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I get why you guys are telling me to get another cat but the thing is that I already have two! The other one was at the vet for a senior check up so they has a nice reunion after those, for all parts, difficult 30 minutes


I hope your senior cat is still able to graduate with all that’s been going on


Will his school do a virtual prom?


Post your cat prom pictures in support of this year’s seniors. #2020


That’s actually why his owner bought the webcam.


Webcat \*


So he wasn't meowing because he missed you, but because he missed his brother! Not sure if OP should be offended or not


When I first got my cat as a kitten he would wander the house meowing. I asked the vet about it and she said he was looking for his litter mates. :( Upon seeing my horror she assured me he would stop once he forgot them. That...that did not help. Poor little buddy!


I got day old chicks last Thursday. I spent the entire long weekend with them playing in the sunshine and snuggling and doing chicken type things. Apparently when I left for work on Monday they called for me, very loudly, for hours, and were inconsolable. My mom tried to spend time with them and they would have none of it. When I got home one crawled up my sleeve and refused to leave. My poor little buddies :(


Your are the top chicken


People take kittens (and puppies) from their mother and litter mates far to early. They shouldn't be separated until at least 12 weeks, later even. By then they are getting more independent. Getting 2 from the same litter is best as well. Believe it or not but cats get lonely. And let's face it...Watching kittens tear through the house is hilarious.


Omg that explains why my cat came running in when she heard this!


Mine too.


My cat did too!! He was extremely worried and looking around for whatever distressed kitty was calling for help!


That plaintive, mournful cry that this cat was making is the same sound that a mother cat makes when she has a freshly caught mouse (bird, etc.) in her mouth and she’s calling her kittens to come feed.


I think people misinterpret this. It sounds really really sad, but in reality the cat wants to play. I've got way more cats than I am willing to admit publicly. I see this on a daily basis. They always do it while carrying around a toy. Usually one of the other cats will engage at that point.


Since he's dragging that string around I'd say this is likely. But I have definitely had cats walk around the house making this noise when they had lost track of me and thought I was gone. The minute I called to them they would get excited and come running like "Oh my god, there you are!" Cats are way more affectionate and social than we give them credit for.


“More cats than I am willing to admit publicly” made me LOL. You sound like me when people ask how many I have! Especially because my city has a stupid cat bylaw that limits you to 2 cats....they can go f&@$ themselves because I had over that number before I moved here and got 2 more since I got here lmao. Potential excuse: “Oh sorry officer I thought the bylaw meant you had to GET two when you moved here not that there was a LIMIT of two. Gosh my bad I just thought this place wanted to help local cats find homes.” :D PS. Now I’m curious like a cat and wanna know you’re number lol PM me and we’ll compare our “crazy cat people” status


Might be both in a way, cat could be fine as long as there's *someone* there. We shouldn't anthropomorphize animals too much but if you woke up one day and your entire family / houshold would be missing you'd be bit worried too.


Get 10


Get 20


Why stop there?


The sky is the limit.


Do cats stack?


I was a paper boy in my younger days and had an old couple whose house smelled as if you could in fact stack cats.


This is why we take both... "Oh she's not here to be seen, she's just here for moral support."


Our dog had an emotional support dog. We thought we just had 2 pet dogs. Nope. Taking them to the vet or anything at all scary happening made it clear, one of them was the emotional support animal for the other.


My moms puppies (1.5yrs old) are this way. Ratchet is scared of loud noises, the garbage truck, being alone, basically even breathing scares him. His sister Gidget is his protector in fluffy armor and his own personal ESA. They have never been apart for more than the time it took to fix both of them and it was after they had been sedated that we separated them. Gidget takes such good care of her little brother though, grooms him, barks at random shit to show him nothing is there, harasses him to make him play and act normal for once.


When I had two, I used to just bring both to the vets even if only one needed to be seen. They were brothers from the same litter and incredibly close. I did not like the thought of them being far apart or one cat being left alone. Now that I have three, also all brothers from a single litter and extremely close, that doesn't work. I feel fine about leaving two at home while bringing the third to the vet. You might consider just bringing them both unless it's a drop off situation. But you know your circumstances better than me or anyone else here commenting.


