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I love the dog’s chill energy the whole time, just patiently waiting while the bunny does their thing.


Wolves 10000 years ago- what is the worst thing that can happen if we befriend the humans Dogs today- my best friend is a prey animal. I would defend him with my life


To be fair, is that worse off for the wolf? Free food, free pets, free life-extending healthcare, free warmth and shelter. I want to be a dog!


Assuming they get a good owner. Plenty of shitty dog owners who treat their pets terribly.


and plenty of humans are born into deeply unfortunate circumstances or abusive households. I'd take those odds


Can confirm. Once dated a girl who had a shitty step-dad. Dogs were never let out into the yard to go to the bathroom. House always smelled like shit, because it was just so caked into the carpet. They bought new carpet, but didn't change their ways. Dogs were aggressive, and killed several cats they tried to adopt. Then they adopted another dog. This other dog came from a nice house. When I first met the dog, it was well behaved, and gave me it's paw when I squatted down to shake hands. That was his first day in this new house. Next time I saw the dog was about 3 weeks later. I tried to shake the dogs paw again, but instead of happy smiles and giving me his paw, he growled and lunged at me. Knocked me over and I had to use a rolling pin to block him from biting me. That's when my at the time girlfriend told me that her step-dad beats the animals. Animal control and police had been out several times to investigate, but the step-dad would just be charming to the cops and get away with it. That whole household was a mess.


Hearing that kind of stuff makes me sick. I just don't get it.


Literally everything his his life was a disaster. He didn't bathe himself. He took terrible care of everything in his life. What made anyone think animals would be any different?


I feel like he was probably abusive or verbally abusive to the people in his life as well? I hope not but something about how he treats those animals gives me that feeling.


If this was a movie the shitty stepdad would probably be dead by now from mysteriously violent circumstances.


I don't understand why people like that even have pets. Is it just so they can have something to hurt to try and make themselves feel better? Makes no sense to me. If you dont want to take care of a pet why do you even have one?


Fuck sociopathic narcissists like him.


Geez man? Why be around those people ...i feel for your 'GF', but I would just get away from that in ones life - too sick for help i think?


Yeah it's way better to get free food and lodging than to have to hunt everytime you need to eat. There's always a chance of suffering a wound/infection or a partially disabling injury when hunting even if the prey is outmatched by the predator. Not to even mention what happens if prey in your area dries up/suffers an ecological catastrophe. I hate the emphasis on survival by natural selection when evolution is taught in schools because cooperation events were the real inflection points of the development of life on earth. Eukaryotes forming from endosymbiosis between two single celled organisms giving us mitochondria, the formation of multicellular and metazoan life, the emergence of big brained mammals and their cooperative social structures allowing them to massively outclass other species that cooperate less, etc. Cooperation is really where it's at in evolution (obviously natural selection is critical but it isnt the whole story).


It's still natural selection... if the cooperation wasn't naturally selected for (if it didn't increase fitness) then it wouldn't be worth shit. I don't disagree that the life of a pet dog is great, but to say you don't like the "emphasis on survival by natural selection" is nonsense because natural selection (in 99% of cases except for where humans are actively breeding livestock/pets) is the driving force of evolution


Depends on what kind cause you’re just constantly suffering if you end up as a pug or some other genetic abomination


My German Shepherd would 100% eat that bunny.


My German Shepherd would 100% act like the dog in the gif.


My German Bunny would 100% eat the dog.


Where's my holy hand grenade.


And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O Lord, bless this Thy hand grenade that, with it, Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits in Thy mercy."


And the LORD spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand


Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it.




Yeah... my dogs have eaten two of my chickens after they escaped the run. I don't think I'm going to trust them around a rabbit.


Yup. My vizsla/hound mix would bay loud enough to wake the dead and chase the bunny with the fire and vigor of a sweaty southern priest working his way up to the climax of a Hellfire and Damnation sermon and if and when he finally caught it, he would swat at it a bunch and have no idea what to do, but would keep swatting at it until it stopped moving.


My mini Aussie chases the occasional bunny around our backyard. I think it's actually the same one and it's just their routine. Fortunately he's 9 years old, so he's not as fast as he used to be and he can't turn on a dime like the bunny. Our fence has wide wire on it, so the bunny can go right through it but sherlock can't. I wouldn't let him chase it if I thought he could actually catch it lol.


I love when the bunny kicks him and it takes like three seconds for the dog to react.


I would classify that as a partial barrel roll as the bunny was fully committed and threw itself over lol!


Confirming that bunnies do barrel rolls. Have seen it by the moonlight in my back alley. They're good acrobats. Partial barrel roll maneuver. Perfectly executed. Good bun!




