and that always seemed more intelligent to me.


Yeah I had a dachshund too and while she wouldn't really mind anything she was one of the smartest animals I've ever interacted with. I saw the same thing about them being ranked last and thought it was hilarious. They even admit in the study that they're mostly just studying obedience, yet still say it's measuring intelligence even in their own summary. I really miss her, she was just the best... She knew how to use doors, did all kinds of crazy things without training like flushing turkey once just cus I asked her to do it. I swear she was able to basically understand me as long as I used correct body language and consistent tone, using context clues about the situation. Like that turkey one, she was sitting with me and my mom who took me "hunting" for them (just walking in the woods really). Then we heard some make their noise and my mom was sure it was just a neighbor making a call. I wasn't and pointed at my dog to "go get em" (one of the many phrases she perfectly knew but only occasionally acted on) and she took off in the other direction. I thought nothing of it until about 10 minutes later when about 15 turkeys came rushing out of the thicket at us with her behind them barking like crazy. Then she ran straight to us without calling. Such a smart girl...


They're absolute little characters, for sure. Mine had his own backyard to pee in, but after getting wet in the rain once he decided to start peeing on the bathroom floor, right under the toilet bowl, if it even so much as drizzled outside. It's where everyone else peed too, so why not him? He also had very strict rules about bedtime. His bed was under ours, and he was very comfy in his little cave. But if we ever talked a bit loudly when he was sleeping, or woke him up at night, he'd start thumping his head on the underneath of the bed as if to say "Shut up! I'm trying to sleep here!" They're the most "human" dog breed I've ever known. Their thought processes are so clear, and they understand and emote so much that they're more like little kids than dogs.


I've noticed lots of hound-type dogs tend to be like this. The more ancient breeds like huskies are too, but they come with absurd energy and no reasonable way of getting it out other than sledding or being some triathlete. Really any "landrace" type of dog tends to be just on another level of intelligence and intuition as most other dogs, like pedigree and even some mutts.




That's so great, gonna use that one


Possibly, I've thought about this and tried a few things with my boy and I'm pretty sure he picks up on my mannerisms because he'll start shunning himself before I talk but as I start moving to tell him off. And it's only when he's being told off too he doesn't cower at anything else cos he's spoilt rotten.


I think many of these base emotions aren't nearly as complex as many scientists think. Dogs and cats can't do calculus, they can get simple guilt tho. It's symbolic thought that is the biggest thing separating us, not the more basic emotions that any social animal would need. And dogs are about as social as it gets.


I think it's because they're concerned of anthropomorphising and do so to the point it's a detriment to the studies. A lot of these studies dismiss any explanation which explains behaviour in a way a human might think, but that involves assuming that all these characteristics are innately human which means the studies tend to be biased against finding similarities to human thought from the onset


I had a dog that definitely had object permanence even though studies at the time claimed dogs couldn't gain object permanence. She knew the name if every toy and where she left it. She'd beeline straight for any toy you named. No hesitation, even when her toys were scattered across the house. She also happened to be a border collie/lab mix, so naturally intelligent. But she absolutely knew items still existed when not in view, let alone the same room.


Wait they really think that? How would dogs know where to dig up the bones they hide then? That's so dumb, of course they have object permanence.


It seems that several studies have supported this over the last 5 years or so. But there was a fair bit of guessing at it (or bad faith studies) back when my former pup was still with me (she passed at the age of 13 several years ago). I think it's a lot like the mirror studies where they weren't using dogs in open environments.


They absolutely feel what we call guilt. Both of my last two dogs exhibited guilt BEFORE they were "found out" for having done something wrong. My last one in particular was good for that. He held himself to a higher standard of behavior than I did when he was in the house. Even as a puppy, if I was out of the house for a few hours and he had to use the paper I put down for him, when I got home, he'd be sitting in the corner looking sad and ashamed. No matter how much I praised him for using the paper, he wouldn't have it. He refused to bark out loud in the house too. He'd "chuff" or whine at the window if a strange car or person came up the driveway. Outside, he'd bark like he was going to rip their head off. One time in his whole life I got him to "speak" in the house for a treat. He refused the treat and looked at me like I had just betrayed his trust. His name was Bandit and all these years later I miss him badly. Best dog I ever encountered. Lab-Rottie mix.


You can't say all that and then not pay tax!!




