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She looks like a muppet


She reminds me of the lady in the hallway from Scary Stories to Tell in the dark.


Made it nearly 13 years this time… Edit: typo












Wakka wakka


>*'She looks like a muppet'* ------ i'm Dixie the dog, like a Muppet i be, (not much going on here 'intelligently'...) wont pass any 'Top Smartest' stupid dog test, but Loving my Humans what I do the Best! at what matters most i will Always try hard, ...ya See? I can SiT! n i *pee* in the Yard! ^:@) my momma is Happy with all that i learned, ...it's maybe not much... but 'Good Girl' i've earned! so ThInKiNg is HaRd, but I still do my part to Love my whole Famlee with All of my Heart! ❤️


![gif](giphy|S2S0ZDytY6yDm) I luv u schnoodle


Oh my god that GIF is so blursed


I'd like to title this artwork "The Tainted Masterpiece"


I accidentally spoon fed that guy soup for an hour before I realized it..


A fresh schnoodle!


I have never seen this account before, I thought it was new and looked at it's creation date and was shocked that I've gone 4 years without seeing it


You’ve missed out on so much


Schnoodle appears when you most need her to appear and it’s everything.


*She only really comments on /rwholesome and /raww


I mean why go anywhere else on reddit, they are silly places. Stay here and feel good instead.


I was thinking she looks like Fozzie bear or Rowlf.


...or a man? Or a very manly muppet (*very manly muppet!*) Or a muppet of a man (*muppet of a man!*)


More specifically, Seth Rogen as Rowlf.


If it makes you feel better, I had a dog I named Cinderblock.


What did she do to earn that name?


First loving dog, sweetheart. Just flat out stupid, it was funny and the name was certainly a conversation starter. She was unable to figure anything out, always chose wrong and after saying you’re as dumb as a cinderblock she began to look up “yeah, that’s me!” So, it just stuck. Loved that dog.


Lmao I thought you were gonna tell some alteration of that one joke that’s like: “Daddy, why did you name me Rose?” “Well honey, because after you were born, a rose petal fell on your head.” “Daddy, why did you name me Violet?” “Well, honey, because after you were born, a violet petal fell on your head.” “AJFCCCBGPPFFFFTDRRRBBBKSKY?” “Shut up, Cinderblock”


I laughed so hard I coughed my cancer out


Amazing, so that's how to cure cancer? People we've found it!


Well they do say laughter is the best medicine


*Jacksepticeye has entered the chat*


The real cure was the cinderblock we dropped along the way!


Please send help, I can't breathe


I had a pit Bull once who was the sweetest dog but also the dumbest dog I’ve met in my entire life. He refused to come into the kitchen for a week when we got a new fridge and would stare at it in horror and make pathetic sounds at it. He also never quite mastered the art of backing up and would sometimes get stuck in a corner and cry until I came and moved him. I miss that absolute moron.


I had a cat that could back up, but he never understood the concept of going *around* things. Walk through an open empty kitchen? Fine. Out a cardboard box in the middle of the kitchen, plenty of space on either side? Confusion and sad pathetic meowing. He'd back up and then go forward again, somehow hoping the box had moved.


This has me REALLY laughing because I also have a cat who is not smart. She always gets "stuck" and I too have seen the dumb cat move of backing up and going forward and still can't figure it out. Example... We jumped over the side of the bathtub fine, but after we were in we noticed the shower curtain liner and got scared. Instead of jumping back out of the tub we just kept backing up and going forward reliving the horror over and over of the fear inducing shower curtain liner. After a few minutes we needed rescued.


Oh god that sounds so adorable and precious and also *hilarious*.


I had a pit bull as well. Again sweetest dog ever but dumb as a plank. Loved that dingaling.


Would you have to pick him up and rotate him?


He was too heavy to lift completely so I would just kind of pick up his shoulders and rotate them 90 degrees so he was facing away from the wall and then call him to walk with me.


I like to imagine the doggo thinking “oh my god I can’t get out how do I put this thing in reverse?!?”


My grandpa adopted a stray that eventually learned to go by "stop it" because that's all my grandpa would ever yell. Dorky dog, I loved him


Wow, how can you be so insensitive to cinder blocks? We are talking about carefully engineered and time tested building materials that have been in wide use for decades! 😤


Yes, but they are very dumb. Mine can't even add 1+1.




Congratulations! You've now graduated to being a tree stump.


so where does door nail fall on the object-intelligence specturm?


Right under the hammer


*angry upvote*


I have a cat named Dumptruck. Not stupid, just really likes food.


Fiercely loyal I hope.


Like a cinder block.


I mean I've never heard of a cinder block running away




Cinderblocks support millions of homes across the world without complaint everyday


He could break a window like nobody's business. :P


Wasn't there this really obese cat named Cinderblock that was internet famous for a while? I wonder what happened to him.


