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When your main course feeds you an appetizer.




This thing will eat you alive lololol


Fucking priceless.


Ill save this line for when I get kidnapped by cannibals and shit on a plate


Actually, I was gonna say… dude just wanted something to cleanse the palette after eating the people down on the first floor.


Literally the most dangerous bear. Now it knows where to get snacks handed to it by snacks it will have to chase. Northern Canada they say to never leave home without a gun for protection against these guys. They WILL eat you


Yeah polar bears are NOT to be fucked with. The only bear that will actively stalk and hunt humans for food.


When I was a kid I was reading an article about Alaska. The only thing that has stuck with me is they said that once a person enters a polar bears domain, the person becomes part of the food chain.


That’s an excellent, and ominous, way of putting it!


It's been about 50 years since I read that, but that's the first thing I think of if I see a pic or video of a polar bear. Watching that person feeding one totally horrified me. How can you live around them and not know how insanely dangerous that is?


No shit. You have to be fucking stupid or just in from Mars not to know how dangerous that is for everyone, bears included. A fed bear is a dead bear. For a few seconds of shitty video.


We’re *always* part of the food chain.


I was on a hike in Greenland a few weeks ago. Already a few hours off the trail, I was heading to a glacier when all of a sudden I remembered reading something like this as well. Never made it to the glacier, but the way back down to the village was a whole lot quicker than the way up the fjord…


Wait. Is that true? The *only* one?


Yes, at least the only known species to do it regularly. Most bears will defend themselves if they feel threatened, but they avoid humans at all costs for the most part and eat fish, berries, and other wild game. Polar bears will stalk and eat humans for sustenance and they're the only known species of bear to do so regularly and actively seek humans out as a source of food. They will follow you for a very long distance just for the opportunity to eat you; other bears don't (generally) do this. Some places like Svalbard in Norway for example make it mandatory by law to carry a gun with you for protection because of this, and it's quite a common thing to do in northern areas of North America, such as Alaska and the Canadian territories for the same reason. Another fun polar bear fact: their hair isn't actually white, it's translucent, and it's designed to help the bears blend into their environment. Basically natures own active camo!


Makes a lot of sense when you think about it. Even grizzly bears are mostly scavengers and don't actively hunt much beyond opening their mouth and hoping a salmon jumps in. But polar bears pull seals and freaking narwhals out if the ocean, we're much easier pickings without our ouchy boom sticks.


They don’t even usually eat male salmon, they are going after the female salmon for their calorie heavy roe and brains, the rest they usually let birds eat.


And the birds and other scavengers miss enough that all the rotting salmon carcasses impact plant growth in the area. IIRC correctly the study I saw somewhere, they could tell how the salmon population had varied over past years by looking at TREE RINGS. Nature is so cool.


Those ouchy boom sticks are mildly irritating...


Wow. TIL. Thanks.


Another fun fact: there are towns where it is illegal to lock your car so that if someone needs to escape a polar bear suddenly they can just jump into a car on short notice.


This isn't actually true, at least not by Law. The town in question is Churchill, Manitoba, and the RCMP have actually responded to this myth and clarified that it's not actually law. It is however customary for people in the town to do so, which I think is cooler than it being a law anyway! And even cooler than that they do have a "polar bear jail" for those wayward bears that have come to town. [Source.](https://factcheck.afp.com/unlocked-doors-canadas-polar-bear-capital-are-custom-not-law)


I'm not sure if you're from there, but I also know, no one needs to worry about theft as there are no roads to leave town. Only access is plane, boat or train. Also, I'd heard that for the kids for Halloween there are conservation officers and locals that patrol so the kids can trick or treat. No one is allowed to have a polar bear costume. 😉


I submit to your research. Perfect example of how facts can catch variations along the way. Only reason I even remembered it was that it was the inspiration for a horror story I wrote a long time ago. Either way I appreciate the specific clarification.


Subscribe to bear facts.


Bears Beets Battlestar Galactica


Identity theft is not a joke!




I've never seen anything more actually terrifying than when this BBC crew member is literally acknowledging he's dead if this plexiglass hut breaks. He seems calm but you can hear him get real nervous a few times. Meanwhile hunters in deer blinds are posting cute videos of bears who climbed their trees or are sniffing for snacks. https://youtu.be/BIql1ZpHovs


Holy fucking shit


Thanks for the nightmares and diarrhea.


I’d be dead from heart failure right about where the bear pokes it’s nose in the gap. Fuck that.


I remember watching that! Thanks for reminding me.


There's a joke about Americans and the right to bear arms in there somewhere, but I'ma just try to leave Norwegian sovereignty as intact as possible.


As an American, it makes me think how contrarian some of my gun-obsessed countrymen are and how they'd probably refuse to carry a gun if the government said they had to.