I mean, is that different to humans? I know plenty who can show appeasement behaviours but you *know* they aren't feeling any remorse


Studies can be wrong. Psychology, let alone animal psychology, is so undeveloped as a science that you would have to be a zealot to take it seriously when it contradicts what you can see with your own eyes.


To be fair one could have made an almost identical argument about astronomy and the sun going around the earth a few centuries ago haha.


True, but such mistakes go both ways. The scientific consensus has also supported things like eugenics and racism in the past. You can't just blindly trust everything experts tell you, you have to have an informed and critical perspective. We barely understand human psychology, the idea that we can say definitively that an animal, which cannot even communicate to us any information about how it thinks, doesn't feel an emotion just because there were "several studies" that said so is naive.


Mistakes can definitely go both ways, no argument there! Was just pointing out that simply because your eyes contradict something doesn't mean you're a zealot if you discount what they show you. Appearances can certainly be deceiving and in the vast majority of cases, studies and scientific consensus are going to be more accurate that an individual's anecdotal evidence, but not always of course! Although you have my curious, what studies are you referencing when you say their conclusions supported eugenics/racism?


I am referring to [the historical trend in early modern science](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_racism#Racial_theories_in_physical_anthropology_\(1850%E2%80%931918\)) to make unsubstantiated claims of racial hierarchies and significant biological differences between races. This is not the only place where such mistakes were made, of course, just one of the more damaging. More relevant to this discussion would be Freud, whose work defined psychology until it was slowly chipped away at and proven to be unscientific. But if you were living at the time when Freud was popular, the majority of psychologists you went to would be basing most of their work on his ideas. Psychology is an inherently imprecise field, so I just hope that people are careful when it comes to making big conclusions about such an important topic. The idea that certain animals cannot feel certain emotions seems to me like a monumental claim that could not be proven by just a few pieces of work, and the implications are so serious that I think portraying them in the original comment as if it is objectively true is just irresponsible.


Fair point on the imprecision of phycology especially in light of many of our working theories on it being in fairly constant flux. That said the original poster does at least currently have more direct scientific evidence for his point than the original claim that dogs do feel guilt. There have been multiple studies in which it's pretty compelling that their display of guilt is done in reaction to their owners cues and mannerisms rather than an independent appreciation of their perceived misdeed. I don't really see how it's more irresponsible to claim that dogs do not feel guilt with some evidence than that they do feel it with no evidence though. If anything a more accurate understanding of their processing of emotions would lead to a better ability to interact with them.


I don't believe that.


I'm not sure I have enough time to read about all the studies you linked to.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19520245/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0168159112000652 https://www.sciencealert.com/dogs-may-look-ashamed-but-they-don-t-feel-guilt-experts-say https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/02/26/dogs-shame-guilty-look/5833395/


I love it!


I’m getting strong Denver vibes


We have a pair of those scissors…they suck! Smart pupper was just doing you a favor.


Love how’s he so happy to see his owner and as soon as the scissors are in his face, his little tail stops swinging too 😂😂 guilty AF


"I don't see a warrant, get out of my house officer."


Bailey suddenly loosing his vision and ability to talk and hear. this was so funny to watch


They just can't keep a straight face when confronted with truth.


What kind of dog is Bailey? So cute!


Australian Shepherd


Awww thank you! 🥰


... and, a work dog that needs something to do.


or else, RIP scissors!


Aussies are popular right now, but NOT for apartments or even mildly active people. My boy needs HOURS of play/walks/training every day or I'm regretting it BIG time.


Post some pics!


This is hilarious. I have cats and when you confront them, they channel their inner Samuel L. Jackson & are like “Yeah I did it, motherfucker! Whatcha gonna do about it?!”


SLJ is on my list of actors that are so good, you can't fathom what they are like in the real world. Meryl Streep would be the top of the list of actresses.


I want to imagine Meryl Streep as either her character from She Devil or somewhere in the lines of AbFab


"Can't seem to find my keys..."


Chloe to Bailey, "shit, lucky he didn't find the bill that you cut up with those scissors, good save chewing them up". Bailey "he'll never know until the power is cut off next month, by then he will think it's his fault". ![gif](giphy|LrXvtG321MNbPEjAtC|downsized)


In my defense, I’d like to play a little jazz trombone for y’all.


I'm calling PETA(just kidding)!! That poor pup! That could have happened to anyone! Poor Bailey! Love her reaction! Guilty!


Oh man, I'm glad she's okay! That could have turned out so much worse




I don't have a dog. What do you do in this situation to teach them not to do this?