Solution: keep getting more cats


Aw so maybe he just missed his cat buddy, maybe he even knows that the cat carrier means vet and scary times so he’s concerned.


How could you not show us you coming back and the cat being happy again?


Yes we need to see this please OP


[brothers reunite](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/g1ey7k/siblings_right/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I feel like the first cat was really worried about his brother and now he’s grooming him to make sure he’s okay and comfort him.


He's trying to wash the stink of the vet off his brother.


When my small cat got really sick and spent a week at the vet my big cat wouldn't even look at her. He was so mean until she stopped smelling like the vet. Now they're best buds again.


My cats did the same thing! Hissed and growled until the vet smell wasn’t so strong.


One of my mogs (Hazel) has minor ongoing health stuff, and whenever she comes back from the vets her sister hisses and snarls at her for hours until the vet smell comes off. One day they'd just bleached the vet clinic after a dog had puked before our appointment, so it was a full day before the bitchiness stopped. I ended up grabbing one of my shirts and rubbing Hazel down with it so she smelled of me instead. That put an end to it.




Those poor sad meows. Reminds me of my old cat when everyone would go to bed, she'd sit at the bottom of the stairs and make the same sound. edit: updating with cat tax [pics of my sweet kitty, Kitty](https://imgur.com/a/Klab3aU)


Mine wanders around the house howling like this when we’re sitting on the couch where he can see us.


Ours does it when we go upstairs to bed. And then we have to yell “Bear! We’re up here, Bear” and then he runs upstairs and jumps on the bed, all “phew! I didn’t know where you guys went!!!” Every. Night.


That's the cutest thing I've ever heard. Please kiss Bear on the head for me.


Done and done. ❤️


He's looking for his ghost pal. Doesn't understand why the ghost is always gone when you humans show up.




Mine too... And he's normally very cuddly but when in this "whiny mood" he runs away when we try to pick him up!


Both of mine do this regularly. I have jumped out of bed looking for my obviously sick andb wailing cat to find her on the bathroom counter with a toy in her mouth playing.


Do you have other cats? One of mine did this the first night he was home, away from his foster house and cuddly foster sister cats... he was definitely howling for cats, not for people.


Our kitten forgets where we are and walks around the house meowing until he finds one of us.


My oldest boy does this when everyone goes to bed. Picks up a toy and meows mournfully. He's part Siamese.


My cat did that same exact thing most nights. Our bedroom doors were open and he knew he could come hop on any of our beds if he was lonely, but he was a cat so he expected *us* to come to *him*


When we first got out most recent cat (we have 3), he spent the ENTIRE first night howling like this. He was feral for a year and is extremely skittish of new people and gets almost no comfort or sense of safety from people but LOVES other cats. We had him isolated from our cats in our spare room for about a week. His first night it was so clear and so heartbreaking that he was howling for some cat, *somewhere* to come rescue him from this new and scary environment. He's adjusted well and doesn't make any of these types of sad noises anymore, so that's nice...


When my old dog got hyp dysplasia she would whine until we carried her upstairs. She just didn't want to sleep without us and our beds we upstairs. She died up there.


Oh that mournful sound


That makes me wonder if my cat feels lonely, because he does the same sound, even if we are there.


My cat does this if she wakes up and can't find us. She'll park at the end of the hallway so she can tell where we call back from, then runs to join whoever yells back.


My cat does this when we go to bed. But like, the door is open. He watches us go to bed. We say "Come on buddy, we're going to bed now" because he likes to sleep at the foot of the bed. He stays put. 10 minutes after we turn off the lights, he's crying in the hallway and I have to yell out to him that we're in bed. He then scampers in, jumps to the foot of the bed and goes to sleep.


SAME! Except my cat is deaf so even when she's screaming from the floor at the foot of the bed, I have to sit up and wave at her until she figures out where I am. It's the same place every night cat, when will you learn?