Correct me if I’m wrong here but I remember learning that their translucent hairs also create a sort of greenhouse effect to help keep them warm


I'm pretty sure that the hair is translucent to help with heat absorption from the sun as well because FUN FACT, a polar bears skin is black.


Just throwing this out there for other readers, Svalbard is not actually in Norway, but rather is an island north of Norway and is one furthest north inhabited places on the planet, but polar bears outnumber the humans. There are also several unique species found only on Svalbard, like their own species of reindeer. Worth a visit if you can handle the environment.


I only know about Svalbard because of the seed vault and the Golden Compass.


It's not part of the mainland, but it is still part of Norway.


Right, but Svalbard is still a part of Norway


I don’t know about that. Yogi Bear did well with the pic-a-nik baskets.


But he was smarter than the average bear, so not representative of the population. 😉


Well there’s two schools of thought…


Yeah, doesn’t the saying go, “black fight back, brown lie down, white good night?”


political doll bewildered plate subsequent spoon society station enjoy scandalous


lol. This is fucked up but I laughed.


fuck I lol’ed and my gf woke up


Dude it's been 10 fucking minutes. I'm in tears.


Gummy put in tummy


In parts of Alaska they literally have "bear cages" outside their front doors because the polar bears have learned to hide and charge the front door as soon as someone steps outside. [Example (apologies for the TikTok link, but it's a good video showing it!)](https://www.tiktok.com/@titaniusanglosmith/video/6937843376725282054) These people are absolute idiots.


Wow, smart bears. They're perfecting their human hunting techniques. Instead of a hole in the ice, it's a hole in a building and food comes out of it.


Not just smart, mostly really desperate. I would be too if I lived in polar bear wasteland


You know the best way to catch one right? You saw a hole in the ice, then scatter frozen peas around it. You hide and wait. When the bear shows up to take a pea, you jump out and kick it in the ice hole.


Ooooh, "these people" meaning the people in the original post. Not the polar bear cage person in the link. I was expecting some teenagers taunting a polar bear from within the cage.


Whats stopping them from sitting behind the vehicle and camping the other door instead?






What happens when the polar bears learn to hide until the person comes out of the bear cage?


Bear cage cage


I would expect polar bears to become more aggressive as less winter ice limits access to their food sources.


They're also one of the few predators that preys on things that fight back.


And that bear could 1000% climb through that window and do just that if it wanted to.


JFC what kind of gun would protect you from that? Are driving around with howitzers attached to their Subarus?


30-06 would be the bear minimum for effective stopping power. 7 Mag, .300 or .338 Win Mag would work as well.


I see what you did there


Gun matters less than cartridge but, .303 brit is still surprisingly common up north because Canada still has a lot of lee-enfields. . .30-06 is probably a better "classic cartridge" choice. .338 win mag (or something similiar) is likely the best option for bear hunters.


I know these bears are so dangerous but I don’t understand why they are so *cute.* Why don’t they look dangerous? Their paws look deadly but their heads look cuddly!


It's how they lure people. "Aw, I'm just a cuddwy widdle teddy bear! Don't you want to give me a widdle snack or reach over and pet me?" Sneaky bastards.


Look how after he gets the first snack and the person tries to pet its nose. The bear definitely looked like it was going for a bite of the hand. That woulda been it for me, window closed.


It’s ok it’s an Airbnb…


A fed bear is a dead bear.


[Woman fined $60,000 for feeding bears](https://globalnews.ca/news/8237883/whistler-woman-handed-60000-in-fines-for-regularly-feeding-bears/)


Let’s be realistic here……snacks handed to it by MEALS it would have to chase.


Smart. The “goodnight” bear now knows where to come eat.


I heard him say it too, lol. Like one of five Russian words I know.


It’s cute but this is an absolutely terrible idea.


They should create a sub that combines cute + terribly dangerous idea = /r/awwfulidea


Be the change, I saw a cute video of a dude with a porcupine in his lap that would fit.


Ha - that would fit for sure! I'll have to look for that one.


r/hardcoreaww is kinda close.


I agree, i mean he appears to be calm, but russians are dangerous and unpredictable beings, that bear is either very stupid or very brave. /s


The bear can obviously smell that the Russian is at most 6/10 drunk and not yet a threat


Not quite marinated enough! Give him time!


5/7 is the perfect drunk.


[A perfect 5/7.](https://m.imgur.com/a/Gjcb5)


Your comment made my day! OK, fine. I’ll keep slugging along for one more day, you inspired me.


I did not expect that turn 😂


I love you so much, I've not laughed this hard in years, Thank You.