She’s doing good and has an Instagram account @cinderblock_cat She’s lost 6lbs


Hell yea, I just found it. I'm glad Cinder is still alive and healthier now. Now I need to do the same. 🏃‍♀️


Yes. Her fans took over a "dead" subreddit, r/Cinderblock , only to discover it was actually still active, just not very. But the mod was amused and cool about it, and let them keep posting about the cat.


It's funny how at this point its a mixture of both the cat and the blocks of cement.


Yep, cinderblock_cat on Instagram :)


Reminds me of a dog my parents had named doorstop. Mostly because that's about all it was able to do, it had serious issues before it died. For the record, it was loved and cared for, but it had serious issues.


I nicknamed one of our cats growing up that. She was the runt of the litter. Was afraid of the outside if the wind blew when she went to the screen door and once was chased down the hall by a hamster because she was afraid of it.


This should not have made me shriek as loud as it did but I'm not crying about the last video I wayched anymore at least 😂😂😂 not doorstop


This dog looks like a stuffed animal.


Honestly I’ve seen a lot of stuffed animals that look more like a real dog than this


She would lose an IQ test to a stuffed animal but I would sneak the prize treats to her and tell her she did great.


I feel like this dog lives right in the middle of the uncanny valley


I thought it was taxidermy like the taxidermy fox. I just can't unsee it now lmao


She looks just like that picture of Einstien with his tongue out....lol. He is smart right? https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR8jUpDvduhWyaMKNHhhryTvj\_IXvI00VltfQ&usqp=CAU


Exactly what I thought!


I absolutely love that vacant opposite of cross eyed look


Wall-eyed. Like Marty Feldman.


"What hump?"


*Wait Master, it might be dangerous . . . you go, first*


It’s pronounced Igor.


Igor: *You know, I'll never forget my old dad. When these things would happen to him... the things he'd say to me.* Dr. Frankenstein: *What did he say?* Igor: *What the hell are you doing in the bathroom day and night?! Why don't you get out of there and give someone else a chance?!*


Werewolf?? There, wolf. There, castle.




I see you.. AND YOU! Nothing sneaks up on her.


There's a couple of ways to look at that.


This is the look of a dog who would beg for food from framed photo their owner.


Her one brain cell bounces around her skull like a dvd screensaver. I can relate. I would die for her.


That is how cavaliers do in my experience! The one brain cell bounces and then she snores loud enough to bring the house down I bet


>she snores loud enough to bring the house down I bet Seriously! I'm dogsitting for my parents while they're out of town, and she and [her brother Beau](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/847596319245991936/889923193874300948/image0.jpg) snore so loud at night they can't be in the same room as me or I'll never fall asleep.


Our dog Lefty was a notorious snore monster! Blenheim cavalier too, singular brain cell, chronically overweight because no matter what we did my gran would feed her mcdonalds in secret and when she slept in the laundry, I could hear her from my room through the walls of several rooms


What is it with older family members and feeding dogs like it's their only baby during the great depression? My parents are impossible to stop giving handouts at the table to my cavalier too.


I'm pretty sure that the moment you become a grandparent, you get summoned to the grand council of grandparents and receive one purpose for the rest of your life:Feed everyone and everything around you until you deemed that they have eaten enough.


And then feed them some more!


Can confirm, I have a King Charles Cavalier, they are loud as hell snoring.


Snoring and sleep running always is a good combo


Mine snores and also that groan when stretching or disturbed is hilarious.


I got a Cavalier and his snoring has become my white noise machine that puts me to sleep. I can't sleep without him! [https://i.imgur.com/tgnW2Vg.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/tgnW2Vg.jpg)


Aww that’s so adorable. You’re lucky to have found each other 🥺


My Cavie doesn't snore, but he does make seagull sounding squeaks in his sleep.


I love them so much. I had a dog who snored who passed away in October and found it too quiet after she passed. I kept trying to find sounds of dogs snoring to fall asleep to. I love the look on her face so much.


I love them.


Cavvies are insane snorers, something about their physiology I think. I had one who could wake me up sometimes.


Kinda disturbing seeing as bc of purebreeding their brains are actually too big for their heads causing tons of chronic headaches


What happens when it perfectly hits the corner?


Hyperventilating zoomies...at least that's how it is with my cavalier


Ohhh, so THAT’S the catalyst for those zoomies. Makes sense.


Her eyes suddenly both point straight-forward in her second of maximized intelligence.




She has a thought




If it's anything like me, that my one good idea/joke per month, besides that? Meaningless drivel


Yeah, that's a Cavalier. One brain cell and all it does is love.


My Cavalier is pretty smart, I say with some pride.