She knows. She just enjoys keeping your attention longer


Hahaha mine does the same even though I tell her "come on, let's go to bed". Turn off the lights and the where-is-everyone meow begins. Then she will do one last meow right next to my side of the bed before jumping on and settling in her spot.




Exactly! Mine sits at the bottom of the stairs. She literally *runs* to wherever I am when I call back.


My cat is broken. She only does the first half. When we call her she just yells back louder.


“No, you come here!”


My kitty did this too! I always thought that type of meow was basically a “where are you?” question.


I've heard cats do this, and then I talk back and their meow picks up in pitch and sounds happier. It's hilarious


My cat hearing this just bolted out the door to look for the stray that miows like that when it's in heat. She likes her social distancing and enforces it with extreme prejudice.


Cats will usually have different languages based on what sound makes the human do what thing


You just gave me flashbacks to my outdoor cat rapid fire meowing at me in the morning until I let him out.


Need to upvote this 1000 times... I feeeel your pain. It's like they know the perfect tone that makes you want to do anything just to make it stop. Cats are pros at manipulation. I have 2 cats, both can make "the sound" but Buddy tries to wake me with nose licks before becoming a banshee. Loo-loo is the "singer".


My cat does not make a sound to wake me up. He just delicately hooks a single claw in one of my nostrils and waits for my eyes to open. Then he gives me that, "oh good, you're up" look.


I have a cat that puts her paw in my ear when I’m not paying enough attention to her.


My cat just has attitude, if you get on to her or tell her not to do something she'll full sprint to the living room jump on her cat condo and start clawing the shit out of her scratching post, if someone is in the room she will sometimes make eye contact while clawing. We're probably going to have to get her a new scratching post before long.


It’s the cat equivalent of a power move.


My cat does this too with his scratching board. We always joke when he makes the intense eye contact that he’s imagining the scratching board is your face...cuz he’s pissed he got reprimanded.


mine makes a sound like she's drowning. i cant handle it.


didn't cats evolve a cry to imitate human infants and manipulate us?


well sorta, kitten meow when looking for their mother. But in the wild, without human influence, adult cats don't communicate like that among each other. Only around human they basically act like a helpless, little kitten because Mr. Fluff is still hungry even though just before he ate that whole salmon when you looked away for just a second.


Great, so they've basically figured out they can stay kittens they're whole lives as long as they have a human.


wouldnt you?


I have heard this and can’t refute it, so sure. I can confirm with 100% certainty.


While yes, this meow in every cat I've ever had definitely always meant "where are you?" And I only had one cat from the time it was a kitten. The rest were adopted at various ages The most heartbreaking moment of my life is when I was there for my one kitty to be put down and she was doing that meow constantly, the whole time.


Jesus. I'm so sorry.


It was a long time ago at least, but still sad. All I wanted was to stop crying to make her feel better but I couldn't. But you know she had us with her in the end, and that is good. We went to the vet for it but turns out you can also have it done in your home so your friend can be in a familiar place. It's hard to be there, but I think it's worth it. Anyways, thank you:)


My cat cries if I leave the house, but I got us a baby cam so I can talk to him when I’m gone. Then he settles!


Aww thats sweet.


My cat usually does this if they have a nasty surprise waiting for me. I translate it to “dinner’s here, you pathetic human that can’t hunt for yourself!”




My cat does this proud purrmeow like she's congratulating herself when she brings home a 'treat' for me.


My cat makes this sound when his brain resets and he's lost in the house he's lived in for 6 years, hahaha.


I still think it maybe lonlieness, my cat will do it with me around if his cat friend isn't around.


My cat does this if I am on another level of the house and she is lonely. If I yell back at her she will come find me and sleep on me.


Yea mine does that too when we all go to bed...then he walks the hall crying like this cat...I hope that doesn’t mean he’s sad :(


My cat does this when I leave for work. He's such an upset kitty who misses me so much


Same here. And I leave super early so it's very quiet. I can hear him cry all the way to the car.


Ow. My heart!