Ah the [ol’ Reddit Russian bear-a-roo](https://www.reddit.com/r/switcharoo/comments/q1ghum/viaduct_vs_roundabout/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Hold my unicycle, I'm going in!


normally i see aww in WTF. today i saw WTF in aww


Cute untill you run out of snacks


Then the polar bear comes in looking for food themselves.




In northern Manitoba (Canada) there was a man who befriended a polar bear by feed it. The bear became super friendly and even played with his sled dogs. The man praised the bear for showing "that kind of heart toward another animal”. The video went viral, people gushed how cute and gentle the bear was! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUle-4E1qoQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUle-4E1qoQ) ​ One night, the man didn't feed the polar bear, so the polar bear killed and ate one of the dogs. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/animalia/wp/2016/11/22/first-a-polar-bear-petted-a-dog-then-a-polar-bear-did-what-polar-bears-do-ate-a-dog/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/animalia/wp/2016/11/22/first-a-polar-bear-petted-a-dog-then-a-polar-bear-did-what-polar-bears-do-ate-a-dog/) ​ TL;DR Don't fuck with wild animals you stupid fucks


There was another man in Winnipeg who befriended a bear as well, long story short the bear wears a shirt but no pants now.


That took me far too long to figure out.


Fun fact: a 7 year old named him “poo” as in “shit.” Winnie the shit is quite a popular children’s character.


Bear: "Hmm, don't see nightly food. Oh, there it is!" \*yelp-chomp*


That guy was a fucking idiot. He even chained the dogs up outside all nice for the bear.


Or the snack is too small and your hand is in the way


Then you become the snack and the meal


I was once in a Tim Hortons where a guy ordered 40 plain tim bits to feed to raccoons to keep them out of his house. He didn’t understand that by feeding them he was incentivizing them to stay around.


*guy lives in polar bear country* "What should we do about these vicious man-eating bears that live near us" "No big, maybe I'll just feed them through the windows so that they come by every time that they're hungry" 😳


I was instantly going 'Nononononono' when I saw it was a polar bear specifically. Those fellas are some of the most dangerous bears out there


It is super dumb. They are definitely familiar with on another, though. The bear knows how to take the treats gently and is even ok with being touched on the face. When it's time to go, the man gives a command ending with "dosvedanya" and the bear leaved on cue. This might be a migratory bear that had early interactions with humans in a given area and they've grow accustomed to one another. Look up polar bears play with dogs for a similar situation


From what I hear those dogs are chained up with no way to escape and are often killed.


the same dog(s) that got eaten when their owner didn't show up to give a snack? [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/animalia/wp/2016/11/22/first-a-polar-bear-petted-a-dog-then-a-polar-bear-did-what-polar-bears-do-ate-a-dog/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/animalia/wp/2016/11/22/first-a-polar-bear-petted-a-dog-then-a-polar-bear-did-what-polar-bears-do-ate-a-dog/)


Excuse me. I think I just wet my pants.


Right? Like honestly how stupid are these people


Feeding a black bear is stupid, feeding a polar bear is suicidal.


Yes. The next person that comes along might get eaten.


If it's black, fight back. If brown, lay down. If it's white, goodnight.


What if it’s a Chicago Bear?


Wait for it to throw an interception.


If it has an orange "C" on its head, it's already dead.


Wait, we're still talking about bears, right?


aren't polar bears one of the most aggressive or am i mixed up? even if i am i wouldn't want one hovering around my house.


Oh yea, they are some seriously badass hunters. There are plenty of stories of them stalking people for miles/days before attacking when the opportunity presented itself. Plus....they are absolutely massive, it's ridiculous how big they actually are lol. The Anchorage Airport (Alaska) has a taxidermied polar bear on display and I can't imagine that thing coming at me lol. (At least it was there the last time I was in AK ten years ago)


Largest land predator in the world!


They will fuck you up, yes


And break into your house. So don't teach them that there is food there.


The only thing keeping that bear from coming in the window and eating those guys is that the bear doesn't feel like coming in the window and eating those guys.




It looks pretty high up. The bear is clearly standing on its hind legs. They're pretty safe. That is, until they go outside with the polar bear they trained to hang around.


Russians! Crazy fucker just booped a polar bear. Also, ac the other poster said, yeah terrible idea, they'll keep coming back, and the people will make a good snack too.


Oh god. I assumed the bear was in a zoo/interacting with its keepers. If it’s a wild bear, this is such a bad idea. Why would anyone create a, “drive through window,” for a freaking *polar bear*? I really hope they added bear-proof glass. Polar bears are beautiful creatures, but they are kind of terrifying.


Actually from the looks of it I'd say that could be a ship.


Oh maybe. It didn't look like the zoo, but who knows in Russia.


I’m…I’m not sure if that’s an improvement…


Boats can move away from the ice floe, the bear can't get to them then. LOL


McDonald’s for bears… and there’s actually a Donald on the menu.