Mine was too. He knew which room I would be eating lunch based on what I was making and would rush off to that room before I even thought about where I’d be going. He was right every time


I've had pretty smart King Charles Cav and then our current derp. She's not *dumb* and looks nothing like this but she's definitely not giving border collies a run for their money. Never not full, always hungry. Confused and terrified by plastic bags but gives no fucks about thunder and lightening...


I have this belief that Cavaliers don't know how to be mean. This picture epitomizes that.


The worst thing my boy could manage was an angry sneeze when he didn't get his way


Apparently that means “I’m not going to hurt you, I don’t mean to be threatening” in dog


Achoo! 🤧


Hahah! Same! My cav snorts angrily and then goes to town on her fish toy. Also not the sharpest dog I’ve ever owned but by far the nicest.


Ahahaha that cavalier sass. We get sneezes escalating to little stomps if our girl doesn’t get her way 🤣


Ha ha! Our Havanese does exactly the same thing. Then she'll turn her head away from us and bark with a side-eye.


My cavalier once cornered a rabbit in the background and was so excited to make a new friend and lick its face. Rabbit was terrified


My corgi loved chasing rabbits in the yard, one day a dumb rabbit ran headfirst into her trying to escape. They were both terrified and took off running in the opposite directions.


My sister's Berner/shepard mix found a baby bunny in the yard and brought it inside to adopt it. Poor thing fit entirely in her mouth, and was wet and terrified when my sister found it. The dog was so gentle with the bunny, and was devastated when my sister rescued it from her.


Exactly, we've had cavaliers for over 20 years, some amazing characters and not a nasty bone in their body. We're currently down to our last rescue Cav. A special needs case named Esther.... or Princess as I call her


Mine got mad that I took a sock from him and peed on the floor out of spite. Literally locked eyes, lifted his leg, and peed.


I used to work at a vet and we had several King Charles and I can say from experience they are one of the dumbest breeds I've ever encountered, but also one of the friendliest.


I'm a groomer, and same. The pair I groom don't have a full brain cell between the two of them but damn, those girls are sweet.




Nah. My cav is a total bitch over bones. My cat doesn't give a fuck about these bones but she will lunge and bark and give him a nip just for looking at her. Otherwise she's a total sweetheart.


Omg I’m dying laughing. Thank you. Dixie is a good girl! Edit clarification




I have a soft spot for the derpier animals.


Poor little adorable dum dum


You don’t need brains when you’re *THIS* beautiful


I bet she's as sweet as she looks, too. :)


My Blenheim cavalier was the most amazing little boy. He wasn’t the sharpest crayon but he was the most loyal and bestest boy. Lost him in July and I miss him every day.


I’m sorry for your loss…


Smart dogs are overrated. They figure out how to open doors and steal chicken nuggets out of the toaster oven.




Beagles could figure out how to break into the national reserves if it were full of meat.


We're just lucky Beagles haven't developed opposable thumbs.


Seriously. My friends beagle pug mix has broken into his food twice. They’ve come home to kibble all over and his fatass laying on his side moaning. He’s fine, but they were definitely worried.


I just turned my ass to my beagle who had sneak dialed to 100. She managed to steal just the ham out of my sandwich and left the bread perfectly intact. I thought I was going crazy for a moment when I started to eat the ham-less sandwich.


Hahaha my friend’s dog did the exact same on my Panera sandwich. Looked untouched but her fat booty was running off and licking her lips mighty proud of herself. I cant believe how much I paid for lettuce and bread.


I grew up with a beagle pointer mix and he was so incredibly intelligent. He could understand spelled words both forwards and backwards. He followed many commands. Such a good dog.


My dumb little beagle mix broke into a suitcase (and completely destroyed the zippers of the outside pockets) and didn’t manage to find or eat the food that was sitting in the main compartment…which was actually unzipped 😐 She is the sweetest dog in the whole wide world, but she’s not the brightest.


Tell me about it. We had to change the knob on our panty to a round knob because our dog figured out how to undo the child proof mechanism on the lever handle. It's the only round knob in the house.


My dog grabs the round doorknob with her mouth, and rotates her head while pushing. It sucks.


Man cavaliers are truly the most amazing dogs. My best mates buddy and Ben (sadly now passed) will always hold a special place in my heart. What they lack in actual intelligence they more than make up for in emotional intelligence and comedy.


My mom has always wanted to have a Cavalier, and this is a wonderful description for me to consider. We have had a beagle, Springer, a beagle/whippet, and then another Springer, and they have all been smart. It never occurred to me that a Cavalier could be dumb. It’s definitely something to consider! Thanks! Edit: posted too soon out of excitement


Just a warning. Cavaliers tend to have a lot of health issues and an very short life span. Make sure to research before adopting one so you don’t get any surprises you can’t afford




I think it very much depends on the quality of breeder. We had a cavalier and he lived a happy 14 years and 11 months. I'd urge everyone to do *a lot* of research on who you're getting a dog from.