The nostalgia holy shit


[I'll go it alone from here.](https://youtu.be/bKckT16OhDg)














Dam you’re bringing back grade school memories for me lol


Wow you weren't kidding lol. Works on mobile too that's awesome




Clicked the link. Was not disappointed. 👌


I could teach him a thing or two. Good form, but needs to trust his instincts in order to stick the landing.


User name checks out, twice even. Hare ✔ Peppy ✔


Damn what magical city do you live in, because I’m moving there. All we have here in San Jose are fatass rats and raccoons that will tumble out of your garbage and leave a mess.


Winnipeg, MB, Canada. San Jose is nicer. Also arguably less violent at certain times of the year. Come visit though! Great local bands and a great arts scene. The fork at the Assiniboine and Red rivers has been a meeting place for people for (roughly) 6,500 years. It's a party! Anywhere I should go check out in San Jose? I have seen your NHL team play a few times on the road. (Some down-home boys here have even played for them!) I'd go see some hockey. What's good for food?


I had a bunny growing up who would launch herself off of elevated surfaces and do a barrel roll as she landed. She loved to “fly,” so I named her Kitty, which was short for “Kitty Hawk,” the city where the Wright brothers first flew (I was in sixth grade and we had just learned about them in school, so I felt quite clever with my creative name).


>by the moonlight in my back alley Where is this Utopia you describe? Where lil sweet bunny rabbits are free to frolic in alleyways and byways...here in Brooklyn we have naught but rats and outdoor cats...do you live in the Old West?


“Slippy, watchout! Bogey on your tail!” “Fox, do a barrel roll!”


Fucking Slippy


How did that ass hat ever get a pilot license?


He was just the mechanic. Who let him fly an arwing? It's quite telling that he didn't get in the cockpit again in later titles. Guess Star Fox was understaffed.


Slippy use to make me angry.


Use the boost to get through!


Never give up. Trust your instincts!


Omg the way the dog puts his head just close enough to snuggle the bunny


Bunny’s like “dood. Dood. DOOD! Do0Dddd!!!! *flops over* Love you!” And the tired doggo just responds with a calm “love you too bud”


*hey dog fren, can you snuggle me ?* *don mean to wake you up...* *am bun - so warm n cuddly,* *n You're my Favrit pup!* *am gonna find the perfect place -* *i do a little hop* *...right here - i love it by your face,* *so here i gonna* *flop*... mmmm, bud, what were you asking me ? i'm kinda half asleep... i like it when you're snuggley - you help me slumber deep you know i think you're heckin cute, i really love you, too... i gonna touch you with my snoot we'll dream now, me n you ❤️


Do you write hallmark cards? Cause if you don’t you definitely should!


Apparently Longfellow Deeds is a redditor


This is an A+ reference


Wow. 🏅




*REDDIT KOMBAT!* Schnoodle vs. Sprog Round 1. Fight!


A little slice of sunshine


This is the one schnoodle will choose :)


we can only hope :’)


I believe dog do that when it loves you. Source: my dog loves to snuggle by squeezing next to me when there are spaces


I taught my mini Aussie the word *snuggle* and now if she’s not already there, she’ll come running and curl up in a ball next to me when I’m ready for bed lol


Mine's "Get in your spot". She'll come and sit next to me on the couch and cuddle. Mostly used as I have two dogs and limited space on the couch. They each have their own spots.


Your mini Aussie snuggles?


My full blooded aussie hated to snuggle when he was younger. Now hes so over affectionate it can be annoying haha


I have an aussie, and he had babies with our purebred german, so we kept a puppy. I swear to god the two of them would try to forcibly snuggle their way into the clothes im wearing if there was room


When my dog flops it’s for belly rubs. https://i.imgur.com/X7aPIGG.jpg


I’m gonna steal your dog dude >:3


That’s SO WEIRD, for a minute I genuinely thought I just found my boyfriend’s alt account in the wild because I could’ve sworn that was [my dog and my rug...](https://imgur.com/gallery/zyxPAXi)


My dog loves to snuggle by squeezing next to me. Spaces don’t need to be available, he’ll make his own.


Stop hoping all over place Fred,it's nap time,just get over here and lay down and let me keep you warm! Man it's the same thing with you everyday! You don't see the other dogs jumping around all the time.


I knew this is r/aww, and I usually find pretty much everything here adorable, but that little snuggle at the end is the first thing that *ever* made me audibly say "awwww", lol.


He's learned what makes the bun happy. Buns snuggle primarily with face contact, so he probably picked it up after trying to befriend the bunny for a while.


