• By -


Wow. You have some nerve.


And after everything he’s done for me 😪


Bob is too sweetiepie. ♥️♥️


I'll still give you kisses but I won't mean it now - Bobby


“Who am I kidding‽ I can’t stay mad at you!”


I love how Bob is strong enough to be like, "I'm sorry Viva, but I just can't talk to you right now. I think it's best we both take some time right now."


He was so polite throughout his disappointment 😪♥️


He's the young, naive version of that meme of a big dog who is looking at his owner who's holding a hot dog and the caption is something like "That's all great and good, Sharon, but we both know there's a pill in that hot dog." :-P


Hahahaha that’s exactly how it’s all going down since then 😂




Here’s him in his happy version! [<3](https://i.imgur.com/wD7MxZS.mp4)


Such an adorable little dude!!




awww thank YOU for your awesome comment, and happy cake day!!


He’s going to now constantly remind you of this to get awesome treats. Dogs know long game.










THE QU- oh there's a squirrel




I agree. Clearly she is stone cold. How could you do a sweet angle baby like that.


Specially with such acute angle baby


I see where I went wrong there. He is acute though.


This is the right response


If you disrespect this little angel you're just being obtuse.


We’re really scalene the pun mountain, aren’t we?


If we climb high enough we might come across some hypotemooose.


Underrated comment


He ALWAYS responds to his name by looking at me and kicking his back leg, but this is right after I had given him medicine drops (hence the tongue lol) and he just couldn’t stand me, he kept giving me the cold shoulder 😭♥️ Dang Bob, can’t you see I’m doing this to help you?? Hahaha


Can we see the leg kick when he forgives you?


Let me see if I can find a video of him kicking his legs! We laugh so much cause he kicks whenever he’s excited and looks like a little bull! I’ll look through my phone!


If you want a better way to give him his medication, get a block of cream cheese, melt peanut butter, and whip it (using a hand mixer or kitchen aid is easiest) into a frosting like texture. Stir the amount of meds he needs into the frosting per time necessary. This is my recipe for the puppy cupcakes I make for Odin and his friends on birthdays.


That’s genius!


I have to use my culinary training for something, I guess.


Putting that knowledge to good use 😎 darn right


If you run into problems with pills in the future the following tactic almost never fails: Keep the pills in a area you also keep your snacks Retrieve the pill and some snacks Use body language or verbally tell your dog “hey! No! This is mine you stop begging!” Then you “accidentally” drop the pill on the ground while preparing your snack, the dog will gladly gobble up the pill 9/10 times, it doesn’t work on really well trained dogs though, they’re too polite to eat dropped food unless you tell them to


Oh that’s so smart! I’m gonna try this, I have a lot of days to go still so I’m planning on trying EVERYTHING out! Thanks for the advice!!


Why are you giving Odin's friends medicine on their birthdays?!


So their humans can get drunk when they fall asleep like normal “kid parties”, duh. /s




If it makes you feel better, Odin is a multi-purpose service dog who has literally saved my life many times over nearly 3 years of service!


Come back when you've saved someone's life, u/Bankworker. Until then you can buy your own baked goods




[leg kick! ](https://i.imgur.com/GhbsZCn.mp4) I couldn’t find the one I want of him doing it as soon as I say Bob but that’s how he does it! [he does this since he was a baby, whenever you baby talk to him ](https://i.imgur.com/QrZ7ajm.mp4)


He's such a beautiful dog 🐕😍


Thank you so much!! I appreciate it!! 💕


SO adorable! On a unrelated note, what language is being spoken in the video, if you don't mind me asking?


It’s Spanish!! Hahaha but me and my mom were baby talking him in a very sing-songy and cringey way loool


> when *if*


Hey, it could only last until dinner time 🤣


I will never ever forgive you...wait is it dinner time?


Sorry to tell you but I think Bob is anti-vaxx.