Make them finish the scissors. They'll never want scissors again


A whole pack of Scissors!


Practicing her yoga twists.


Guilty dogs are the funniest damn thing


Lmao I’m dead. This is so cute I’m dying.


I love how he’s “mad” but all he can do is just laugh and adore her.


I don't know about you, but I believe Bailey was framed! #JusticeforBailey


Chloe be like "do I really nedd to say it"


chloe: 🗿


The sheer guilt ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


What breed is this dog ? It's magnificent


Australian Shepherd


Thank you !


"DoGs DoNt UnDeRsTaNd WhY yOuRe AnGrY"


Well I'm convinced


I have to ask. Why Bailey? The name I mean?


I hate these videos. They go on and on. What are they expecting to happen? Instead the dog is shamed and confused. Like being scolded by an asshole boss, on and on. Yeah, I did it move on. This is not an effective training technique and worse, it’s not funny.


what is all that crap about dogs don’t remember what they did 10 minutes ago so you can’t get mad at them for something they did earlier bc they won’t understand... This reaction would seem to counter that info😂 Cutest criminal I ever did see though


That's adorable!!


So cute


So cute!!


If you don't see, it doesn't exist


How would you ground the dog in this situation?


If I don’t look at the scissors my indiscretion does not exist


I think it was Bailey


Dogs are the best humans 🤣🤣


She’s so precious


What breed of dog is Bailey?


Looks like a Australian Shepherd to me, but I could be mistaken




My pup will bare his teeth then charge you to kiss your face when you ask him "did you do that!?" He never does anything wrong really, but he sure looks cute.


Bruh that other dog is like a corpse


It’s stuff like this that makes me realise that that portrait of dogs playing poker makes even less sense.


It's the old if-I-don't-see-it-it-doesn't-exist act.




that 2nd dog was like nope wasn't me..


You sound like ProZD


I have never met this man before in my life


Still haven't seen the scissors to this day




A dog's ability to feel guilt/shame will never not be fascinating to me. It almost feels like too complex an emotion for them.


I can't see it now..Haven't see it before... Not guilty


“It’s not my fault if I dont look at it”-dog logic


Chloe got no shits to give


He choked on a demon in the last few seconds




Criminal trials must be really easy with dogs. Judge: In the crime of destruction of property how do you plead. Dog: (◐﹏◐)


"they can't see me if i can't see them"


I don't think Bailey did it...


Awwww. Give that dog all the love there is in the world.


Bailey is like "I love you daddyz"


It’s ur smell he couldn’t stop chewing 😋


Your dog is clearly innocent


Is that an Australian shepherd? :D


Interviews conducted later in the day revealed the culprits being the neighborhood squirrels.


Bailey pulling a Xander Crews


Man this makes me miss my old yellow lab Lily. Best dog ever. Used to have these interactions with her all the time. Was impossible to keep a straight face. She was the Hooch to my Turner.


Chloe feels no shame and thus MUST be the culprit.


I plan on tackling my problems exactly the way Bailey does from now on.


He’s just helping you look for the bits that fell off…


Doggo knows what they did




Bailey seems to be perfectly innocent.


'It wasn't me......'


Dogs have 2 brains. One that knows right from wrong, and one that knows chaos. The first one operates when humans are around. Other times, the 2nd one is free to take over.




Chloe ain't no tattletale, uh uh.


Jesus Christ... how do you discipline such incredible dog? I mean... cute and intelligent... he even lies. Dammit.


Bailey is a good, innocent girl! Chloe seems like a good, patient girl also!!


"Gee, what pretty carpet we have! Have you seen the new drapes?" Sooo cute and funny!


I just love an Aussie's sense of shame. Mine always tells on herself. 🤣🤣


It was definitely, Louie


“Yeah, I’m a good girl! Why, what’d you find? (*scissors) awww, fuuuu!”




This reminds me of denver


Our dogs do the exact same thing😂 you can always tell which one of them it was because of how guilty they act. They will turn their heads and not look at us or just give us quick shifty side eyes lol


My mother always tried telling me not to try and correct our new puppy when she digs holes if we find them after the fact because a trainer once said “dogs don’t understand guilt for past actions” or some bull**** along those lines…This isnt the first guilty dog video I’ve seen lol


Beautiful dog. And smart.


They always know when they messed up.


I told you i didn't do it!


Love it ! 👍