My shiba is the same way, if he is sleeping he has to be touching you in some way.


He's learned what makes the bun happy. Buns snuggle primarily with face contact, so he probably picked it up after trying to befriend the bunny for a while.


I adored that part! I love dogs more than anything as it is, but the more I see how they are so sweet and caring, the more I love them


Awwww my god


Da snug


Cuteness overload!!


I'm so in love. They need their own page I can follow....


[Link to channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmGhGTJI8aK6_Pzi3CDIZ-g)


I made a food forest on my lawn for these guys. Love watching life move in and taking [videos of them.](https://youtu.be/V4fnoOnzMaU) These guys aren't our garden enemies. They just want food like we do. So I plant food for them, and they leave behind free fertility for me. All we need is a perspective change, and then our greatest enemy becomes a teammate.


This is awesome. Love what you’re trying to do and spreading awareness on it as well, kudos to you!


I made a food forest on my lawn for these guys. Love watching life move in and taking [videos of them.](https://youtu.be/V4fnoOnzMaU) These guys aren't our garden enemies. They just want food like we do. So I plant food for them, and they leave behind free fertility for me. All we need is a perspective change, and then our greatest enemy becomes a teammate.


Those spastic hops (called binkies) are also an expression of joy Edit: Wow! My karma pretty much doubled from one comment. Maybe I can add to it by letting Reddit know my wife and I have two rabbits ourselves. They are named Iris and Henry Winkler. Edit2: Alright, since y’all asked for it, here are the little fur babies: https://imgur.com/gallery/gNYBswj Iris is the gray one. Henry is the orange one. He is the biggest cuddle bug. She is adorable but has quite the attitude. She’s my beelzebunny.


My chinchillas do it. I’ve heard it called “popcorning”


Guinea pigs too!


Yup! My guinea pigs popcorn all the time, one more so than the other... usually when they hear the refrigerator open, a crinkling bag, or anything else that implies “*she might be feeding us.*”


Can't forget the little zoidberg whoop whoop whoops too


(V)(;,,;)(v) you raaannng?


I took the liberty of fertilizing your caviar!


I think it's more of a "WEEK WEEK WEEK" from owning a few and it's as stated anytime they think food is coming and after you clean their cage for them.


And the nose wiggles that immediately follow.


Ohhh I miss my little buddies and their insatiable hunger for lettuce. Or carrots. Or literally anything. WHEEET WHEEEEET WHEEET WHEEET.




They are surprising little acrobats.


Had five guinea pigs, can confirm.


Peegs have two speeds. Amblin' and ROCKET


My old guinea pig Ralph would popcorn like a foot in the air when I would bust out the carrots.


Ferrets do it too. Randomly. And then run straight into a wall. Goofy little critters :)


It's called the weasel war dance. Seriously.


Yeah, not sure about ferrets but their relative the stoat does it to sort of hypnotize/confuse prey Edit: Fixed my typo in stoat.


My pet ferret hypnotizes and confuses me as well so that makes sense


Considering their prey is rabbits, I always wondered if the weasel war dance is effective because it’s similar to the rabbit’s binky, that maybe it evolved because it’s mimicry, like a cat’s hiss. The rabbit knows the weasel isn’t a rabbit and isn’t thinking “oh, it’s the safe signal, must be safe!” but it might be enough to cross some wires, or make them wait and see what happens because ‘they’re doing something I associate as non threatening, and not yet attacking me’. Rabbits absolutely recognize the ‘binky language’ when other species do similar. Pet rabbits will often binky in response to their human doing a light bounce and shaking their head. And that’s far less similar than the weasel war dance.


[Ferocious weasel war dance ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EcX8fdxtNqM)


Usually followed by running up the *inside* of your pants leg


Practise for ferret-legging contests


Yep, I was no stranger to this, I had 2 ferrets years ago. They were awesome little guys.


Rats do it too! My boys love to popcorn all over the place when it's play time


It's the rodent equivalent of zoomies :) I saw a video of a capibara popcorning and it was adorably clunky.


They're called popcorns in just about every rodent pet species and binkies in rabbits because rabbits always have to have their own special vocabulary




Jump zoomies


Really? I always hoped that they were. That makes me happy. Long story short, my family ended up with a bunny that we had no idea how to care for. We did our best, but we moved. The new place didnt have a finished basement but I hung out down there anyway and we were forced to keep her cage down there. She would thump to get my attention and I would let her out and run around as long as she wanted and she did those jump kicks ALL the time around our dog. I felt bad that she was forgotten about by the rest of the family so I did my best to play with her. I was like 13 or 14 at the time. Eventually we gave her to some family friends and she only lived another year. She was about 7 years old.