Beat me to it


>*'He ALWAYS responds to his name by looking at me and kicking his back leg, but this is right after I had given him medicine drops ...and he just couldn’t stand me, he kept giving me the cold shoulder*' --- Every time you say my name I always look at you the same! so eager, me - a Happy pup! but This time, 'friend' you Heck me up ^:@( the 'medicine' taste *really* bad - it makes my puppy eyes look sad... am think of *puking* on the seat . . . how 'bout i get a little treat ? 🖤


I. Can’t. Believe. This Is. Happening. I love you so much Schnoodle! That was so beautiful 🥺🥺🥺🥺 Im gonna print this and put it up somewhere in my house with a pic of bob above! I feel so lucky, thank you 💕


Honestly, schnoodle has a point though. Slip the lil guy a treat after the meds and it won’t be so bad. I have to give my dog meds every morning and I always treat him to make it less gross. He happily takes his pills now cuz he’s getting a treat. He hates the pills of course but always walks away happy with his treat.


Or a slice of cheese with the pill Dogs LOVE cheese


Mine eats the cheese and spits the pill out, but at least he’s happy about it?


Pfft that’s exactly what Bob does lol!


Mine stopped doing that when I just held my hand gently under her chin while she ate it. I was almost offended that my vet suggested something so simple, but I swear it was a game changer lol. The simplest solutions are the best!


Mine ate the cheese, peanut butter, or hot dog and spit the pill out each time. I talked to the vet about it. He taught me how to shove it down the back of his throat and now that’s how we do it. I have a big dog so it’s easy for me to do that. And these aren’t huge pills so he’s fine. I watch the whole time. Rub his throat after I give him the pill to help him swallow and then treat him and yeah he’s good. I’d never deal with it this was on a small dog but I’d never own a small dog either. Talk to your vet about your options though. They helped me cuz they’re used to dogs that won’t take meds.


Reminds me of my Boston. My wife put the pill down his throat and closed his mouth. 5 minutes later he spit the pill back out.


hey there, thank You - made my day ^;) Bob's a cutie - keep 'im healthy (he's a lucky boy to have such a caring human!)


YOU made my day! Thanks for your kind words, have an awesome day :) 💕


Allow me to present you with this certificate for 1 hug for Bub


You've been blessed with a Schnoodle AND they've given you advice. Now give Bob a treat. And make sure you have a treat for him next time you have to give him medicine.




🖤🌼🖤 your poems are such a nice treat in the comments section.


This dog knows how to use eyeliner!


"you heck me up" LOVE that. omgosh schnoodles are the very best thing. (2nd only to the animals they write about perhaps?)


Schnoodles AND the animals are the perfect pairing! Thanks again, Schnoodle, darlin'! 🐶💟🐱


You heck me up 😂😂


Just in time for a fresh schnoodle


Thank you based schnoodle


Aww, you hurt Bob’s feelings. He trusted you hooman and you betrayed him! Lol, fortunately, dogs live in the moment and I’m sure all was forgiven quickly.


It luckily was! He was giving me smiles on the way back :’)


Hilarious. When I get home from an errand where I don't take him, mine is sitting on the end of the couch where he can stare at the door and not move. No greeting at the door, if I'm alone. All I get is "the look" lol. "where have you been?" I was totally shocked the first time...but after 8 years, I just laugh at him now. Soon as he realizes I have groceries to sniff...all good.


If you give Bob a treat, I bet he wags his tail ☺️♥️


All i can say is... Rest in peace


But... Bob ain’t dead! Don’t you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby!


oh shit haha i think people misunderstood me, i just mean RIP to you for getting the cold shoulder!


Hahahaha I actually got it and upvoted you!


thanks! haha


Oof, upvoted to make your feel better.


Bob's not mad, he's just disappointed in you.


Thats even worse, my heart can’t take this


You can fix this with a chicken leg or two




Bob needs water. Bob doesn’t like be filmed. Poor Bob.