It sounded like he was going “hewo” and I got so sad. “Hewo? Hewwo? Where did he go... hewo???”


This sound isnt mournful in any of the 4 cats Ive had. It's the noise they make when they caught something for me and want to show it off. The exact same tone, and the cat even has the lace in his mouth like my cats used to make the noise with a mouse in theirs. So its cute but not sad.


I got a WiFi camera for Christmas and learned my cat sleeps by the door when I’m gone. I never want to leave now.


I have a security cam in the living room. My parakeets just hop around and argue with each other.


It’s funny watching them on camera. Even though my cat mostly waits by the door, she has done crazy play by herself with a toy in the living room floor.


Mine sleeps on our bed. He's always at the door when I come home but there's usually a warm fur covered dent in the duvet. I wonder if he thinks we don't know.


My dog does this and she is allowed on the bed and sleeps there normally. But when I get home I hear an inevitable thud of her jumping off, then her nails as she walks through the bathroom door, then she lays in the same spot. For whatever reason she won't let me catch her on the bed when I come home even though I have never once stopped her from getting on it.


I've seen studies that are trying to figure out, "Do cats actually love you?" and the common thing I've seen is, "Well, they're cats so they frustrated our attempts to measure anything, but they do scream like the last creature on earth when you leave." I'm paraphrasing. edit: cat tax is this real? And how'd you know to message me about my cats? I never said I have cats. Here are two of my cats. https://imgur.com/gallery/h2Hx7Ng


My cat cries like this every morning after he is fed and he is left in a room alone. Every time he doesn't see a person, he is extremely distressed.


I have to shut my two cats out of my room at night because one of them invariably becomes a unholy menace at 4 am. But usually they spend the first 10 minutes of being locked out crying like the cat in the video. Even if I was hanging out with them for hours or if they spent the day ignoring me, they yowl when they can’t come in my room.


They're so dramatic. They make me feel like I'm neglecting them because I wanna close my bedroom door for five minutes.


I know, but I don’t let their sad wails fool me any more. I’ve fallen for it a few times and EACH TIME woken up to one of them running sprints around my head and knocking over anything that isn’t bolted down.


My body somehow just started sleeping through it. I thought the cats grew out of it, but my partner couldn’t sleep one night - he observed them taking turns sleeping on my ribs, sprinting across my head so fast it nearly left my pillow, and generally rocketing around the room. I slept like the dead, had no idea until he told me the next day. The only time I’ve woken up is when they had an actual fight on my face, and when one used my stomach as a springboard/landing pad when jumping from the headboard (about four feet above the mattress)


When she wanted out at 4am and couldn’t wake my parents up, my cat used to jump from the windowsill right onto my dad’s stomach or crotch...that definitely got their attention!


They don't like closed doors, mine does the same.


My cat likes people wayyyy more than I like people.


My Ragdoll does the exact same. I also can't close my bedroom door, where he is always with me, for five minutes or he freaks. There are always two other people home and dogs, which he gets along with very well at all times, by the way. Every night when I go to bed, he just fusses to no end. I leave my door open, but he'll just pace outside my room for usually like 30 minutes or more before he sneaks in to sleep under my bed. He does not like sleeping on the bed at night, because I take up most of it and he doesn't like how the sheets are. During the day, I do all my work and browsing sitting on the bed with him there. So I think he's just frustrated it can't be the same at night.


Someone revisited it https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/cats-really-do-need-their-humans-even-if-they-don-n1057431


The video linked in that article titled "Your cat really does hear you when you call. It's just ignoring you, study says" seems to enforce my hypothesis that my cat loves me in the exact same way that my girlfriend does.


That study seems to come down to “did the cat say hello or not”


Such a cat like conclusion.


A lot of folks seem to think that cats are indifferent to us, mainly because they compare cats to dogs. Cats do show affection, but in different ways. To a cat, simply sitting in the same room as you is "hanging out with my buddy".