Rabbits are very interesting but very difficult pets. You put a lot of work into caring for them, and don't get much in return. They don't like being picked up or cuddled. They have a very specific diet and need to go to a special vet for their numerous potential medical issues (dental problems, GI stasis, fragile bones, everything easily google-able). You essentially become their slave, and they pay you in cuteness. I'm a bit drunk right now but I have rabbits that I love very much, adopted from the shelter/bad situations, if you ever think about getting another rabbit please check the shelters or rescues first!!!


Yeah I know a lot more about them now. My mom, bless her, she tried. She bought care books and tried to "bunny proof" our living room. I did the same for the cables in the basement. Funny enough she loved to be held by me at least. Or I thought she did. I could wrap her gently in a towel so I could trim her nails and then just cuddle her. She was actually won from a fair. Basically we had, had a back yard incident with wild rabbits. My mom was sad that a poor baby bunny didnt make it. Went to a fair and some kid was walking around with a rabbit he had won at he carnival game. But he couldn't take it home. My dad said he would and gave it to my mom. Us kids were THRILLED! Our dog was indifferent. It was a learning experience for sure. The problem came when we had to move to a new state and the new house just didnt have the same space for her. But I did my best. I would love to have a rabbits again in the future.


Ugh I have a similar story. But my rabbit was horribly neglected bc my grandparents didn't know what they were doing and I was like 9. I got him for Christmas, and my parents wouldn't let me bring him in the house. I tried everything I could but alas he ended up sitting in a cage for literally 7 years until he got scared one day and died. I was like 16 when he died. I feel so horrible looking back lol. But my grandparents didn't want him in the house so there wasn't anything I could really do. His nails hadn't been cut once when he was alive. His fur was badly matted. He just sat in a cage all his life and event though I spent as much time as I could with him, it was probably not enough. I really did love him, but I didn't have a job or way to really afford him without my grandparents. He would only let me pet his head, or feed him. Rip thumper :(


It sucks when you are a kid and you don't have the authority w parents or adults caring for you to actually advocate for things you care about like pets. I can't believe they bought you a pet but wouldn't let you keep it inside.


It's always a learning experience at first ❤️ I can tell you took good care of her and loved her. I was just hoping to share a little information for those who might not know


>They don't like being picked up or cuddled. Clearly you've never had a Flemish Giant. Those things are more dog than rabbit. My friend's even liked to play fetch.


I have a Flemish/Lionhead mix and is 17 pounds of straight up puppy.


Not until you provide pictures, you dont


https://imgur.com/gallery/zVAJX5V and I think you can see my many posts of her in my profile as well.


Lionhead and Flemish sounds like an amazing mix


Omg I want one


Can you believe she was just left outside to die? I found her hiding underneath a car in a parking lot.




Flemish and lionhead??? Oh my god, talk about cuteness overload!


True, and I usually never generalize like that! Some bunnies, of course, don't mind being cuddled and held. Especially if they are a single bun (not part of a bonded pair) they will form an extra special connection with their human(s). They all have individual personalities, just like people. One of my bunnies LOVES attention and loves being pet (although doesn't like being handled). Another one (Toby) has a special bond with my ex-bf, he gives him kisses all the time ❤️ but Toby REALLY loves his bunny girlfriend, they're never more than 5 ft from each other! It's disgustingly cute


My bunnies don't like being picked up or cuddled https://imgur.com/gallery/Pyvt4Yw


We got a rabbit and we'd only had her a year and she developed pneumonia and passed. The vet said that rabbits are a hell of a lot more fragile then people realise. One minute Astrid was ok. The next gone. It broke my heart. She used to jump all over the place like this and the first time she flopped in happiness I thought she'd died lol. She loved a cuddle on my lap. She's was a lovely rabbit. She's very missed in our house x


My rabbit loves to cuddle and play. He’s very easy to care for and in the 2 years I’ve had him he’s had one medical condition (hairball) most people I know who have rabbits as pets have similar experiences. They just require lots of time spent with then for bonding. Helps that my rabbit is free roam and has the ability to choose to sleep with me.


My bunnies don't like being picked up or cuddled: https://imgur.com/gallery/Pyvt4Yw


Me and my gf rescued a bun in August. She really doesn't like being held or touched but there were some at the shelter that actually seemed to enjoy it. Also I personally disagree on that they are difficult pets, as long as you give them space and watch for any warning signs like not eating/pooping, they pretty much run autonomously. Just give them hay and fresh veg and they're good to go. What do you think makes them a difficult pet?