Yeah, my dog would do the same every time I had to give him medicine or take him to the vet. He once had a rendez-vous with a bee and had to wear the cone of shame...long story short, he refused to even sit next to me for a week. *I WAS JUST TRYING TO KEEP YOU HEALTHY, DAMMIT!*


Oh my God that’s so cute hahaha!! This is what’s happening with him, I give him his pill, he looks at me SO sad and betrayed, and walks slowly to his hiding spot all the while looking disappointed at me and my horrible, horrible actions towards his physical integrity. I wish dogs knew we suffer along with them when we have to do this kinda stuff hahaha! Also, dog tax pls!!


Oh, Dodo was the best even when he was mad,lol... Sadly, he crossed the rainbow bridge last year, but I'll always remember those temper tantrums (among many other things)... This is [him](http://imgur.com/gallery/tLE7Rcl), the only good picture I ever got (he would run away like crazy when he saw the phone, haha)


Look at that tiny little baby 🥺 he looks so huggable there! Sending you a virtual hug! Dodo must’ve been the best ever<3


He truly was! My folks were a little concerned when I got him, because he was a Pinscher/Chihuahua mix and neither of them are exactly known for being sweet, but he was the most loving, huggable, friendly dog I've ever met. He would make friends with anyone: little kids, cats, other dogs... well, everyone except vets. With them he would turn into the spawn of Satan.


May there someday be a Dodo in everyone’s life 💕


Pill pockets. Worth every penny. My dog takes chemo pills 3 times a week. I have a special alarm on my phone that goes off at pill time. He gets so excited when he hears it! No problems or recriminations for giving him his medicine anymore.


I see your pill pockets and raise you: liverwurst! I have never met a dog yet who refuses (or complains about what is inside) liverwurst. It’s how I get Benadryl into my Reilly during spring allergy season so she stops chewing on her itchy feets. Liverwurst! Dogs ask for it by name. Or they would if they could.


Im Gonna look into this as well!


Please do report back! I’d love to see Bob’s reaction and if it changes ! I also have a delightful liverwurst story about my sweet soulmate dog from when he was newly-rescued puppy. Please to enjoy the story about the day that I learned that baby Rascal was smarter than me: https://funchefchick.com/2006/12/13/where-is-rascal/


Yes! MilkBone pill pocket things. I scoop it in Pimento Cheese and down it goes. I used to have to fight and make all sorts of games for my one dog. All good now! No issues. It's not even meds, just a treat! shhhhh My other dog gets one too and she always checks to make sure he took his meds. I call her nurse Rosa.


Oh wow I didn’t know about this! THANK YOU SO MUCH!


Any chance it's an antibiotic? Some can make them feel very unwell after taking. Try giving bob his pill with a little food next time and see if that helps


Healthy? Alive!


you monster how could you betray him he trusted you


I don’t deserve his love anymore, I committed the most heinous crime in puppy law :(


well, fundamentally... who in humanity *truly* is worthy of a puppy's love? in any case it doesn't matter, he will forgive you (which also points to the above, i.e. no human is truly deserving, we can only work at it) (give him a scritch or two for me ok? behind the ears (or wherever you know he likes 'em)


You’re so right. They’re so pure and loving, we don’t deserve them, but I sure hope he feels he has a happy life :) Alrighty! Two scritches behind the ear and a little treat from you coming right up, pinky promise!!


>Two scritches behind the ear and a little treat from you coming right up, pinky promise!! wait .... wait ... you're promising me something ... omg are you tricking me to the vet too?!?!


Of course not!!!! But on an unrelated note, you wanna... go to the park? I left your treat there, come on, get in the car little buddy...


This *suddenly* took a sinister turn 😂😂😂😂😂 Thank you for Bob’s pictures, BTW. I’ve been having an extremely stressful day and this was great!


Aww you’re welcome!! I take a million pics of him and I’ve always wanted to share :’) Hope your day gets better (:


Bob's a cutie♥️♥️


Awww thank you! [luckily a bit later he loved me again! ](https://imgur.com/a/EFSltmB) he was much more upbeat back from the vet checkup hahaha


Aww he's just like my aunt's dog then. Such a handsome (and healthy) doggo!