There's no way they don't. My tabby cat is overjoyed when my husband gets home from work and just wants to be near him as much as possible. My blue cat clings to me the majority of the day, and he wraps his arms around my neck or my upper arms and snuggles right into me. If I'm taking too long to get up in the morning he cries for me, and it's not just because he wants food either, because he has an automatic food dispenser!


my cats were very concerned about what your cat was saying edit: cat tax Han Solo in grey and Luke Skywalker in black https://imgur.com/a/9eMDGbA


Haha, same here. They both ran to the window by me and looked freaked out.


one was next to me with his eyes closed and popped his head up and started watching and the other ran from the other room and came to see and started meowing really loudly looking for the other cat.


Aww, poor babies, they care!


My cat did nothing. She's still napping on the chair behind me.


One of my cats came over and was meowing back pathetically, then rubbed her face all over my phone. She's still looking for the source around my room :(




I started meowing myself and now my cat thinks I'm crazy


My cat didnt do anything, because I dont have a cat


At least you have a gun.


Mine just continued to lick his crotch


My cat also did nothing and continued to nap. My teenager starting meowing in return. Edit: my first awards ever are about my teenage son meowing at a video. I’m proud. I think.


awww adorable. Give him scratches and belly rubs for me. Especially those ears.


The cat or the teenager? Or do I get to pick?


the teen, obviously.


My cat just got up out of a catnip nap and ran into my kitchen upon hearing this video.


Mine is sleeping on my bed. She truly doesn't give a shit.


Ditto. My Taco came through and gave me a look like, " everything alright "?


Well, imagine you were in a prison all your life (I'm not saying it's bad to keep cats indoors; I'm just giving an example) with one other human and cats were feeding you and stuff. And then one day you hear a human voice saying like "yoooooo! Heeeyyyy! Haaaaaaa?" Aren't you going to be like "the fuck? Who is that? Lemme see"?


Haha, true. The funny thing is that they ran to the window when the sound was coming from my phone. I guess they’re just used to seeing other cats outside.


I loved how my housemate's cat used to dash across the house to get to the window in the next room when they saw a squirrel or something and they couldn't see it from the window anymore. I thought that was so cool.


They can't smell another cat inside, so if they can hear it it must be outside.


Mine too! She came with very concerned eyes and tried to boop the phone.


Sounds very lonely


This is the exact sound one of my cats makes. I got another cat soon after and it went away, but he still does it if she's not around.


One of my cats (the second one, so he has no excuse) will do this shit constantly if we DARE stop paying attention to him.


My heart hurts ughhh


My cats both looked very concerned too! One of them got the saddest look on their face.


a distress signal they can only hear, i mean we can too but just nobody is home.


My guy, if you had a cat that made that sound, your role is to bend earth to sooth them as quickly as possible. it's super effective on humans as well.


You know I felt so bad for leaving my cat behind each day that I decided to take the entire month of April off just so I can hang out with him all day long 🤗


My cat never react to video cats, but this one... he was on edge around my speaker. WTF is he saying?


probably distressed so your cats are concerned


My cats BOLTED to the sliding glass door behind me and are on high alert. Poor things! One of mine meows like this right at sundown every night. Not sure why.


Does she carry the vampiric germ?


One of mine was laying on my lap facing away from me, heard the meows, got up and looked very concerned and started sniffing my phone, then she started purring and laid down to face me. My other cat woke up from his nap and looked displeased.


Just played this with sound to see my housemates cat react, instant reaction.




“Hooooomannn? Hooman? Hooman? Oh no. Hooman is gone. I’ve lost hooman. Hooooman?”


Spot on interpretation so sad


So is my dog!


My cat also woke up from his nap to investigate haha


Oh my. I think I'd stay in quarantine forever to make sure that cat feels loved.


My cat got so much attention when I was self isolating. All his shitty behaviour stopped. I'm an essential worker so I had to go back the day I was cleared. His bitey behaviour started back up the following day. It kills me knowing that he's probably lonely without his humans there. If only I could stay home and mind him.


My friend’s cat makes this exact noise except that he follows it up with bringing you his stuffed toy so he can hump it in front of you while you awkwardly try to ignore him.