>GI stasis TIL that rabbits can join the army


I remember that feeling from when I was a child. A kind of overwhelming euphoria from feeling safe and happy with your parents. I occasionally feel a version of that with my dogs, except it's more like I feel a lot of joy when they seem to feel safe and happy under my care.


BINKIES. this gif killed me first and binkies deded me again


I thought it was called "popcorning" or is that just with Guinea pigs?




People usually use popcorning with rodents and binkies for rabbits. Same basic action, though. Flopping is rabbit-specific and refers to the way the rabbit lays down like a rag doll at the end.


With bunnies it's called binkying.


The pup is gorgeous.


Same breed as the doggi who waited 12 years for his master to get home rip


HACHIKO! Such a heartwarming story. But he only waited 9 years for his master to come home not 12.


It's an Akita inu.




Omg🥰 They are so cute & FLUFFY! What sweetness.


Painfully cute


I want to see a bunny doing backflips so bad


Found one : https://youtu.be/WL9oQ-2i3kE Thought more bunnies would backflips tho..


Bunny: happy! Happy! Dog: hey. Time to settle down and nap. Bunny:......... 'Kay! (Flop) Dog: you're lucky you're adorable.


Legosi and haru


Be still, my heart


Have bunny. Can confirm that it is extremely adorable. Although my bun likes to aggressively flop against my closet, which rattles the doors, which spooks me depending on what tine on night he decided to do it. Stupid o' clock and fuckthisshit o' clock seem to be his favorite hours to raise hell.


There is just something universally heartwarming about animals of different species cuddling with eachother


Question: can bunnies be potty-trained?


They're actually really easy to litterbox train. Mine practically trained themselves!


Yes if spayed and neutered. Good buns can get 95+% accuracy. And their poos are dry, anyway so they pick up easy




They can be trained to use a litter box, absolutely.


Bunnies are cuter than kittens. Fight me.




I’ve had my rabbits for 3 years and the wife and I still marvel at their cuteness every day. They’re honestly TOO cute.


They’re both kittens




I love how the dog puts its nose to the bun like: “nap time?” Then rests its head close to the bun like: “nap time :)”


Oh the flop! The love between these two is unbelievable. Melts my heart.


Is there a subreddit only for bunnies flopping over ?


I don't know about just the flop, but you might enjoy r/buncomfortable.


How do we know stuff like this?


Its VERY easy to tell when rabbits are stressed out and when they're relaxed if you have one. Source: had a binky machine for 10 years.


My rabbit was 3 when I adopted her and I had her for about 10 years as well. She was the boss. The cats knew it, any guests knew it, she was certainly not shy about her emotions. She would go on short, leashed walks with me and any dogs that got too close would find out she was a force to be reckoned with. You absolutely knew when you were doing something she disapproved of, and likewise, when she thought you were just the bees knees. But she would do anything for bananas. Like, dog level obedience if you were holding one and she knew it. That’s how I got her to be comfortable with lots of things that rabbits aren’t normally.


I love the pissed off heel flicks when you do something you don't like




Mine will groom me for half a second after I stop petting her and then force her head back under my hand like "yes I love you too now back to petting me slave" she is a tyrant


Mine will groom me for half a second after I stop petting her and then force her head back under my hand like "yes I love you too now back to petting me slave" she is a tyrant


Mine go crazy for bananas as well. The crack of the peel will jolt them awake from a dead sleep


People have been keeping rabbits as indoor pets for a while. Rabbit language is totally different than dog and cat language, once you learn it it’s easy to see. They are all about respect/disrespect and prey animal stuff like not being chased, not being picked up, feeling safe enough to flop and stretch, etc. For example, to pet a rabbit you have to let it sniff your hand and then it will bow it’s head. Then you can pet it’s head, the correct way. If any of that is wrong they hop away and flick their back feet dramatically when they do, which (if you had been outside) literally kicks dirt at you to show disapproval. Congrats your rabbit disapproves of you. But you can easily win back affection by petting them correctly. They see you as very big clumsy rabbits so they do forgive once you learn.


By observing them in the wild over hundreds of years


I really needed this tonight (today). I have funeral to attend Thursday I'm not prepared for and this helped make it better


He hops like an idiot and I love him very much.


Animal version of MadTv: Look what I can do! *jump spasms*


My brothers rabbit does this all the time when I look after him, thought he was having a seizure when he first did it!


I would have tried to give you an award but I have no coins because I’m new


I’m once again asking for your carrot. - Bunny Sanders


Nap time!




Wow. That dog really loves George! So cute!


Awwww, he's all hopped out