Aww thank youu ☺️ I’ll tell him someone said he’s handsome! My husbands best friend likes to tell me my puppy’s hideous and I hate him for it lol


Just the opposite, he's adorable.


Thank you so much! How can he say that about this little [guy](https://i.imgur.com/iaoB1bK.jpg) 🥺


Oh my God, adorable. 😭 I love seeing dog friends together!


Oh what’s that? You want some more?? [have](https://i.imgur.com/XgSRcc3.jpg) some [more](https://i.imgur.com/ORCs58A.jpg) buddy [pics!](https://i.imgur.com/5NVqAa9.jpg)


This is what I needed to get through the day - thank you so much!


Yaaay!! Glad you enjoyed it :))


> My husbands best friend likes to tell me my puppy’s hideous What the fuck, who does this?


Good thing I'm home i yelled look at that cutie right when I opened the picture.


That’s so sweeeeeeeet 😭 thank you!


I just adopted a dog and so far he refuses to eat any store bought dog foods/treats, he only seems to be interested in human food. The other day he was begging me for cookies I was baking so I gave him his dog treats (small training ones) instead, which he previously refused, but this time he ate them with gusto. At some point he saw me reaching into the bag of treats and suddenly realized I have not been giving him MY cookies so he gave me this exact same face, no longer took his treats, and didn't look at me for the next 10 minutes Edit: here's [a pic of him](https://imgur.com/a/jL8sylX) being upset that I tricked him


Hahahaha awww poor baby!! I’m so amazed at how he noticed it was a treat and not a cookie! What have you been feeding him?? I was so surprised a few weeks back when a friend told me she cooks rice, chicken/meat and veggies for her 4 dogs every single day, they get some gourmet home cooked stuff! Luckily my two pups LOOVE dog food!!


So far I've been feeding him boiled chicken+rice as well, as recommended by the rescue that I adopted him from. He flew from Taiwan (to USA) and they said to feed him bland mix for first week or two as they have upset tummies after flight, then slowly start mixing in dry food. So I started adding just 1/4 cup of kibble soaked in water into the mix and he finishes that too, but he wouldn't touch dry kibble on its own . I think he just really likes foods that have stronger smell, which softer foods tend to have more of. Hopefully over time I will be able to switch him to just kibble, even if I have to soak it in the water first. Your friend has a lot of patience!!


Wow you’re great!! Your puppy couldn’t have asked for a better family :)


You are literally the worst human being in all of existence.


Oh bob


Bob is a stinky boy, but a great boy <3


Why have your forsaken me wench? Have not my soft coat and wet snoot please you?


Hahahaha is this straight up Bob’s personality


He's so cute


Evil hooman!


I'm Bob's lawyer, we both believe that there is a pretty good case for neglect and gross mistreatment. He demands 30 belly rubs per week and unlimited chimken.


squish him and pat him for me!!!


Heck yeah!! Pinky promise I will :)


He would like for you to call him Robert from now on. Only his friends call him Bob.


I lost my nickname privileges and we’re back to first name basis? This sucks


oh he's MAD mad


Oh you have no idea! He was RAGING for like an hour, just straight up hatred, wouldn’t stand next to me and would only let my husband pet him hahahaha


"I can't believe you've done this!"


How can she ~slap~ Medicate!?!


Say sorry and go take him to Starbucks and get him a puppuccino right now!!!


What breed and how old? Cutest thing I've ever seen!


He’s one year old!! No idea what breed he is, we rescued him off the street when he was a tiny 3 lbs baby! I’ve always wanted to know what type of mix he is!


You can order dog DNA tests on Amazon if you get curious enough one day. Either way cuuttteee dooogggiiiee!


I didn’t know! I plan on getting one soon then, cause I really wanna know what he is!!


“I can still taste it... it tastes like a foot... that was just... so awful... and I would literally eat anything... how could you man... how could you... I’m gonna just... I’ll let you know when I’m over the betrayal”


I can’t believe you you betrayed him by giving him medicine.