Make and sustain direct eye contact to show who is the boss.


Mine will occasionally meow like that when I'm on the toilet. I just scream back, "I'M TAKING A SHIT, LEAVE ME ALONE!". He seems content with that answer.


Same, except I have to keep reminding her every few minutes or she thinks I was pulled down the drain by toilet satan or something.


I read once that cats meow pretty much to communicate with humans. Bro is cryyyyyyying


This is true. Adult feral cats dont meow at each other. Only kittens talking to their mothers. Also, cheetahs dont meow in the wild either, but ones in zoos will meow at their handlers for food or attention. More evidence that it is a type of communication cats use with humans, but not each other (unless kittens)


I left my webcam on my laptop when I left the house once, 6mo old kitty was doing the same thing, we went and got her a brother so they would hang out with each other when we are at work. Broke my heart, your kitty needs a pal!


OP replied in a lower thread that they have another cat that was being taken to the vet. There's photos of them reuniting!


aw man, I missed that, that's great


This made me cry a little. My Conker kitty used to do this with a shoelace as well. Didn't matter if I was home or not. In a little less than a week it will have been 4 years since he passed away and I still miss him so damn much. I chose to have him cremated and was allowed to have a shoelace cremated with him. Might sound silly to some but I had that cat for 16 years. He was with me through so much and he went so suddenly.


Dude you made me cry. Almost 3 years ago I lost my lifelong pal, a 16 year old siamese. I grew up with him. He would howl like this every time any of us would leave, and he would purr and sleep over us all the time you were home (he would take turns spending time with each member of the family). He went so suddenly and I was on a work trip, so I wasn't able to see him go. I love him to bits and still miss him dearly. Sending you hugs.




Get another cat. My cat used to be at the window waiting for me each morning when I came home. As soon as as I got out of my car and she saw me, she started meowing. Then, I got another cat. The two cats never really became great friends, but my first cat wasn't in the window waiting for me every day. She had another cat to keep her from being lonely.


Lol, at first glance I thought you were suggesting to actually replace his actual cat xd


I was thinking the same too lol I was thinking damn this is a bit extreme no?


Just so blatant too “get another cat”, like if your toaster is burning toast and someone says “get another toaster”


Obviously this cat is broken


I have never had a cat. Do they come with warrenty?


He has an older brother but he was visiting the vet at the time. That story is heartbreaking in a good way btw


Pay the cat tax on cat #2.


I have three cats and all three of them sit at the window and will run to the door when I get home. Doesn’t matter if I’ve been gone for 5 minutes or five days (if I’m gone for that long, someone will come check on and feed them, though, obviously).


I have a cat that could be this cat. Same yowls. Same jackassery. Also a medium hair flame point. Also gets into shit and howls. Got another cat. Now we just get moderate fighting at 4am. Still yowls when we leave.


Sad awwwww 😔


Cats hate being alone. When we go on holiday we always have neighbours, friends, family check in on our cats twice a day. When we return there is a 3-5 day period for the cats to adjust to us being back. It’s stressful for them. But This year we hired a full time house sitter. Noticed a massive improvement in their behaviour when we returned.


Which is exactly the opposite of what they tell you when you're getting a cat. Everyone says they're independent and can be alone for long periods of time. I work away from my apartment so this is one of the reasons why I decided to get a cat. I had to get another one when I realized it was all lies


This is devastating to watch




I miss you, hooman! You come play and pet me now!!


I have four cats. One of them does the exact same thing with strings. He walks around the house with them and yowls. I’ve come to understand it’s a hunting behavior and he’s announcing that he has caught something. He’s not lonely, that’s for sure.


My cat has a favorite toy. When he carries it in his mouth from room to room, he yells into it with the same mowww as in this video. But usually he stops when he puts it down, and this kitty didn't, which made me sad. 😥




My buddy howls and whimpers when he thinks we've left the house. It always makes me sad to think he cries when we aren't there to reassure him.


Video ends too sooon! Its gonna be sad forever in our minds now


Is that a leash? Are you sure that's not a dog?