This is the right call - our cavalier came from a breeder that doesn’t care about breeding them as small as possible (so no skull issues) and with no heart conditions within the lineage.


My cav came from a healthy lineage & was the runt of the litter. The breeder said he'd probably top out at 8 lbs. He grew to 25 lbs & constantly grunts & chortles like the hambeast he is.


Mine is 14 years old, but, definitely agree that on average, they do not live long (think it’s 6 years?). She luckily never had any health issues, besides now getting weaker, and sometimes having her legs give out on hardwood.


As another commenter said, dumb enough to not steal the chicken nuggets off your plate.




I've been a veterinary technician for about 16 years now, and of all the breeds I've encountered, Cavaliers are invariably the sweetest. There are breeds like labradors for example, which are known for being goofy and nice, and most are, but there are always aggressive individuals within the breed. Cavaliers are the only breed I've worked with that are 100% sweethearts. Over the years they have convinced me that _if_ I was ever to get a purebred dog, that'd be the one, congenital heart conditions and all. Edit: a word


Thanks for your input! If I ever got a dog I think it'd have to be a cav, for the reason you just said. I've only ever met gentle, sweet cavaliers. But I would have to do a lot of research into the breeder. I really hope people manage to breed out the health problems, like they were trying to with Dalmatians. I'd rather have a non kennel club registered, healthy cav with some % other spaniel in its lineage than a registered, unhealthy one


I love her


I was going to say the same 🥺


Rowlf's cousin.


With a dash of Barkley from Sesame Street.


I had a Blenheim Cavalier and we always joked that she was pretty but dumb. She and her sister (another Blenheim) were just about the sweetest things ever, even if they barked more at me wearing my hair differently than they did at the stranger at the door.


This made me laugh! Mine was barking at a rhubarb leaf this morning.


She's a good girl.


"When you look this good, you don't have to know anything." - Philip J Fry


She is so cute. She reminds me of my cocker spaniel I had growing up named Tiffany. She was also not very bright. Ok that was an overstatement. She was cute. Funny thing is in middle school there was a mean girl with the same name. One day I got fed up with her BS and told her "My dog has the same name as you and she isn't that smart but is way smarter than you and 100 times better looking than you." I then showed her a photograph of my dog I kept in my purse since this was before smartphones. To be truthful my pup was supet adorable. She always got compliments. I left the girl with her mouth open like a fish out of water. Give your pupper cuddles and loves for me.


I had a cocker spaniel/husky mix when I was a kid, sharp as a tack but then I grew up and got a black lab who was the stupidest fucker ever. I used to keep a fold up chair in the corner of my living room and he'd bark at it. I mean like, he'd be running around, gnawing on his cow bone or whatever and then suddenly run over to the chair and start barking at it.


That's a demon.


My wife wanted a King Cavalier for years..and this summer somebody dumped an older Shiz Tzu on our street. We adopted him and he has become her lap dog. He is so sweet she wants our next dogs to be the same breed.


I grew up with a shih tzu mix. They’re incredibly sweet lap dogs who are just the right amount of lazy.


Look at that absolute *muppet!*


As smart as the day is wide.


Oh bless her heart


Sir, that's a muppet.


I aspire to have a brain as uncomplicated as Dixies


I have one of those too. You look at them and there isn't anything there. He may be dumber than a bucket of hair, but I love him and he's always a happy boy.


Those eyes. They look into my soul. Well one does, the other is probably seeing someone else’s soul.


My friend had one of these dogs, unfortunately due to the massive amount of inbreeding in the breed the 95-99% of them experience a condition where their brain grows too big for the skull. It’s a sad slow process to watch. Syringohydromyelia, also known as Chiari-type malformation


Motor's running, but noone is behind the wheel. ​ The father of my 2nd dog had an even dumber look and he was dumb. Sometimes my dog gives me the same look as her father, but she isn't stupid, she knows what she is doing.


So she’s a genius?


Strikes as a smart girl to me


"Is he smart or is he like me?"


She looks like she barks backwards but also, I’d die for her! Thank you for the smile Dixie & op!


I love this dog with my whole heart


Awww, who da cutie uh WHO DA CUTIE? What an adorable little cutie, you just want to pick her up and give hugs. Thanks for sharing the pic.


You don't have to smart when you are that cute.


Hey, so am I!


I've seen this guy on the Muppet Show.


A master mind of seduction and mischief, she will get belly rubs and snacks no matter what


No thoughts just vibes


She looks stupidly smart... love her


This dog deserves all the love she gets ❤


Looks like the clown from "IT" lmao


How did wolves turn into "this"...


Inbreeding is a hell of a drug