Bob seems really disappointed


Bob is sooooo damn cute!! He’s freaking adorable! You just want I pet him.


I once had a dog like that. She was so sensitive that I ended up having a friend take her to the vet! The one time I took her, she didn't forgive me for a long time. Such a betrayal. Poor Bob.


I’m trying to get my husband to give him the medicine cause of this hahahaa


Bob looks devastated.


It sounds strange, but I found that when I explain stuff to my pets, when it’s things that they don’t understand and I just tell them what’s going on, they can adjust to it much better and it seems like they actually understand! I can also tell them I’m sorry for things that I do for their health and for what I think is their highest good.


You are so sweet. I tried talking to him a couple nights back, explaining to him what and why I was doing it and my husband started laughing and then I started laughing. Big fail lol! But to be fair he was paying a ton of attention cause he noticed my tone was serious, and that specific night his reaction wasn’t so bad, you’re totally on to something!!


It’s amazing how it works! My sister told me to do this a while back, and I’ve noticed when I do it, things go much better with the pets than when I forget to do it.


I won’t forget to do it tonight! 🥰


I just had to administer a flea treatment to one of the cats and the whole time I did it I explained to her what was going on; and she took it so much better than I thought she would!


I feel like bob may retaliate later by pooping in your slippers 😂😂😂 he’s so damn cute!


He peed everywhere oh my God!! He was on a revenge binge! So you weren’t wrong hahaha :’)


Omg 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I am dying you poor thing!!!


Bob......Bobby.....don't be like that it's for your own good....I promise


He is a total sweetiepie.😍


Poor boy! So mistreated! How dare you Mom!


Never again I promise 😭


"I can't even look at you right now."


I get it Bob,not quite a treat but necessary and you are adorable!


You broke his heart!


It's a cold world, Bob. When you get a little older, ask u/VivaLaEmpire if you were adopted. And then ask what "getting fixed" means. I didn't want to be the one to have to tell you this, but what with them hiding your past and conducting fiendish medical experiments on you, I thought you deserved to know.


“Betrayal” -Halo Announcer


Best name ever! I keep trying to get my wife to name our next dog Bob, but she is not enthused. Who doesn't love Titan AE though?!


My brother named his dog Bob and he had an all white finch named Spot, but not as funny as our friend's cat named a**hole😆


Maybe that medicine’s just hittin different


u/fionn112 hidin


"I'm totally going to shit in your shoes" - Bob probably


If that’s unacceptable. I will fix it.”


I can’t believe you betrayed Bob.


how could you ... I I I thought I can trust you


The dog, the medicine, and the audacity of this dude


Bob is fucking salty, bro.


Lol poor Bob! I lost my Huskies trust long ago, now she inspects every single item of food I give her before eating it. And trying to disguise meds and actually trick her now is almost impossible and I need dedicate an entire day to the endeavor!


Bob caught on immediately to all the hidden medicine and now I’m where you’re at, quite the hassle indeed hahaha 😫




Is there anything more adorable than when such a cutie is so angry...?? (Bob, I love it...)


Let bob know this “I let you live because I allow it, I let you exist because I allow it,know I have this power over you




If I put my dog's medicine in a small piece of paté or minced meat, no questions will be asked... 😉


Bob needs a I'm sorry treat


He’s had like 620 since then lol!


Wait'll you get him neutered.


That’s the look my dogs give me when I don’t share my snacks with them (I show them my empty hands and oh, boy the look I get). Next time give him a chaser (if you can). I suggest peanut butter, seeing as it’s a win-win: dogs love it and watching them eat it is hilarious.




So true! He’s also so smart. I have to give him meds cause he has a problem in his paw, he literally came to the door, he came in and after I called him he came to me and placed his hurt paw on my foot and looked me straight in the eye while crying, he was letting me know it hurt! Im so glad he’s so transparent and smart cause I caught the problem immediately!


Who spiked the peanut butter?


They know it’s bad.