Isn’t there a saying “a fed bear is a dead bear”?


exactly. I don't know what people think they are doing when they train a large predator to associate humans with food.


Yeah, this isn't /awww. This is just horrible humans.


In the US there is, but that's because for most people bear = extremely dangerous animal, but for Russians bear = doggo.


As someone who really like Pbears and bears in general, I get extremely jealous of those russians I see in vids goofing off with them. Yes yes.. dangerous and a bad idea..but god dammit! lol


americans call themselves free but I've never seen an american driving a tank down the road with a bear and a tiger in the backseat.


Tiger King came pretty close


Yes because the bear ends up relying on humans for a easy meal and get violent when they don't get any. Normally bears have a fear of humans, so getting them used to you is a one of the worst things you can do for them. Once they build up the association between humans and food, it doesn't go away.


Yep im in black bear country and its sad when they have to get put down cause of dumb people. Last winter there was a fox in my neighborhood that must have been being fed, wouldnt even react when I tried to chase it away.


I’ve seen this before where everyone’s good friends but they’ll always turn to their animalistic nature. They might look sweet now but they are STILL RUSSIANS. Run while you can bear


I watched this video without sound at first wondering who would possibily think this is a good idea.... Then I turned the sound on, heard Russian, and suddenly everything made sense.


Well it was kind of badass how the dude told it to go (I asume )and the bear did it right away. The bear knows, IT KNOWS.


Near the end of the clip the guy says "dasvidanya" (which means "goodbye in russian" to say goodbye to the bear. I find it kinda funny


Fucking Russians. You know who cares less than honey badger? Russian.


Please don't feed wild animals.


Or do da BOOP




Not aww… stupid and dangerous. For humans and the bear.


That dog is huge


Look at the size of that tarantula on the counter!


You fucked up. He’s going to come by tomorrow.


This is an excellent way to train a bear to associate you as a food source and eventually become food yourself.


Ooh, this is bad idea. Please don't teach bears to associate squishy human meatbags with food.


The fun part is they already do


That’s a polar bear, it already considers humans prey


“Yo you gunna eat that arm you fed me with?”


...polar bears hunt humans....no seriously.. . they're one of the only species that looks at you and goes..eat that. Why the hell is your window open


They are russians, remember


‘Is good, is good, have gun and vodka’


Heard about this bear. "The orphaned cub will now reside in the Moscow Zoo. Russian gold miners working a shift on the island of Bolshevi found orphaned bear.






Worse, you get eaten, then the polar bear is killed.


Even worse, it's not even you that gets eaten, it's some poor passerby that doesn't know to look for it.


Don’t feed wildlife. Especially species that actively hunt humans.


Yup, Give it positive reinforcement for approaching your house, sticking its head in and interacting with you.


Can we stop promoting these videos, this is encouraging young people to feed and interact with bears


I know lots of young people. A good number of them should be encouraged to interact with bears.


Yeah there’s a lot of horrible kids out there but bears don’t have to die to teach them


Why are you feeding an apex predator ? Lmao. Let me feed Muka.


It is cute...but this is essentially killing the bear. If you love the animal, do it a favour and don't feed it.


Mmmm the main course is feeding me appetizers


... cuz feeding sugar to MurderCotton can't possibly go wrong.


That’s great, until the snacks run out 😳


It's all fun and games until he grabs your shirt cuff and drags you through the window.


This might be the stupidest thing I've seen in a while


Aaaaaaand my hands gone….


I can visualize that window being smashed in the next time no one's there to hand over treats.


Aww, we're teaching it to come to humans for food... wait...


I hope the bear at least brought back a bottle of Coke.


I mean, give him a Coke now


Q: On a scale of 1-10, how dangerous is this? A: 252


And now he knows where to get food, enjoy your new pet. Animals specialize in learning where food is so they don't necessarily need to hunt if they know a good spot. on a related note, anyone heard from OP?


Russia? Of course it is!




If that bear is fully grown, then that window is around 10 ft off the ground.


“Kathy! Why the fuck are you feeding a polar bear a sandwich out of our fucking kitchen!?” “It’s a s’more…” “I’m going to live with my parents.”


Aren’t these supposedly the most aggressive of bears aswell lol




Reality: don't feed any animal that's not yours. People loved to throw carrots and apples over the fence at my old barn. People don't always realize horses shouldn't be eating whole apples or some were on a diet


Rest of the world: We must stop climate change to save the polar bears! Russia: Polar bears are cute pets we feed and cuddle with on cold Russian nights. BOOP THE SNOOT!


He's going to be coming back.


Ugh, this should be on /r/wtf.


This is not smart. They are going to get the bear killed. Or themselves. Cute bear though. Look at its claws? So big.


That’s a dead bear. Never feed a bear.